-----~-----~-- - ------- -- ST NOJlTBP/21 BNIENGRffENDER 120i4-15OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT ST 2J BN. INDO TIBETAN BORDER POLICE M.H.A/GOVT OF INDIA PO. PANTHACHOWK, SRINAGAR (J&K) LIMITED TENDj:iR NOTICE The Commandant, 21" Bn ITS Police Force Panlhachowk, Srinagar (J&K), invites, on the behalf of the President oflndia. sealed Item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of Railways, Deptt. Of telecom, MES. CPWD and stale PWD up to 1500 hrs of 27-11-14 which shall be opened at 1530 brs on the same day, for the following works. I S. , No 01 02 Namc of the work Estimated Cost (Rs) ARM ofRoofG.S. Sheet Painting of SO's mess Coy office's and Y.ewan Camp onlst Bn 11'B potice. Panthnchowk, Srillagar (J&K) for the year 2014.t5 1,90,408/. ARM of Boundary Wall (Outer Side) LEWAN Camp'" of21" BN I1'B Police Srinagar (J&K) for the year 2014.15. 1,i7,9611. Earnest Money completion (Rs ) of",'urk Time of Last dale of receipt of application and time last date of sale of tender ronn Date and Time of OIX--ning of Tenders Cost of tender foml Rs 500/. (Non refundable) 4000/- 02 Month 24111114 1530 1m; 25/11114 1530 1m; 27/11/14 15030l-lrs 4000/. 02 Months 24111114 1530 1m; 25/11/14 1530 hrs 27111/14 Rs 150301-1" 500/. The tenderers must produce valid Registration, PAN card. Yat registration and work done certificate (self attested) along with application form before tender papers can be sold to them, Earnest money should be deposited along with tender documents in the form of receipt treasury challan Ideposited at call receipt! fixed deposit receipt/demand draft of a scheduled bank pledged in favor of The Commandant, 21" Sn ITB Police Force Panthachowk, Sri nagar (J&K), The Competent authority reserves the right to cancel the lender at any time without assigning any reason. This notice and tender documents m.y .Iso be seen at ITBP website .10- www.itbp.gov.in ,. Add. For Communication:I. COMMANDANT 21 ST BN ITB POLlCE, P.O.& PANTHACHOWK, P.H. NO.-01933-222723. 2. FAX NO.- 01933-222726 SRINAGAR (J&K) .. 2014-1~--:C(llf:" f (, ~ /'lT0f<l0<1TOgO/21<lT~/~/~~ cl*llC'lll. ~ 21cff ~ 'l'Jmf ~ ~ 'fC1 ~ 'J.6 >j311C'lll. 'l'Jmf f1 ~cp I~ 4311C1l1- ~. ~ ('vlclcI» ~.-J? )1/ //1.; ~MGT.~ "lffif <f; '11~qf<l q\[ 3iR <1'<RAT 21<\l ~. "lffif fcrarel <1T'!Tgfffil 'ffi. ~ .~ (\ilCICO) 'lToft'ro<1To gfffil~. ,&x'li'tll'<fcl'>:rrIT.~0~0'Z'<l0. <f;O<'llof.lofcto<1m ~ q ~ tll&G1r.tili f.r!!ur. fclwr <f; 3lj~W~d <1m 'lR d~cml <1'f.1>;( fM&q qmf ~ <1TC1'fo'G lfG G< r.tf<1Glll ~ 27.11.14 <!IT1500 ~ <f<V3lJl!f.';;ffi "illffl ~ \ill fc\; ~ ~ <!IT1530 ~ <mfi vrril1ft I q;r<jq;r'W! <li0 'lio 3lj'1lr.td Clfll1'I 'ifllT'IT q;r<jq;r "ij'1lr.td <i'f'I m tP-l i ~ lIfl{f """" q\[~ ~ 01 MGT MGT f<lqj\ """" q\[ 3ifWl ~q\[ ~q ~ MGT q;r;fq;r 'iR! (~) <i'f'I 21<\l ~ 'lToft'ro'lttogfffil 'ffi ~ '$tr <1m ~ if cIi"l ltm ~ I ~ <1m <fIfCIT1l ilillllcl<l I q\j mffi 'il>f q\j ~ 'il>fqmf 21<\l 'lTOft'ro'lttogfffil $R cIi"l. 1,90,4081. 4000/- 1,77,961/- 4000/. 02~ 24/11/14 1530 Ius 25/11114 1530 Ius 27/11/14 15030Hr.; Rs 5001- 24/11/" 1530 hI'S 25/11114 1530 Ius 27/11114 IS30Hr.; Rs 5001. I ", '1,<:t U I 02 (\ilCICO) ~ if CfIf C/1cl' (~ ~ ~ qmf ~ 'ffi ~ 2014-15 - ~) ~ 02 1'fl6 'il>f i wfr r.tFclGlili't1f3if <!ITf.'lf<lGTq;r;f lIfl{f """" ~ ~. f<lqj\ <1' wf r.tFclGlili't1l3lTq;T m<llRt ~ &RT iJlRt ~ q\J G< 'R tll iWrr f.'lf<lGTq;rif ciJlili'<UI Jl"lJUTtP-l.~ ,<Rn~~1'1 tP-l. iFf <m ~ fcI;il 'lfil 'il>J'llT q\[ -tlf<1~1 fil~d'liTiT llft'r lffij(f ~ mlft I f.'lf<lGT-G'ki~1~-G1iJlRt <f; "11'1.1 'ifllT'IT \ill fc\; <RAT 21<\l ~. "lffif fcrarel 'ltt'1r gfffil 'ffi. ~ .~ (G1q<t» <f; 4&f if ~ 'tTTffi'f «fR I<PIB ~ ";;flITI~ ";;flITI~ \ijIjf ~ 1 "ij~d ~ <f; ~ ~ <f; <'it[ if tll M ~ I m ~ <!ITf.'lf<lGTq;T fcI;'ltt '>IT <i'f'I fcRr 'l>RUf "ilIi1'ilf.rffif """" q;r ~ ~ ~ I 500/- (~) m 1;<1 f.'lf<lGT1f<f f.'lf<lGTtIiT q\[ G11'1ilil~ 'lToft'ro'lttogfffil 'ffi q\j ~~tli~c m www.itbp.gov.in m. 'R '>IT ~ ,.., ~ ~~i -N~'>-H'1 21.slY~ 4'IfClR 'il>f'fdT:1. ~ 21<\l ~ ll'to-~: ~:~ ~ 'lToft'ro'lttogfffil. (\ill'j q ~) 01933-222723 :- 01933- 01933-222726 ~ 'lToft'ro<1Togfffil
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