Public review form

Public Review Response Form
BSR E1.43 - 201x, Performer Flying Systems
PLASA North America
Referenced document:
BSR E1.43-201X, Entertainment Technology - Performer Flying Systems (Document number Rig/2013-2039r5)
ANSI public review period:
16 January 2015 through 2 March 2015
(Earlier responses will be accepted. Later responses may not be considered as part of this review.)
Question: Do you recommend that the standards committee accept BSR E1.43-201X, Entertainment
Technology - Performer Flying Systems (Document number Rig/2013-2039r5), as an American National
Standard, that its requirements are not too lax, too onerous, or too vague, nor that it would unreasonably
negatively impact materially affected parties in the entertainment industry? Please indicate "Yes" (accept it), "Yes
with comments," or "No with reasons" (don't accept it).
Yes with
No with
Please record your comments on the next page in the field provided.
What is wrong? Please explain on the next page what would need to be changed
and how it would need to be changed to earn your unqualified "Yes." Give a
justification for the change. Please provide text for inclusion in the standard that
would resolve your concerns.
I hereby grant PLASA the non-exclusive, royalty-free rights to use my comments, and I understand that I
acquire no rights as a joint author in any publication in which my comments are used.
Postal Code:
Please return the completed Public Review Response Form with
comments in electronic form to:
Karl G. Ruling
Technical Standards Manager
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609
New York, NY 10036
[email protected]
Please also send a copy of the completed Public Review
Response Form to:
Board of Standards Review
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10036
[email protected]
Public Review Response Form for BSR E1.43
Please record below any comments or objections to the standard. Please be as specific as possible and cite
what text needs to be changed, how it needs to be changed, and why, if you are recommending that we
change anything. Do not pose rhetorical questions that require the reader to infer what your objection is. The
committee may decline to make a change to resolve an objection if it cannot determine what change would be
needed to satisfy the commenter.
Public Review Response Form for BSR E1.43