Volume 14 No. 12 - Monthly Publication December 2014 Commander Web Site: OrcuttPost534.org this work party we will be filling out Member Data Forms for the 100+ local members of Post 1000 and inviting them to join Orcutt Post 534. From this mailing we expect to get a 30-35% transfer rate of new members into our post. With other new members and transfers we expect over the next few months the transfers from Post 1000 will surely let us exceed our 2015 membership goal. As I begin this article I would like to thank a few of our post members who came to the post on Wednesday evening and helped empty the post of everything so we could have the floors done and then returned on Friday to put them back. Keith Mason and his Kerry Brooks future son-in-law; Kerry Brooks, First Vice-Commander; First Vice-Commander Jim Keleman, Jr. Past-commander, Don Alt, Executive Committeeman and of course the good ladies of our Aux- Adopt-A-Highway iliary unit who stayed and helped, as always. If you need We did, in 1989 when the Adopt-A-Highway program began. help, the Auxiliary is always there with a helping hand. Our next Highway CleanI hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with all their Up will be on January 17 family and friends, that’s what it is all about. and the crew will meet at the Post at 8 a.m. Join us! I want to take a few lines to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our family members—Post, Sons, Orcutt Post 534 was one of Auxiliary and Riders. the very first community We are in the process of getting some bids on a new roof, organizations to Adopt-AHighway back in 1989 we have had a few leaks and are working on it. We are also applying with a couple of companies for some dona- when Cal Trans started the program. Several times tions to help cover the cost. each year our Highway Please don't forget our Toys for Tots barrel Man, Grant Meyers plans a in the Post. We would like to see the toys date & time for a crew of overflowing. There are a lot of kids out Photo of Highway Man, Grant Meyers Post family members to there who need our help to give them a work on cleaning-up our very Merry Christmas! two mile stretch of Pacific Coast Highway. "Semper Fi" Dennis Maher Commander, Orcutt Post 534 First Vice - Commander Membership is the life blood of the Legion. Orcutt Post 534’s membership is growing. The most recent membership report shows that we are doing very well. Our 2015 goal for membership is 285. We currently have 215 members who have paid their 2015 dues, and it is only November! By the time our goal deadline of May 2015 arrives, we expect to be well over 100%. How will we exceed our membership goal? Simple, by transferring members into our Post from Post 1000. Many of you may not know that Post 1000 is strictly a post that the Department of California places new members in from their Direct Marketing Solicitations (DMS). It takes work to make the transfers happen and that is why we will be conducting a “Work Party” on Tuesday, December 9. At Earlier this year Grant was the only person to show up! So, Grant cleaned up the whole two mile stretch of Hwy 1 by himself. That almost brought our Adopt-A-Highway program to a very untimely end! We have been doing this good and worthy service for our community for many years. On October 25 we had Grant Meyers, Gene Baird, Doug Benson, and Ty Olivar served on the clean-up crew. They filled 12 bags with highway trash in less than two hours. Nice job! This is a great activity for new members to help with at the post. It only takes place a few time a year. The more people we have helping, the quicker the clean-up is done! The Old Town Report American Legion Riders With Thanksgiving now behind us, the ALRiders would like to extend a very Joyous & Merry Christmas to all the Post members & their families. Please keep our service men & women in your thoughts & prayers during this Christmas season. On Sunday, November 2, we held our Bikers Breakfast. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Gene Baird, Don Bailey, Suze Cody, Grant Meyers, Ty & Linda Olivar, Rick Pieprzycki, Neil Brown, Teresa Ruffoni, Keith Mason, Brendan Cokeley and Anthony Torres for all the hard work! We gave half the profit, $75.00 to the Post at the November Post meeting. The next ALR meeting is Wednesday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m. It’s been a great year and on behalf of the Orcutt ALR Chapter 534, we wish a very Merry Christmas to all! Until next month, get the wind in your face & ride safe. Jim Banakus President, ALRiders Orcutt Chapter 534/District 16 Auxiliary Unit 534 I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are all blessed and have so much to be thankful for. If you have not sent in your membership dues, please do so as soon as possible. On November 9, we participated in the USMC Toys for The dues are $25. We are not at 100% yet Tots Poker Run. Those enjoying the day included about 8 and we would like to get there soon. If you have already paid, Thank You. ALR 534 members, ALR 211 & even HOG members who all met at the Post to ride to the Elks. We had a great Happy Holidays to all of you. See you at the post. time! Gloria Alvarez The ALR participated in the Posts Veterans Day PinePresident, Auxiliary Unit 534 grove Cemetery ceremony. Some of us also participated in the Solvang Veterans Day ceremony. It was a great BBQ Pitt R affle day to pay tribute to our present On Monday, December 1 at 6 p.m. Veterans & those who are no we will raffle off a 36”x24” Santa longer with us. They are not forMaria Style BBQ and a 1/2 Cord of gotten! local oak wood. The Solvang Julefest Parade is Saturday, December 6 and starts at 11:00am. Meeting location will be Solvang Vets Memorial Bldg. parking lot at 10:15-10:30. Make sure your bike is dressed up with Christmas decorations. Tickets are $5.00 a piece, 3 for $10.00 or 7 for $20.00. Tickets are still on sale at the Post! Executive Committeeman Recent Item Discussions Discussion in progress on Orcutt Post 534 rules with posting of same in the Post. 2015 Post Picnic will be an event with a park location, food, drinks and live music. What sports entertainment on TV at the Post still under discussion. Continuing shortage of food SLO Co. Toy Run is Sunday, December 7 leaving Avila utensils at the Post will be addressed. Post roof repair financing is being explored. Beach at 10:30. Also, we will ride in the Orcutt Christmas Parade on Sat- Fundraising (reverse drawings, others being contemplated) urday, December13 Meet at the Orcutt Post at 10:00 a.m. Don Alt Executive Committeeman & the parade starts at 11:00 a.m. No starting location number for the Orcutt Parade as yet but more information will be available via email. Again, remember to dress your bike up with Christmas decorations, lights, etc. The Santa Maria Parade of Lights is also Saturday, December 6, starting at 5:20 p.m. and we will participate in it. Need to bring a can of food for the food drive. The staging is on W. Stowell and you must come in from Depot St. Remember to dress your bike up with Christmas decorations, lights, etc. Please arrive by 4:45 or earlier. We are entry number 66 in the parade. Lompoc Bobby Knudsen Toy Run Sunday, December 14 meet at Whistle Stop 0930, KSU 1000. Our Orcutt Post 534 is one of the stops! BBQ 1400. Volume 14 Issue 12 — D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4 — Page 5 The Old Town Report Executive Committee The By-Laws of Orcutt Post 534 states: “Section 4.1 – Governance. The governance of the Post is entrusted to the Executive Committee. Commander shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee.” The Orcutt Post 534 By-Laws, Constitution and Post Rules will be undergoing review and updated, with post approval, by a committee of Post leaders. Commander Maher has appointed Rick Pushies as the chairman of the review committee since he sat on the committee the last time they were reviewed. Dennis Maher, Commander; Ron Eickholt, Second Vice-Commander and Larry Thomas, our new Judge Advocate, is also on the committee. Troop 91— Scouting Outing Outing is a big part of the word Scouting. Orcutt Post 534 is a big supporter of Scouting. We charter (sponsor and own) Cub Scout Pack 91, Boy Scout Troop 91 and our newest Scouting family member is Venturing Crew 212 which is focused on Youth Leadership Training staff for the Los Padres Council. Recently about two dozen Scouts and Scouters (adults) went camping (an outing) to the Pinnacles National Park near Solidad, California. Alan Munch Americanism Committee Chairman P.S. Here are a few pictures of their recent trip: Commander Voting Members of Executive Committee Dennis Maher 480-559-6956 [email protected] Adjutant Keith Mason 805-345-7538 [email protected] 1st Vice Commander Kerry Brooks 805-714-5452 [email protected] 2nd.Vice Commander Ron Eickholt 805-878-0450 [email protected] Finance Officer Bob Bumann 805-344-2172 [email protected] Sergeant-at-Arms Dave Maher 805-714-7027 [email protected] Judge Advocate Larry Thomas 805-934-5985 [email protected] Veteran Service Officer George Torbert 805-937-3960 [email protected] Historian Rick Pushies Junior Past Commander Jim Keleman 805-925-9144 [email protected] 805-260-0136 Exec. Committeeman Derrell Stagner 805-934-2355 None Exec. Committeeman Don Alt 805-937-8286 [email protected] Non — Voting Member of Executive Committee Americanism Chair Alan Munch 805-937-8598 [email protected] Sons of the Legion The Sons of the Legion would like to apologize to all our loyal members the supporters of our "Hamburger Friday" but this past month was cancelled due to the time change and the outside lighting that needs repairs. I myself made the decision to cancel "Hamburger Friday" for our members safety of getting uncooked food and for the safety of our crew. Auxiliary President Gloria Alvarez 805-934-1218 [email protected] SAL Commander Sal Cruz 805-710-1878 [email protected] We will inform you once the repairs are done and when we will resume once again with our delicious hamburgers. ALR President Jim Banakus 805-714-9630 [email protected] Thank You Highwayman Newsletter Editor Other Post Leaders Grant Meyers 805-657-7232 None Rick Pushies 805-925-9144 [email protected] Sal Cruz Squander 534 Commander Volume 14 Issue 12 — D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4 — Page 5 The Old Town Report Orcutt Post 534 The American Legion, 145 W. Clark Avenue Orcutt, CA 93455 December 2014 Volume 14 No. 12 - Monthly Publication Return Service Requested Orcutt Post 534 — December 2014 — Activity Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 1 BBQ Pitt Raffle 2 3 4 5 6 7 Post Breakfast 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 8 Darts 9 Post 1000 Work Party 6-8 p.m. 10 6 p.m. Post Meeting 7 p.m. ALRiders 11 Training 6 p.m. 12 13 14 15 Darts 16 6 p.m. Executive Committee 17 No Auxiliary meeting December 18 19 Newsletter Deadline 20 21 22 Darts 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Darts 30 31 1 2 3 2 p.m. Open House honoring John Yurasek Post Hours: 7 p.m. Son’s Meeting (No Fiesta Night) Happy Hour: M-F. 4-6 p.m. Post Phone: 805-937-0651 Web Site: orcuttpost534.org
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