OCTOBER 20–23, 2014|NORTHAMPTON, MA Offer Review Trigger Price Forward Capacity Market (FCM 101) Anthony Leroux ASSOCIATE ANALYST MARKET MONITORING Goal The goal of this training is to provide information explaining the offer review trigger price (ORTP) and new resource offer floor price. The focus is on providing sufficient documentation for challenging the ORTP assigned to the new capacity resource. All project-specific questions should be directed to and discussed separately with the Internal Market Monitor (IMM) email: [email protected] 2 Objectives At the completion of this training, you will be able to: • Define the concept of offer review trigger prices (ORTPs) • Describe the implementation of ORTPs and new resource offer floor price • Explain data submission requirements • Describe the IMM Cost Review process • Describe participation of new supply offers in the auction 3 Changes for FCA 9 1. Proposed pay-for-performance (PFP) changes • Project sponsors will consider the financial impact of PFP on their specific resources • New capacity resources expecting to earn a high percentage of PFP revenues will, all other things being equal, be able to enter the capacity market at lower capacity prices, and vice versa • Key assumptions regarding estimates of PFP revenues/costs must be provided, including expected number of scarcity hours, the capacity balancing ratio and the expected performance of the resource during scarcity hours in each commitment period 2. Implementation of a demand curve with revised starting price 3. Imports 4 Topics • Why mitigation in the FCM? • Offer review trigger price/offer floor prices • Challenging the assigned ORTP • Net CONE & IMM Cost Workbook • IMM Offer Review Process • Resource QDN & communication • Auction participation 5 WHY MITIGATION IN THE FCM? 6 FERC’s View on Capacity Market Mitigation “Constraining the ability of sellers and buyers with the incentive and ability to exercise market power is critical to ensuring that centralized capacity markets achieve resource adequacy at just and reasonable rates.” (Centralized Capacity Market Design Elements, Commission Staff Report, AD13-7-000, August 23, 2013) FERC FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 7 Why is Mitigation Necessary in the Capacity Market? • IMM’s responsibility according to the Tariff – Review bids from existing resources – Review offers from new resources – Report on auction results and capacity market performance, such as is the FCM sending appropriate investment signals • Two types of market power mitigation in the capacity market 1. Supply-side market power mitigation for existing resources 2. Buyer-side market power mitigation for new resources • Objective is to strike a reasonable balance between underand over-mitigation of resources while ensuring the market is operating competitively 8 Considerations for Existing Resources Seller-Side Market Power Mitigation • Address concerns that sellers of capacity may have the ability and incentive to increase prices above competitive levels through economic withholding • Restrict resources from leaving the market at a cost higher than their going forward cost • IMM only reviews delist bids above a certain threshold • Rule presumes that delist bids below this threshold are not attempts to raise the clearing price through economic withholding • Current rules presumes that all resources have the ability to exercise market power • Under proposed ISO pay-for-performance (PFP) rules only resources belonging to a pivotal supplier are subject to mitigation – Participant is pivotal when its existing capacity resources are required to meet the demand for capacity (more on this tomorrow) 9 Considerations for New Resources Buyer-Side Market Power Mitigation • Addresses concerns that buyers of capacity may have the ability and incentive to suppress prices below competitive levels through subsidizing new entry • Prevents new resources from entering the market at prices below their costs • Minimum offer price review (MOPR) construct establishes technologyspecific benchmark prices known as offer review trigger prices (ORTP) • Only offers below the relevant benchmark price are reviewed by the IMM • Rule presumes that new supply offers above the threshold are not attempts to suppress the clearing price • After a new resource clears an auction it is no longer subject to buyer-side mitigation 10 OFFER REVIEW TRIGGER PRICE/ OFFER FLOOR PRICES 11 ORTP and New Resource Offer Floor Price What are ORTPs? • • Generic benchmark prices by technology type representing low end estimate of net cost of new entry (net CONE) (i.e., the estimated break-even revenue contribution required from the capacity market) If a project sponsor wishes to submit an offer that is lower than the ORTP: – – – $$ Assigned ORTP is the default offer floor price for the project Requested resource offer floor price must be submitted by the new qualification deadline Sufficient supporting documentation justifying the requested lower price must be provided IMM will evaluate the request/information and issue its determination on price MR 1. Section III.A.21.1 default offer floor price $ If the auction price falls below the ORTP, the project is removed from the auction 12 ORTP and New Resource Offer Floor Price What is a new resource offer floor price? • A project-specific floor price – the lowest price at which a new capacity resource can remain in the auction $$ New Resource Offer Floor Price • If a project sponsor does not request a resource offer floor price below the relevant ORTP, then the resource offer floor price = ORTP for the technology type MR 1. Section III.A.21.2 project-specific floor price $ If the auction price falls below the new resource offer floor price, the project is removed from the auction 13 Proposed ORTPs and CONE Values for FCA9 Home > Markets and Operations > Markets Data and Information > Forward Capacity Market 14 ORTPs for FCA 9 Generation Resources Technology Type Offer Review Trigger Price ($/kW-month) Combustion turbine $13.42 Combined cycle gas turbine $8.87 On-shore wind $10.32 Other Resources All other technology types** Forward Capacity Auction starting price ** Starting Price = $17.728/kW- month in Demand Curve Filing ER14-1639-000 MR 1. Section III.A.21.1.1 15 ORTPs for FCA 9 Demand Resources – Commercial and Industrial Technology Type Offer Review Trigger Price ($/kW-month) Load management and/or previously installed distributed generation New distributed generation $1.15 based on generation technology type Energy efficiency $0.00 Demand Resources – Residential Technology Type Offer Review Trigger Price ($/kW-month) Load Management $7.09 Previously installed distributed generation $1.15 New distributed generation based on generation technology type Energy efficiency $0.00 MR 1. Section III.A.21.1.1 16 ORTPs for FCA9 • New imports – New import capacity ORTP shall be $0.00/kW-month, unless – Backed by a new external resource and associated with an investment in transmission increasing the import capacity to New England –– then ORTP equals technology type • Resource composed of assets having different technology types – ORTP for the resource equals weighted average of individual asset ORTPs – Project sponsor must provide sufficient documentation for IMM to determine weighted average ORTP Example: ORTP for a resource comprised of 90% load management and 10% new combustion turbine distributed generation = (0.90 x $1.145) + (0.10 x $13.424) = $2.373/kW-month MR 1. Section III.A.21.1.1 17 CHALLENGING THE ASSIGNED ORTP 18 Challenging the Assigned ORTP Value Requirements Project sponsors requesting to submit offers in the FCA below the applicable ORTP must include in the new capacity qualification package: • Lowest price at which the resource requests to offer capacity (the resource offer floor price) • Completed IMM Cost Workbook or own internal capital budgeting model • Other relevant supporting documentation 19 Submitting a Resource Offer Floor Price FCTS 20 Submitting a Resource Offer Floor Price Enter Resource Offer Floor Price FCTS Upload Cost Justification 21 Successful Resource Offer Floor Price Request FCTS 22 NET CONE & IMM COST WORKBOOK 23 Net CONE • Revenue contribution required from the capacity market for a project to break-even • IMM price estimate, ORTP and FCA offer floor price are used interchangeably with net CONE • Net CONE = PV (Long run avg. cost - Expected Net Revenues) – Evaluate all relevant financial estimates, including pro-forma financials (net revenues, cash flows, etc.) – Project capital cost projections (capital structure, cost of debt, etc.) MR 1. Section III.A.21.2 24 Net CONE MR 1. Section III.A.21.1.2 25 IMM User Guide and Cost Workbook Home > Markets and Operations > Markets Data and Information > Forward Capacity Market 26 General Guidelines Guidelines for completing the IMM Cost Workbook: • Relevant inputs are assumptions used to support the decision to invest in or to construct the project • Assumptions should be supported by internal financial and technical reports used in the evaluation of the project 27 Requirement Comparison: Generation versus Demand Response Project Assumptions Time Horizon Project Overview Investment Characteristics Revenues Cost Treatment of Multiple Resource types Generation Demand Response • Any underlying assumptions • Any underlying assumptions • 20 year (typical) • Measure life of the resource • • • • • • • • • • Generation source Generator capacity Capacity factor Heat rate Location • Project investment • Financial Assumptions, including tax rates • Depreciation Schedule • Energy Revenues • Ancillary Services • Other credits, as applicable to project • Fuel • Variable Operating & Maintenance • Fixed Costs N/A Resource type Capacity Capacity factor over life Heat rate, if applicable Location • Project investment • Financial Assumptions, including tax rates • Depreciation Schedule • Non-capacity payments from ISO administered markets • Avoided Energy Cost • Ancillary Services • Other credits, as applicable to project • Fuel, if applicable to project resource • Variable Operating & Maintenance • Incentive payments • Equipment cost • Marketing, selling & administrative to acquire resource If the resource is comprised of multiple technology types, the offer floor price will be based on a weighted average of the technologies’ floor prices 28 IMM Cost Workbook Structure Worksheet Purpose Instructions Guide to model development Project Inputs Project-specific data Project Assumptions Brief project explanations and reference to supporting files Tables Do not edit: for model functionality only DCF Discounted cash flow analysis Input Worksheets 29 Capital Budgeting Model 30 Project Assumptions Worksheet Enter detail on key input assumptions and include references to all supporting documents/files included in the qualification package. 31 Project Inputs Worksheet Example including $ values provided for illustrative purposes 32 Project Inputs Worksheet, continued Example including $ values provided for illustrative purposes Back 33 Project Inputs Worksheet, continued Example including $ values provided for illustrative purposes 34 Discounted Cash Flow Worksheet (DCF) Calculates the required Capacity Revenue that results in a NPV of zero based in data in the Inputs Worksheet NPV = 0 Example including $ values provided for illustrative purposes 35 Project Inputs Worksheet – Final Result This is the requested resource offer floor price Example including $ values provided for illustrative purposes Inflation Rate 36 Supporting Documentation Examples • Internal investment business case documentation, feasibility studies, screening tools, etc. • Market revenues and costs: sources and assumptions behind power and commodity price forecasts • Capacity Factor: wind studies, details of market simulation models • Capital costs: breakdown of the estimated project’s capital cost by components (e.g., turbine, SCR, gas compressor, construction, engineering and procurement, development and permitting, etc.) • Financing costs: cost of debt and equity assumptions for the project (e.g., internal WACC, hurdle rate used in the investment decision process) • Participants are required to identify all out-of-market revenues* for the project. An example of this is solar renewable energy credits (RECs). RECs are state-specific and are not able to be used to satisfy compliance requirements throughout the ISO New England Control Area. * Out-of-Market Revenues are defined in MR 1. Section III.A.21.2 (b)(i)) 37 IMM OFFER REVIEW PROCESS 38 Perspective 39 Overview of Timeline for FCA10 Mid June to early September May 2015 IMM posts latest user guide and cost workbook on ISO website Consultation with participants – email/meetings. Focus will be on clarifying questions. 6/16/15 New Capacity Qualification Deadline Submission of proposed resource offer floor price with all supporting documentation *Open invitation for participant to meet with IMM staff to present and discuss proposed offer floor price submission from mid-June to mid-July April May June July Mid-June to mid-July IMM initial screening of submissions August By mid-July Clarifying questions issued to participants * To arrange meeting, please email [email protected] September 9/25/2015 IMM issues qualification determination notifications (QDN) for new supply offers 40 IMM Evaluation Process • Resource-specific inputs entered into the Capital Budgeting Model (a.k.a., IMM cost workbook) that was used to determine ORTP – Determines the IMM’s capacity price estimate for the project – Proposed offer floor price is compared to IMM capacity price estimate • Is the proposed resource offer floor price consistent with the IMM capacity price estimate? – Yes - Accepted: Proposed resource offer floor price goes to auction – No - Denied: Offer floor price is set to the IMM capacity price estimate – No - Denied: If after consultation, the project sponsor does not provide sufficient documentation and information for IMM to complete its analysis, the resource offer floor price will be set equal to the relevant ORTP MR 1. Section III.A.21.2 41 RESOURCE QDN & COMMUNICATION 42 Obtaining the QDN from the IMM FCTS Qualification determination notification (QDN) can be found via the FCTS, in the tab labeled Floor Offer Price – Project sponsors will be notified of their OFFER DETERMINATION status (Accepted/Denied). – Active Offer Floor Price and the source NOTE: This is separate process from the Proposal Qualification Determination Notification found on the “Summary” tab for the project from the System Planning group. 43 Obtaining the IMM’s QDN FCTS IMM QDN 44 Project Sponsor Options Post QDN • If the market participant does not agree with the IMM determined resource offer floor price: – Market participant must file with the Commission within 15 days of the ISO’s submission of the informational filing (filing date for FCA 9 is 11/4/14). • FERC actions: – If within 75-days after the ISO submission of the informational filing the Commission issues an order modifying one or more of the ISO’s determinations, the FCA will be conducted using the Commission ordered modifications. MR 1. Section III.13.8.1 45 AUCTION PARTICIPATION 46 Ninth FCA: Auction Price Points with Regard to New Qualification Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Start of Round = $17.728 - Starting point of the auction End of Round = $9.000 Start of Round = $9.000 End of Round = $7.500 Start of Round = $7.500 End of Round = $5.500 Start of Round = $5.500 End of Round = $3.750 Resources in the auction will have: Resource Specific Offer Floor Price. Specific price determines the point at which the resource is removed from the auction. Start of Round = $3.750 End of Round = $1.000 Start of Round = $1.000 End of Round = $0.000 – Floor Price MR 1 Section III. & Section III.A.21 NOTE: Round $ are for illustrative purposes and do not represent actual $ or number of auction rounds 47 Summary of New Supply Offers and their Participation in the Auction Actions affecting participation in the auction In order for a new supply offer to remain in the auction, the participant MUST submit an offer in EVERY round of the auction • If a resource fails to submit an offer in a round of the auction, the new resource supply offer is removed from the auction • Once the auction reaches the final resource specific offer floor price, the resource is removed from the auction 48 IMM FCM Contact Details E-mail Market Monitoring FCA Participant Communications: [email protected] 49 50
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