Phone : o172-2S90505 Fax: oL72-2586026 HARyAn*"ggJlp",gL,"q!![t[3,]#.iAB* :Trr-t3 J^ Ref.No.SSA/Admn_/CpglzOtaf Date: 241O812014 Sub: Regarding engagement of part time instructor (institutional level) in the freld of .lM\h'$cf#'tt--"tract basis tnder work Educationcomponentof SSa. With reference to the subject cited above it is mentioned that you have been selectcd as a parr rime instrucrorin rho iicld "f . A)+. ts C)-/+. .. . .... under Work Education component of SSA. So for the abovermentionld post (parttime) on contract basis, the following proposal is given to you_ 1. Term ofAppointment: your contract will be initially for a period Lrpto Jt/O3t2}Is or till the continuance of Work Education componentwhichever is earlier. 2. Nature of Appointment: Your services will be purely on temporaly basis and contractual and Part-time in nature. Accordingly, the appointment is liable to be terminated in case the performance /conduct is not found satisfactory_you shall not have any claim for continuation of service beyond the contract perioal. you shall lot rvork and hold any other post or offrceof profit in any Governmenr, semrGovernment and private establishments rvhile working in the padshad. No right to hold the post shall be confened upon you on account olvour contrnuance on the post without any extension by the Competent Authority and you can be relieved of y o u r d u r i e sa t a n v t r m et h e r e a l t p rw. i r h o u rg i r . i n ga n y p r i o r n o | c e . 3. Verification of character & documents: i) your appointment is subject to your character and antecedents being certified to be good by two gazetted olficers of the Centravstate Government, who are not relateil to you and are known to vou lbr the last two years. ii) You will have to furnish attested copies of certifrcates in support of your date of birth, academic/professionalqualifrcations/experienceancl SC/BC/ESM erc. certifrcate (If applicabie) before joining the duty. Later on, if it is revealed that you do not possessth$ prescribed qualifications/experienceetc. anal /or your certificates are found to be f{ke or bogus.your servicesshall be terminated l o r r h w i t ha n d l o g a la c r i o nw i l l b e i n i l i c r e da c c o r d i n g l y . 4. Emoluments: You rvill be r.ewardedrlvith an honorarium of Rs. 10,000/-per month. No other allied benefits will be giveq. you $,ill be entitled to TA/DA if requrreo ro E-mail :,hpsppchd@yahoonrin ShikshaSadan.J'd& 4'nlcvel.Sector-5. panchkula. Phone : O172-259O5Os Faxi Ol72-25a6O26 qC.HOqL HARYANA SHIKSHA PARIYOJI{A - PARISHAD (Regd.UnderSocieties ReeisE-arion Aiil SqOfgo or-tto"" l" " Executive Committee from time to time_ 5. l€ave: .AJYou will be governed by the leave rules as approved by the Executive Committee from tirne to time in conformity with the Government instructions issued lrom time to time. B) Maternity lcave shall be admissible to women employeesas decided by Executive Committee from time to time 6. Nature of Work: You will have to rvork under the observation and rnstruction of Head of institution concerned_You have to perform your duty during summer anal winter vacation also as per requirement. you will have to participate in various meetings, programmes or seminars related to their subject as per instruction and requirement. You shall have to prepare students inalividually and in group in their specifrcsubject as whenever any requirement ofperformance they will have to take the responsibility for the performance.Dudng the delivery of classesyou may be m o n i t o r " db y r n l d i s r r i . l f u n c l i o n a r i e s . ?. Unalrthorized absence:Unauthorized absencefrom the duty for more than fifteen days without the prior approval of the controlling officef shall be liable for termination of the contract. The Contract Appointee shall not be entitled for contractual amount for the period of absencefrom duty. 8. Transfer: You rvill not be entitled to any transfer ftom one place to aro[ner rn any case the post in consideration being institutional in ndture, both at the headquarter as well as in the office of respective District proiect Coordinator concerned. 9. Physical Fitness Cedificate: You are requested to submit a certificate of Dhvsical fitness from the Civil Surgeon of the distdct concerneal. 10. Declaration: You shall have to furnish a certificate to the effect that: in casevou are manied, you have to state that you are not having more than one living spouse,i You will be required to take the oath of allegiance to the constitution of India; ii You will have to abide by the service regulations of the socrety as amended from time to time. 11.Applicability of Government Rules: The parishad is not a department of Government. Provisions of Service Rules like Civil Services fules, l€ave rules, General Provident Fund rules, Pension rules and Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987 etc. as are applicable in case of reqular Haryana Government employees,will not be applicable to you. 12. Termination of appointment: The contract of appointment can be terminated by the appointing authority by giving a notice of one month without assrBnrngany reason thereof or b5' giving one month,s contractual emoluments in lieu of the notice period. Howevet, if your term is left short by one month, then your services can be terminated by giving notico or by making payment of contractual salarv for l h a l s h o r l p e r i o d .F u r r h p l m o r et f a r a n y " t a g e5 o u d o s i r or o r o s i g nf r o m t h e p o s t , you will be required to give one month's clear:notice or deposit one month,s salary lbr the pe od or by depositing the saiary for the period by ivhich the notice lalls short of one month- E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] ShikshaSadan,3d & 4'hlevel.Scctot- 5, Panchkula. €' -:-1--- r"'.. "'. ".JE-'= qd 3ttiffi flrm ffiqE?<<€ € Phore : O172-2590505 of72-25a6o26 Fax: mnvmlspgP".qk,$!!|-[1.s"T,ti$+ are not found satisfactoryor in caseyou are 131G""".^lT If y.,* **k ""d "onduct found guilty of insubordinationor any other misconductor in caseany criminal without p"o"u"ding" initiate against you then your service can be terminated person so engaged shall not have any legal right *iui r* rn" pdor notice. ii) The been engaged' claiming reguladzation of his seNice etc in SSA, where he has mentioned If you are willing to accept this offer on the terms and conditjons period of ? days ln any above,you may feport for duty in rcspective school u'ithin a to be cancellej' case, faiLingwhich this offer of appointment shall be construed ltt'l> DY Dir&r{r 6dmn) '* "?li#3:$"Hff$; / - I qr36-31 oat"a:-a 9lerJf '., and necessary A copy of the above is forwarded to following fot information -""'l. actlon: and with the requestto examinethe candidate a""*"otl, ni"tt. ?an.dA1l*u'!'-9t "t"o his,ftermedical.ertificate or orhFrwrse issue n ^ at" directed to fqrNlhV*lrllot SSdRMSA 2. Distdct Project Coordinator' pertaining to the joining of the maintain all the recorcLs/documents in proper office file (3) character verifrcation candidate viz (1) Joining Report (2) Me'Licalfitness cer'ficate and send to head office whenever required: all the " arc directed to collect 3. Block Resource Coordinator joining of the candidate viz (1) recorals/documents in proper office file peltaining to the (3) character verification from concerned Joining Report (Z) Medical fitness certifrcate file will be kept in hisArer school and send it to concetneil DPC Office and shadow olfice. directed to send all the rcquisite a. t"in"ipuVH"aa of institution of concerned are documentsinofiginalinaplopeloffrcefilepertainingtothejoiningofthecandidate (3) characte! vedhcation to Block viz (1) Joining Report (2) Medical fttness certificate Resourcecoordinator Office immediateiy' vryL DY' Direftor (Admn) Director For State ProJ-ect ESSPf,.Panchkula 1r co in in. hpsppchddyahoo , [email protected] il;tl shik'ha'Saian.J'' & 4'' IevelSrctor-5 Panchkula'
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