AO: GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER Order No. 6/12-2014 HRG-II (1) Dated, Chandigarh, the 14.12.2014 In compliance of the order dated 22.1.2014 passed by the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in Civil Writ Petition No. 1046 of 2014 titled as Raj Karan Versus State of Haryana and another, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to promote the following Lecturer to the post of Headmaster in officiating capacity in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus grade pay of Rs. 5400/- on provisional basis w.e.f. 28.08.2009, the date when the persons junior to him were promoted subject to the conditions mentioned below:Sr. No . Seniority number as Master in the gradation list as it stood on 1.1.2006 3164-A Name, designation Date of and present place of Birth posting Raj Karani Lecturer in History, GSSS, Naguran (Jind) Place of posting as Headmaster 01.3.1958 GHS, Surbara (Jind) [1727] Remarks Against vacancy Terms and Conditions:He will be entitled to benefit of promotion on notional basis w.e.f. 28.8.2009 for the purpose of pay fixation and seniority and actual fmancial benefits shall accrue from the date of joining as Headmaster. If the integrity of the promotee is found doubtful he will be reverted without giving any notice. 3. The inter-se seniority of the promotee is subject to the claim of his seniors, who have not been promoted in these order due to various reasons. If an official is found senior to the above official at any stage due to refixation of his/her seniority in his/her feeder cadre, the junior most promotee shall be reverted without giving any notice. If at any stage it is found that any official has been promoted in these orders inadvertently who was otherwise actually not eligible for promotion will be reverted to his/her feeder cadre original post without any notice. That these promotions are subject to the condition that all the particulars and data supplied by the concerned employee and field offices are correct. In the event of any information found to be factually incorrect, erroneous or misrepresented, the promotion so granted shall be withdrawn forthwith without affording any further opportunity. That if the seniority of any official is fixed later on in accordance with the instructions contained in Govt. letter No. 22/73/92-3GS-III, dated 14.10.1999, he/she will be reverted without any notice. 8. That he will remain on probation for a period of one year, which can be extended if his services are not found satisfactory as per the rules. 9. The District Education Officer concerned shall personally ensure the following:That these promotion orders are being issued against vacant post. The Headmaster so promoted is advised to report in the Directorate through the concerned District Education Officer if he finds that the post against which he is being appointed is not vacant in the school so that he is adjusted at some other place. That no male Headmaster below the age of 50 years will be allowed to join in any Girls' School. That the Headmaster is not being posted at any urban place by default or any oversight on the part of Directorate. That these promotions are subject to the condition that there is no adverse remark pertaining to integrity in the ACRs of the newly promoted Headmaster. (e) That the concerned District Education Officer will not allow the promotee to join his duties if any complaint/enquiry under Rule-7 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules, 1987 is pending against him. T.C. GUPTA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA, SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, CHANDIGARH (0/0 DIRECTOR, SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA) Endst. No. 6/12-2014 HRG-II (1) Dated, Panchkula, the 18.12.2014 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:The Accountant General (A&E), Haryana, Chandigarh. The Director, Elementary Education, Haryana, Chandigarh. 3. ,,The Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Panchkula. ‘X The District Education Officer, Jind. The Heads of office/institution concerned. The officials concerned for immediate compliance. srvY‘fr SUPERINTENDENT HRG-II FOR DIRECTOR, SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PA NCH i AM Neti("-f INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION The PS/EM. The Sr. Secy./PSSE. The PS/DSE. The Supdt. HRL/HRM/HR-C&V Branch. 5. HRG-II(3) for placing copy of the promotion orders in the personal file of the promote concerned. 5:Tel-14 itfir tA\ 2Akkl 31mvicn f4tvrT 34ETT# ftwr iftzrrarr, ti-cicpc,di f--ar tau 3TRg-rft, f I z114.1 Vli cl) 18/11-2014 A.031T0(4) f4tT, Liti ct/s1 I I 14,11ki Ot 1791*1t u i /WE LAvf/ IM tift/TIC9* g dlci wilt witedzIf vftr t—TIR grow) A-M di 1 Wur f4-ERT Tr-0 41 1dti g i1 b0 i11ijc1 4 NUd i ( r<I tin-24 q, C160 1T-49. f44fur i-c-ND Q-11 .V4. 711 1 f--q0 Emt fk7 T .ffrf--r "9-Ff 3a-ff *, tf ch l.ira ql That . 0f4-rzl 311iR tSr. No. Order No. Order Date Name of Candidat e& Desigatio n Amt. in Fig Amount in words Distr ict Nam e Trea sury Nam e School Name Const ructio n of house 1 1/83812 A&A(4 ) 20.10.1 4 Smt. Shakuntla, Principal 333900 Three Lac Thirty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Only Bhiw ani Bhiw ani GSSS, Dhiran a (Bhiwa ni) Constr uction of House Total 333900 ar-Tz ' lapse Mt * f zrrcr Frzi f-114-417 0411 11 cv4i 3440-#/01ffrt Trzfr ,‹ IRI -wruf cfT t aitew r aTifte) A g icp ii6r-441 tur, oRtiluil, lizictoi 3li c1 40\5-'11`1 HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER In terms of Haryana Govt. letter No. 27/30-05 FR (1) dated 01-08-1980 Sh. Vijay Pal, Headmaster, GHS Garhi Bazidpur (Gurgaon) who has tendered the notice of Voluntary retirement from Govt. Service after putting more than 20 years qualifying service is hereby allowed Voluntary retirement from Govt. service w.e.f. 31-07-2014 (AN). Date: 04.12.2014 T.C. GUPTA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. OF HARYANA, SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, CHANDIGARH. OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA. Endst. No. 3/3-14 HRG-II (4) Dated :- )61 2-19-0/ A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. t.. DEO Gurgaon w.r.t. their Memo No. E-1/2014/1522 dated 18.09.2014. The service book of the official is attached herewith. Head Master, Garhi Bazidpur (Gurgaon) Superintendent Pension-I Branch (Local) Officer Concerned. 5. Accountant General (A&E), Haryana, Chandigarh. :CTechnology Officer (I.T. Cell). 14— '— SUPERINTENDENT, HRG-II FOR DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA. r L Department of School Education Haryana Appropriate Autimety as prescribed under Rule 34 (1)- oirklaryana School Education Rules-2003) Memo No. 29/17-2013 PS(3) Dated :- 12.12.2014 In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29 (3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Education Rulcs-2003 Education Department, Haryana hereby permit to add new proposed classes for higher stage. Howevet, it is made dear that such permission will not enable such school to get recognition automatically for which the applicant shall have to fulfill the required conditions. This letter of permission is based on the underrating given by the applicant as per details given overleaf Any violation of the undue automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection' from the Authority' regulating the land use of the proposed site. The permission. to add new proposed elasehea.for higher sage is only 'Isi-pritadple approval of the Education Department to allow applies= to initiate steps and provideinfrastructtoe to the new proposed classes of higher stage. Students should not be admitted only on this pertnission without getting recognition. The gnition will be gamed R.T.E. Rules-12 Appendix-II by the Department on fulfillment of prescribed norms as provided in Haryana School Education Rules-2003, in the interest of safety, health andwelfareof students andotherrequirements. * The managing committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education. Rules 2003 (amended) R.T.E. Ruth 2011 andimendinents it any thereafter The Managing shall be liable for diseiplinatyacdonincaseof violation of anyprovisions of the rules. PAIRTICULARS OF THE SCHOOL FOB WHICH THIS PERMISSION TO ADP NEW PROPOSED CLASSES FOR HIGBER STAGE SCHOOL IS GRANTED SS/MGH/CBSEJENG/ N DEC-2014 Regn. N Rao Mohar Singh Educational Society, 1664-D,Prem Name of the Individual , Nagar, Najaf Gatti, New Delhi Association of Individual, Trust or Company establishing the School Name of the School OPY World School, Bharaf (Mahendergarh) Address of the School Village/Town Panchayat/sector Bharaf (Mahendergarh) District Name Mahendergarh Stage 9th to 12th Medium English Syllabus/Affiliation CBSE Details of Land Measuring 75 Kenai 12 Marla (Khasra/Kila) This Permission is valid upto next two academic sessions Superintenfl nt P.S. For Director Secondary Educat(or.( Haryana,P la District Education Officer, Mahendergarh. Appropriate Authority as prescribed under Ftule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 In eremite of the Poems conferred by sub-section (1) read with rob-omillion (2) of section 24 of the Haryana School Eder:Won Act„ 1995 (act 12 of 1999), and all other powers enabling in this being, the Govemment of Haryana vide No. GSR 7/H.A. 12/99. S24(1)/2003 notified the Haryana School Educadon Rolea-2003 to regulate education in all nonschools, to promote better °menhaden nod development of school education, the seamier of admission to recognized schools, fee structure, uniform code of service conditions for employee, adequateimfnstntemni facilities to be provided tomes sad to follow spproved courseof studiekin the State of Hartms. ass see the back of this document S.No a Description The area in which the new school is proposed to be established Details 139915 Sq.Ft. b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 360 c The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Sr. Sec. d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure untill its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds 1 Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Indirawati Yadav Pradeep Yadav Pavitra Rao Kanwal Singh Praveen Sharma Sandeep Mahendru Renu Sharma Designation Chairman Manager Vice- President Member Member Auditor Secretary Note:- The Permission is granted that on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. I From The Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula To The Director, SCERT, Gurgaon. All the District Education Officers in Haryana All the District Elementary Education Officers in Haryana All the Principals, DIET in Haryana. Memo No.2/70-2014 HRG-II(1) Dated: Panchkula, the 18.12.2014 Subject: Preparation of seniority list of Headmasters, High School as it stood on 01.12.2014. ••• Reference subject cited above. The seniority list of Headmasters, High School as it stood on 01.12.2014 is to be prepared/ finalized urgently. The information in respect of all the Headmasters and other officers further promoted from the post of Headmasters, whatever his/ her present designation may be, working under you may be provided in the enclosed proforma which is available on website of the department `www.schooleducationharyana.govirf. The information be provided in 'excel shed in CD as well as in hard copy in enclosed proforma duly authenticated by you. The District Education Officers concerned should send duly certified hard copy of print out in respect of all the Headmasters / other officers concerned working under them in one lot to this office latest by 29.12.2014. Additional irector Admn.I for Director, Secondary E ucation, Haryana, Panchkul \etl\q/ Endst. No.Even. Dated: Panchkula, the 18.12.2014 A copy is forwarded to the Superintendent Admn.(local) with the request to provide the requisite information in respect of the officers working in the Directorate. —gel/ Additional Directot Admn.I for Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula Seniority No as on 1-62005 Employee ID No NAME Working as (only in case of working on higher post) Present place of Posting District Home Distt. QUALIFICATION Category D.O.B. Date of Joining as HM -7, _ Mode of Recruitment (Direct/ Promotion) 17.,. -0 Serial / merit No of Selection List o Date of Recommendation of Selection Committee / HPSC o Appointment / Promotion 0 -0 Order No as Headmster Appointment Order Date -:-73 Seniority No as Middle Head (In case of Promotion) Date of Joining as Middle Head Promotion order No as Middle Head Promotion order date as Middle Head Previous Designation as Master/C&V (in case of promotion only) Date of Joining as Adhoc in Master/C&V (only in case of 13 13 Promotion) Date of Joining as Regular as Master/C&V (only in case of Promotion) Present Designation If working on higher Post Order No Date of Promotion on higher Post Remarks (if any) 13 Seniority No as on 1-62005 Employee ID No NAME Working as (only in case of working on higher post) Present place of Posting District Home Distt. QUALIFICATION Category D.O.B. Date of Joining as HM -96 . Mode of Recruitment 0 (Direct/ Promotion) -ci Serial / merit No of Selection List a Date of Recommendation of Selection Committee / HPSC 0 Appointment / Promotion t..7 Order No as Headmster "a Appointment Order Date Seniority No as Middle Head (In case of Promotion) Date of Joining as Middle Head Promotion order No as Middle Head Promotion order date as Middle Head Previous Designation as Master/C&V (in case of promotion only) 13 Date of Joining as Adhoc in Master/C&V (only in case of Promotion) 1:1 Date of Joining as Regular as Master/C&V (only in case of Promotion) 13 Present Designation If working on higher Post Order No Date of Promotion on higher Post Remarks (if any) .
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