Ph.No.0172-2586044 Fa{ : 01?2-2586026 PARTSHAD PARIYOINA SHIKSHA SCHOOL HARYANA "- ' 1860) Act Registralion rneeo.unoersocieties Panchkula sr'iLi"" i"i"".l;'a l. Floor'sector-s' Web Site:www hsspoln Das Mrs. Gayatri Baruah W/o Dibaka-r Haryana Shiksha-I<Sadan, Sector-7, Panchkula-134109 Sub: on conttact Coordlnator lcrapbic & Desigl|t) Engageoelt for the post of baslB i! CEAD Gutgao!' held on 20-08_2014 and documenl Pleaserefer to tle written test/interview verificationheldon22.o8-2ol4inresponsetotheadvertlsementdated3l'o7.2o14fofthe (GtaPhtc & Destgn)' 0"", "i".""ur".a"" TheMa'nagementottheSocietyispleasedtooffelyouengagementas terms & conditions:on contract basis on the following coordinator lctaphic & Deslg!| year will be initially for a period of one contract Your Appolntmene of Teto 1, yeat-to-year oasls which may further be extended on temporary basis and Your services will be purely on Appolnttnent of Netule 2. ln the appointment is liable-to be terminated contractual in nature Accordingly' not have not found satisfactory' You shall is performance /conduct case the You shall not beyond the contract perlod aJIy claim for continuation of service w o r k a r r d h o l d a n y o t h e l p o s t o l o f f i c e o f p r o f i t i n a n y G o v e m m e n No t ' s eright m F to in the CEAD working while Govemment and pflvale establishments holdthepostshallbeconferreduponyouonaccountofyoufcontinuanceon you can be bf the Competent Authority and the post without any extension prior nouce' thercaJter' without giving any relieved ofyour duhes al any time 3.v€dlicatlonofchalactet&docuoenb:i]Youlappointmentissubjecttoyour offlcerc of certified to be good by two gazetted being aitecedents and character are k'rown to who ate not related to vou and oou"..,,.,""t' ;;;;;"f"ut" copies of V' ii) Vou witt have to furnish attested you for the 't"t t*o '"*" academic/professional your date of birth' certificates in support of etc certificate (If applicable)befote qualiflcations/experience and sc/Bc/ESM possess the rcvealed that you d: not joining the duty Later on' if it is ate found to etc and /or your certilicates prescribed qualificahons/experience 4. 5. 6. 7. forth\ti& and legal action be fake ot bogus, your seNices shall be terminated will be inidated accordingly paid contractual (Salaty' TA/DA' EPF/ESI): A) You wilt be Edoluments No other allied beneflts sUch as amount of Rs. 3?5OO/- per month B) (AcP)scalesetc will be given C) Senior/Selection/Assurcd Caleer Ptogression go on tour in colnection with your You will be entitled to TA/DA if required to officialdutiesatthesamelateasdecidedbytheExecutivecommitteefrom and Medical allowance will be time to time. D) Employees Provident Fund witi the decision taken by aDplicable to conhactual appointee(s) in accordance the Executive Committee from tlme to tlme' with CEAD or a duly Stgltng of Coltract: You shall sign an agreemeot \^'ill be the pan of this prescribed form as appended herewith which appointment/olfer letter. as approved by the Execuhve L€ave: A) You will be govemed by the leave rules committeeftomtimetotimeinconformitywiththeGovemmentinstructions shali be admissible to women issued fiom tlme to tlme B) Matemity teave from tiJneto lime employeesas decided by ExecudveCommitlee lor more tlan abaelce: Unauthorized absence from the duty Unautlorlzea offcer shall be liable fifteen days without the prior approval of the controlling forterminationoftheconfiact'ThecontractAppointeeshallnotbeentidedfol dury contractual amount for the period of absence from TtansfenYouwillnotbeentitledtoanytransferf'omoneplacetoanotnerln institutional in natute' both at the any case the post in considetation being headquarter as well as in the office of CEAD Gutgaon' to submit a cedificate of Physlcal Fttness Certlficate: You ate rcquested 9. concerned physical fitness from the Civil Surgeon of the districL certificate to the effect that: i) in case 1 0 . Declaratlonl You shall have to fumish a having more than one living you are ma.rried, you have to state tlat you are not of allegiance to the constltution spouse, ii) You will be requircd to take the oath regulations of the society as ot tnaia; iiii You will have to abide by the service amended from time to ume depattmenr or of Governmetrt Rules: The CEAD is not a 1 1 . Appltcabtltty Civil Services rules' l€ave nrles' Government Prcvisions of Seftice Rules like and Hatyana Civil Services General Provident Fund rules, Pension rules in case of tegular (Pudishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987 etc as are applicable to you' Haryana Govemment employees, will not be applicable appointment can be terminated 12. Tedninatiotl of aPpolntmelre The contract of one month without assigning by lhe appointing autioriq by giving a notjce of emoluments in lieu of any reason thereof or by givmg one month's contractual short by one montl' then your the notice pedod However, if your term is left 8. services can be terminated by giving notice or by making payment of contractual salary for that short period. Furthermore, il at aIIy stage you desire to resign frcm the post, you will be rcquired to give one month's cleal notlce or deposit one month's salary for the period or by depositing the salary for the 13. period by which the notice falls short of one month. GelereL i) If your work and conduct are not found satisfactory or in case you are found guilty of insubordination or any other misconduct or in case any criminal proceedings initiate against you then your service can be terminated without giving any plior notice. ii) The person so engaged shall not have any legal right claiming regularization of his service etc. in the CEAD, where he has been engaged, Action taken is subject to approval oI E.C of CEAD' The candidate ultimately being the employee of the CEAD. lf you are willing to accept this offer on the terms and conditions mentioned above, you may report for duqy in the O/o CEAD Gurgaon within a period of 7 days and not later tha-n 28-08-2014 in any case, failing which this otfer of appointment shall be construed to be cancelled. a .,/, v,tlrDy. Dtre&or(Admr., For State Ptdject Dltectot HSSPP, Panchkula l49i{-ol Endst.No.ssA(Arrmn.l/2014l oa*ar Qq/68 f2'nl4 A copy of the above is forwatded to followi4g for information a.od necessaty action:1. Civil Surgeon, Distt. Gurgaon with the request to examine the ca_ndidateand issue her medical cedificate or otherwise. 2. Director SCERTGurgaon. and necessary action with a request to send original documents (1) Joining Report (2) Medicdl fltness certificate (3) chaJacter verilication {41 contract/Agreement duly signed by CEO CEAD and one other persoo of 3. CEO CEAD Gurgaon for infornation the oflice on behalf of 1sl party) to Head Office immediately w- Dy. Dtrectdr{Admtll For Stete PloJect Dlrcctot HSSPP, Palchkula
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