6v17-601) a6 lei OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No. 22/63-2014 HRL (4) Dated, Panchkula, the 27.06.2014 Sanction is hereby accorded under Notification No. 15/136-2010 Co (1) dated 26th April, 2011 to re-employment of Sh. Perminder Singh, Lecturer in Economics, Govt. Girls. Sr. Sec. School, Cheeka (Kaithal) who has been retired on 31.05.2014. He has been retain in same institution with effect from 01.06.2014 to 31.03.2015 or till the vacancies are filled in by promotion or fresh recruitment or from the date of actual joining whichever is later on the following terms and conditions:1. There is no adverse remarks regarding integrity during last three years service and service record during last three years is good or better than that. 2. No charge sheet U/R 7 or 8 of Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1987 is pending against him/her. 3. Medical fitness Certificate from the Government Medical Officer. 4. No case involving moral turpitude is pending and no charges have been framed by the competent Court. 5. The salary will be paid as per provisions of CSR Vol-II i.e. last pay drawn minus pension. VIVEK ATRAY DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the ci t • 6 , A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:1. 2. 3. 4. District Education Officer, Kaithal. Principal, Govt. Girls. Sr. Sec. School, Cheeka (Kaithal). Official concerned. Technology Officer (Local). Assist for Director Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula --1)irodorato Elementary Education / f717il 6s7(rrodv r4:hr.(q-4 pi GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Directorate Elementary Education fWal-f SchoolFd 11:livdna 1Ik www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in eduprimaryhryegmail.com DATED, PANCHKULA: 27/06/2014 ORDER NO. 7/61-2014-HRM-II (2) The following Elementary School Head Master is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transferld Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 66843 Smt. Suresh Bala Sangwan Elementary School Head Mistress Employee ID: 035872 Remarks Transfer/Adjusted to GHS Singhpura Khurd, (Rohtak) 127661 GGSSS Rohtak (Model Town), (Rohtak) [2676] Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note :1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 7/61-2014-HRM-II (2) DATED PANCHKULA, .7 / - A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE V Technology officer (HQ) '4 SUPERINanDENT HRM-I for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HA YANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) -Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 IOITE 14 1411 4904.:tin: 5 04iPT-134109 (0RZT) "424P7 : 91 0172) 2560246 /4. 61 0172) 2560253 y 6&56--r --- Directorate of School Education / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Directorate School Education for-64 ftrffr C, • ore end, Schval F , -fhirrrr Le I me www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in [email protected] ORDER NO. 2/243-2014-HRL(2) DATED, PANCHKULA: 27/06/2014 The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for four months at the place of mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation 1 66852 Smt. Sandhya Rani Lecturer in Psychology Employee ID: 204053 Present Place of Posting Place of Deputation GHS Bhagkhera, (Jind) [1584] GSSS Pinjore, (Panchkula) [3706j Remarks Against vacancy Note: The Officials salary would be drawn from GHS Bhagkhera, (Jind) [1584] VIVEK ATRAY DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/243-2014-HRL(2) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- DATED PANCHKULA, 1, (7e,// 1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned.It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3 Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. 4 Technology officer (HQ) SU ERINTENDEN HR for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 90 it. ftt"'IT 5 1-"rif-134166 NT79) S717 91 (0172) 2560246 t‘r<t: 91 (5172) 2560253 Page 1 of 1 Fe6 os OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No. 22/27-2014 HRL (5) Dated, Panchkula, the 27.06.2014 Sanction is hereby accorded under Notification No. 15/136-2010 Co (1) dated 26th April, 2011 to re-employment of Smt. Indravati, Lecturer in History, Govt. Girls. Sr. Sec. School, Jhojhukalan (Bhiwani) who has been retired on 31.05.2014. She has been retain in same institution with immediate effect from 01.07.2014 to 31.03.2015 or till the vacancies are filled in by promotion or fresh recruitment or from the date of actual joining whichever is later on the following terms and conditions:1. There is no adverse remarks regarding integrity during last three years service and service record during last three years is good or better than that. 2. No charge sheet U/R 7 or 8 of Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1987 is pending against him/her. 3. Medical fitness Certificate from the Government Medical Officer. 4. No case involving moral turpitude is pending and no charges have been framed by the competent Court. 5. The salary will be paid as per provisions of CSR Vol-II i.e. last pay drawn minus pension. VIVEK ATRAY DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the 0-t. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:1. District Education Officer, Bhiwani. 2. Pri cipal, Govt. Girls.Sr. Sec. School, Jhojhukalan (Bhiwani). 3 • fficial concerned. 4. Technology Officer (Local). Assistant Dire ct for Director Secondary Edu Haryana, P nchkula 1 9 67--(e_IO 00 /6610 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYAN PANCHKULA Order No.3/21-2014 HRM-1(1) Dated, Panchkula, the 27.06.2014 Smt. Poonam, Science Mistress, GMS Upper Khetpurali (Panchkula) is hereby, sanctioned the following leave: Sr. No. 1 Name of Leave From Rule applicable Child Care Leave 01.07.2014 to 15.05.2015 C.S. Instruction No. 11/102/2009 -3FR dated 05-07-2012 It is also certified that the official would have continued to officiate in class-III during her proceeding on leave. With permission to Affix / Suffix holidays. She is permitted to draw the usual city compensatory allowance during the period of leave and she is likely to return to the post mentioned above to which these allowances are applicable. It is also certified that the officer/official would have continued to officiate in Class-III during her proceedings on leave as above. The sanction is hereby granted with the condition that earned leave if any due in her account, the same may be included with CCL. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINSTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA. Endst. No. Even: Dated, Panchkula, the 16 .( A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd: 1. District Elementary Education officer, Panchkula w.e.f. his Memo No. E-III /14/ 559 dated 29.05.2014. He is requested to make alternative arrangement at his level. 2. Headmaster, GMS Upper Khetpurali (Panchkula) 3. Smt. Poonam, Science Mistress, GMS Upper Khetpurali (Panchkula) 4. Technology Officer (I.T Cell) 4 'ii-t- ft46- SUPERIN ND NT' HRM-1 FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IARYANA, PANCHKULA / Dorectorme of Shod Education GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / TftzfrIHT -Nct)H Directorate School Education fo-ara-4 ftur 11(114 ,chant ht ■ ILJ titan t'otfrt,ot ttti- t- trrIt to I t' I titc I I www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] DATED, PANCHKULA: 27/06/2014 4/196-2014-HRL(2) ORDER NO. The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for four months at the place of mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation 1 66860 Smt. Jaisudha Lecturer in Psychology Employee ID: 204168 Remarks Place of Deputation Present Place of Posting GSSS Rewari, (Rewari) [2540] GGSSS Hassan Pur, (Palwal) [1006] Against vacancy Note: The Officials salary would be drawn from GGSSS Hassan Pur, (Palwal) [1006] VIVEK ATRAY DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 4/196-2014-HRL(2) cr76/1 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned.It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3 Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. 4 Technology officer (HQ) "")\-\\ SUPERINTEND T RL for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Piot No. 113, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) -Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0112)-2560253 : 91 *72) 2560246 ,$-R+: 91 (0172) 2560253 -1, fitit.:" 5 4ti7ty,TF-134109 4-10, 451di.izt- tc,ft'd ,t0 I. Page I of 1 - Dire:tor:Re of School Lilucation ■■:111":. GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / s fkruir TF- R Directorate School Education farJzi ftur fdt.,4(Inn, f,11, ti.na Dark, rw i„11. • www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryegmail.com HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ORDER NO. 22/56-2014-HRG-I(1) DATED, PANCHKULA: 12/06/2014 The following Principal is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No TransferId Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 66842 Sh. Ramesh Kumar Sharma Principal Employee ID: 048036 SCERT Gurgaon, (Gurgaon) [4106] Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Sidhrawali, (Gurgaon) [789] Remarks Against vacancy Note :1 2 3 4 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is ac complished. No TA/DA and joining time request after exercising option. will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SURINA !WAN ADDITIONAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 22/56-2014-HRG-I(1) DATED PANCHKULA, -a "Rif ti A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 28-ADSE Technology officer (HQ) t.,,N t ASSISTAa DIRECTOR HRG-I for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION 87 t7 HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sedan. Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) -Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 rprzrt:frr r-rt3 10 +Fre*. Arrntt rtfft-134189 Mitt) VtPt 91 •;0172) 258924e *?- ff sr (9172) 2560-25.3 6 P.7 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / fzricfn. flct)K Directorate School Education for-64 ft/if NIIQV-1 7-- 16(pr S11,00t EliUL.ItI1J11. r .47,11 i me crtn I www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryegmail.com ORDER NO: 22/151-2013-HRG-I(1) DATED, PANCHKULA: 20/06/2014 In continuation of office order no. 22/151-2013-HRG-I(1) dated 06/01/2014 the deputation order of [051056] Sh. Abhey Ram Principal,GSSS Bahu-jholri, (Jhajjar) [3144] to GSSS Bucholi, (Mahendergarh) [3914] is hereby further extended for a period of four months. Other terms & conditions of deputation would be remain same. VIVEK ATRAY 0/0 DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 22/151-2013-HRG-I(1) -3 (Vg / / ti A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: 1. District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2. Head of the institution concerned. It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3. Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in v cas e of non joining his/her previous place of posting. . Technology Officer (IT CELL). ASSISTANT DIRECTOR HRG-I for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) -Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 lard 40 St, 1t411 TRZ-4, Atrde- 5 tityk-134109 (141Tcl) : 91 (0172) 2560246 91 (0172) 2560253 Directorate Elementary Education '411:34, 141&E 11,1 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftznirrr Directorate Elementary Education Ttff' ftur I el ',hoot Flocvpon, Haryana Fd.dtt'3,NrAfr, www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] ORDER NO. 7/94-2014-HRM-H(3) DATED, PANCHKULA: 27/06/2014 The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for four months at the place of mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation 1 66854 Smt. Swaran Lata Social Studies Mistress Employee ID: 088657 Present Place of Posting Place of Deputation GSSS Barauli, (Panipat) [2074] GGHS Shahabad Markanda, (Kurukshetra) [2454] Remarks Against vacancy Note: The Officials salary would be drawn from GSSS Barauli, (Panipat) [2074] PANKAJ AGGARWAL DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 7/94-2014-HRM-II(3) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- 3 1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned.It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3 Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. \,Ar Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT HRM-II for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA L7 Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 Wi0 It, tail 730.4. 'f-fdt74. 5 4-irip"F-134109 Kiet Page 1 of 1 91 {0172) 2560246 'P.M: 91 0172) 2580253 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / g34-rurr kNok Directorate School Education out Edr,a tic,n, Hdryar, Inn, 7,1-■ I cod ill, from 11 kn. !ht www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED, PANCHKULA: 18/06/2014 ORDER NO. 2/250-2014-HRL(2) The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for till further order at the place of mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation 1 66856 Sh. Surender Kumar Lecturer in English Employee ID: 051712 Present Place of Posting GSSS Rattewali, (Panchkula) [3709] Place of Deputation 0/o SPD HPSPP Panchula (Head Office) [5001] Remarks As Associate Consultant (Pedagogy) Note: The Official's salary would be drawn from GSSS Rattewali, (Panchkula) [3709] SURINA RATAN ADDITIONAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/250-2014-HRL(2) DATED PANCHKULA, 3cNi A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned.It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3 Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. 4 Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA( Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 Th!qi(-03: 7i0 tar tiqi, $1rod4 5 49Fr-134109 (1-TRU) VIM= 91 (0172) 2560246 ITF: 91 (0172) 2560253 E1 6-11 itEif MEIT-61 Directorate of School Education/ fdt1T- )4//ti -q--4 f=4-wrRiftrerr, 'R-1-- 71 Education, Culture and Development GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / TitTPTT Directorate Elementary Education neiq -fro-- tar' www schooleducationharyana goy in [ EDUCATIONOEPARTMENT *an firfik 'DP ziluif — writ .Trr 1:Ri)ftoi-Fr4 From Darkness lead me to Light eduprimaryhry©gmail corn DATED, PANCHKULA THE 4-6-2014 ORDER NO. 7/77-2014 HRM-II(2) The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for four months at the place of mentioned against his/ her name(s) with immediate effect. and Sr. No. Name Designation 1 [59793] Sh. Ravi Rai. ESHM, Present Posting Place of Toda GSSS (Panchkula)[3712] Place of Deputation Remarks Sasroli GMS (Rohtak)[6274] Against Vacancy Note: The Officials salary would be drawn from GSSS Toda (Panchkula)[3712] DR. D. SURESH DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHULA DATED PANCHKULA, THE 30 ENDST. NO. EVEN: A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary a ction:- t./ rned. 1. District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Conce relieved after the Head of the institution, Concerned. It is directed that the official may be 2. expiry of the deputation period. place of posting 3. Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous absent from duty immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. L/1. Technology Officer (HQ) - ‘`2-0 / _`t SUPERINTEND ENT NRM-II for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India)- Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax:- 91(0172)2560253 4ii: 91 (0172) 2560253 4 : 91 (0172) 2560246 1 t4Ti-5 It44i lT (0470-134109 (111) 71-11 1: 1:1-67 TO 1f0 %ET 1111-61 Directorate of School Education / lucneILT GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / f4zfluiT ivonK Directorate School Education fkcir A4Nciti Education, Culture and Development a +irll TIT •-•••-4 ...1 Lead me from Darkness to Light Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 "Tiffati: 13We 10 i1, %ET t14-f, ,Actt,1 5 ,t4V1-134109 (FRU) Viltf : 91 (0172) 2560246 ti: 91 (0172) 2560253 e-mail: [email protected] - site: www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Order No. 19/2-2014 HRM I (5) Dated, Panchkula 26/06/2014 In continuation of this office order no. 19/2-2014 HRM-I (5) Dated 28.02.2014 the deputation order of Smt. Neelima, Science Mistress, Employee ID 90719 from GGMS Padheni, Mewat (6582) is hereby deputed in GMS Ghatta (Gurgaon) (4325) is hereby further extended for a period of four months. His salary will be drawn from GGMS Padheni, Mewat (6582) PANKAJ AGARWAL DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst. Even Dated, Panchkula 6, 6 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: 1. 2. 3. 4. District Elementary Education Officer, concerned. Headmaster, concerned. Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of the deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non joining his/her previous place of posting. '. Technology Officer ( I.T. Cell) eA CI‘Let SUPERINTENDENT HRM-I I FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA cP 4 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ' P Uirectorate of School Edu.tion / f2:711F71 *IT YIdE PIii fl(t)H t-41 ri 7:4 Directorate School Education fd--arF4 ffrur 111(Y1q 9 (-4-rw) ,76t1611y 41- 4,:.-"7 1 /7"7r4744.4.74, ... i1.',1-31416-irr-,47-rin--; Lead n._ Darkness to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in [email protected] ORDER NO. 28/10-2012-HRC&V(2) DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/06/2014 The deputation orders of following Masters/C&V teachers is hereby further extended for four months with immediate effect: - Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 65829 Sh. Rajbir Drawing C&V Employee ID: 084258 GSSS Nangal Dargu, Distt. Mahendergarh [3885] Transfer/Adjusted to GHS Kaliawas, Distt. Gurgaon [905] Remarks Against vacancy PANKA7 AGGARWAL DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKIJLA, ENDST. NO. EVEN A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer Narnaul / Gurgaon. 2. Head of the institution concerned. It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3. Official concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous place of posting. 4. Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT HRC&V for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 10 141, ft9T 1144, ti4cf 5 tfITT11 — ' 134109 (mil Ves 91 (0172) 2560296 tefff 91 (0172) 2560253 Page 1 of 1 err, f441TW trtt-FT I n:411A4)141; i f zirdl coinct) 20/ RI K?), WAR. :— -7 —2013i;r40370cni040 (5) b sAift wrt-Rur 3iitiR 7 .9.4 fir AAar i fir 4-r4---qt co4TAIPqI 4qt t fi i 31-ftttqff 31 fAT".f.6"it§M RtiTtm-crr 311-0-Zn ef'd- t I col4cuer ct.) •;i* -11 4-1 cR1111-1. .TT7T-i,TM tic tiv afigR 4 vii • • ___,*4141= .2ct, S ulT4lefit -erarYlio4- 1.1 s I 7rErzT wr9-fm-tEr t or if) 'crm f$1Tr un f4; .o) 1)--4t TA fkkurFq t fItaR t ai 311tem WA' \i\ricA -4R153.-dT c0144,161,1T Thcr fiV4ff ctd -avr wkrt 4 tgrEtt wrfft-PT 311t7 t fa-flitzif err 3Tf'dfaciwit-41t c wi titf ■ - It I Liq 'cR ■i) WT4771 3TRIR 9t fiV4Tr Ta'ff 7 # Or 31-qt -4ftw1T ut4-4 3TU: 317FfT c014c10 ci)k) 4ii -W14-41tt 3 f TEti fir 'T1Z T1 vO: • IV 2. trtwir • ICO 11 CIK 1. 4.‘)ati Ntitam 'TAM° 740 fttga4 ftraff, tftrurr Clis .ff .sr--fieeftiu ruleir ter AiWrIt -cr4 airom caret tg )Nci GlIftaiw antottatla4m-vi. tuff vim! t R6- 3ffk-ff wiwt dig) ciro autz -TwAz tR zalit I • p altin • g;f0t0 ttriVri Na: f4tM fhtiff4 tr-AF :4 far fAtm ftre- it tittaT I , falT Acta, —20131 crA'03Tri'0F0t0 (5) civitct) 20/ 4Dy*,6, ,frp t %rim, trAET w-get Ott fw— fir im-4A. -14-1Tgsi cp fi 3ifdffti fq---tzrT Tregzir -14. f4zpr 31-TtrTi Plf\LI-1 .R.,2,Trt-a-zur 31-KR IR c1,411N1 4rt cot r 3T1> 317:1-0- f:47-9tftiff 4 1`1:;r 3TT4Z-445 ITTP, gg tii!M t I cI 911WzMiT9'aof vi Ti:).1T;i ci I 3TIVR 'TNT "1 fqz 11 -0 / 2A6 m-4-41r M 31-Ert .41tsa-cfr rtft -awr t ) airkw rgik3-1 it-Err 7-4-tr1T I Wf4gRlif 311tTR 77 &J: 317474T cI Tiz .717C-C. /3*C i wcra 147 vRi four 7rfI1T ft 0 q‘-c1 irk3t zed-R-4tT viq tri 4 •Yci-, 1;ffd. *Pt ct7c) qftv-a-r cok,14,16uf 3TIZTR IR .91 itftr I irtfr Ot 3 Li t C/ W4i t ch fizPf 4'1 r 3Tf'd-R"uu 4 gQ.1Ti fVti- 7 ff I .-Tzt4Tet M( 11I 3 i I 7.4o3TR0 vroto Tat f*ireofE1IQ1 1I411, zRz4Turr gziorir te0101 4\9 1. 2. Litickm ii-4-914. T4 airrozx 064-re1idcr t %,11 ter 31iitCt ei ailfkiw 31*ton-a 0 Itwi. wra-o-R1 r clIco cV w101 ttZ'b. r affka. wit-Or wr 3etaTE6 'RAMIRO RR* tc-.k fttm. itar-e4 TV", etTitrif /17 f4-41M fdWIIWI flll etzifulT, titcarl i1'4f 4°, (tit, %rift% tritf Vfilch 20/ 7 TIVVT forit— we Oft —201S1T4031N0c41040 (5) —APE, ty affETR .ETR- cp441N1 t ft-riff A.4 ztro- f414-4 TTTPO. 1-111idi 1VU tz). c1,4-111-44 col TeTTtd77 3TIVR MO *ifc 4 31719 ■34xtrci 311 i €,--7fttff 3litfi ffik-ZTT W1TF9- TOT:IT g-cv. .efftrd- t m-Rt-411 vi al TAT-iimu kruitt t cit*i_2_ 1;8-5 NT-Or di% m--4-4r-tr f 374'i -4REa-cfr .--TWt raft t -ut -4r t-4Fit f+--4 tk-4 cly4 vRf trR t I tic 3itftqff 71c12T 1:1. A -iRTI9T-d7uT 3TRTIR cpt rti fif4o. .-qtvri f ZIT ITT -cg. ■A Wr-477rE 31N17 tR /22.1 ( J Ych f$--zu 71tfrif `It Tr-ci *At TArit 1 f ct) ii \..L-1.c4) qlts3T ct)144,1$'51 mAr 3Troch-i w4qrttq wzi fafl. 74- rqzPr .TT4-4Tt 3rd: 3r1-47.4T 4)144 3 f : TrOT[ *fl ffih cOi *a•OL/NS■ 31414M WPM) 7100 Tat fkkVW f4E.iie14 PO, &Wit eir litT• tecsicol Viict) 1, 2. t 014 'STW fkat fter Act 1 iI Litictip Tr VIffrzt airazw 471101 t AY( ackei 'OM 311t0ttOOF '0" ItaM ch colt atm Wlu -ramt t f n 31:1R* afftff WW1 Cd1 • • e. • vro o at f4t4rw fool ter, ttrrat Yrticturat, fa-In.iatat in,iatlon i s itdit fdild'iliCidl • GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / •i'zrfutt Directorate Elementary Education Si_hool Education, Haryana r, rtS,17Tr ftur . . www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in [email protected] DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 30/06/2014 ORDER NO. 14/13-2014 HRM-II (3)/583 Smt. Jyoti [092261], Master DPE GGSSS Kharkara Distt. Rohtak who was placed under suspension vide this office Order No. 14/13-14 HRM-II (3) dated 12/03/2014 is hereby reinstated with immediate effect and posted as Master DPE in GGSSS Kharkara Distt. Rohtak [2659] against vacancy. Her reinstatement is without prejudice to the disciplinary action pending against her and also without prejudice to the decision that may be taken regarding the period for which she remained under suspension. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST NO. 14/13-2014 HRM-II (3)/583 DATED PANCHKULA, THE -> , A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 Accountant General A&E Haryana , Chandigarh 2 District Education Officer/ District Elemantary Education Officer, Concerned. 3 Head of the institution, Concerned. 4 Official Concerned. 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE technology officer (HQ) v221) • SUPERINTENDENTHRM -II for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION H YANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 tall tiQl, ;qt."! 5 4Qrt;eif-134109 (.11,t(1) 31 (0172) 2560246 r:TdT1 ;, 91 (0172) 2560253 Dire,t f:71;•.:,,R1 • Elementary Education GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / "OziTurT ca, Directorate Elementary Education ry C,..1 -T and School EclucatIon. Haryana (.1)-,mm rar•IT, fz-1 Lead Me from F to www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in [email protected] TO BE SUBSITUTE THE LETTER BEARING SAME NO. & DATE ORDER NO. 14/13-14 HRM-II (3) / 583 DATED, PANCHKULA THE 12/03/2014 Smt Jyoti [092261], Master DPE GGSSS Kharkara (Rohtak) [2659] is hereby deemed to have been placed under suspension with effect from 05/01/2014 i.e. the date from which she is under judicial custody. During the Period of suspension she will be entitled to subsistance allowance under Rule 7.2 of Punjab C.S.R Vol-I, Part-I. During the Period of suspension, her Headquarter will be the 0/o District Elementary Education Office Rohtak and she will not leave her Headquarter without prior permission of the competent authority. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 14/13-14 HRM-II (3) DATED PANCHKULA, THE A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Elementary Education Officer Rohtak It is requested to send draft charge sheet under rule 7 within 7 days. 2. Head of the Institution GGSSS Kharkara (Rohtak) 3. Smt Jyoti,Master DPE GGSSS Kharkara (Rohtak) 4. Accountant General (A & E), Haryana Chandigarh 5. Sr. PS/EM 6. Sr. PS/FCSE 7. /DSE 8. Technology Officer IT Cell HQ '7704, '14"‘i SUPERINTENDENT for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYIIANA, PANCHKULA X 4( 1'4 ‘›..:ar,1. •Directorate Elementary Education / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftzrrurr 1 trt 11 tP.i Cohn, oe.d Des ' Directorate Elementary Education ,ehnot Education, tioro.ina - Prerr,T2; t fWo. ."f- Dir=91 rt 1 ir www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] ORDER NO. Transfer ID: 7/99-2014-HRM41(3) 66825 DATED, PANCHKULA: 30/06/2014 The transfer orders of Smt. Sangeeta [053058] DPE Mistress from GSSS Nilokheri Distt. Karnal [1798] to GGSSS Assandh Distt. Karnal [1978] Against vacancy issued vide order No. 7/99-2014-HRM-II(3) dated 26/06/2014 are here by cancelled Note: It is made clear that Smt. Sangeeta will remain in GSSS Nilokheri Distt. Karnal [1798] Note :1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is violation of transfer policy/rationalization policy it should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. PANKAJ AGGARWAL DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- 7? 0 0/ 1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Superintendent Concerned Branch 5 Secy. OSD/CM 6 Sr. PS/E.M. 72.8/DSE I-4 Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT ru for DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 12,YANA, PANCHKULA 71CW 3 Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 4(te 90 It, tar *14.1 214& 5 =Mt:if-134109 (117d) Viri 1 91 (0172) 2560246 *49- 91 (0172) 2560253 n Directorate of School Education GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / iiDli fl,<cw tot Directorate School Education fo;ri-6-4 ftffr School Education, Haryana lzr*.rr, 1. t rom to I It www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] DATED, PANCHKULA: 24/06/2014 ORDER NO. 2/221-2014-HRL(2) The following official(s) is/are hereby deputed at the place mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name & Designation 1 66770 Smt. Neeru Lecturer in Home Science Employee ID: 202051 Present Place of Posting GSSS Basaulan, Distt. Panchkula [36951 Place of Deputation GSSS Panchkula (Sector 6), Distt. Panchkula [3704] Remarks Against Vacancy VIVEK ATRAY DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, 24/06/2014 ENDST. NO. 2/221-2014-HRL(2) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer / District Elementary Education Officer Concerned. 2. Head of the institution concerned. It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3. Official concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and he/she will be treated absent from duty in case of non joining his/her previous place of posting. 4. Superintendent Concerned Branch 5. Secy. OSD/CM 6. Sr. PS/E.M. 7. Sr. PS/PSSE 8. PS/DSE 9. Technology Officer (HQ) %bNT\\ SUPERINTEN for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Page 1 of 1
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