人間科学研究 Vo1.18,Supp1ement(2005) 修士論文要旨 E脆cts ofHypokinesia/Hypodynamia andβ2−agon1st on W五ite B1ood Ce11Leve1s in Rats Ken SHIRATO Introduction Director:Kazuhiko IMAIZUMI Resu1ts and Discussion Prolonged hypokinesia,i.e.,decreased motion 1.Tota1white blood ce11s:Tota1white b1ood cen ac−tivity and/or hypodynamia,i.e.,decreased numbers in the IMM and WBS groups were1.3−1.9 mechanical loading resu1ting from pro1onged bed and l.5−1.8times,respective1y,significantly higher rest,1ife in a wheel chair,restricted movement,joint than those in the CON groups.No effects,however, immobilization,1imited muscular function and were obsemed in the CLE−administration. space night are known to induce marked1y changes 2.Neutrophi1s:NeutrophiI numbers in the IMM, in responses of physio1ogica1defense systems such WBS and CLE−administration groups were2.2−3.8, as centra1nemous system,endocrine systems and 1.9_2.9and l.5_1.6times,respectively,significantIy immune systems.However,physio1ogica1effects of higher than those in the CON groups. hypokinesia/hypodynamia on immune functions 3.Monoc皿es:Monocyte numbers in the IMM, such as white b1ood ce11s,neutrophi1s,monocytes, WBS and CLE−administration groups were2.2−3,1, 1ymphocytes,eosinophils and basophi1s are stil1 L8−3.8and l.6times,respectively,significant1y unknown.Therefore,it is necessary to clarify higher than those in the CON groups. systematicauy the physio1ogical responses obtained 4.Lymphocytes:Lymphocyte numbers did not by hypokinesia/hypodynamia such as restricted change with the IMM and WBS.The CLE−adminis− physical activity model and who1e body suspension tration,however,decreased1ymphocyte numbers to (weight1essness)modeL In addition,β2−agonist, 0.5_O.6times,as compared with the CON group. c1enbutero1(CLE)is known to be useful as 5.Eosinophi1s:Eosinophi1numbers in the IMM sympathetic activated mode1.Therefore,the ef− and WBS groups were l.6−2.5and1.5−2.l times, fects of immobi1ization(IMM),who1e body suspen− respective1y,significantly higher than those in the sion(WBS)and CLE−administration on the numbers CON groups.The CLE−administration,however, ofwhite blood ce11s were studied in adu1t ma1e rats. decreased eosinophi1numbers to0.53times,as compared with the CON group. Methods and Materia1s 6.Basophi1s:Basophi1numbers in the IMM and Three experiments,the effects of1)IMM,2) WBS groups were1.6and2.8−4.8times,re− WBS and3)CLE−administration on the numbers of spective1y,higher than those in the CON groups.No white b1ood ce11s in rats,were carried out.7to g effects,however,were obsewed in the CLE− weeks o1d male Sprague Daw1ey rats were used,and administration. divided into two groups in each experiment.1)The IMM was performed for lO days by se1トmade IMM apparatus.Rats were divided into the IMM group Conc1usion The IMM and WBS increased the numbers of nat− and the control(CON)group.2)The WBS was ural immune ce1ls(neutrophi1s,monocytes,eosino− performed for10days according to the routine method.3)The CLE(dose:1〃8/塘BW/狛γ)was phils and basophi1s)without changing acquired im− administered to rats for lO days.Who1e b1ood was sponses of naturaI immune ce11s were found co11ected from tai1veins and used for white b1ood betweenthe IMMandWBS,andCLE−administration. mune ce11s(lymphocytes).However,different re− ce11ana1yses. 一68一
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