{fuS do -Qo Wo-3300+lgg REGp. Nq. p. L.-33004/e9 ffi ffiT n{d{ilil of ,E,ndfn Whe ffinx, e,tte STqttNTUT EXTRAORDINARY qrr tl--€us a-w-qus 1;; PART ll-Section 3*-Sub-section (i) vTftmm * rrfirfrrrd PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY €. fuft ; Ee[qR, rrrqt ls, 201 4 /qtq roJsss r$ 721 .No.72l NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY tg,2Ll4tNrAGHA 30, 1935 eEo qft+rc efrq trqqr.t qarerq ofuqa-{r T$ fum, rg qr{ft, zor+ sr..rr.ft. sa(cr).-ffiq TrGfiR, frrt qm erf*ftqq, 19BS (19g8 ;Fr Sg) ff ernr 1 t O h qreT qb{ erRT 52 ft w-errn (1) dr<r rrffi elft{T +r rfr.r rG gq }rfiq qtcr rrn frTq, 1989 sT qk {.efrT{ s{-} + ftV fr'"aP'P. R-irq il{rf,f t I 2. ffiq rcFR arcr wfi.ypqq ffii fi qrqd, W ru qft t fdrr eTEts ft Fqrn ft $ g. sTr*c qT ggt'Fr, {iTE qr{t, 1. 'rf ftafr-t 10001 dT, F-+11 +1€ €t, d'gm +i *i ftqr Wrd.r<, fr Gffi wrqnn; qFrq tqfrq-fl1, Tfgan cftEQq f< {t-dqr,f riTrerq, vRrg< qr q}fr: Ai-frq t ft{q wr} trqq-+ i BiR-q rnrel"r ft il-ftq fr x-Er $i *r< Irrt ftqq, 1989 + sq-frTq t tsq * cqqrq BT*Tk:- '694 *( r*r, frsqftq{ (1) r+ftr*+T €f*rrrqffiqfrerqm (rteilaay ftTq, 2014t (2) 2' qft rnr qrNi GV20r4 (l) r ffidfud sq-ftTq Bi(.er1fr6 ftqr sr;q,.n, 2 "1 THE GAZETTE OF INDrA : [Penr II-SBc. 3(i)] EXTR.AORDINARY ::I 1 5q. srfr.T fitq qr rrrce t Q qrfr * rirr +{-d rsfifr frz m fr*fud+c ifrrdi--f{ sqfr{r ftq qr Q (r ) R*ffi'-a (i) T{ h EffqTf (ii) T{ gq (iii) (iv) ftq ffi sTrqIR( q sqfr.r a{d rqrft ftz +r ftARtetfc wdf,rd ftqr qr$n w{t : {iq,{ ftq qr Q qm ffifu{ lt qf qqqfgei Ri.i"i lirqqrr 1, w 1 qT qq 2 Tni + €ft tr|T{ fid *qq qr fr ffi{ T4 ii RAfuc ;rS ff;qr GrKrrn I Ft tr v$T qr ffqq rS fri{r.rqr +ti, enrt( :- FTT, frd€-q 35ss fifrir|q t tem fir grfr{r A.Tr crdT Tc1 qrQq ftqr qrg{n; sflK qqif ffi 3Tftn r€t su *( Fq ffi,'ffi tem +r sqm{r t rg g-cft qmn ilsrrft t*q qr ftwq qr-fr t TsFrd ft 664 O Ai ft fr s-66 ffi * Gffrr * ES fr cq.dt t (S) RfiRizfr"c h qq={r( rT1a wFt-Ipttt q< qqr-dqfrffil WTrtqg-tZ3:2013 ft sTqerrtit fr w qmr t {Fr{r rfi Trr +ii ftq nrq ffi il€qrft furt\t( RftffRm m 3Tf,ffi{d €i t< fur (2) ft*fue frq .rq qrt't t : .Rg iiq( +{d wftwor sTprfiqur t runFft frr Br{*n * rrfr-ff + frq Gnqt* w en1ffi ftqq 126 q frRffiq ug6p. rmq rFr sfftrr'{ {tiTT *( Q$ rrrur-re ft Rftqffdr sq* qrft mi+ fi ilrftqtfi-{E$+ftqtft (4) Brdmfr{ {ifi +g.d F"nfi ftil fi'fusq +r rRsrm d-fr('+q( ryft t fre h Gffin qr qiTffi6f,f anr-rnfft-r Tftq1qd arn O fiqr qrqrrrr efr( TRqrrd, TRtstrd + drffit wn Trrrq-w|{ qr qsn dqfrEa qrc{rtqs,rz3:2013 if fr rrt qf,{R Tiffdr rFT ittt fl+, rTFFr +trn qq a+ ft ilstrfr fiqri\r{ RfttrMt ffq-d rS +< fr qrfr t " t g-qrrfiqdl ts, . d. qrc&-r 1036/60/20l dqq qqivttutq, vgm 6 uH-o fr qr.+r.ft. d'. SOOler;, ffrfiq 2 E;t, 1989 6|(r r+rfud fitq trq 3iRq {cfr?rq qr.+r'ft. {'. oo+ (3T), Tffiq 27 Rdqt, 2013 drn ftqrrqr t t ftpqq:4* fiqq qp6 h rrqql *r t MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AI\D HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 19th February' 2014 l0 of G.S.R. 9E(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 5? read with section I to further rules the Motor Vehicles Act, lggg (No. 59 or tita), the Central Government hereby makes the following amend the Central Motor Vehicie Rules, 1989. to the said draft Any objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect Government' Central the by period be considered will before the expiry oithe aforesaid 2. rules (Transport), 3. The objections and suggestions to these draft rules, ifany, may be sent to the Jginl Secretary I10001' Delhi New Ministry of Road T.anspon and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, - DRAFTRULES These rules may be called the Central Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2014' -"'- qu-c 3(i) eff(d 6I tFiq-d : sRflqRvl (2) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the offibial Gazette. the cennal Motor vehicle Rules, 1989, after sub-rule ll5c, the following sub-rule shall be inserted, nu*.1y,3'In '115D' Retro fitment of hybrid erectric system kit to in-use vehicres Retrofitment of hybrid electric system kit to in-use vehicles registered in India shall be permitted where ( the in-use vehicle intended for retrofitment shall comply with following conditions, namely: it shall be complaint to BSII or subsequent emission nonns; 1) : (i) (ii) it shalr be of (iii) it sha, Ml, Nl be fueted by either gasoline or dieser fuer onty; and (iv) it shall not have (2) or M2 category having GVW not exceeding 3500 kg. been rehofitted earlier and shall not be fuelled by any other alternate fuel. mass emission standards for vehicles retrofitted shall be the or diesel vehicles as applicable for the (3) as prevalent for corresponding pehol orrnuouac-ture of-same the said vehicle. the vehicle' after retrofitment, shallneet the requirement of AIS-12 3 till such tirne as corresponding BIS rp..in.ution, time " y.* ire notified: : zll3as amended from time to Provided that for the purpose ofhybrid electric system kit approval, kit manufacrurer or supplier shall obtain the type approvaf certificate rto. u t.ri'ug"n"y , specifi"a in rure the validity of such certificare being three years,from the date of its issie- rii, (4) Note :-The the installation oftype approved hybrid electric system kit shall only be done by an installer authorised by hybrid electric system kit manufactur:, r6;i;;,'and the insialle^nat-ian.r. to the insraller,s responsibilities and the code of Practice "r o.tuit.a'in it. n_ts-tz: : 2013,u, ur*o.a from time to time tiil such time as corresponding BIS specifications u., notifi"d,,. [F. No, RT-l 1036/60 /20r3-WrL] SANJAY BANDOPADHYAYA, Jt. Secy. principal rules were notified in the Gazette of India vlde G.S.R. 5g0(E), dated the 2nd June, lggg and last vde G.S.R. 664(E) dated2Tthseptember, 2013. amended Printed by the Manager, Gvernm
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