INRS SCIENCE CONFERENCE ROUND l ona i t a p u c 5 Oc e 1 INRltSh R2e0search Conferenc Hea 8. 9.10il Apr 5 201 , France apers p r o f l l Ca Graphic design : Eva Minem / INRS Nancy apers Call for p ubmission Abstract s deadline: mber 2014 15 Nove fr e2015. u q i m i e-ch 5@in s-risqu-chimique201 r n i . w e ww t: risqu Contac International Scientific Committee Clarkson University, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, PO Box 5725, 13699-5725 POSTDAM, NY, USA Brice APPENZELLER Olivier LE BIHAN French National Institute for Environmental Technology and Hazards (INERIS) NOVA/CARA/ DRC/INERIS, Parc Technologique Alata – B.P. 2, 60550 VERNEUIL EN HALATTE, FR Public Health Research Centre (CRP-Santé), Luxembourg Biomedical Research Resources (LBR2) Comptence Centre, Luxembourg University, LNS, Sciences Building, 126 A avenue de la Faïencerie, 1511 LUXEMBOURG, LU Nadine LOCOGE Kevin ASHLEY Olivier SIMONIN National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4676 Columbia Parkway Mail Stop R-7, 45226-1998 CINCINNATI, OH, USA Dominique THOMAS Daniel DROLET Quebec Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute (IRSST), Chemical and biological hazards prevention, 505, boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest, MONTREAL, QC H3A 3C2, CA Christophe JUNOT French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Institute of Biology and Technology, Saclay, Bldg. 156 – PC 103, 91191 GIF SUR YVETTE CEDEX, FR Dorothea KOPPISCH Institute for occupational safety and health of the German social accident insurance (IFA), Division 1: Information Technology, Risk Management, Head of the Monitoring of Working Conditions Unit, Alte Heerstraβe 111, 53757 SANKT AUGUSTIN, DE Ecole des Mines de Douai (Higher School of Engineering and Research Centre), Atmospheric Sciences and Environmental Engineering Department (SAGE), 941 rue Charles Bourseul - BP 10838, 59508 DOUAI, FR Toulouse University, Institute of fluid mechanics (IMFT), PSC research group, 2 allée du Professeur Camille Soula, 31400 TOULOUSE, FR Higher school of chemical engineering (ENSIC), LRGP, 1 rue Grandville - B.P. 20451, 54001 NANCY, FR David VERNEZ Institute for work and health (IST), rue de la Corniche, 2, 1066 EPALINGES, CH Hakan WALLIN National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NRCWE), Lersø Parkallé 105, 2100 COPENHAGEN, DK Contact : [email protected] Organised by the Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité (INRS) in association with the Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) Graphic design : Eva Minem / INRS Goodarz AHMADI Conference aims This conference will be the fourth in a series of conferences organised by INRS on occupational safety and health research. It will mainly focus on the innovative and original nature of methods devoted to the assessment or reduction of chemical risk. This conference is intended to bring together researchers, experts, OSH professionals and physicians from different backgrounds with the aim of sharing the latest knowledge and discussing research and development needs on the following topics: The impact of new toxicological approaches for hazard assessment Methodological approaches - Predictive alternative models - “High-throughput” and “high-content” screening - “Omics” technologies - Structure-activity relationship New approaches for animal to human extrapolation Emerging issues - Low doses - Non-linear dose-effect relationship, hormesis Epidemiological applications Innovative prevention tools for exposure characterisation and risk reduction Assessment of emissions / exposures - Identification of sources - In-situ diagnosis: real-time analysis, portable analysers, innovative visualisation methods - Analytical developments (sensitivity, rapidity): screening, speciation, direct/non-destructive methods - Surface contamination: sampling and analysis, transfer models, prevention applications - Biological monitoring - Exposure scenarios Contribution from numerical simulation and modelling - Numerical simulation: treatment processes, airborne transport of pollutants, collective prevention and personal protective equipment - Modelling: Exposure and risk assessment, computer tools Reduction of chemical risk - Design of clean processes, emerging systems - New purification techniques rned by s conce n ia ic s y all be ph nce lth may e als and a i e n d h io u s d s a n Target experts, OSH profeupational safety aence. hers, of occ confer Researc science the field y r in a k n is li r al rdiscip chemic this inte in d invited e t s s with intere n io s l s e e ructur arallel sessions. S tations. The officiaus t s e c n e n Confer alf days with no pl or poster prese nglish. Simultaneo a h E r d ro da nch an kers fo Two an tions. are Fre d spea e e t c resenta c n p e le l r e a r s fe o n d e o n c h a e gt es of th ed durin languag will be provid ion translat ce nferen the Co ship of n, INRS y Divisio of INRS g r lo o t ro c t e e M Dir C ientific llutants tiste, Sc atory Chief, Po p tee a B r Didie ommit Labor C , t c e fi s i s t u o ien Davy R INRS Sc te e e aptis tt Didier B l Belut Commi g n i s ue i n Emma Organ r Clerc u ic M r e é iqu Fréd Domin olin osnier déric C ier R é l r a F t n a Ch laire Courr ne Vaxe Benoît evoy Stépha D e m Jérô alcy F l e h Mic Gaté t Lauren lland a G o Brun érardin G n ie b Fa lemot ne Guil Marian uimon G Michèle eynier eR in t r a M ousset Davy R onnard im rmann Alain S Zimme is o ç n a Fr n hairma Veentnreue C grès de Con Prouvé nce Nancy – Fra
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