. .. C'," CHANDIGARH HOUSING BOARD 8, JAN MARG, SECTOR 9, CHANDIGARH -160009, Ph-4601605 Dated: No. HB(S)/EA-II/2014/ To .The Chief Secretary, All States Governments/ QT, Administration. Filling up the post of Chief Engineer in CHB on deputation Subject: basis. Sir, Kindly. refer to this office letter NO.HB(S)-EAII-2014/6007-08 dated 9.7.2014 on the subject noted above. It was requested' that the applications of eligible candidates may be forwarded in the prescribed format after verifying the. particular furnished by them alongwith the requisite certificates/documents to the undersigned within one month . . It is therefore, again requested that the applications of eligible candidates may be forwarded alongwith as per format enclosed in Appendix herewith after verifying the particulars .furnished certificates/documents by. them along' with the following' requisite. to the undersigned within one month from the date of issue of . this letter. I. II. iii. iv. . No departmental/vigilance inquiry/complaint is pending or' contemplated againstthe officers: Integrity Certificate. That no penally under the Punishment & Appeal Rules has been imposed during the last ten years. ACRs for the last five years. Yours sincerely, (~~// Endst No HB(S)/EA-II/2014/ ':1-)' \ ! . 1.. . ,Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarh)' Dated, the n _ , /7.. ' . \- II;" A GOpywith a copy of its enclosure referred to above, is folwarded to the following for similar actio~> 1. The Financial Commissio,!er & Principal Secretary, PWO, Punjab/Haryana • 2. . The Financial Conlmissioiler & Principal Secretary, Urban Oevele'f)'Y'c'l" Housing, Punjab/Haryana 3. The Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary, Development & Panchayat, Punjab/Haryana. 4. The Engineer-in-Chief Public Health/PWD/lrrigation, Punjabl Haryana. 5. The Managing Director, Punjab Police Housing Corporation, Chandigarn' 6. The Chief Administrator, Haryana Housing Board, Panchkula. 7. The Chief Administrator, Punjab Housing Board, MohalL 8. The Chief Administrator, PUDA, Mohali. .9. The Chief Administrator, Agriculture Marketing Board, Haryana, Panchkula. 10. The Chief Administrator, Agriculture Marketing Board, Punjab, Chandigarh .. ~CYU' $;6~ry, . ~ .' Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarhi . . ndst No. HB(S)/EA-11I/2014/. "\ \. ~;, Dated, the ylu--c' A copy along with its enclosure is forwarded to the Inch.arge. co~puter Programmer, CHB for uploading in the website of CHB as well as of Chd. Admn. s~ Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarhl , . Subject: Terms & Conditions for Filling up the post of Chief Engineer in Chandigarh Housing Board on deputation basis. Applications invited from to the post of Chief Engineer, appointment on deputation 2. are eligible candidates ChandigarhHousing for Board basis. Chandigarh Housing Board Was established under the provIsions of ,the Haryana Housing Board Act, 1971 (as extended Chandigarh). The. primary objective quality housing for. the residents of the Board is to provide of U.T., Chandigarh. also recently been assigned the additional underpasses, construction of Intelligent work to good The Board has like construction and green building etc. of' The .Chief Engineer shall be a full time incumbent. 3. The appointment 1. following are the. terms and . conditions' for the to the post of Chief Engineer, Chandigarh Housing Board. Scale of Pay Rs. 37400-67000+G.P. 10,000/- 2. Method of By deputation Recruitment, 3. Qualification Officers of the Central/State Gove.rnments/UT &' ' Administration or their Public Sector Experience Undertakings/Organizations holding analogous post in the same or identical.pay scale. 4. Tenure The period of deputation including the period ofdep,utation in ,another ex-cadre post held . imrT1ediately preceding this Board in the same or some other orga niza tion/ department shall ----__., __.._,. ___..___..DQ!. Q.~Qi.'2C!!1! 'l_exce~5!_~X~C!!:? . I .-.- Interested _._-~-- and e!igible canclidates are 1\:qUceo,i:lxl lo s~fld their applicatiQll III the forrnat as per' Appendix attached herewi!:ll. APPENDIX . Application format for the post of Chief Engineer, Housing Boar~, Chandigarh. . Chandigarh .", 1.. Name in full 2. Date of Birth 3. Nationality 4. Address for Correspondence 5. Permanent 6. (a) address Telephone & Fax No. (off./Resi./Mobile) (b) 7. E-mail ID Whether belonging to SC/ST/ : . aBC 8. Educational Qualifications . . of Division/% marks/Distinction obtained Name of Degree/ University/ : .Equivalent Board/ examinution Institution 9. Employment record (in chronoiogical Year of passing order starting Subject with present ost Name address employer . & of Designation, of Pay ..' whether . Scale and ..•~!_e~ular/deputatlon 10. 1.1. Period of Service Nature of work _~rom. [T~.-~~ Iriformation related to special knowledge Clnd practical experience acquired in respect of matters relating to COllstruction Of houses, Underpasses, Flyovers etc. Field of special interest. 12. Publications, if any, in journals of national/international repute, with citation and index: 13. Avvards/Honours, if any 14. Any other relevant .information 15. .nearest Railway Station 16. Declaration I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of. my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed/distorted.. If .at any time, I am found to have concealed/distorted any material information; my appointment shall be liable to summary termination without notice. Signature of the Candidate Date: Place: . , ., To be forwarded by the Head of Organization/Institution (in respect of Candidates working under Government/ Autonomous/Statutory /Public Sector Undertakings etc.) Ministry/Department/Office Particulars furnished by . have. been verified with correctness certified . of reference to .It is certified that. no .vigilance contemplated against the above officer. The C.R. Dossier and Integrity officer are enclosed. service case is records either and pending or Certificate in respect of the above (Signature & Designation of the forwarding Officer with seal) Dated: their Address: '.
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