
Action Request
Office of Self Sufficiency Programs
Sandy Dugan, Administrator, DHS – CW/SSP
Field Services
Belit Burke, SNAP and Youth Services Programs
Authorized Signature
Food Benefits
Number: SS-AR-14-005
Issue Date: 06/16/2014
Due Date: 06/16/2014
Subject: Incorrect TANF case numbers coded on SNAP
Applies to (check all that apply):
All DHS employees
Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and People with Disabilities
Children, Adults and Families
County DD Program Managers
County Mental Health Directors
Health Services
Office of Developmental
Disabilities Services(ODDS)
Other (please specify): SSP Transmittal
Action Required: Several cases have been identified where the TANF case number is
missing or incorrectly coded on the second page of the SNAP case. When the UCMS
case number is missing or coded incorrectly, the SNAP case will automatically change
the grant amount (GNT) to 0.00, as the case number coded is not issuing a TANF
grant. This creates an overpayment of SNAP benefits and impacts our accuracy rates.
How to avoid this in the future?
Every month, at end of month processing, the system cross references the TANF case
number coded on the SNAP case for the grant (GNT) amount. The one exception to
this: cases with an MNL HH type. Cases with MNL household types will not have the
grant amount adjusted. To ensure your clients are not required to pay back benefits,
when splitting cases, creating new or restoring TANF cash eligibility, please make sure
the current TANF case number is coded correctly on the SNAP case.
Next steps:
A list of SNAP cases with the incorrect TANF case number will be sent on a separate
email to management to share with workers. Workers will need to review, manually fix
and complete any other necessary actions on the SNAP case. A list of cases will be
sent on a monthly basis. The first list will be sent around June 16, and subsequent lists
will be sent around the first week of each month.
DHS 0078 (11/13)
How to fix SNAP cases with the incorrect TANF case number?
1. Use the SNAP Case number listed on the spreadsheet to complete a
WEBM,FIND search to get to the Client Information (FIND) screen.
2. From the Client Information (FIND) screen, select and review the CM cases that
are listed to identify and confirm the correct CM case with TANF cash benefits.
3. Afterwards, go to the second page of the SNAP case and update the TANF case
Reason for Action: To support SNAP accuracy.
Field/Stakeholder review:
If yes, reviewed by:
If you have any questions about this action request, contact:
Contact(s): Alma Estrada - 503-945-5826
Sarah Lambert - 503-945-6220
Heather Miles - 503-945-6092
Marilyn Hansen - see email address below
Diane Niko
- 503-945-7018
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
DHS 0078 (11/13)