Erasmus Mundus Green ITAcademic offers for undergraduate students & postdoctorate – 3rd cohorte Sommaire Design of Green Femto cells with solar energy....................................................................................... 2 Energy efficiency of packet scheduling algorithms for wireless access networks: proposals and performance evaluation. .......................................................................................................................... 2 Green Topological Potential for HetNet: Performance evaluations and enhancements ......................... 3 Implementing a human activity recognition engine into a robot for power consumption optimization .... 3 Etude de l’influence des variations de la puissance en réception multi signaux sur un récepteur numérique ................................................................................................................................................ 4 DORMEUR project .................................................................................................................................. 5 Étude bibliographique : Adaptation dynamique des logiciels pour diminuer leur consommation d'énergie .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Smart Cities: ITS for Smart Public transportation ............................................................................................ 7 Post-Doctorate programme ..................................................................................................................... 8 1 Design of Green Femto cells with solar energy The idea of the project is to design femto cell networks for wireless communications that are completely autonomous. The concept of Het Nets that means 'using different wireless transmission techniques in a seamless way' have to be studied. When we want a large coverage for example we need a large amount of energy but when we reduce the speed, such requirements can be diminished. So the main goal of this thesis is to make a wireless daily regime system that predicts the sun budget and hence the electricity budget and adapts its transmission (both range and speed) to be able to fulfill complete day use. The tools required for this projects will be based on both simulation techniques such as Matlab and real prototyping using Linux Energy efficiency of packet scheduling algorithms for wireless access networks: proposals and performance evaluation. Scheduling algorithms are responsible of resource allocation for ongoing flows. Existing techniques mainly consider radio conditions and past transmissions to decide of the resource allocation for the next frames. The main objectives are to provide the required QoS for the different flows and to maximize the network efficiency. The intern will conduct comparative studies of energy efficiency of the main scheduling algorithms and provide proposals to consider, within the scheduler, energy efficiency on the mobile terminal as well as on the radio base station side. 2 Green Topological Potential for HetNet: Performance evaluations and enhancements Over wireless networks, mobile terminals are traditionally associated to the base stations offering the highest signal level. The objective is to maximize the radio spectral efficiency by minimizing the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The Green Toplogical Potential technique provides a new approach that aim to provide a trade-off between spectral and energy efficiency. The Intern will conduct performance analysis of the GTP over various radio and network conditions and if provide tools to help in tuning the trade-off levels. Implementing a human activity recognition engine into a robot for power consumption optimization The goal of the project is to design an automatic human activity monitoring system in a demotic context in order to regulate electric power consumption. For instance, the system could turn off TV if the person is carrying out an activity that impedes watching or listening to TV or it could turn down heat if the person is activating some heat emitting devices. To develop such a system, a fundamental phase that needs to be conceived is human activity recognition (HAR) that determines the kind of the task that the person is performing. The goal of the project is to develop a HAR system based on video and sound input and to implement it into a humanoid robot that will optimize power consumption depending of the performed human task. 3 Etude de l’influence des variations de la puissance en réception multi signaux sur un récepteur numérique Certains systèmes de transmission Radio Fréquence (RF) mettent en présence plusieurs signaux, en émission comme en réception. C’est le cas des plus communs tel le GSM, la Wifi (du point de vue antenne relai et point d’accès), la téléphonie 3G ou encore les systèmes de navigation par satellites comme le GPS. Les diverses modulations mises en œuvre permettent à ces signaux de se trouver simultanément présents sur la bande spectrale allouée au système sans que, au moins en théorie, ils n’interfèrent les uns avec les autres. Cependant, le traitement numérique du signal qui s’est imposé sur la quasi-totalité des systèmes radio aujourd’hui, apporte avec lui un certain nombre de limitations, particulièrement si les divers signaux reçus n’ont pas la même puissance. On se propose dans ce sujet d’étudier l’influence de cette « diversité » des puissances sur les performances de la numérisation du signal à partir d’exemples simples et sans aucune exigence d’exhaustivité dans la connaissance des modulations ou du traitement numérique du signal des systèmes existants. Avant toute affaire débutante, un point sera préalablement fait avec l’étudiant sur les limitations liées à la numérisation de signaux de puissances différentes. Ensuite l’étudiant devra établir une bibliographie pertinente sur les architectures RF typiques de récepteurs (jusqu’au numériseur) pour quelques systèmes choisis. S’il est possible de trouver des travaux reliant le pourquoi de ces architectures à notre problème de l’influence de la puissance sur la numérisation (notre sujet d’étude), cela serait hautement apprécié. Les mots clé seront Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) et Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). La matière de la bibliographie en question pourra être constituée d’ouvrages et/ou d’articles scientifiques en Français et/ou en Anglais. Des travaux préalablement menés à l’institut serviront de base de départ à cette partie du travail de l’étudiant. Dans une deuxième partie de l’étude, on cherchera à évaluer l’influence de la présence de signaux de puissances différentes à partir des architectures précédemment trouvées mais en les simplifiant au maximum. Le but sera ici de définir dans un premier temps la meilleure façon d’évaluer ces performances puis de la mettre en œuvre avec des outils de simulation comme Mathematic Python ou Matlab, selon la préférence de l’étudiant. Une troisième partie consistera, à partir d’une synthèse des études menées dans la deuxième partie, de définir une architecture optimale qui pourra être originale, c’est-à-dire mêlant différentes caractéristiques des différentes architectures étudiées. A ce niveau, on s’intéressera au type d’applications concernées, ceci afin de mettre en lien optimalisation et mise en pratique. Mots clé : Numérisation, CDMA, FDMA, Near-Far effect 4 DORMEUR project The objective of this project is to develop a non-contact and non-invasive biomedical demonstrator carrying out both measurement and process of thorax respiratory movements, and the wireless transmission of these measurements to a base station for analysis. This system of non-intrusive respiratory rate measurement may be intended in particular for supervision and control of sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). The development of such a system would assist in screening SAS with the ultimate aim of its use outside the hospital. Besides the advantage of being contactless, without video monitoring, without noise or physical discomfort, so without sleep disturbance, the proposed system, using UWB technology and use of CMOS (Complementary Metal oxide Semiconductor) electronic integrated circuits, to obtain a low cost, dimension and power consumption. In the Wireless Sensor Networks area (WSN) and Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) area, the intended applications are in the field of intelligent clothes and newborn children supervision, drivers and patients in hospital or at home. The project objective is to provide a device for detecting apneas and hypopneas. A bibliographic study will allow us to characterize the apneas and hypopneas and identify acquisition techniques of the physiological signals and detection algorithms. It would be interesting to study the possibility to simulate in ADS or Matlab software, how to extract the useful parameters for the interpretation of measurements. The project must include a critical analysis of the performance and results. The result of this work, based among the results already obtained in a previous work, could serve as a basis for comparison in the development of new technology for respiratory measurements. A platform will be performed in the laboratory to develop our own. System measurement and analysis based on the TDSC-UWB technology developed in the laboratory, from the material that we have but also that we will develop to reflect the outcome of this first stage and state of the art. 5 Étude bibliographique : Adaptation dynamique des logiciels pour diminuer leur consommation d'énergie Ce sujet de projet s’inscrit dans le programme ERASMUS MUNDUS 2 - PROJET GREEN IT sur le thème de l'informatique "verte", économe en énergie. Le développement des logiciels et des services informatiques s'ouvre progressivement à l'éco-conception avec pour objectifs essentiels la réduction de l'empreinte environnementale et une maîtrise des coûts. Ainsi, les TIC vertes (ou Green IT) cherchent à prendre en compte l'impact énergétique des technologies de l'information et de la communication. L'objectif de ce projet est de réaliser une étude bibliographique sur des articles de recherche scientifique traitant de l'éco-conception des logiciels mais également de la surveillance et la diminution de leur consommation énergétique au cours de leur utilisation. Les modes d'utilisation des logiciels sont de plus en plus variés et le comportement de ces logiciels peut dépendre de l'environnement et du contexte d'utilisation. Il devient donc très difficile de définir entièrement lors de la phase de conception le comportement d'un logiciel. Ainsi, ces dernières années, le principe de l'adaptation dynamique des logiciels a été proposé et est devenu un domaine de recherche très actif (voir [1]). Le résultat attendu du projet est la rédaction d'un document présentant une synthèse de l'état de l'art et son analyse. Mots-clés Informatique verte ; Logiciel ; Génie logiciel ; Autonomicité ; Adaptation dynamique ; Références [1] Philippe Lopistéguy, Dominique Rieu, Philippe Roose, L'adaptation dans tous ses états, Éditions Cépadues, 2012, 6 Smart Cities: ITS for Smart Public transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems have emerged in the last decades as an effective solution to support smart cities services including intelligent traffic management. The goal of this internship is to make use of these technologies to enhance the services of Public Transportation Systems. In order to make public transportation information more accessible and accurate to the users, in a first phase data from public transport vehicles (busses, taxis, tramways.) is collected. This information could include the arrival/departure time, the number of passengers in the vehicle, the trip duration (from the starting point to terminus) and so on. The second phase is to process this information by giving a real time estimation of the schedule for instance or by performing some statistics on the data collected. The resulting data is made then available to the user. Mainly the technology used to enable the communication among the vehicles and alternatively the infrastructures or Road-Side-Units (RSU) is V2V (Vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle-toInfrastructure). Alternatively, LTE could also be used. The successful candidate is supposed to implement the strategy in the ns3 simulator. Then, he/she should evaluate the performance of the proposed scenario under realistic conditions. The internship will take place in Telecom Sud Paris (IMT-TSP) in the LOR department for a duration of 6 months. Prerequisites: Good knowledge in C++, good knowledge in vehicular and wireless networks. 7 Post-Doctorate programme Internet transport network has evolved a long way both in capacity and in the array of used components. In the past, the major functionalities like switching, wavelength cross connecting and processing were done in the electronic domain, known as the electrical layer. The contributions from the optical layer towards processing were not significant. The optical layer also called the Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) layer, had the capability to transport the light paths from source to destination. In the first generation (1G) optical network, the WDM layer was used only for point to point transport of traffic, while in second generation (2G) optical network the WDM layer has evolved from just ‘transport’ to ‘switching capable’ in order to bypass the transit traffic without electronic processing which saves a lot of energy and processing time. Different methods have been employed for attaining energy efficiency such as sleep mode, using variable bit rates for transmission, type of equipments used in the network etc... Later on, energy consumption of equipments has been analyzed and compared with commercially available equipments. Afterwards, a point to point WDM link was designed and its energy consumption was calculated for both 40Gbps and 100Gbps systems in order to find out which is energy efficient. During this postdoctorate work, we propose to go further on energy efficiency analysis in optical networks, to find new methods to reach energy efficiency goals and to implement them in different types of network topologies. 8
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