CIS105 - Survey of Computer Information Systems FALL 2014 - 16-Week Course Professor: JON P. RAGER Weekly Schedule Note: This schedule is subjected to BE CHANGED at your instructor's discretion. Please check this list often (and all announcements posted by your instructor), at least twice a week, to make sure that you do not miss any assignments. Textbooks and Abbreviations: 1. Textbook #1: Our Digital World (ODW). 2. Textbook #2: Guidelines for Office 2013 (GFO). 3. SNAP: Assessment Software Assignments are due by 11:55 p.m., Arizona Time on the due date. There are some variations to the assignment due dates; make sure you read your schedule each week and pay close attention to the due dates. Course Information and Evaluation quizzes are in Canvas and are opened-book and three tries, best score. All labs and the remainder of the quizzes are in SNAP and are opened-book and three tries, best score. All discussion boards are in Canvas LMS. Week # Week #1 Required Assignments/Labs Points/Due Date (11:55 PM ) TUESDAY Due: August 28 August 25 - 31 Module 1 – Introduction (CANVAS ACTIVITIES) Course and SNAP Overview Read Getting Started in Canvas Read Course Syllabus in Canvas Canvas Quiz: Course Information (Module 1 in SNAP2013) 10 Done X Canvas Discussion 1: Self-Introduction (Module 1 in SNAP2013) THURSDAY 10 Due: Sept. 1 Module 2 - Windows and Internet Create SNAP Account (SNAP2013 ACTIVITIES) Your instructor will provide you with the Enrollment Key Inform your instructor immediately if you have a legitimate reason for delaying the purchase of required textbooks and/or SNAP Activation Key. Read Chap 1 Digital Technologies (ODW) >Concept Exam: Chap 1 Digital Technologies (ODW Exams: 20 questions 2 points each) 40 Review using Canvas tutorials for students TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) (NO CLASS) Week #2 September 1–7 Read Windows Chap 1 and 2 (GFO p69-123) Due: Sept 5 >Graded Tutorials: Windows Chap 2 Managing Files, Skills 1,2,3,4,7 (GFO, p107) 2 2.2.1 Use File Explorer 2 2.2.2 Copy a folder 2 2.2.3 Create a folder 2 2.2.4 Rename files and folders 2.2.7 Delete files and folder >Concept Exam: Windows Ch. 1 and 2 (GFO p29-123) >Skill Exam: SNAP Verification Mac users must use the VDI connection for Skill Exams THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Read Chap 2 The Internet (ODW) 2 20 5 Due: Sept 8 >Concept Exam: Chap 2 The Internet 40 DEMO: DEMO: Handle as a Group Activity see Group Activity-Introductions Week #3 September 8 – 14 TUESDAY (Canvas Activities) Canvas Discussion 2: Emerging Technology (Module 1 in SNAP2013) (SNAP2013 ACTIVITIES) Read Internet Basics (GFO, p169-203) >Graded Tutorials: Internet Basics, Skills 1,6,10,12 3.1.1 MS Internet Explorer Due: Sept 11 20 2 2 3.1.6 Use tabbed browsing 3.1.10 Download files 2 2 3.1.12 Use search engines Due: THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Sept 14 >Graded Tutorials: Introduction Chap 2 Sky Drive, 3 skills (GFO, p20) 1.2.1 Create SkyDrive Account 2 1.2.2 Sign into SkyDrive 2 2 1.2.3 Manage Files on SkyDrive >Graded Tutorials: Introduction Chap 4 Screen Shots, 2 skills (GFO, p50) 1.4.1 Take a screenshot 1.4.2 Use Snipping Tool Read MS Office Overview (GFO, p205-239) 2 2 >Skill Exam: MS Office Overview, Skills 2,5,6,7,11 (GFO, p205) 10 Skill Exams are live-in-the application assignments which allow students to practice skills in a document provided through SNAP. Office 2013 is required. Mac users must use the VDI connection for Skill Exams. TUESDAY Week #4 September 15 - 21 Module 3 (Word and Hardware) (SNAP2013 ACTIVITIES) Due: September 19 Read Chap 3 Computer Hardware (ODW) Assignment: Concepts Check 3.4 Label 7 Motherboard Parts (ODW, p92) (HERE) Concept Exam: Chap 3 Computer Hardware 8 THURSDAY Read Word Chap 1 Creating Documents (GFO, p241) >Graded Tutorials: Word Chap 1 Creating Documents, Skills 6,7,9 (Tutorials are videos covering material that should have been read in the textbook. Certain tutorials are assigned to provide additional review of some challenging skills. A grade will be recorded in the grade book for each assigned tutorial after the video is viewed from beginning to end. All tutorials can be accessed at any time in SNAP by clicking on All Tutorials on the left hand side.) 40 Due: September 22 5.1.6 Indent and Tabs 5.1.7 Set Margins 5.1.9 Insert Headers and Footers Skill Exam: Word Chap 1, Skills 6,7,8,9 Grade It: Word Chap 1 Exercise C (Story, GFO, p282, 11 steps) (Grade-It’s are live-in-the-application assignments which require students to complete multiple skills in a document provided through SNAP. Office 2013 is required. Mac users must use the VDI connection for the Grade-Its. If a Grade-It asks you to perform a task you are not sure how to complete, refer to the lab book, Guidelines for Office 2013, or 2 2 2 5 12 look up the tutorial by clicking on Tutorials on the right and then click on the plus sign to expand the list of tutorials for the desired application.) Week #5 September 22- 28 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Due: Sept. 26 Read Word Chap 2 Formatting Documents (GFO, p284) >Graded Tutorials: Word Chap 2 Formatting, Skills 4,5,8,9,10 5.2.4 Align text 2 5.2.5 Format paragraph and line spacing 2 5.2.8 Insert footnote 5.2.9 Insert citations 5.2.10 Create Works Cited page 2 2 2 >Skill Exam: Word Chap 2, Skills 2,3,4,7 >Grade It: Word Chap 2 Exercise C (Research Paper, p316-317, 16 steps) >Concept Exam: Word Chap 1 and 2 (GFO Quizzes: 10 questions 2 points each) 5 15 20 THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Read Chap 4 System Software (ODW) >Assignment: Concepts Check 4.6 Arrange Boot Process (ODW, p125, 6 steps) >Concept Exam: Chap 4 System Software Due: Sept. 29 5 40 Week #6 September 29October 5 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Due: Oct. 3 Module 4 - Excel and Software (SNAP 2013 ACTIVITIES) Read Excel Chap 1 Creating Workbooks (GFO, p381) >Graded Tutorial: Excel Chap 1 Creating, Skill 1 (GFO, p381) 6.1.1 Understand worksheet structure 6.1.3 Enter Text, Values and Dates >Skill Exam: Excel Chap 1 Creating, Skills 3,4,6 (GFO, p381) >Grade It: Excel Chap 1 Exercise A (Songs, GFO, p420) 2 2 5 10 THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Due: Read Excel Chap 2 Formulas and Functions (GFO, p424) >Graded Tutorial: Excel Chap 2 Formulas and Functions, Skills 1,2,3,5,6 Oct. 6 6.2.1 Enter a formula 2 6.2.2 Enter a function 2 6.2.3 Insert a function 2 6.2.5 Use absolute reference 6.2.6 Copy cell contents >Skill Exam: Excel Chap 2 Formulas, Skills 1,2,3,5,6 >Grade It: Excel Chap 2 Exercise B (Invoice, GFO p454-455) Week #7 October 6 - 12 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) 2 2 6 10 Due: Oct. 10 Read Chap 5 Application Software (ODW) 40 >Concept Exam: Chap 5 Application Software THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Due: Oct. 13 Read Excel Chap 3 Formatting (GFO, p458) >Grade It: Excel Chap 3 Exercise C (Sales Review, GFO, p488) 20 Week #8 October 13 - 19 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Read Excel Chap 4 Charts (GFO, p490) >Graded Tutorial: Excel Chap 4 Charts, Skills 1,2, Pivot, Macro 6.4.1 Create a line chart Due: Oct. 17 2 6.4.2 Modify chart data 2 6.4.3 Create a Column Chart 2 6.4.4 Add and Edit Chart Labels 2 6.4.5 Create a Pie Chart 2 6.4.6 Modify a Pie Chart (The following two tutorials are provided to MCC as Custom tutorials and are in a slightly different format than the other tutorials viewed so far in the course.) >Mesa Excel: Creating and Modifying a PivotTable (Custom) 2 >Mesa Excel: 7.2 Edit a Macro (Custom) >Grade It: Excel Chap 4 Exercise A (Pie Chart, GFO, p507-508) >Grade It: Excel Chap 4 Exercise C (Column Chart, GFO, p509) >Concept Exam: Excel Chap 1 - 4 THURSDAY (CANVAS and SNAP Activities) >Canvas Discussion 3: Cloud Computing (Module 1 in SNAP2013) Excel Wrap Up 2 2 10 10 20 Due: Oct. 20 20 Week #9 October 20 -26 Due: TUESDAY Oct. 24 Read Chap 6 Networks (ODW) >Concept Exam: Activity 6.6.1 Flash Movie Setting up a Wireless 5 Network (ODW p188, 4 questions) >Concept Exam: Chap 6 Networks Module 5 - Access and Networks THURSDAY Read Access Chap 1 Working with Databases (GFO, p515) >Graded Tutorial: Access Chap 1 Working with Databases, Skills 1,4,7 7.1.1 Open and navigate database 7.1.4 Sort Data 7.1.7 Use existing queries and reports >Skill Exam: Access Chap 1 Skills 2,4 >Grade It: Access Chap 1 Exercise A, Edit and Sort data (GFO, p535536, 14 steps) 40 Oct. 27 2 2 2 5 10 Week #10 October 27 – November 2 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) (REVIEW IN CANVAS TEMPLATE) (HERE) Due: Oct. 31 Module 5 - Access and Social Media Read Access Chap 2 Creating Forms and Tables (GFO, p538) >Graded Tutorial: Access Chap 2 Creating Forms and Tables, Skills 1,2 2 7.2.1 Create a table 7.2.2 Enter data in a table 2 5 >Skill Exam: Access Chap 2 Skills 1,3 15 >Grade It: Access Chap 2 Exercise A, Create table (GFO, p551, 14 steps) THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) (HERE – DUE DATE REVIEWSNAP) Due: Nov. 3 Read Chap 7 Social Web (ODW) >Concept Exam: Chap 7 Social Web Week #11 November 3-9 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Read Access Chap 3 Queries and Reports (GFO, p554) >Graded Tutorial: Access Chap 3 Queries and Reports, Skills 1,2 7.3.1 Use the Query Wizard 7.3.4 Create a report 40 Due: 2 2 >Skill Exam: Access Chap 3 Skills 1,4,5 5 >Grade It: Access Chap 3 Exercise A, Query Wizard (GFO, p575576, 10 steps) 15 THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Due: Read Access Chap 3 Queries and Reports (GFO, p554) >Graded Tutorial: Access Chap 3 Queries and Reports, Skills 1,2, SQL 2 7.3.2 Create a query in Design View 2 7.3.3 Use more than one table in a query 2 Mesa Access: Editing a Query's SQL code and Performing Operations Using Action Queries >Skill Exam: Access Chap 3 Skills 2,3 >Grade It: Access Chap 3 Exercise B, Query Design View (GFO, p576, 10 steps) >Concept Exam: Access Chap 1 - 3 5 15 20 Week #12 November 10 – 16 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 ACTIVITIES) Due: (NO CLASS ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11, 2014) Read Chap 8 Security (ODW) >Concept Exam: Concepts Check 8.3 Match 10 malwares with 10 description (ODW, p263) >Concept Exam: Chap 8 Security 40 Due: THURSDAY (CANVAS ACTIVITY) 20 >Canvas Discussion 4: Social Media (Module 1 in SNAP2013) Week #13 November 1 7 - 23 Due: TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Module 6 - PowerPoint and Information Systems Read PowerPoint Chap 1 Creating a Presentation (GFO, p583) >Skill Exam: PowerPoint Chap 1 Skills 1,2,5,6,7 >Grade It: PowerPoint Chap 1 Exercise A, PowerPoint (GFO, p609-610, 7 steps) 5 15 Read PowerPoint Chap 2 Master View (GFO, p612) THURSDAY (SNAP 2013 Activities) Read Chap 9 Databases and Information Management Due: (Chapter 9 only available electronically through SNAP) Click on the question mark on the top left to become familiar with the eBook. >Concept Exam: Chap 9 Databases and Information Management Week #14 TUESDAY (SNAP2013 Activities) November 24 - 30 (NO CLASS ON THURSDAY – THANKSGIVING) Read PowerPoint Chap 3 Animation (GFO, p630) 40 Due: 5 >Skill Exam: PowerPoint Chap 3 Skills 3,5,6 >Grade It: PowerPoint Chap 3 Exercise A, Music Industry (GFO, p649-650, 11 steps) Read PowerPoint Chap 4 Running a Show (GFO, p654) >PowerPoint Concepts Concept Exam: Chap 1 – 4 THURSDAY (Canvas Activity) >Canvas Discussion 5: Career Options (Module 1 in SNAP2013) 15 20 Due: 20 PowerPoint Wrap Up Week #15 December 1-7 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 Activity) Read Chap 10 Information Systems (Chapter 10 only available electronically through SNAP) >Concept Exam: Ch. 10 Information Systems THURSDAY >Continue with Concept Exam Due: 40 Week #16 December 8 – 14 TUESDAY (SNAP 2013 activity) Due: Read Chap 12 Computer Programming (Chapter 12 only available electronically through SNAP) >Concept Exam: Chap 12 Programming 40 THURSDAY Course Wrap Up Finals? Week SNAP 2013 Activity: (QUESTION ON FINALS DAY FOR 27639 & 27642 Due: IN BP-2 – WHAT ARE THE DATES AND TIMES?) December 15 December TUESDAY 15 - 21 Module 7 - Final >Concept Exam: Comprehensive Final from ODW (Extra Credit) Finals Day for the 9-10:15 AM class is 5/5/14 9-10:50AM (COMPLETE ALL REMAINING HOMEWORK) THURSDAY Finals Day for the 10:30-11:45 AM class is 5/7/14 10:30-12:20PM (IS THIS RIGHT?) (COMPLETE ALL REMAINING HOMEWORK) Final grades are calculated and posted by: 5 p.m., Friday, May 9th. Revised January 8, 2014 40
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