The Vine - First Presbyterian Church

February 2015
Observances: Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month – American Heart Month – Bake for Family Fun Month – Grapefruit Month – Library Lovers Month – National
African American History Month – National Cherry Month – National Children’s Dental Health Month – National Weddings Month – National Women Inventors
Month – Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month – Sweet Potato Month – Youth Leadership Month
The Vine
February 2015
First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan
Rev. Paul E. Malles, Pastor
211 Main Street, P.O. Box 639, Penn Yan 14527
Telephone 315-536-8235
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – Noon
Coming Events
Presbyterian Women’s meeting following service
February 1
February 7
8:00 AM
February 8
Men’s Breakfast at the Wagner
Deacon Meeting following service
February 10
7:00 PM
Worship and Music meeting
February 17
6:00 PM
Supper Club
February 18
5:30 PM
Ash Wednesday service
February 18
7:00 PM
Session Meeting
February 19
Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church
February 22
February 26
Soup and Bread Sunday
Lenten Lunch at First Baptist Church
Pastor’s Ponderings ________________________________________________
Living Optimistically
Last month one of my childhood heroes died, Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks. He was a Hall of Fame
baseball player for my favorite team, the Chicago Cubs. Not only was he a great player, winning
the National League Most Valuable Player Award in 1958 and 1959, he was also an inspiring
I will always remember when he came to our high school to speak. He told stories about his
playing days and he also shared some good advice about how to live life by staying positive,
believing in our selves, and the rewards of helping others. He was friendly, gracious and wise.
In the first 14 years Banks played for the Cubs, they had only one winning season. Through it
all, he remained upbeat and hopeful. Banks was famous for enthusiastically saying, “Let’s play
two.” Banks recalled, “It was a very bad day in Chicago. I came into the locker room and I was
feeling great and I said to all my teammates, ‘It’s a beautiful day – let’s play two! That was a
time in my life that I was really excited about going to Wrigley Field.”
When President Obama awarded Banks with the Medal of Freedom he said, “That’s Mr. Cub, the
man who came through the Negro Leagues making 7 dollars a day, and became the first black
player to suit up for the Cubs and one of the greatest hitters of all time. In the process, Ernie
became known as much for his 512 home runs as for his cheer and optimism and his eternal faith
that someday the Cubs would go all the way.”
Banks began his incredible career by playing for his church’s softball team. It is our faith and
our church community that inspires us to live each day with optimistic hope and enthusiasm. In
the Old Testament we read from Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or
dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” In the New Testament we read
in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Anyone can say something negative about someone or something but as followers of Jesus
Christ, let us choose to think about and express the positive.
See you in church,
Pastor Paul
Article of the Month
Living Well
By Jeanine Santelli, PhD, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, FAAN
American Heart Month
February 2015
National Wear Red Day : February 6, 2015
Heart disease kills an estimated 630,000 Americans each year. It's the leading cause of death for
both men and women. In the United States, the most common type of heart disease is coronary
artery disease (CAD), which can lead to a heart attack. You can greatly reduce your risk for
CAD through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medication.
Lifestyle changes to consider:
 Maintain a healthy weight
 Do physical activity for 30 minutes most days of the week
 Eat a diet high in fresh fruits and lowfat dairy products with reduced saturated and total
 Choose foods that are lower in salt and other forms of sodium. Read food labels
 If you drink alcohol, have no more than one drink a day for women , two drinks a day for
 Remember to take your blood pressure medicine
Jeanine Santelli, PhD, AGPCNP-BC, FAAN
In mid-January, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the eighth part of his “2015
Opportunity Agenda” – the Anti-Poverty Opportunity Agenda, a ten point plan to combat
poverty and fight inequality.
According to 2012 U.S. Census data, New York’s poverty rate is 15.9 percent. The State has
the 21st highest poverty rate in the country.
The statewide family poverty rate is 12.2%, as of 2012, an increase from 10.3% in 2007, per
the Fiscal Policy Institute. Statewide, 23% of New York State children live in poverty as of
2013, according to Annie Casey Kids Count.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2012, New Yorkers’ per capita income was $31,290
compared to $27,315 nationwide, and the State’s median household income was $56,357
compared to $51,937 nationwide.
The five counties in New York with the highest poverty rates are Bronx (30.7%), Kings
(23.3%), St. Lawrence (21.4%), Franklin (22.2%) and Sullivan (19.4%), according to the U.S.
Closer to home, Rochester has the 5th worst poverty among similar sized cities. It ranks 2nd
for childhood poverty in the nation and in the most segregated city in the United States!
Rochester’s race and poverty issues are worse now than during the social unrest in 1964.
The Governor is convening a task force for the Finger Lakes region to address our areas
urban, suburban, and rural poverty. In our nine county region, women and children are the
primary group living in poverty.
Historically, President Johnson took a stand on poverty in 1951 and many positive strides
have been made. Programming cut poverty rates by one half in the 1960’s- 1980’s; however,
poverty rates in the United States have increased significantly since 2000. There are currently
106,000,000 people with incomes below the federal poverty line (for a family of four the
household income must be at or below $23,800).
Peter Edelman, author of “So Rich, So Poor: Why It’s So Hard to End Poverty in American”
(2012), has identified nine unforeseen circumstances that lead to this recent increase in poverty:
1. Low wage nation – the collapse of the labor market and the exporting of jobs. Half of the
jobs in our country pay less than $30,000 annually. One quarter of the jobs in our
country pay below the federal poverty line. Pay rates in one half of the jobs in our
country have been stagnate for the last 30 years.
2. Change in family structure – more single parent families. Half of the children in
Rochester live in poverty.
3. Public education crisis – good jobs require education/training.
4. Increased incarceration – 72,000,000 people are currently in US jails. Although our
crime rates are decreasing, our incarceration rates are going up. Sentencing practices are
not blind – there are significant poverty and race disparities. The primary source of
health care for most people with mental illness is the jail system.
5. Inner city concentrated poverty – persistent and intergenerational, but even in an affluent
area like Brighton 600 free meals are served per month. There are more commonalities
between urban and rural poor than differences.
6. Deep poverty – 16% of Rochesterians earn less than half of the federal poverty line, with
the most effected being women and children. Interesting to note that less than 1% of the
population is “on welfare.” Many of the heads of these families have jobs; however,
services are removed faster than the supports are put in place.
7. Homelessness – the loss of affordable housing. Many of the homeless have jobs, but the
rent is too high. They have to choose to either pay rent or buy food. Their daily lives are
focused on survival.
8. Race, ethnicity, gender – in Rochester the demographics of those who live in poverty are:
40% African Americans, 15% Hispanics (about 60% of the Latino population), 35%
Caucasians, and over 75% of those affected are single mothers. Poverty has multiple
faces, it is invisible.
9. Inequality – the US economy has doubled over the last 40 years. The top 1% of the
population saw a 20% increase of their wealth, the rest of us (99%) saw a decrease of
0.3% plus the difference of 1975 dollars to 2015 dollars. By the way, that top 1% have
given $889,000,000 to elections.
So what can we do?
 Volunteer at schools
 Connect with the United Way
 Volunteer to teach someone to read
 Help young people get and keep jobs
 Support and encourage career and technical education
Help end childhood poverty
Create and support community cooperatives
Advocate for policy changes
Connect people with open jobs
Recreate a civic society
Join the First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan reading group and discuss
“Bridges Out of Poverty”
“We are not all guilty, but we are all responsible.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel
“The way we take care of the vulnerable is a reflection of our own collective.” – Rev. Wade
Sunday Scriptures for February
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Isaiah 40:21-31
2 Kings 2:1-12
Genesis 9:8-17
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Mark 9:2-9
Mark 1:9-15
Ushers and Greeters for February
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
Nellie and Lyman Beecher
Susan Irwin and Beth Curtiss
Carol and Bob Worden
Linda and Phil Bracht
Robyn Ballard and Eleanor Schoonover
Wava and Jim Matzat
Joy and Marvin Pallischeck
Kerry and Matthew Fitch
The Deacons thank everyone for serving as ushers and greeters. If you cannot serve on the
date assigned, please let the office know so the correct names appear in the bulletin.
Since there are only two ushers named for each Sunday, the greeters need to help with
passing the offering plates. We appreciate your willingness to participate in the service.
We have the schedule for ushers and greeters for January through June of 2014:
Bibles Studies
During February, the Wednesday Morning Bible Study Class will read passages from in the Old
February 4
Serving Neighbors, Serving God, Daniel 1
February 11
Serving the Least, Matthew 25:31-46
February 18
Clothed and Ready, Ephesians 6:10-20
February 25
The Lamb of God, John 1:29-34
Prayer Line
Charlotte Gillespie
Judy Wilbert
Carol Clarke
Nancy Burt
Carol Crain
Please keep the following in your prayers: Jean Constantine, Elizabeth Craver, Maryanne Fabich,
Nelson Hansen, Bruce LeClaire, Meggan Pinckney McCarthy, Sonny Ogden, and Gene
Food For The Needy
Non-perishable goods such as pasta, pasta sauces, peanut butter, cereals, canned vegetables, and
fruits are always needed. Thank you to everyone for contribution to this program to help feed
the hungry in our area and other areas. Helpers are always welcomed. Please have your
contributions here at the church, in the box in the entry hall, by Tuesday, February 17th for
distribution on Friday, February 20th. Thank you!
Let’s Celebrate
The following have birthdays in February. Feel free to cut this portion out and pray for those
whose birthdays and anniversaries are listed below:
Art and Phyllis Alderman Anniv.
Shirley Whyman
Betty Peer
Matthew Fitch
Jack Wilbert
Joan Wiley
Teresa Ballard
Margaret DelBono
February 1
February 1
February 6
February 6
February 8
February 10
February 11
February 11
Minda Hopkins
Jack Lighthouse
Allan and Barbara Belcher Anniv.
Barbara Belcher
Lyn and Taylor Fitch Anniv.
Deb Snyder
Bill Schleigh
Ed and Carol Seus Anniv.
February 12
February 12
February 13
February 14
February 15
February 16
February 26
February 28
Congratulations To All!
Have we missed your birthday or anniversary? If so, we are very sorry – please let us know by
filling out the form below and bringing it to the Church Office!
Name ____________________________________________________________________
Church /Local News
Annual Meeting of Congregation and Corporation
On Sunday, January 25th, we had the annual meeting of the congregation and corporation.
Following a call to order and an opening prayer, our congregational meeting began. The Pastor’s
Report, Clerk’s report and committee reports were presented. The nominating committee noted
that there is an opening for one more Deacon – if you are interested in serving, please contact
one of the committee members. The budget for 2015 was presented. The Pastor’s Terms of Call
was overwhelmingly approved – a special ‘Thank you’ to Pastor Paul and Linda for all that they
do! The congregational meeting was adjourned, then the corporation meeting was begun with a
presentation of the Trustee’s report. Following adjournment of the congregational meeting, a
closing prayer was offered. If you would like the annual report, it is available from the church’s
website (please note that the on-line report does not include the church’s full budget).
News from Trustees
Sound system training: Wouldn’t you like to learn about the church sound system??!!! Jon
Burt will be doing training on the system so we can have others available when help is needed.
Please see Jon if you are interested.
News from the Deacons
The Deacons wish to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the Hat and Mitten Tree,
which also included donations of sweatpants.
News from the Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women are having a brief meeting following service and fellowship on
Sunday, February 1st to discuss our commitment to the Yates Christmas Program (formerly
Christmas for the Needy).
Miracle Cloths: The Presbyterian Women are selling streak-free microfiber Miracle Cloths as a
fundraiser – a package of 2 is $5.00. The cloth fiber is a special yarn that is strong and is
virtually lint-free - it does not damage any surface. The fibers grab and hold dirt, dust and grime
- tough on dirt and gentle on surface - these cloths are GREAT for cleaning windows and almost
anything else. Please see Sandy Carlson.
Valentines: The Presbyterian Women are continuing the tradition of sending valentines to our
young people in college and in the military. The project began many years ago when boxes of
homemade cookies "from home" were sent to them. Unfortunately, the postage became too
expensive. Recently, we've sent $15 Walmart gift cards. If you would like to contribute, please
give your donation to Carol Worden on or before February 8th. If someone is missing from this
list, please let us know ASAP.
Andrew Baxter
Jennifer Burt
Ben Falter
Megan Fenton
Daniel Martens
Amanda Pereira
Geoff Rouin
Derek Strickland
Corissa Lass
News from the Worship and Music Committee
Layreaders: We are in need of layreaders for our Sunday morning services – please sign-up on
the sheet on the church bulletin board. Please note that the readings for each Sunday of the
month are noted under ‘Sunday Scriptures’.
News from the Stewardship Committee
The members of the Stewardship Committee maintained their commitment to our mission as
we continued to share the important message based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the
giver to give. Again, we began our campaign earlier in the fall as we celebrated our church as a
In keeping with this emphasis, we came together as a community for our two events: A Pie al
la Mode Sunday and our Luncheon Celebration on Consecration Sunday. Each event was well
attended and, with great thanks to Andy’s Barbecue, we were able to treat our church community
to a hearty warm luncheon of pulled pork.
Estimate of Giving cards were returned on Consecration Sunday or as members’ schedules
allowed with a total of 73 cards returned to date. At this time the total commitment for 2015 is
$132,119.00. Most encouraging was the number of both friends and members making a
commitment as a statement of support to the mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Penn
Yan! Cards may still be returned to the church office at any time. If a new card is needed,
simply let a committee member or Marilyn know.
The Stewardship Committee gives great thanks to those members who agreed to share their
experiences of our church as a community through Minutes for Mission, those who provided pies
or needed extras for our events, and the members of the Stewardship Committee.
Finally, our great thanks goes to the members and friends of our church community for your
continued generous caring support which makes possible a successful campaign each year!
Respectfully submitted by the Stewardship Committee: Pastor Paul, the Rev. Anne
Waasdorp, Phoebe Baker, Linda Bracht, Phil Bracht, Char Gillespie, Bob Gillespie, Marcia
Kneeland, Jennifer Rouin and Sonja Simpson.
Estimated Giving for 2014
Full Year
2014 Actual
2014 Budget
Lenten Lunches
The theme for the 2015 Lenten Luncheons is Pondering the Parables: A Journey to the Cross.
The lunches begin at noon at the First Baptist Church on Main Street, Penn Yan. The cost is
$6.00 per person. Meals are being provided through the Wagner Restaurant again this year with
area churches serving and providing the desserts. The following is a schedule of the lunches
February 19:
Sowing Seeds (Matthew 13:3-23) by Pastor Sandi Perl
Chicken and Biscuits
First Presbyterian Church serving
February 26:
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-42) by Pastor Paul Malles
Sloppy Joe
Milo Center UMC, Dresden UMC and Second Milo Baptist Church serving
March 5:
The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-32) by Pastor Rich Norman
St. Mark’s and St. Luke’s Episcopal Churches serving
March 12:
The Wise and Foolish Maidens (Matthew 25:1-13) by Pastor Elizabeth Boesen
Beef Stew
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and Bluff Point UMC serving
March 19:
Three Servants with Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) by Pastor Jeff Childs
St. Michael’s Catholic Church serving
March 26:
The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) by Pastor Judy White
Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Penn Yan UMC and Benton UMC serving
New Arrivals
On January 6 , Rachel and Dr. Rob Anderson welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Otto Daniel
Anderson. He came in at 7 lbs, 6 oz. Congratulations to everyone!!!!
Soup and Bread Luncheon
On Sunday, January 25th, after the service and annual meeting of the congregation and
corporation, we were treated to a delicious soup and bread luncheon - YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
The youth are continuing with the soup and bread luncheon on the last Sunday of February
(February 22nd) and March (March 29th) to support their summer mission trip. Please come and
join us for a wonderful selection of soup and bread, and delightful fellowship.
Supper Club
Our February 17 supper club will feature Idelle leading us in a sing-a-long – this is a wonderful
time to join in singing very wonderful songs as well as a great time of fellowship. Bring a dish
to pass and your own table service.
Talent Showcase
There is so much talent in our church! Let’s showcase it!
When? Sometime this summer; afternoon or evening!!
Where? In the sanctuary and in Crosier Hall!!
How? People of all ages are welcome to contact Robyn, Teresa, or Char about their
willingness to participate in some way. A schedule will be created for the sanctuary with times
for instrument players (organ, piano, trumpet, accordion, drums, guitar, viola, flute, bells, etc.),
singers (soloists, duets, quartets, choir, bands), storytellers, comedians, jugglers, etc. A floor
plan will be developed for booths in Crosier Hall for artists, scrapbookers, cardmakers,
seamstresses, quilters, felters, rugmakers, photographers, woodworkers, auctioneers, computer
gurus, etc. People who are talented in graphic arts can create posters, flyers, programs. People
who have the gift of gab can pass the word about the event. People who feel they aren’t talented
can be talented audience members and invite people from other churches to join us. Talented
bakers (and popcorn poppers) can provide refreshments. We have only touched on a few of the
many talents…
Why? Everyone in the community will be welcomed into our church for a time of fun and
fellowship. Local talent will be shared – not hidden under a basket. A basket to collect
donations for PW’s local missions will be placed by the exit.
Nursery Help
The church needs volunteers to help in the nursery during our Sunday service. Please see the
Nursery Rotation Schedule on the bulletin board to sign-up. We greatly appreciate your help!!!!
Do you know???
In a closet in the church office, there are wonderfully old, old Bibles and related books. Do you
have any background information about them??? If you do, we would be so excited to learn
about them!!!
Wouldn’t you LOVE to ‘Ring’?
Do you think you might be interested in joining the church Bell Choir?? We have so much fun
at our weekly rehearsals and then bring so much musical joy when playing during service. If you
are interested, please contact Robyn Ballard and/or Joy Pallischeck.
Walking Can Be Fun!!!
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9 AM – 10 AM, we have an exercise group in Crosier
Hall. It started with a group that used to go to Curves, then they were at the Owl’s Nest, but the
flooding stopped them. The group requested use of Crosier Hall until they can find another
home. All are welcome – the group walks in place to a video which can be from 2-3 miles but is
very low impact. This good exercise program is free but the walkers give a donation into a
bucket – about once a month, they put names of local charitable organizations in a hat and
choose one to give the donated money. Please come and join the fun!!!!
Per Capita
The Presbytery of Geneva has worked hard to keep the Per Capita apportionment at the same
amount as last year's raise of $1.00 to the current $44.00 amount. This year they are continuing
this effort to keep the amount at $44.00.
Have you considered electronic giving?
Several of our members have chosen this newer way of giving – how about you? If you wish to
make church contributions automatically via electronic transfer, please request an authorization
form from Linda Bracht (315-279-1545 or [email protected]).
Presbytery of Geneva
If you are interested in learning about what is happening at the Presbytery of Geneva, you are
welcome to go on their website at Click on ‘Meeting Info’ then
enter the username ‘directory’ and the password ‘fingerlakes’.
For news of the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Geneva, go to the presbytery website,
then ‘Presbyterian Women’, and ‘The Link’ at the bottom of the page:
Also, take a look at the Quarterly News – download the resource at; select ‘about PW’, then select ‘Quarterly Newsletter’.
PCUSA – General Assembly news
If you are interested in learning about what is happening at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
you are welcome to go on their website at Click on ‘News & Announcements’
then ‘General Assembly News’ to read about the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian
church (U.S.A.) that was held from June 14th-21st in Detroit, Michigan.
February 2015
10:30 Worship;
Sunday School
PW Mtg
8AM Men’s B’fast
Wagner Rest.
Make a Friend’s
11 Lincoln’s
13 Valentine’s
10 Bible Study
7PM W&M Mtg
15 President’s
16 Mardi Gras
10:30 Worship;
Sunday school
10 Bible Study
12PM Lenten
5:30 Ash Wed
6 PM Supper Club
7 PM Session
22 National Dog 23
Soup/Bread lunch
4 World Nutella 5 Bubble Gum
7 PM Choir
10:30 Worship;
2¢ meal; birthdays
Sunday School
Deacon Mtg.
10:30 Worship;
Sunday school
National Signing
10 Bible Study
First Sunday
In Lent
25 National Chili 26
Biscuit Day
10 Bible Study
12PM Lenten
27 National Tooth 28
Fairy Day
First Presbyterian Church
211 Main Street, PO Box 639
Penn Yan, NY 14527
February 2015