Letter of Notification: 158/14 13 October 2014 To Parent / Guardian of : «Childs_Name» Dear Parent / Guardian, P1 Orientation Day on 1 November 2014 (Sat) 1. We are pleased to inform you that there will be a P1 Orientation Programme to welcome your child / ward into our school on 1 November 2014 (Sat) at 8.00am. The schedule of the Orientation Programme is as follows: Time 8.00 – 8.30am Activity Registration and Collection of P1 Orientation Package; Submission of admin documents as mentioned in Paragraph 8(a-c) Venue Concourse 8.30 – 9.30am Briefing for Parents on School School Hall 1 School Hall 9.30 – 10.30am Administrative Matters for Parents 1 Purchase of books, uniform and checking information with school bus vendor will only be made available from 9.00am onwards. Sales of 2015 Mother Tongue textbook and activity book would only be available during end December. 8.30 – 10.30am Interaction time for P1 pupils with teachers & classmates and Classroom Activities (Note: Pupils are to bring stationery such as pencils, eraser, ruler and colour pencils.) Level 2 Classrooms 2. Your child / ward, «Childs_Name», will be in Primary «Class». He / She will be in the «House» House. 3. We request for your kind presence in school on that day with your child / ward for the P1 Orientation Programme. Please kindly report at the school concourse area with this letter to collect the P1 Orientation Package. 4. We have made special arrangements with our key suppliers, so you can purchase your child’s / ward’s textbooks, school uniforms, school shoes and sewn-on name-tags in our school. The suppliers’ schedules are attached with this letter. If you wish to purchase and collect the textbooks during the P1 Orientation, advance purchase and payment is preferred to minimise the waiting time. 5. Bus transport arrangements for sending your child / ward to and fro our school in 2014 can also be made on the P1 Orientation Day. MAILING ADDRESS TEL FAX : NO. 2 YISHUN STREET 71 SINGAPORE 768 515 : 62571772 (HOD), 67586472 (Office), 67586473 & 67520970 (Staff Rooms) : 6755 9958 6. There will be temporary plastic name-tags provided by our school on the P1 Orientation Day, so that the teachers can identify your child / ward easily. Please note that your child will have to put on his / her name tag on the P1 Orientation Day, as well as when the school re-opens on 2 January 2015. 7. The MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (MOE FAS) provides financial assistance to needy Singapore Citizen students. For more information, please refer to the following website (http://www.moe.gov.sg/initiatives/financial-assistance/). If you wish to apply for the MOE FAS, please obtain a copy of the application form from the School’s General Office. Please do not make any purchases of textbooks and uniform prior to the receipt of your MOE FAS approval letter from the school, as the school will not be able to reimburse for any purchased items. 8. To expedite the registration process, please complete the following application forms attached and bring them on the P1 Orientation Day: a. Application form for Interbank GIRO b. Pupil Survey Form c. Consent For Dental Treatment Form (To be filled in ink) d. P1 Order Form for Embroidery Iron-On Name Tags 9. Please ensure that your child / ward has completed the following immunisations before entry into Primary One: a. BCG b. Hepatitis B c. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus d. Oral Sabin (immunisation against e. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) poliomyelitis) 10. There will be a change in the Student Care Centre vendor by end of this year. The school would inform you again on how to go about doing the registration once it has been finalized. 11. If you have any queries, please contact me or my following officers at 67586472: Mdm Nur Aisah Management Support Officer Mdm Irene Wong Management Support Officer 12. We look forward to seeing you and your child / ward on the P1 Orientation Day. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mr Xie Yongcong Administration Manager MAILING ADDRESS TEL FAX : NO. 2 YISHUN STREET 71 SINGAPORE 768 515 : 62571772 (HOD), 67586472 (Office), 67586473 & 67520970 (Staff Rooms) : 6755 9958 16;;Al @ JIEMIN PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIMARY 1 BOOKLIST FOR YEAR 2015 P1 @ Class: Name of pupil; A.T Pals Are Here ! Maths Workbook 1A An Active and Healthy Me Primary 1 (New For PriSchools (li,S'tk#) Small Reade lA GnluagE Foi eriScnoob (CEKAP) small Reader 1A Below Books (B) will Be Published ln May 2015 Reader 1A Bk 1-4 Below Books (Bl Will Be Published ln May 2015 Reader 1B Bk 1-4 Total For Section A (Textbooks) Remarks GL) : $88.50 : $88.50 (TL) : $88.50 ts a.e st ongty encouraged to purchase lhrough achoot bookshop or pre-order via our websile: www.pacifcbookstores.crm to ensure conect edilion ol books. 2) tf you are purchasing from the bookshop with the booklist, please tick neatly lhe ilems required. Please note that rtems purchased are non-refundable- For exchanges, please do so at the schoot bookshop within 1 week of purchase with lhis booklist and official receipt. Please note lhat items to be exchanged ale to be in onginal condition. 3) Price stated is inclusive ofGST (GST Reg No. 199905993R). NFY stands for: item price Not Fixed Yet 4) @ denote books inalyear used byMOE in year 2015. IFIE JIEMIN PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIMARY 1 STATIONERY LIST FOR YEAR 2015 J;5 3.50 0.60 0.60 2.40 1.30 2.90 6.80 4.50 3.30 Repoft EooK 4 JPS Jotter Book with Line JPS A5 Broad Line Exercise Book A4 Sketch Book JPS A4 Drawing Paper Giotto Turbo Fibre Tip Pens '!2 Asstd Cols Giotto Olio Jumbo Oil Pastel24Cols 44 wooden whiteboard Set JPS 82D Subiect File (L.Blue)- Enqlish JPS 82D Subiect File - Maths Plasiic File wb -Green (Fo. Science Wo*sheet) 5 Col Plastic Divider (For Subiect Rinq File) 330 1.90 1.30 2 3s0 .2.40 0.60 2.40 1.30 2.90 680 450 3.30 1.90 35-50 otal for Section B (CL) : $41.30 otal for Section B (ML) : $42'50 Total for Section B (TL) : $39.40 Total amount of purchase lor all section c Website Launch Date: l0/11/2011 Home Dellveav pleas€ purchase online at www.pacificbookslores.com. To lrack and trace your homedelivery order/s, you may go to httpJ/sg.ta{_bin-com/service,Itaqbin/ For detivery ioquiries, ptease contact our delivery seruice provideri Yamato Transport Pte Ltd, al their Custode. Service Hotline : 1800 2255 888 Payment viaVISA, MASTERCARD, Debit Cards. Delivety Charge ofS9.8o applies Selt Gollection you are welcome to place yourorderooline via our website' \l\,l/vw.pacificbooksiores.@m. Colleclion can be done at the schoolon stipulated dates given on ihewebsite. you are strongly encouraged to pre-orde. to avoid long queue and enjoy shorterwaiting time. Payment is required upon odervia VISA/ ITASTERCAR0 / Debit Cards. walk-ln Sales You may purchase kom schooibookshop on dates stated below. Please lake note that there may be a long qtieue with longerwaitng time lo b€ expected. Payment via Cash and Cheque only. For payment by Cheqoe, please make payable to Pacific Bookslores Pte Ltd Please write lhe student's oame, class(2015) and contacl on the reverse oflhe cheque. 14t12]2011 Thu 19t'1v2014 20t122011 Sat 26t'12t2414 27t1212014 to 12noon, Books supplied by Pacitic Bookstores Pte Ltd Tel: 6559 2269 Emarl' [email protected] to l2noon All Levels Sat All Levels Please submit this form to the bookshop by 1 November 2014 Pl ORDER FoRM FoR EMBRoIDERY IRoN.ON NAME TAGS (For use on school uniform) I wish 6Eimr PRIIARY @ @ to order :- 1 set (of 6 name tags) at S$5.00 (Please tick the appropriate box) Name of Pupil (Please write in BLOCK LETTERS) Class in 2015 : Primary Parent contact no. H/P (Home) (Please fill in the form and make cash payment to the bookshop) Confirmation of Order for Embroidery lron-On Name Tags *Ordered name tags will be gven out to the pupils by their Form Teachers in 2015. Class in 2015 : Primary Name & Signature of Sales Person / Date MAILING ADDRESS : NO. 2 YISHUN STREEr 71 SINGAPORE 768 515 scHA) TEL : 62571772 (HOD), 67586172 (Arfice), 67586473 & 67520970 (Sf,fi Rooms) FAX : 6755 9958 Color of PE Tshirt: CHOP KONG CHONG THE UNIFORM SPECIALIST Sembawang Shopping Centre 604 Sembawang Road, #02-13 S(758459) Jiemin Primary School Selling of School Uniform 2014 - 2015 Date Day Time Remarks November 2014 1 Nov 2014 21 Nov 2014 Saturday Friday 9am – 2pm 27 Nov 2014 Thursday 9am – 11am 27 Nov 2014 Thursday 1pm – 3pm 28 Nov 2014 Friday 9am – 11am 28 Nov 2014 Friday 1pm – 3pm ORIENTATION Walk In Walk in and FAS Walk in and FAS Walk in and FAS Walk in and FAS December 2014 5 Dec 2014 12 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 Friday Friday Friday 9am – 12pm 9am – 2pm 9am – 2pm 29 Dec 2014 Monday 1pm – 3pm 29 Dec 2014 Monday 9am – 11am 2 Jan 2015 9 Jan 2015 16 Jan 2015 January 2015 Friday 11.45am - 2pm Friday 11.45am - 2pm Friday 11.45am - 2pm Uniform is also available at Chop Kong Chong Sembawang Shopping Centre #02-13 Open every day from 11.30am till 8.30pm Walk In Walk In Walk In Walk in and FAS Walk in and FAS JIEMIN PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPIL SURVEY FORM 2015 Please provide the following information. Tick (√) the relevant boxes using blue/black pen. Please be assured your replies would remain confidential. Name of Pupil: Birth Cert Number: Class: Marital Status Household Members Married Joint Custody Widowed Sole Custody under (Name of Parent) _____________________________ (#Father / Mother) Single Parent Total number of family members staying in the same house 2 3 4 5 Others: _______ Known to Other Agencies We are currently known to the following agencies: MSF Hospital Community Development Councils Family Service Centre (Name of FSC ___________________________________ ) Others (Please specify: _____________________________________ ) Please state reason(s) if you have ticked above: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Concerns About Child Health-Related Issues Learning Difficulties Emotional Behavioral Financial (difficulties paying school fees, pocket money etc) Please specify if you have ticked the above: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Asthma Diabetic Epilepsy Lactose Intolerant Drug Allergy (Specify: ____________________) Others (Please specify below) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Pickup Arrangements of Child After School Hours Child goes back on his/her own Child is picked up by parents Child is picked up by sibling Adult (18 years old and above) to pick up the child (Please provide the names and ID of adults): Name of Adult 1: NRIC of Adult 1: Name of Adult 2: NRIC of Adult 2: Name of Adult 3: NRIC of Adult 3: ICT Information Do you have a computer (PC or laptop) at home? Do you have internet access at home? If you do not have a computer at home, would you be buying one next year? Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Mother Tongue Does your child read Mother Tongue books at home? Is your child able to converse in his/her Mother Tongue language? Parents’ Declaration I declare that the information provided in this form is true to the best of my knowledge. Name & Signature of #Father / Mother / Guardian: _______________________________ Date: ________ #delete as appropriate MINISTRY OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERBANK GIRO ANNEX C3 (FOR PAYMENT AND REFUND OF SCHOOL FEES AND CHARGES) PART 1: FOR APPLICANT’S COMPLETION (please write within the shaded areas) Please note: You may need 5 minutes and you will need your bank account information to fill in this form. Date Name of School To: Name of Bank (please tick one) Name of Student POSB Bank DBS Bank Student BC / NRIC / FIN Number (please specify bank’s name) Other Bank: (a) (b) (c) (d) ► I/We hereby instruct you to process the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) instruction to debit and credit my/our account. You are entitled to reject the MOE’s debit instruction if my/our account does not have sufficient funds and charge me/us a fee for this. You may also at your discretion allow the debit even if this results in an overdraft on the account and impose charges accordingly. This authorization will remain in force until terminated by your written notice sent to my/our address last known to you or upon receipt of my/our written revocation through MOE. I/We hereby authorize you to terminate this authorization without any written notice to me/us once you are informed by the MOE that the abovenamed student is no longer studying in a school under its billing administration. ► Name(s) of Account Holder Bank Account No. (Please do not use the Children Development A/c under Baby Bonus scheme) ► For Singapore Citizen NRIC No. (Prefix with ‘S’/‘T’) ► For PR / Foreigner Passport No. Signature(s)/Thumb print(s)*/Company’s Stamp Address Contact No. (As in Bank’s Records) * For thumbprints, please go to the branch for verification PART 1A : FOR EDUSAVE STANDING ORDER FOR SINGAPORE CITIZEN STUDENTS ONLY (please tick the appropriate box) nd Yes, I wish to apply to use my child’s/ward’s Edusave account for payment of 2 -tier miscellaneous fee. nd No, I do not wish to use my child’s/ward’s Edusave account for payment of 2 -tier miscellaneous fee. PART 2: FOR MOE’S / SCHOOL’S COMPLETION Bank Branch MOE Bank Account Number Level/ Class 7 1 7 1 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 1 2 4 3 6 1 Bank Branch Account Number To Be Debited School Code ► Reference Number PART 3: FOR COMPLETION BY BANK To: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION This application is rejected (please tick) for the reason(s): ( ) Signature/Thumbprint # differs from Bank’s records ( ) Wrong account number ( ) Signature/Thumbprint # incomplete/unclear # ( ) Amendments not countersigned by applicant ( ) Account operated by signature/thumbprint # ( ) Others: ________________________________________ ..................................................... Name of Approving Officer # Please delete where inapplicable Updated on 20/08/2013 ......................................................... Authorised Signature ............................. 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