here - Support Network at Penn National

Support Network at
Penn National
Neighbors helping neighbors live actively, safely and comfortably at home
February 2015
Save the Dates
March 18
Membership Meeting
5:00—5:30 p.m.
Speaker 5:30—6:30
Mont Alto Fire Hall
April 1
Physical Therapy at Home
3:00—4:30 p.m.
Grove Family Library
April 20
Drug Take-Back Initiative
9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
Drop off at SNaP office
Another year has passed, the holidays have come and gone, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. The Board of Trustees wish all Penn
National residents a happy and healthy 2015. Groundhog Day is February
2 and I’m ready for Spring.
As you know, Penn National is an active community with many social and
cultural programs and activities enabling residents to live an active lifestyle. The Support Network at Penn National (SNaP) is an active membership organization that encourages living life to the fullest. SNaP also promotes planning for the future, especially when life's unexpected twists and
turns land on our doorsteps. These twists and turns often bring about
changes that require us to depend on others for a short time or in some
cases, for a longer time.
Over the holidays, the Board of Trustees have been busy putting together
programs we hope you will find informative and useful. Our programs are
designed to help members stay healthy and be better informed and prepared to plan for their future now rather than later. The first three programs in the series are listed on page two of this newsletter.
April 25
Pancake Breakfast
8:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m.
Mont Alto Fire Hall
May (Date TBD)
Shredding Day
Drop off at SNaP office
May 14
Making Decisions While
You Still Can
Grove Family Library
June 20
Theater Night
Totem Pole Playhouse
8:00 p.m.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who supported our pecan sale,
which was another success. Special thanks go to Don
and Margie Gracyalny for the use of
their home this year. And to everyone
who volunteered to pick up cases of
Don and Margie
pecans, sort and bag, make calls, and
deliver pecans. And to our Treasurer, Jim Hilmer, who
Marilyn Ross and Barb
keeps our financial records accurate.
Brown making calls
We could not do this important fundraiser without the
volunteers who step up each year to make it a success. We’ll do it again
next year with everyone’s help.
Valentine’s Day is February 14. Why not send flowers
to that special someone. SNaP members receive a
ten percent discount on flowers from B & H.
Page 2
Be Informed; Be Prepared Series
Programs are open to everyone. There is a $4 individual and $7 couple charge for all residents
who are not SNaP members. Please register online at or call Donna at 3522612.
#1—Estate Planning (legal documents)
March 18—SNaP Annual Membership Meeting and Presentation
Mont Alto Fire Hall—5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m.
Presentation by Attorney Clinton Barkdoll
#2—Physical Therapy at Home
April 1—Presentation by Derek Kling, DPT, Waynesboro Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Grove Family Library—3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
#3—Making Decisions While You Still Can
May 14—Presentation by Don Weber, former SNaP President.
Grove Family Library—3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
New Members
New Preferred Providers
The Board of Trustees and Executive Director We also welcome the following new providers.
welcome the following new members.
Dale Hastings
Seth Flory—Lawn Care
Robert Edmond
Michael Bishton
Guilford Hills Dental Care
Elizabeth Reisenweber
John and Helena Berger
For service, please call the SNaP office
Walt and Angie Schneider
at 352-2612.
Edmond and Dolores LeMieux
If you are a SNaP member and your phone number or e-mail address
changes or if you are planning to move, please notify the Executive
Director at 352-2612. This helps to keep our records accurate.
Thank You!
Page 3
Summit Health Programs Survey
If you have not already done so, please participate in the survey at to help determine what kinds of
seminars will be presented by Summit Health at Penn National in the next
several months. This is a joint venture by Summit Health, White Rock,
and SNaP, and its main purpose is to address topics that are currently of
interest to our residents.
Medical Equipment for Loan, Rent or Sale
SNaP has a few members who are willing to loan walkers or canes for
members in need. However, it is best to take the equipment to your physician or physical therapist for proper height measurement.
If you have medical equipment or assistive devices that you can offer to
other SNaP members in need, call the SNaP office. The office cannot
store any equipment or devices.
All types of medical equipment
can be loaned, rented,
or sold at various locations.
Check out the Resources tab on the
SNaP website for details.
Meet the Artist
Anne Lynott is a Penn National resident and
SNaP member. A nurse by profession, Anne
retired and moved to Fayetteville from Virginia.
At 65, she took her first watercolor painting
class from Ruth Durbin. With Virginia Hair,
Anne traveled to England and attended several
watercolor workshops. Anne enjoys painting a
variety of subjects and says “she must like the subject in order to paint it.”
Along with a group of eight to ten other students, Anne takes weekly
classes from Carol Rinehart at the Grove Family Library, where her note
cards are on display. Anne has eight paintings on display at the “Small
Wonders” exhibit at the Council for the Arts, 159 S. Main Street, Chambersburg. The exhibit runs until February 20.
Support Network at Penn National
3872 Alfalfa Lane
Fayetteville, PA 17222
SNaP Board of Trustees
Roland Foster, President
Vacant, Vice President
Rosina Saitta, Secretary
James Hilmer, Treasurer
Don Gracyalny
John Hunter
Howard Lutz
Jean Morton
Robert Schaefer, Jr.
Donna Crissman, Executive Director
(717) 352-2612
email: [email protected]
SNaP Membership Renewal Is Easy
A majority of SNaP renewals will be due on or before April 30. You can expect a reminder call from
Rosina Saitta or the Executive Director several weeks before your renewal date.
Renewing is easy.
1. After the call, deliver or mail your check (payable to SNaP) to 3872 Alfalfa Lane, Fayetteville, PA
2. The Executive Director will mail your renewal letter and new 2015-2016 membership cards.
Mont Alto Ambulance Squad Membership
The Mont Alto Ambulance Squad is there to
take care of Penn National residents when the
need arises. This is a
vital service to our community and should be
supported by everyone.
SNaP members receive
a 10 percent discount on
their yearly membership.
Take 10 percent off the
cost per your household,
put your SNaP number
or a check mark on the
SNaP line on the right
side of the form, and
mail it in.
Thank you for supporting
the Mont Alto Ambulance Squad.
DIAL 911
Membership covers only
911 emergency calls
covered by your insurance. Membership is not
an insurance policy. If
you do not have insurance or your insurance
does not cover the 911
service, you are responsible for 75 percent of
the bill. Your membership covers the remaining 25 percent of the bill.