THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28 OCTOBER, 1921. Croft, Flying Officer George, R.A.F.. Desoer, Flying Officer Noel Ldoyd, R.A.F. Drake, Observer Officer Bruce Gerdyne, R.A.F. Fiteherbert, Flight Lieut. Evelyn Cecil Walter, D.S.C., R.A.F. Huskisson, Sqdn./Ldr. Bertrand Lawrence, D.S.C., R.A.F. . . . . Hustwaite, Flying Officer John Walter, R.A.F. Jenkins, Flying Officer Robert Charles, M.C., R.A.F. Jobson, Flight Lieut. (A./iSqdn./'Ldr.) Frederick Cuthbert, R.A.F. McGregor, Flying Officer Andrew, D.F.C., R.A.F. Nutting, Sqdn./Ldr.i Charles William, D.iS.C., R.A.F. Fetch, Flying Officer ^Frederick, M.B.E., R.A.F. Porter, Flying Officer Cedric Ernest Victor, R.A.F. Bees, Sqdn./Lidr. Bictor Oaborne, .R.A.F. ..Sowray, S'qdn./,Ldr. William, A.F.C., R.A.F. Spackman, Flying Officer Charles Basil Slater, D.F.C., R.A.F. Teagle, Flying. Officer Cyril Hollis, R.A.F. Thomas, Flight Lieut. Meredith, R.A/F. Viokers, Observer Officer John Harold, R.A.F. Baber, 62027, A./Cbl. William Charles, H.A.F. Blanks 244308, A.C. 1 Thomas George, R.A.F. Beech 1565.76, A.C. 1 Frank John, R.1A.F. Beer 555, Flt./iSgt. Archibald Augustus John, R.A.F. Berry 603, Cpl. <A./figfc.) Arthur George, R.A.F. Birch/ 47668, Flt./Sgt. Joseph, R.A.F. Burdis 82480, A.C. 1 Robert, R.A.F. Canler 63672, Cpl. Bernard Ambrose, R.A.F. OOK 56305, Ij.A.C. (A./Sgt.) Reginald Frank, RA.F. Crisp 210903, L.A.C. Edgar Bernard, R.A.F. Cutting 2817075, AJC. 1 Horace, R.A.F. Davis 19.309'6, A.O. ,2 Alfred John, R.A.F. Davis 340378, L.A.C. Francis Albert Victor, R.A.F. Davis 407592, U.A.C. Thomas Albert Stanley, R.A..F. Dunn 338881, Cpl. Thomag Ernest, R.A.F. Eager 156802, A.C. 1 Harold Sidney, R.A.F. Eiasterbroo'ke 314181, Flt./iSgt. Albert Edward, R.A.F. Eustace' 334596, Cpl. (A./Sgt.) Sidney, R.A.F. Fells 2G8009, L.A.C. Richard George, R.A.F. Goodman -241376, A.C.i 1 Albert John, R.1A.F. Hardy 340099, A.C. 1 Alfred Wallace, R.A.F. Harwbod 294050, L.A.C. (A./iCpl.) Arthur Henry, R.A.F. Holloway 249693, A.O. 2 James, R.A'.F. Hughes 89300, A.C. 2 Peter Anthony, Bi. A.iF.i Kidd 167993, L.A.C. William, R.A.F. Lawton 248897, L.A.C. Frederick Robert, R.A.F. Love 298709, L.A.C. Cecil Ernest Hill, R.A.F. Lowrey 3.34286; A./Sigt. Frank, R.A..F. Simmons 248299, A.C. 2, Reginald Edward, R.A.F. Thorndcroft 26244, iSergt.-Major Harold Maurice, R.A.F. Viggers 168Q77, LLA.C. Thomas Prudham, (R.A.F. No. 32501. D 8497 Wallace 329706,' A.C. 1 James Stewart, R.A.F, Ward 73, S.M.., 1 Alfred, R.A.F. White 159127, A.C. 1 Albert Edward, R.A.F. Wright 340156, A.C. 1 John, R.A.F. Air Ministry, 28th October, 1921. ROYAL AIR FORCE, FLYING BRANCH. 2nd Lit. 'Leon Wagoner Sage is transferred to the unemployed list. 12th Apr. 1919. ((Substituted for the notification, in the Gazette of the 18th Apr. 1919.) Observer Officer Robert Edward Wychenford RANDALL (Lt., Lines.' Regt.) relinquishes- his temporary commission on resigning his icommission in the Regular Army, and is permitted to retain the rank of Lt. 29th Oct. 1921. MEMORANDA. The undermentioned Cadets .are granted honorary commissions as 2nd Lts., with effect irom the dates of their demobilisation : — 1837-10 Frank Leslie Braithwaite; 240602 Victor Charles Preston. 318912 Peter Robertson. Hon.. 2nd Lt. Frank Leslie Braithwaite relinquishes his honorary commission. 24th July 1919. Hon. 2nd Lt. Peter Robertson relinquishes his1 honorary commission on joining the Army. 9th Dec. 1919. Capt. (actg. Maj.) the Hon. James Henry Bertie Rodney, M.'O., is> transferred to the unemployed list, llth Mar. 1919. (Substituted for the notification in the Gazette of tihe 4th Apr. 1919.) Tlhe notification in the Gazette of 23rd Mar. 1920, relating to 9444 Cadet A. M. Forse, is cancelled. ERRATUM. Gazette 31at Dec. 1920, page 12758. For .Robert Beauchaimp MkYCOCK, Head Richard Beauchamp MAYCOCK. India Office, 28th October, 1921. The KING has approved the appointment of Lieut. -General Sir W. S. Delamain, K.C.M.G., O.B:., D..S.O., to be Colonel of the llT^h" Royal Mahrattas. The KIN'G has approved the promotion of the following .officers of the Ind. Army, Ind. Med. Service. Ind. Army Depts>. and Ind. Army Res. of Officers: — INDIAN ARMY. Lieutenants to> b0 Captains. A. D. A. L. I. R. Li. A. Siargon, D.S.O. 8th Oct. 1919. Marchant. 22nd Apr. 1920. Collingwood. 21st July 1920. St. J. Mellon-. 14th Nldv. 1920.
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