Queensland Exploration Council Information Technology Solutions 2014 Capital Raising Seminar Time 8.30am Program Presenter Registration and coffee on arrival Session 1 – Review & Marketing (Chair: Geoff Dickie, Chairman QEC) 9.00am Welcome and opening comments Geoff Dickie, QEC Chairman 9.10am Setting the scene - 2014 capital raisings review & the trends going forward Rob Murdoch, Director, Austex Mining Pty Ltd 9.25am Entrepreneurship, business planning and venture capital Professor Per Davidsson, Queensland University of Technology 9.40am Marketing – how to prepare a successful presentation 9.55am Effective investor relations Stephanie Paul, Managing Director, Phillips Group Alasdair Jeffrey, Executive Director, Rowland 10.10am What the analyst is looking for in a presentation Andrew Pedler, Consultant, Matau Advisory 193 Mary St (Cnr Eagle & Felix Sts) 10.25am What a broker is looking for in a presentation Clive Briggs, Director, Morgans Financial Limited Brisbane 10.40am Morning Tea (20 minutes) Program When: Tuesday 28 October 2014 8.30am– 5.15pm Where: Brisbane Polo Club Naldham House Session 2 – Capital Raising Regulations (Chair: Andrew Carrick) Cost: $100+GST Online registration: www.qrc.org.au/events 11.00am ASX overview of 2014 capital raising, update on ASX activities & initiatives to support the resources industry James Posnett, Manager, Listings Business Development, ASX 11.20am Tax issues regarding capital raisings Glenn Russell, Partner, PwC 11.35am Capital dilemmas – what the investor is looking for Angus Blackwood, Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, EY 11.50am Backdoor listings and the potential of crowd funding Brent van Staden, Partner, CBP Lawyers 12.05pm Secondary capital raisings for listed companies – the regular and out of the box strategies to keep the coffers full Isaac West, Partner, McCullough Robertson Lawyers 12.20pm The impact of commodity prices on capital raising Mark Gresswell, HDR Chief Analyst, HDR | Salva 12.35pm Lunch (50 minutes) Information www.queenslandexploration.com.au [email protected] Page | 1 Queensland Exploration Council 2014 Capital Raising Seminar Time Program Presenter Session 3 – Capital Raising Experiences Part 1 (Chair: Dave Mason, Deputy QEC Chairman) Program When: Tuesday 28 October 2014 8.30am– 5.15pm Where: Brisbane Polo Club Naldham House 1.25pm Capital raising for the exploration industry – the Queensland Government’s view Lisa France, Assistant Minister for Finance, Administration and Regulatory Reform 1.45pm Raising capital for unlisted companies – towards an IPO John Lawton, Managing Director, Auzex Exploration Limited 2.00pm Raising capital for Queensland metalliferous projects Andrew Gillies, Managing Director, Metallica Minerals Ltd 2.15pm Raising capital on the ASX for overseas projects Rick Valenta, Managing Director, Chesser Resources 2.30pm Key elements of successful junior resource companies Nick Mather, Managing Director, DGR Global 2.45pm Afternoon Tea (15 minutes) 193 Mary St (Cnr Eagle & Felix Sts) Session 4 – Capital Raising Experiences Part 2 (Chair: Robin Polson, Lead Partner Corporate Finance Brisbane, Deloitte) Brisbane Cost: $100+GST Online registration: www.qrc.org.au/events 3.00pm Raising capital for coal projects Nick Jorss, Managing Director, Stanmore Coal 3.15pm Raising capital for coal seam and unconventional gas projects Stephen Bizzell, Chairman, Bizzell Capital 3.30pm Capital raising for oil and gas projects Ian Davies, Managing Director, Senex Energy 3.45pm How to get capital for new concepts in the oil & gas business Richard Cottee, Managing Director, Central Petroleum 4.00pm Audience participation panel Involving invited speakers 4.25pm Closing comments Geoff Dickie, QEC Chairman 4.30pm Cocktails and networking (45 minutes) 5.15pm QEC monthly investor forum Information: www.queenslandexploration.com.au [email protected] • • Pryme Energy Second company tbc Page | 2
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