NWO-CMCell,1" Floor, BharatSancharBhawanJanpath N e wD e l h-i 11 0 0 0 0 1 PhoneNo:23734305 Fax No: 23734304 r{nirCqnffirqftTFT}s (|naf,srlilr|r) BHARAT S'IIICHIRIIIOAT{ TIIIITEO AGqto,hfltn5ond No. F.NO MOB-14/NWO-CM-||l/QoS(Structural Revamp)12014-1il*L Dated:28-01-2015 Sub: Norms for Staff and Vehicle at SSA/Area/CircleLevel - CM Vertical Revamp)nfl4-15155 Dated:02-12-2014 Ref: 1) MOB-14/NWO-CM-Ill/QoS(Structural Dated:19-01-2015 Revamp)12014-15156 2) MOB-14/NWO-CM-|ll/QoS(Structural 3) No 4-212014-Restg. Dated23-01-15 procedurein ERPfor CMTSnetworkmaintenance VideRef 1 instructions wereissuedfor implementing the duidelines CM verticaland vide Ref 2 detailedguidelineswere issuedfor uniformimplementation by Mobile following normsare desired Customers the the acrossall circles.In order to deliver QoS proposed network Area/ maintenance at SS{ Proposed vehicles for CMTS to befollowedfor Staffsand required vertical at SSA and Area/Circle for CM Circlelevel.Numberof Executivesand Non-Executives receivedfrom levelis calculated basedon Dir/CM'sDO letterdated1&0$2014 and initialsuggestions few Circles.lt will be finalizedafter receivingfeedbacksfrom Ckcles and final numberswill be authority. communicated shortlyafterthe approvalof competent 1. Normsfor Staffsand Vehiclesat SSA Level worksof BTSlnfraltems Jobsat SSA level:Day-toDayrepair/maintenance a. BTSInfraMaintenance and sectrity is the rent, diesel, hous+keeping payment for elec'tricity, works like and associated which includes maintenance that BTS Infra responsibility of BTS Infra Teams. lt is envisaged BTS siteswill be Diesel, for non-exchange of etc activities suih as O&M of BTY/PP,DG,A/C,filling the out ensure that responsible to out sourced.For out sourcedactivities8TS Infrateam will be contain invariably should sourcedagencyis givingserviceas per SLA contracts.The contrac{s relevantclausesso as to protect BSNL in the event contractorfaits to deliver some of the obligationswhich may affectBTS availabili$.As an example,tlg_conlractshouldbe contractual madein suchiway that if ageniy fails to achievethe desiredup time,the BTS.lnfrateamwill be to mainiainthe u-ptim6on their outnorby engagingthird pgrtyvendorat the risk and responsible scrappingand handing .o.t of th" agencywith whom contractis signed.ReplacemenUUpgrade, andA,/Tof Infta SSA'/Circle store In-charge at the materials(e.g.Bfi/PPfto overthe old/obsolete Team. of BTSInfra items(e.g.BTY/PP)is the responsibility foi maintenanceof lrifrafor around100 BTSs are i) 1 executivesat the levelof Staffs'pr6posed 50%extra background): JTo/sbE/AcM,and ii) 2-3 TTA/PM(to be postedwithscience/engineering per team is vehiclg orovisionis madefor bircleswith difficulttdnain(e.g.NE RegionCircles).One oroposed. works of BSS ltems and b. E!$-M-iiitenance Jobs at SSA level: Day-te.Dayrepair/maintenance of FiM/anciSM/ faults,regularsite checks.suchas VSWR issociateoworksincludingrectification clock calibration,handoververification,antenna azimuth/orientation measuremenvreAificationf per check.activitiesrelatedio EMF compliance,measurementand submissionof reportsas BSS Teams' of etc is the responsibili$ of TERM/TRAI, requirement jobs of Mini-Link repair/maintenancervorks bay-to.Day like maintenance System M1,ry and Mini-Unt antenna faults, 5111\7 and and assotiated works including reclificationof FI711\; S'rt.rr BSSteam' check,etc areto be doneby respective aiimuth/orientation (e'9.BTs/Bsc'Mini' mate,ials anatrangrls'91fheold/obsolete n"pi"."r"ruupgr"oe, jt Team. of.BSS "cr-ffiSS-lrcircte, Rrf-ofBsSitemsistheresponsibility t_in'i; totnestorbin-charge atCircle Team RF Planning to feedback giving.dav-toiiry worrst-GJrivetesting, ni 6ptiriration, orientation (e.9. antenna Team of RF Planning grfanc" i"""i?rJ i"rii"g ".ttni""li1 Team.RFplinningT99mqt Circlelevelwill "ppropri"i" ot nF Otdmisation ,".pon"iOifii' etc is the change), procured by all (already toolslikeGladiator/Actix theDriveTestr""uftt iri Jo.i processing analyse planning) power (e.g' optiIization/frequency tlbt"iuent actions circlesof BSNL)and is "rgg;tt Team.ontoptimisationTeamper500BTS/NodeB opiitid"tion -optiri'risjtion dini *ni.n *ilr beundertaxen with SSAs for twothreesmall teamcanbe responsible oneir Therefore orooosed. combinedBTS/NodeBcount of around sQp.^slaffs proposedfor aft BSS jobs includingRF o{'#119"il attnerever orrd/Soeincnr, and ii) lij i::::-30,.?_ItlL::::*:?_'L1:_.'iJ$[es il,'il;:,"#Thl3''.i circleswith difficulttenain (e.g. NE Region6ircret). on" *fiY?,f}'l[=n1gjoo_s qs,A/.n,"rrciiri";;hicle oer team i-snrnnnea, ceworks 3::: Network ?! of core lter;ns and associated worksinctudinl'6;"nt;#:l'iilil"i;,ffi;#"#t,"J TERM/TRAI/LEAs, rectification of HA/t'and sA|/ fauftsfor improvingKey eos parameters for the circleis theresponsibility of core Network reams. ReplacemenuUpgrade, icrappingand handingoverthe old/obsolete materials(e.g.MSc/BTy/pp) to thestoreIn-charge at ssA/cirite is the responsibility of core Networkream. staffsproposedfor all core NetworkJobsof arounosoo BTS/NodeBs are i) 2 executives levelof JTo/sDE/AGM, and ii) 2-3 TTA/PM(to be poriuowith science/engineering at the background); Minimumone executiveand two non-execuiive is.'proioseoper ssA. Additionalmanpoweris proposedat Area/circlelevel to combinethe mainienance activitiesof 2-3 small ssAs. core Network ream at co/Ao wilf.be responsibte for maintenance of commonequipments likesGSN, MPBNnodes, "!9 d. Sa|esActivitiesrorc@ve|:EverySSAisproposedtohavededicatedSa|esTeamsfor CMTSvertical'ForsmallssAs the ssA i"trc mayreport to DGMsales at Area/circielevel.DGM Salesat Area/Circle level can.-bet"rponriblefor the sates -r"rponribifities of afl verticatsi.e. cM, cFA and Enterprise)' In additiolto jobs/functions as per existing 'safes issuedby s&M Unitsof BSNLco' o&M activitiesor ccrus are the responsibilii of Teamat sSA fevel.Excfusive riorniriooBrssitesarei)2 executives atthe l"tSlij'?fff:flj?l,ill,s:r:^f,?.Iult'*jljp.Is,ro' levelofJTo/sDE/AGM, andit)z-s.rrA/PM (tobeposteJ *itnmarr<etin;-s;ilaJr?."-;Hffi:ftff uehicf for "t salesTeams to be providedas pei exisiinqnorms of s&M unitsof BSNLco. "r" 2. Normsfor Staffsat Area/Gircle Levelin CMVertical a' Jobsof CMTSUnitsat circrerever:Ail worr andcore,and _o&Mfor Infra,.BSS s&M) for cM verticaris "ilcutions..(i.e. responsiuirity or-r""p"aive cM pranning, units tdn l*"r. .the Procurement, Tenderandothercommon wori<s rorctri verticalis theresponsibility "i of CMTSTeams atcircre Lever. Additionar G_gnga"u gr".ngr"o.t" roieffi;-dJ'ilu'"il when major expansion/upgrade works:j:ff_"* wjtl!9 -u1!9{afen(e.g.ph-i expansion projects). Numbers of Executives withappropriate numbers ofDGMy-G_Ms forpioi"eamonitoring is to beposteddepending onvolume or orstafra toa;;i,il'i" t p.i""tLitirj-GJiii'i# expenditure P-r)1o.rlq Pe.froiect.rrovision rsrobebooked inCApEX r"..p:q'y".projecr " (e.s. pl.tlq Fh_z"rplGrip;"il, iwi,;rqect,etc). b' Theexecutives undercM vertical at circd 6veiirE i""pon"iote ror:fil l+iibrviR works;(ii) resurar update of RFdatain.prannins toor,(iii)anarping ohu" tjJ o"i" ;1.rjg1ii.;'iii"aions ofRF optimisation Teamsat ssA.rever;'(it);il'rtl#:ffis term pranning for circre wise network upgrade/expansion e'g. decisionon nurirber of newBis/NodeBandtheirlocations; (v)operation in praceor.goingto oe estaorirreJiiand(vi) misc -(arready works (e.s.timelv.sisning ofagreement iorAtvtcl i"i drtiisl."ltliijiJj' :?iT?t ulrcle levelExecutives undercM Vertiialat circlelevelwillalsou" ,*p".riii" 1",i,i"rrssAand iu",on,,.r.rr" andredressing the grievances of the customers whobookedgorql"int [J"-tJto-nJworr issues; through callcentre'comDlaint relatedto s&Missueswirru" a""rt'oyd"i'e" i- M;ri;iirg Teamsat Area/circte rever. Around'3Gr ooJ""riiu"t p"i-.i-riil.o proposed fortheaboveiobs. Executives underBrs Infra,BSS,sares-inJcil N;t*;ri,;;;d;;;-;;J;fi;"re reverare responsible for planning, procurement, coordination andmonitoring the aaivities ioiiespective luncttons loo including: ' BTSInfrarerated commonyvo{s- pranning for repra^cemenvupgrade of Infrartems(e.g.BTy, life A/9,_9tc), render for.tnfra o&M outsourcins, rni[-s.r"., hi,i;"s;lp's;tE'rJ#rt colrection lP, fromallssAs andsubmission, etcarettrJrespln"ioiiity ot BTSlnfraTeamat Area/circte level. staffsproposed forall BTSInfrarelatedwo*Jhi Clr,|isatArea/circte levet for around s00 BTs sitesarei) oneexecutive at the reveror .nolsDe/Abru, and ii) 2 TTA/PM (to posted be with Science/Engineering background). . t,DUreraredcommonw9$9 lilg planningfor replacemenUupgrade of BSS ltems(e.g.BTS, NodeB, BSC,RNC,Mini-Link, etc),'tendeiior nr-dptimisation (if required to beoutsourced fora andmonitoring of circreleverNoc SSA or for a group of SSA), engagementof agencyfor complianceto TERM/TRAI,report etc are the responsibility collectionfrom all SSAsand submission, of BSS Teamat Area/Circle level.Staffs proposedfor all BSS worksfor CM Verticalat Area/Circlelevel for around500 BTS/NodeB and ii) 2-3TTA/PM(to be posted arei) 1-2executivesat the levelof JTO/SDUAGM, withScience/Engineering background). . CMTSSales and Marketingrelatedcommonworks like planningfor replacemenUupgrade of networksfor Sales&Marketingactivities(e.g.CCN,SancharSoft,etc),Tender/EOlfor Salesand schemes,provisioning/change of SlM, CAF Marketingactivities(e.9. campaignfor promotional management, etc), allocationof lMSl numbers,reportcollectionfrom all SSAsand submission, of Sales and MarketingTeamsat CAF complianceto TERM/LEAs,etc are the responsibility proposed for all Sales and Marketingactivitiesfor CM Verticalat Area/Circlelevel. Staffs and Area/Circle levelfor around500 BTSsitesare i) 5 executivesat the levelof JTO/SDE/AGM, iD5 TTA/PM(to be postedwith marketingSciencebackground). . Core Networkrelatedcommonworks like planningfor replacemenVupgrade of Core Network Items (e.9. MSC, SGSN, MPBN, etc), coordinationwith teams at SSA for complianceto of reportcollectionfrom all SSA and submission,etc are the responsibility TERM/TRAI/LEAS, CoreNetworkTeamat CO. Staffsproposedfor all CoreNetworkWorksfor CMTSat Area/Circle andii) three are i) two executivesat the levelof JTO/SDE/AGM, levelfor around500 BTS/NodeB background). TTA/PM(to be postedwithScience/Engineering of small capacityBattery(400AH&600AH)and smallcapacityPP (up to c. Tenderfor procurement of CMVerticalat Circlelevel.Theactivities of the executives 200A)for BTSsitesis the responsibility replacement and returningof old materialsto the will be monitoredby CM verticalhead;installation, storeis to be doneas a turnkeyprojectsand A,/Tof theseitemsis to be doneby BTS lnfrateamat SSA level.CM verticalhead will collectthe requirementof small capacityBTY &PP from CFA verticalheadat Circlelevelfor exchangeBTSsitesfor combinedtendertwicein a year 3. Normsfor Staffsat SSA,Area/CircleLevelfor all Verticals authorities, to labourenforcement a. Workswhichare commonfor CM,CFAand EB e.g.compliance are to be for staffs EB Norms CM, CFA and activities. level for all at Circle ESl,etcareto be done decidedby GFAVertical. locationsand rentrevisionof existingBTSsitesareto be done b. Rentingoflites for new BTS/NodeB for monitoringthe rentingrelatedactivitiesfor all by SSA.One unitat Circlelevelwill be responsible CFA Vertical. sites.Normsfor staffs are to be decidedby c. Jobsat CustomerServiceCentres(CSCs)(e.9.receivingpaymentfor Post Paid Bills,givingnew resolvingcustome/sproblems,etc) are to be done by ssA for cM, cFA and EB connections, Verticals.One unit at Area/Circlelevel will be responsiblefor monitoringthese activitiesof CM verticalthroughCSCsfor all SSA.Normsfor staffs are to be decidedby CFA_V_ertical. of largecapacityBaftery(>600AH)and largecapacityPP (>2004)for BSC d. Tenderfor pr6curement is to be done at Circtelevelby CFA verticalhead.A,/Tof theseitemsis to be and Corelrietworks of suchBTY doneas perexistingnorms.CM verticalheadat Circlelevelwill submitthe requirement staffs are year. Norms for in a tender twice combined level for &pp to iFA vertic;i headat Circle to be decidedby GFAVertical. e. Storewill be commonat Circle/SSAlevelfor CM,CFAand EB verticals.All newmaterialsfor CMTS are expectedto be deliveredat site underturnkeyprojectand networks(evenfor replacement) 'store. and immediately The materialswill be notionally_received hencenot to be kept in BSNL handedoverto the agencyby the respectiveunitsat Circle/SSAlevel.Scrappingis to be doneby tne unitneaO(e.g.ef-S tniraieam nelo at SSAand Circlelevel.Afterscrappingthe materialswill of be handedovir to the storein-chargeai CircldSSAleveland disposalwill be the responsibility storein-charge.Norm! for staffs are to be decidedby CFAVertical. G respective 4. Normsfor Staffsand Vehiclesat ZonalCentresin CMVertical a. - Zonal Network Maintenance Jobs: Planning & procurement for .upgrade/replacement, works ol Zonal Networkltems and Day{o-Day repair/maintenance installation/commissioning, coordinationwith Circles,MPLS SM/ faults, oi HM/ and associatedworks includingre6tification (e.g. Datathroughput)in the Zone is the floO" fn-"n"rg"", etc for iirprovingKey QoS parameters of the ZonalCentreTeams. responsibility b. ZonalCentreNetworkltemsare classifiedin four Units:B&CCS:lN: VAS andWirelessCallCentre wscc) underdifferentunitsfor day{o-dayO&Mactivities c. StaffingNormsfor executivesand non-executives are decideddepending on numberof Networkelementsand theircapacity(e.9.SMSC,MMSC, OTA,CTOPUP Services,SDP,WAP Server,GGSN,etc),volumeof CMTSnetworks(numberof BTSNodeB)andnumberof customersin theZone. d. FoeZonesnot handling\MrelessCallCentresOperations, staffsproposedwill be placedunderthe concerned DGM/GMlookingaftertheWSCCactivities. works. e. Additionalmanpoweris proposedfor planning,tender/procurement and miscadministrative with all interconnecting units(e.9.MPLS,Circles,VAS Providers,Other f. For effectivecoordination and ensuringuniformityin servicedeliveryacrossthe circles CMTSOperators,etc) and monitoring, proposed to be headedby one PGM levelOfficer.One DGM in the Zone,each ZonalCentreis planning for the ZonalCentreand GMs responsible for O&M lookingafterthe and administration activitiesof B&CCS,lN, VAS andWSCCwill reportto PGM. g. Vehiclefor AGM.DGM.GM/SrGM and PGMis to be providedas per existinqnorms 5. Normsfor DGMand Senior level Officerat SSA/Area/Circle Levelfor CM Vertical a. Normsfor DGMat SSAlevelfor all activities(underInfra,BSS,Coreand Sales)is basedon 2 DGM per500BTS/NodeB. SSAswithsay400 BTSand 100NodeBwillhave2 DGMsonefor Salesand one for O&M activitiesrelatedto Infra,BSS and Core.SSA whichis havingyearlyrevenueof 10 CrorewillhaveoneDGMinesoectiveof numberof BTS/NodeB. b. Numberof Executivesfor Accountingand Financialactivitiesin the grade of DGM/GMis to be postedas perexistingnorms. c. Normsfor SrGM/GMat SSA levelfor all activities(underInfra,BSS,Coreand Sales)is basedon oneSrGM/GMper 1000BTS/NodeB. SSAwhichis havingyearlyrevenueof 50 Crorewill haveone SrGM/GMirespec{iveof numberof BTS/NodeB. d. KolTD,CHTDand CircleshavingBTS and NodeBof 4000and more or revenueof Rs 300 Crore andaboveis proposedto haveone PGMat circlelevel. e. Vehiclefor DGM.GM/SrGM and PGMis to be providedas perexistinqnorms. 6. Normsfor SupportStaff and Staff for Accountingand FinancialActivities in CMVertical a. SupportStaffs(i.e. PS/PA/Peon) for AGM/DGM/GM/SrGM/PGM is to be providedas per exisling norms. b. Numberof Executives for AccountingandFinancialac{ivities(i.e.JAO/AO/CAO) is to be providedas perexistingnorms. c. Vehiclefor Accountinqand Financialactivitiesis to be providedas per existingnorms. Basedon the abovenorms,the numberof non-executives, the numberof executives,the numberof DGMs,the numberof GM/SrGMs andthe numberof PGMsfor Planning, O&MandSales& Marketing activitiesin CM verticalat SSA and Area/Circlelevel for individualSSA, 26 Circlesand four Zonal Centresis attachedfor information and necessary actionsby all concerned. CGMsof all TerritorialCirclesare requestedto lookintothe proposaland sendfeedbackif anychanges are required.Any modification in the numberof manpowerneedto be justifiedwith detailedjob/function wisebreakup.Commentsandfeedbackif anymustreachthis officeby 09-02-2015 positively so thatthe normsfor Staff and Vehiclefor CM verticalcan be finalizedand put up for approvalof competent authority. Thisis issuedwiththeapproval of SrGM/NWO-CM BSNLCo. N*3;n' (A Vermd) AGM (NWO-CM-ilr) Copyto: 1) PPSto Dir (CM)/Dir(CFAy Dir (EB)/Dir (HR)| Dir (Fin)- for kindinformationplease. 2) CGMsAll Circles- for feedbackand commentsif any modification is required 3) SrGM/GMZonalCentres- for feedbackand commentsif any modificationis required 4) SrGM(CIT/GM(ERP)BSNLCo - for information please (PP-S&M)/GM(NWP-GSM)/GM(VAS)/GM(F|n-CM) 5) SrGM(IS)/GM BSNLCo - for feedbackplease 6) GM (Restg.)- For consideration againstletterNo 4-212014-Restg. Dated23-01-15
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