Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Meeting: QUALITY ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE Date of meeting: 5 November 2014 Subject: Draft minutes of the QEC meeting held 4 September 2014 Responsible officer: Quality Enhancement Committee Secretary Summary Draft minutes of the QEC meeting held 4 September 2014 Recommendation The Quality Enhancement Committee is requested to confirm and approve the minutes. Equality and Diversity Implications There are no equality and diversity implications. Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 Blank Page Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE QUALITY ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE QUALITY ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th September 2014 at 2pm in G320, Campus Centre, Luton Present Apologies Attending Ms Jenny Jenkin Chair, Registrar Dr Mark Atlay Director of Teaching and Learning, Chair TLAG Dr Martina Behrens Acting Sub-Dean (Quality), HSS Dr Jenny Cann Sub-Dean (Quality), E&S Mr Andrew Ekuban Sub-Dean (Quality), BBS Mrs Catherine Hall Head of OD&ER Mr Charlie Hughes VP Education, Beds SU Mr Angelo Karvelas VP Activities and Engagement, Beds SU Professor Michael PrestonShoot Executive Dean, HSS, Chair – EAG and LIG Dr John Reynolds Sub-Dean (Quality), CATS Mr James Simpson Student Experience Project Manager Professor Helen Bailey Dean of Partnerships Mr Peter Dean Associate Dean (Student Experience), CATS Mr Rumnique Gill Director for Student Experience Mrs Cathy Hyde Head of Careers and Recruitment Service Mr Steve Kendall Director for Widening Participation, Chair WPAG Dr Cathy Minett-Smith Associate Dean (Student Experience), BBS Mr Ken Roberts Associate Dean (Student Experience), E&S Mr Tim Stone Director of Learning Resources Mrs Laura Bright Education and Representation Manager, 1 Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 Beds SU Mrs Nim Nijjer 67 Minutes of 2 July meeting 67.1 68 Minute Clerk The Committee received paper QEC.14-1, the minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2014 and confirmed these as an accurate record. Matters arising from previous meetings of the QEC 68.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-2, matters arising from previous QEC meetings. 68.2 The following points were noted: a) 34.2/65.1: Paper QEC.14-1 confirmed. CATS would introduce both Faculty and Departmental training sessions for its HPLs. b) 45.2 & 45.3: The Chair of the Employability Action Group confirmed that the group reported to the VCEG and VCSEG as well as a number of other committees. c) 56.3: The Committee noted the need to consider how the staff development programme connected with the University’s strategic priorities. d) 57.2j & 57.3: The Head of Learning Technology’s report advised work was underway to develop a searchable facility for course handbooks on BREO before the start of the autumn term 2014-15. The CLE will monitor progress. It was agreed all first years should have access to their course handbook via BREO. e) 59.2c: The Digital Literacy Group would be combined with TLAG. f) 62.2e: A UoB conference report would be added to the agenda. g) 65.1: The report on the implementation of the University’s HPL policy in CATS had been signed off. 69 Summary of business 2013-14 2 Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 70 71 69.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-3, outlining the progress on actions assigned to the QEC forming part of the Learner Experience Strategy. The QEC noted the specification of international opportunity and experience would be part of all courses. The infrastructure for IT was being reviewed on the basis of what was currently being used and alternative resources available to improve the student experience. 69.2 RESOLVED: The Committee noted the paper. QEC Work Plan 2014-15 70.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-4, the 2014-2015 work plan for QEC. The Committee noted allocation of work to the sub-groups. 70.2 RESOLVED: The Committee noted the paper. QEC Terms of Reference 71.1 The Committee received paper QEC.15-5, the proposed Terms of Reference for the QEC. The following recommendations were noted: a) The Teaching and Learning Action Group and the Digital Literacy Group to be merged to reduce the number of sub-groups. b) Membership to be amended to read ‘Executive officers (2) to replace ‘Beds SU VP Education’ and ‘1 observer’ to replace ‘Beds SU Sabbatical officers x 2’. 71.2 72 RESOLVED: The Committee endorsed the paper subject to the amendments noted above. Remit and Membership of the Teaching and Learning Action Group 72.2 The Committee received paper QEC.14-6 proposing minor changes to the remit and membership of the Teaching and Learning Action Group. Additional members would include: Bedfordshire Teaching Fellow representative from each Faculty, Associate Deans (Student Experience), a representative from Beds SU and CLE staff responsible for delivering the 3 Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 remit of the TLAG. The group’s remit would be expanded to include assessment. 72.2 RESOLVED: The Committee noted the paper. The Director of Teaching and Learning would invite nominations from Deans of Faculty for Beds Teaching Fellow representatives to join the group. ACTION: DIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 73 74 Improving learner experience and achievement in the honours project/dissertation 73.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-7, a report from the Retention and Performance Action Group proposing a developmental review of honours projects with a view to establishing practices which support students to achieve the best outcomes in their projects. 73.2 RESOLVED: The Committee approved the report. Coaching for performance 74.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-8, a report on the implementation of the Peer Assisted Tutor scheme and coaching for performance. The Director of Teaching & Learning reported that 70% of Faculty staff had attended training. Feedback on the training showed that staff were implementing the suggested approaches. This year’s training will be targeted to the remaining 30% of staff and new members. 73.2 RESOLVED: a) Heads of Departments to be reminded to include PAT in staff reviews. b) Lists of attendees per Faculty to be circulated to QEC. ACTION: DIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 75 Update on HEA recognition 75.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-9 detailing departmental update on HEA recognition figures as at 31 July 2014. The Committee noted the University was on target to achieve 90% by the end July 2015. 4 Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 75.2 76 77 78 RESOLVED: The Committee noted the report. UoB Conference report 76.1 The Committee received paper QEC.14-10, a report on the University’s annual conference held on 30 June and 1 July 2014. Good feedback was reported on the event; the ‘through the keyhole’ sessions were very popular with participants. Learning points will be taken forward to make improvements in next year’s conference. 76.2 The planning for the 2015 conference had commenced. Interactive sessions would show case the University’s research as well as poster sessions. The Strategic Leadership Team would be invited to put forward suggested titles. The Committee acknowledged the difficulty of adjusting the timing of the event in order to deal with attendance constraints of staff. 76.3 RESOLVED: The Committee noted the report. Action Group Updates 77.1 Retention and Performance Action Group: The Committee received paper QEC.14-11(a), the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2014. 77.2 Teaching and Learning Action Group: The Committee received paper QEC.13-52(b) the notes of the meeting held on 9 May 2014 and 23 May 2014. It was noted paragraph 3 and 6 were duplicated in the 9 May minutes. The Committee noted the meeting on 23 May had discussed the turnaround time on assessment feedback/grade. It was agreed the process and the timescales for marking, feedback and issue of grade needs to be clearly published to students in order to manage expectations. ACTION: REGISTRAR 77.3 Widening Participation Action Group: The Committee received and noted paper QEC.13-52c, the unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 2 May 2014. 77.4 Employability Action Group: The Committee received and noted paper QEC.14-11b, minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2014. 77.5 Vice Chancellor’s Student Experience Group: The Committee received and noted paper QEC.14-11c the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2014. Teaching and Quality Standards Committee 5 Paper Ref: QEC.14-13 78.1 The Committee received and noted paper QEC.14-12, the draft minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2014. 6
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