Development and implementation of a Management system Irene R. Sunde, Quality Management Specialist Oslo, 15th October 2014 Content of presentation Short introduction to Wintershall Project organization set-up Why Qualiware Achievements Challenges and key learnings Status today and way forward WINTERSHALL HOLDING GMBH Employees worldwide 2 500 No. 1 in Germany Head office in Kassel, Germany No. 11 in Europe Subsidiary of BASF, world`s largest chemical company No. 59 globally The name ’The hall of Mr Winter’ + = Julius Winter Salt (Hall) 4 WINTERSHALL NORGE AS About 550 Employees in Norway About 50 licenses Offices in Stavanger and Bergen More than 50% operated Producing 40 000 boe/d We are here to stay! OUR HISTORY 2006 Wintershall Norge opens office in Oslo, Norway 2007 First license awarded in APA 2006 2008 The acquisition of Revus Energy is completed 2010 Maria and Blakeney discoveries 2009 The company moves into new offices in Hinna Park/Stavanger 2011 Wintershall Norge wins employer of the year award 2011 Winterhall Norge is awarded first operatorship in the Barents sea 50% 2011 Raises share in Maria to 50% 2013 Takes over operatorship of Brage and opens office in Bergen 2012 Asset swap with Statoil 2014 Acquire shares in oil and gas fields from Statoil Brage OUR FIRST OWN OPERATED PLATFORM Blocks 30/6 – 31/4 – 31/7 Spring Energy Norway VNG Norge 5% 2% Wintershall Core Energy 33% 12% First Wintershall operated production platform at NCS Faroe Petroleum Norge Brage 14% OIL + GAS Life time extension to 2030 Wintershall and partners will shoot seismic and invest further in the field 34% Talisman Energy Norge Brage North – subsea template Brage transfer Brage transfer period started January 2013. «Go live» date 18th September 2013 Wintershall Project team Governing documents: Wintershall 3 persons and Qualisoft consultants Developed during transfer phase: Ca 730 processes Ca 540 documents And we made it!! 9 Project organisation chart – Brage Project Reference group ) Transaction closing project Program Mgt. Transfer Transfer of Transition Transfer of Transfer of Transfer Experience transfer of Data governing support. Personnel procureme of and discipline /IT/IS document nt Logistics support s agreements (WINO) Subsurface/ Petech MAIN TRANSFER ACTIVITIES STATOIL Drilling and wells Operations/ maintenance DISCIPLINE Comms Modifications HSE Fin. & Control HR Area development License administration Statoil Wintershal l Comms Transfer Transfer of Transition Transfer of Transfer of Transfer of of data/ governing Support Personnel procureme Logistics IT/IS document nt S. Haugen agreements MAIN TRANSFER ACTIVITIES WINO Project organisation chart – Wintershall and Qualisoft Project Manager Wintershall Document control Wintershall Project support Wintershall Qualisoft 11 Why QualiWare Choice between ARIS and Qualiware ARIS Processes received in ARIS format Well known to majority of users Capability QualiWare In use in Wintershall Norge Commercial advantage to keep already aquired system Flexibility to Enterprise Architecture Local competence and support available (Qualisoft) 12 Milestone overview and key deliveries Milestone - Repository structure, Customization and publishing Plan repository structure Establish repository structure Create test environment Move 5.2 installation Milestone - Ready for modeling processes in MS Establish modeling standard process level 1st version Configure Qualiware according to modeling standard Create simplified web publishing requirements (WINO) Setup simplified web publishing (WINO) Implement simplified web publishing (WINO) Milestone XML import Create DUMP based on script execution of all Aris export files Import Aris models into repository Enterprise Architecture (EA) Specific tasks Management System Specific tasks ProArc integration Align ARIS processes Re-model existing WINO processes into new WINO dev Clarify WINO roles & positions concepts & implementation Updated modeling standard MS v2 New web design in WINO Views Improvement system KOS integration Integration with Omnisafe Language variants SAP integration AD synchorization Training material Specific tasks E-learning User manual design and content Key Milestones outside Qualisoft scope Develop system for document transfer and review ProArc Management system archive and document numbering system Define ownership structure Develop Omnisafe deviation permit module and workflow 13 Qualiware integrations IT Applications and seamless integrations: Qualiware Enterprise Architecture platform (QEA) ProArc Management System archive for storage of governing documents OmniSafe Deviation permit module for deviation handling, NCR, Audit Management and Incident handling SAP – person and organisation data KOS – Position and additional tasks 14 Wintershall Norge Management System 15 Training Program E-learning: Wintershall Norge Management system, web-based trainingportal (Mintra) Booklet: Management System user`s manual E-learning: Deviation Permit handling , web-based trainingportal (Mintra) Introduction course to all employees on a departemental basis 16 Challenges and key learnings Project management Limited timeframe Definition of relevant governing documentation for the Brage operatorship. This was a challenge throughout the whole transition period and after. Dimensioning of Wintershall Norge Management System versus received Statoil Corporate Management System Technical Data export/imprt more demanding than anticipated – xml import required extensive alignment Language variants - complicated to work with Print reports – not desired functionality Organizational Involvement from disciplines and owners/owners representatives Interface management Lack of access to personnel resources in Statoil New user-interface with changes to functionality from ARIS – challenging for users 17 Way forward - Winofication • • • Developing a clear vision for the Wintershall Management system Defining Management system strategy Plan for WINOfication of Management system 18 WINOfication of Management system Create awareness to owner and owner`s representative role and responsibility Develop and align processes and documents to support Wintershall needs and organizational capabilities Reduce the total number of processes Limit the number of requirements Simplification of activity flows Evaluation and alignment of document content Focus on interfaces Awareness, training and communication Compliance to Management system in everyday work Enable organisation to navigate and familiarise themselves with content of the system 19 Current status Review of processes according to WINOfication principles 3 full time modellers from Qualisoft Workshops Document review and update (Technical Requirements (TR), Working Requirements (WR) and Guidelines (GL) Approx 250 improvements suggestions received Alignment to Corporate Management System Transfer of Operatorship Vega Clarification of new interfaces following re-organization ISO 14001 Potential for improved user interface 20 Takk! 21
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