10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:48 AM Page 1 Hudson Valley 10-13 Assoc. PO Box 1013 Pearl River NY 10965-0283 Ph: 845-735-1013 • www.hudsonvalley1013.org InIn Serving over 1000 police families in the Hudson Valley PRESIDENT¶S MESSAGE APRIL, 2014 T TRUSTEES T Bronx./Man./Qns./L.I. George Powell R John Wohlberg R Dutchess R James R J. O’Neill Orange W Thomas A. Carroll W C Francis McGrath Westchester Putnam TWestchester T Richard Cerrato Orange ROrange Rockland R Denis SHerlihy JimS Finn g B o P Sullivan/Ulster P A Naclerio Albert B Westchester B Danny Murphy Trustee A At Large Robert A Lebzelter William W E. Hatch John Young H HISTORIAN H Joseph Ladoue H LEGAL COUNSEL H John J. McMahon, Esq. PASTCPRESIDENTS C J J *Deceased *Deceased This year will be the 25th anniversary of the National 10-13 Association. They You may have group noticed a lotwith of improvements have been thanks to the are a hardworking meeting politicians both in andmade in NYC, You may have noticed a lot of improvements haveAlbany been Raffle made thanks to the to protect our rights. They also need our support. Their Mega is one B This year the HV 10-13 will celebrate its 1st Annual Holiday Celebration This year the HV 10-13 will celebrate its 1st Annual Holiday Celebration and it is doing well. You still have a chance to get in. More important is o way their August convention at Honors Haven Resort (see enclosed reservation form). The HV 10-13 is their largest member group and we had a good showing last year. We need a great showing this year. It is a fun weekend for you and your family. You will meet a lot of old friends. Sign up. The Alliance of Public Retirees recently met in Albany, and will meet again on April 8th. Rich Molloy will provide the particulars at our next general membership meeting April 10th. One of our important annual events is Lobby Day, this year it will be held on Wednesday May 21 st. It is a day where we meet and greet our representatives. You only have to volunteer your time. The trip costs you nothing. Bus transportation, food and beverages are provided by WKH 1DWLRQDO DQG WKH $OOLDQFH /HW¶V PDNH Dn impressive showing! We will have a sign-up sheet at the April meeting at the Kearsing Edwards post. You can also call us if you are unable to attend. We would like to have an attendee Thanks to author Randy Jurgensen for attending our last meeting & signing his count by May. Thanks to early author Randy Jurgensen for attending our last meeting & signing his HEALTH W & WELFARE Thomas F. Mullins * Bob Dowd L Allen L D. Grant* Timothy J. Connolly James M. Maher John J. Barry* Louis Auleta F F J. Peluso John James M. Ferguson* A A John T Gowrie * * T Anthony J Perrone J J Richard Molloy J L Arthur Onody* L J *Deceased J Hello everyone, it is great to be back. I missed the snow and cold weather while in the and rehab center. I the thank everyone for their calls, I'd like to hospital apologize for missing September meeting, duecards to a mishap. I'dand like to Itapologize missing your the concern. September meeting, due to a mishap. visits. was great for just knowing Thank you to the National C 10-13 for the gift card. There are not enough words that can express my thanks to the HV Board members who ran the show while I was recuperating, especially Immediate Past year President Bart Foley, Bill Kearney, Fall is here, how the goesBill soLeach, fast! VP Please remember the importance of Fall isDeNonno, here, how the year goesRich so fast! Please remember the importance of Carl and Past President Molloy. g 1987-88 1989-90 1991-92 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 87-88 87-88 1999-00 2001-02 89-90 89-90 2003-04 91-92 91-92 93-94 2005-06 93-94 2007 95-96 95-96 2008-09 97-98 97-98 2010-11 99-00 n t 99-00 01-02 01-02 03-04 03-04 n It is that time of year that we again discuss Medicare Part B Reimbursement. This applies to those of you who have it as your primary health provider. Each in August thepart cityinsends out Florida a Medicare B premium Pleaseyear consider taking the NE 10-13Part Cruise (10/29-11/2), and, Please consider check. takingThis partcheck in thewill NEcover Florida 10-13 paid Cruise (10/29-11/2), and, reimbursement the monies by you and/or t your spouse for Medicare Part B premium, during 2013. If you are not receiving same and think you should be or are about to become eligible see inside newsletter. See calendar inside for other HV 10-13 important upcoming dates and events. Fraternally Yours, Wishing everyone a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover. Fraternally Yours, Fraternally, Lou Massaro President Member-National New York City Police Department 10-13 Organizations, Inc and the Alliance of Public Retiree Organizations of New York F Founded 1986. Social Charitable Educational Educational Fraternal Patriotic Social 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:48 AM Page 2 Bill Hatch It is suggested that you submit for Medicare reimbursement when eligible. Do not rely on your line organizations. Only the teachers have that luxury. Both member and or spouse are eligible. When applying: Make sure you supply legible copies of both the front and rear of your Medicare card. Provide full name/names and mailing addresses, DOB, marital status, PHPEHU·Vretirement system and Social Security number/s. 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:48 AM Page 3 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 4 Post 13 Trivia John Young (Retired) Collecting Cigarette & Old PBA Cards is a hobby I started several years ago. ,W¶V just like collecting baseball cards; in fact I keep them in standard sleeves. My oldest card is a mint 15RXQGVPHQ¶VQRZ-Lieutenant) Benevolent Association card with printed signature of its President, R.E. Enright, who served as Police Commissioner (1917-25.) Among its membership (1904) were Roundsmen Charles Becker & Joseph Petrosino. We all know the Charlie Becker story, executed by New York State (1915) and Lt Petrosino was gunned downed in Italy (1909.) PBA cards were first issued to members to record the payment of their union dues by the local precinct delegate. Delegates would sign the reverse upon receiving the dollar and turn monies over to their Financial Secretaries, who turn over to the Treasurer. Those were the days before dues check-off, a contract benefit won in the 1960s. Duplicate cards were purchased when Patrolmen started owning automobiles and putting the cards on the windshields. This stopped many buff parking tags, but not the green tags! My earliest PBA card is a paper 1935 card signed by then President, Joseph P. Moran, who led the organization for over 25 years. The card was issued to Shield #3021 that had been worn by Patrolman Leo Cotton, who seemed to worked in Traffic Q (Queens). The reverse has Delegate Sulzback who collected $12.00 dues for the calendar year. Printed on green card paper, it was given to me by a PBA attorney who purchased it on e-bay. The basic design of PBA cards remained the same for decades, the only change was that they were printed on different colored card stock. The cards indicated that the organization was part of the State Police Conference ZLWK3DWUROPHQ¶V%HQHYROHQW$VVn on the left side of a silver shield & Police Department, City of New York on the right. Each card had an individual shield number stamped on the shield. It should be noted that Moran started the State Police Conference in 1925, but it ended under Phil Caruso in the 1980s. The PBA had changed its basic card design under Bob McKiernan (1973) and it has changed yearly since then. Today cards are printed on plastic and are about the size of a credit card. Yes, they melt if left on the windshield on hot days. Duplicate cards still cost a dollar, but their dues are taken from their paycheck because of dues check-off. Today, the GXHVLQFOXGHOLIHLQVXUDQFHROG³KRXVHWD[´DQGOHJDOUHSUHVHQWDWLRQ Once, I denied a member the usage of the PBA attorney at a dog shooting (47th Pct.) because he had dropped out of the organization in the early 1980s. When it came WLPHIRUKLPWRJRLQWRWKHFDSWDLQ¶VRIILFHIRUWKHKHDULQJI handed him the yellow pages and told him to look under attorneys for legal representation. 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 5 March 31, 2014 DONOR APPRECIATION ROSTER We sincerely thank the following, for their generous donations. Joseph F. Ayres Samuel Badillo James J. Brennan Stephen H. Bridge, Jr. William P. Brosnan Walter I. Budington Thomas J. Burke Robert J. Carlyle Richard A. Clark William J. Clarke Gerard A. Connolly Timothy J. Connolly James L. Conwell Robert J. DeMartino Carl J. DeNonno * Nicholas DiBrino Thomas S. Dockery Martin Dollard John J. Donohue Thomas J. Dowd William Duane James B. Ferguson * Family Member Dennis J. Flynn Terence J. Gilroy Matthew J. Gilson Stephen J. Giove Martin L. Gleason James J. Golden Joseph E. Halk Ronnie L. Hicks John P. Higgins Robert J. Houlihan Margaret A. Kirwan Richard R. Kolodkin Joseph F. Ladoue Phillip N. Loncar Jack J. Luzon Frank E. Lyons William J. Malloy Bernard Mark James F. McDonnell John J. Meagle Matthew J. Moore Keith Mulcahy James M. Murphy Mark V. Murphy Charles N. Pompa Joel Potter Peter Princi James F. Purcell Francis J. Reilly Christopher Robinson Jose A. Rodriguez Paul E. Ryan Ludwig V. Sabatino John W. Scanlon Raymond W. Schick John R. Schwartz Allan Smolinsky Robert D. Sullivan Frances Vargas-Rodriguez Daniel Vaughan Brian Verwoert Joseph C. Vousden John H. Wohlberg Arthur J. Zimmerman 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 6 DECEASED MEMBERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 2014 Terrence E. McLinskey, Sr. Life Member #324 Det. 3 Born: May 1934 Deceased: November 24, 2013 Appointed: 3-17-55 Retired: 1-1-82 Worked: 19 PDU 4 Hom 9,17,32 Sqds 24. Nicholas D. Lifrieri #1253 Lt. Born: December 1948 Deceased: December 17, 2013 Appointed: 4-16-73 Retired: 5-31-01 Worked: BxTF. Frank J. McDonald Life Member #118 Lt.-Det. Born: November 1917 Deceased: January 18, 2014 Appointed: 9-4-41 Retired: 12-31-65 Worked 41 Sqd. Dante Ravetti, Jr. Life Member #207 PO Born: January 1932 Deceased: July 12, 2012 Appointed: 2-20-56 Retired: 8-14-86 Worked: 34 76. Herbert R. Miller Life Member #989 PO Born: July 1930 Deceased: March 10, 2014 Appointed: 2-15-63 Retired: 4-22-84 Worked: PBMN 24. Chester A. McGuire Life Member #453 Sgt. Born: August 1909 Deceased: 1999 Appointed: 6-1-36 Retired: 8-1-56 Worked: 24 Chf Clk Qns DD. . William E. Confrey Life Member #341 Det. Born: December 1923 Deceased: March 27, 2014 Appointed: 9-21-46 Retired: 7-31-72 Worked: Narco 20 Sqd MN Hom. Donald R. Ryan Life Member #996 Lt. Born: August 1932 Deceased: March 31, 2014 Appointed: 10-15-58 Retired: 11-30-94 Worked: 34 30 48 32. Condolences To Bill Carton and family on the passing of his wife Rosemarie in late December. To Board member Bill Hatch and family on the passing of daughter Barbara Butterick last month. 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 7 HUDSON VALLEY 10-13 BIANNUAL 50/50 RAFFLE for June 2014 > No tickets sold at Picnic Meeting < Complete this form & address your entry & donation to the Hudson Valley 10-13 Association. Each $5.00 entry will be assigned one (1) ticket. One-half of each ticket will be attached to your entry form and the other half will be submitted for the drawing. You do not have to be present at the drawing to win. You can donate in multiples of five i.e. $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, etc. Use only one entry form. Supporting the biannual raffle helps to sustain the strength of the Hudson Valley 10-13 Association. Name _______________________________ Address ____________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________ Telephone _________________________ 1 for $5.00 2 for $10.00 3 for $15.00 4 for $20.00 5 for $25.00 10 for $50.00 Mail-in entries must be received by > June 9, 2014 < PO Box 1013 * Pearl River NY * 10965-0283 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 8 Chris Meyer Owner/Operator 21 Old Haverstraw Road Congers, NY 10920 73 So. Main St. New City, NY 10956 Support Our Advertisers 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 9 John Briganti, a member of the Hudson Valley 10-13 Club can have shields or plaques made. A small portion of the sale price of each shield Sold will go to the club. Contact John to place an order. 386.871.5941 or email: [email protected] LARGE SHIELDS P.O. & SGT'S $50.00 DET, LT, CAPT $60.00 D.I., INSP, CHIEF $70.00 MINI SHIELDS P.O. & SGT'S $20.00 DET, LT, CAPT $25.00 D.I, INSP, CHIEF $30.00 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 10 SCHWEIZER Beautiful Flowers * 169 North Middletown Rd. Pearl River, NY 10965 * (845) 735-4079 800-343-1158 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 11 Attention Members! Please Use Form Below for YOUR 2014 DUES, also to recruit a NEW MEMBER*. MEMBERS: YOUR Address IS ON THE BACK PAGE. Application - Renewal Date: ________________________ NEW* __ RENEW __ FIND STATUS & MEMBER NUMBER ON TOP LINE. P LE ASE P R IN T $25.00 Dues $25.00 013 Dues 22014 Fund Æ __ Donation To: Bible General Fund Æ __ Your Religion: _______________ Name: ______________________________________ Telephones: _______________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Member #: _____________ Å See Back If Updating ADDRESS or Changing Personal Information, CHECK THIS BOX Æ __ Resident County: ________________________________ Amount Enclosed: ____________ Check #: ____________________ New Member* Sponsor: _____________________________________ MEMBERS: IF THE ADDRESS ON BACK IS Address: _______________________________________________________________ CORRECT, NO FURTHER INFORMATION NEEDED. City / Town: _____________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________________ * NEW MEMBERS: will receive a complete membership application. Mail To: Æ Hudson Valley 1013 PO Box 1013 Pearl River NY 10965-0283 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cjd 9/12 10 13 newsletter_Layout 1 4/2/14 9:49 AM Page 12 First Class Presort U.S. Postage PAID Monsey, NY Permit #9161 HUDSON VALLEY 10-13 ASSOCIATION INC. P.O. BOX 1013 PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK 10965 BOARD OF OFFICERS President Louis J. Massaro Vice President Bart Foley Treasurer William Kearney Corresponding Secretary Carl DeNonno Recording Secretary Frank K. O’Reilly 1st Sgt. At Arms James J. Ferris 2nd Sgt. At Arms Artie Marra Immediate Past President William D. Leach NEXT MEETING Thursday April 10, 2014 at 7:30PM Kearsing Edwards American Legion Post #1600 20 Station Hill Road Pomona NY 10970 The post is situated at the SW corner of the Rockland Boulder stadium. Pomona NY 10970 Issue date as of 4.1.14 You can support us in many ways: 1. Promote/Mention us in your everyday conversations, especially with active or retired New York City Police Department MOF. 2. Recruit and or bring a prospective member to a meeting. 3. Consider bringing a member who cannot drive or does not drive at night to a meeting. 4. Be a hands-on participant at our meetings. 5. Apply for a board position; we need some new faces young or old. FUTURE HAPPENINGS Thursday May 8, 2014 @ 7:30PM General Membership Meeting VFW Huber Post 375, 10 Huber Place, Yonkers NY 10704 Wednesday May 21, 2014 @ 9:00AM Annual Lobby Day Bus trip Meet at Crowne Plaza Hotel Suffern - Visit with politicians in Albany Wednesday June 18, 2014 @ 6:00PM Annual Picnic Meeting Kearsing Edwards American Legion Post #1600 Friday, Saturday, Sunday August 1 to 3, 2014 Annual Convention National NYCPD 10-13 will be held at Honors Haven Resort
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