弓 ■ /Fax:o80-25586321 ′ ゛` 椒 L鷺 吊 覇 ごウ 盤∫ 肌 ヽ 奮 ¨ 〇 嶋 odψ 中 じ K鳥鍵T膜鋼llutiOn(COntrOI BOard き 255田 383,2558914 25588151,2558827 25588142,2558652. ヨ 0澪 “ .49,習 げ (げ ,ぉ 。 デ',100`5ぎ c■ =aバ ,討 。 働 。 め-560 ool,ピ めF“ ぜ ζ イ ,ゅ 出 Parisara Bhavana",lst t。 5th Fbol#49,church 「 “ street,Bengaluru‐ “ “ 560 0ol,Kamataka,INDIA doal6. d>&d;o /67-7/t, R12o14 6 g 16 ao-ood:11 お doed 'idoi: [iAR zol{ Broad Guiderines for issue of clearances for insta,ation of Mobile Towers d)O& qJEloa adoirluri doaroe,ndod. ou$ear: a.,nadad Eeroal (G,doodrJd:) Edd 2012, 6draod: 1.2.2014. dgd doda. def6 271 a.i6 -/-/-/ぎeOり 商 Ddだ 。ぎぎ 『 だゎ rdの 。dOめ め 3ぎd“ η∽ 」 。 飾 e鳴 び deの dO。 3dじ 6れ 0ぎ : 182013 0od O§ α 赫 0ぎ Odett」 め "め │ぎ も商 電ω 満おおd ロゴ電 爾 ざ市百 澪。の00鳥 dOぎ ω嘴 ヨい 討dOd● じ 、 ぁ ∽ 鼈 dJoω 咄 ,η O日 め おぎ0 赫 おお。ご同じ 」。(恥 ヽ “ o討 mO& Jて 洪ィ 熱 ヽコ蒟耐arめ ,^ヘ ηぎOd, 1)お 。だd00の 。-1. "錨sぎ 2)認 Oだ d ooの o_2. "asご 3)=“ ωsぎ 0だ d oOゎ o_3,お 討耐 σぎ討 『 4) &ooi dodd eloaoo @nforcement & eeOEoO (Waste Management i Complaint Cell), aooi) dodd Cell), &Ooi d0dd eeQaoO (17 Category ce,)' &oo$ d6Jd elQu-o. (Mines, steel & Stone crusher ce,), &ooi) dOdd eoeaa0 (Infrastructure Cell), a6oi: d0dd eg6uoO (Technical .4.Officer to Chairman), 6o0oi d0dd eeOE_aO (Inspections and Monitoring c.tt). ^.V" 5) cn,' &Oo$ dodd eoQuoo (eJorrdro& ddd), &oo$ dodd eo6r-oo (arorld.racb &oo$ doJd er6tro6 (alorid."racb dgol, aoof: *o*A ,Ou_oo *d.r]. *{ (alortd.odr erudd). &oo$ dodd erouoo iar",*ocUl, &ooi dodd &ooi doJd epoaoo [asBol' &oo$ dodd ,,zo\\u ero6oo :?T:.(tj"tidra$)' (qoddod), &Oo$ dodd es6Eo0 (asgdriE). /r.rN} ``■ 。 309ん ,=oだ dあD£ Jiポ ≧ :び 。 AVO:D UsE OF PLASTics_BE′ ECO′ FR:[NDLY 6) 翻 Trtti∬ ア黒 い おい0. ■ハ_11ヽ や Rp●ハぉ●6(17 CategOry‐ ^や :鷲 螺 猟 器 :ti:鶴 。澪6 00mO(AwarcnCSS,Training,WOmhOp Cc11),お 。お600つ 000n‐ EIA 0(HClp Desk),お 600“ お &COrpOmtc CClり ,お 。 600ま め 00n‐ E】A Oulcr than Bangalorc bascCll, Bangalorc baSCCly,36お だ 6 0。 わ 6 ooわ 0(COrpOratC お oお 8 00い 。 (` 600つ `incs,6澪StCCl & StOnC CtthCr CCll), 3。 0(WNe Managcmcllt (IntaStructurc CCll),お 0(Udyog Mitr■ COmpldnt&EnforcCmcnt CCll)・ oO● 。 づ … 2):驚 。 m。 露乳黎憲轟d赫ぁ 雪ギ麗 . Cell),お 0澪 0 )S4 (Effective frOm ■. the country. 2. 犀評 胤 :ij菅 鯖 霞 :ttts罵 :淋 iI: technical issues′ issues of Access Sel registratiOn and sACFA clearance for f dealt with by DoT. 3. India has adOpted strict linOit for radiatiOn frolLI「 (BTS)′ as below′ which is■ /■ oth Of the lnternatior Freguency in MHz Ioy.. density limit 900 ■800 0_45"atvln2 21OO 4町 ∞ 「Station 月 労 背 画 :ξ []8長島 面 冒 0.9 watt/m2 and above ]- watt/m2 d ttd副 腱 S bttsue of ttamnce fO‐ Ttt」 .鐸 呻 締 were issued on 23.08.20■ 2 and later rT10difled ギ on the basis of feedback received after delil[「 ll.眠.:11途 fbえ lli government omcials and various stake holdel :1° 清 further consultations thereafter, the guidelines have been fingbr !i! state governments. These.are detailed in A and B below. Thes€linu, are issued in supersession of all earlier guideiines on the t A. Documents to be submitted by Telecom Serviceders./ Infrastructure Providers for obtaining clearance frordodies / state governments for installation of mobile towers L Copy of relevant license / Infrastructure Providrotio4 lL a Certificate from Department of Telecommunications' Data Sheet Name of Service/Infrastructure Provider Location Tower Reference: i) Height, ii) Weight iii) GroundlRoof '!/wat1 mounted v) Number of antennae b c ぱ T眠 儒:tFL計 鴇 等 f輩 F‘‘■ 二 ■ ″ Ⅲ・ ∬‐ 闊 淵 ・ 1 1 WPC acknowledgement a10ng with undertaking that in case of anッ objection/rejection′ TSPs/1Ps will take corrective actions/re m Ove the tohlver. IV. Copy Of structural stab‖ ity certiflcate for g「 ound:based tOwer, In ca,e of roof top BTS towers′ structural stab‖ ity certificate fo「 the building and tower basё d on written app「 ovals of any authorized Structural Engineer of state/10Cal bodies/Central Building Research lnstitute(CBRI)′ Roorkee/11「 /NIT or any other agency authorized by local body, V. Copy of the type test certincate issued by Automotive Rё search AssociaJon of lndia(ARAI)to the manufacturers of the Diesel Generator(DG)Sets. VI. VII. Copy Of clearance from Fire Safety Departrnent only in case for high ise buildings where Fire Clearance is mandatory. 「 FoF forest protected areas′ the cbpy of clearance frorn State Environment ttk Forest Department′ if applicabie. VIII. ,・ . The locai bodies may also seek subrnisslon of the copy of No 0切 e面 。n certincate(NOC)frOⅢ Building Owher/entities having roof top rights or roof top tenants in case of roof based tower/land 9wner in case of gr6und based tOwer′ as the case may be. As per their rules in force′ State soVernments′ at their discretion′ may seek fresh NOC at the tirne of ronewal of site(tenancy)contract fO「 mobile tower. │ Cき 1趣 bこ 卜 任 窯 LTw訛 罰 庶 ∫麗駕場 ■誕盤選覧 ヽ Provider in respect of rnobile tOwer/BttS(ground 鰐 based/r00f tOp/ POle/ Wa‖ mbuntё d)in the ttrmat as prescribed by TEC′ DO丁′ .e,tabliShing / certifying that a‖ General Public areas around the toWer will be within safe EMR exposure limit as per peak tramc meaSurement ater the antettnae starts radlaung。 . I. II. NOn■ ina1 6ne tirne Adrriihiこ tFttiVさ Fee as may be decided by the State Government to recoverits cOsts on the issue of perrnlssion for instaHation of Tower. じ ︶ B.Action by State 9overnment/Local body Single windOw Clearance may be provided in a tlrne boμ nd manner to telecom service provider/ infrastructure provlder by the local bOdy / State Government. 丁his will ensure lssuance of faster clearances. III. Telecom towers have been given infrastructure status by Government of rndia vide gazette notification no B1 dated 2a.o3.2012. All benefits, as applicable to infrastructure industry, should be extended. Electricity connection may be provided to BTS site on priority. Teiecom installations are lifeline installaflons and a crltical infrastructure in mobile communication. In order to avold dlsruption in mobile communication, an essential servlce, seallng of BTS I #s 一一一 ・´ . 〓 ・ 一 一 ・″一 4 ´一 一 一 . ¨ ´ ,)E? towers /,disconnection of electricity may not be resorted to without the consent of the respective TERM Cell.of DoT in respect of the EMF related issues // uJ// State Governments along with DoT may orqanise public awareness prqgrammes involving civil Society memberil- VI. In order to effectively address Public Grlevances relating to installation of tou,,eis and issues related to telecom infrastructure, State Governments may setup i State L_evel Telecom Committee (STC) consisting of officers from " TE.|Y Cel !s, .plate Ad mi n istra ti o n, representative (s) of concerned relgco m s e ruiig Frovide r(s) . n a m in"ri p, olil-p " "'r.on, "t.. ' Disirict-.Leyel Telecom Committee (DTC) consisting bf officers from District Administration, represeniative(s) oi concerned Tetecom Service Provider(s) and eminent pubtii persons etc. ,/ p.'Action by DoT/ TERM Ceils \,/ r. Public awareness programme (Through DoT web portal / Publication). Govt. rr.-,za) For all the existing as well as new BTSs / Towers, Telecom Service Providers are irequired to submit self-certificates periodically in the forrnat as prescri'bed by -l-EC, DoT, in order to ensure that normally all geneial public areas around the site are within the safe EMR exposui-e limits. lties on d may atso leqq;tq*snr{t downE il-rS in case the violation pelgjsts/*/Ol The TERM Cells have been given clear instructions with regard to the technical audit of BTS, including for radiation from towers within safe limits. These include roof top/ ground based/ pole mounted/ wall mounted towers. They will also veriflr antenna orientation, spfe distance from the tower (exclusion zone) etc. Installation and -augmentation of B]s and unt".,nu is a continuous process. DoT is organizing frequent workshops for these qffic_e_rg to ensure observance of the latest guidelines issued by DoT on the subject of EMF radiation and pub'iic safety. Additional Guidelines for TERM Cells as follows: 3 Ctへ 、 ` b も ヽ 1 ●,3._1‐ ´キ Additional Guidё lines to ttERM Cells for auditing BTS For EM F radiation (EffeCtiVe F「 om O■ .o8.20■ 3) ******* ■. InStructionS/guic91ipes have been issued to the TERM Celis for Ouditing the ψ ing are RF radiat:ontt f「 om BTS for,connpliance to the prescribed norrns. Fo‖ o、 い additionai guidelirles to TER'4 Cells in the rnatter. generさ l ` ′ て 2. ソゞith a uew to strengthen monitoring and compliance of safety aspects / ヽCy emissionS f「 Om m9bile towers′ 丁ERM to account vvhile conducting their audits public areas ar… n safe EMF Of b6th Orotthd‐ basё d towers&roof top towers′ there sha‖ be no Of equiValent height taК ing intO In cattё building right in f「 ont of the anten,a(9)′ account the tilt qf tne-LorrueSl antenna on tower as per details in the table below. Further, the antennae at the -a'me height only are to be counted, as the beam width of the moЫ le antennae′ 魯 the vettiCal direction, is very narrovv. : NuMber of anナ ennhr。 、 pOinted in the 慕 Same alFediOn 紗 ´ Building/Structure safe_distapce fro「In theハ htさ nha(e)ハ ヤthe same _l height (1■ 2 4 6 ・ meters) 20 35 45 55 ■ The distance ngures in the above table are baSed on empi「 ical estirnation considering that all the antennae are errnitting pt their maxirnum RF,ower ime dir9ctiQn'Witい .Same height(a WOrst TI塁 理 :轟 電潟i臆:″ 鷺;¶ξ :「 [ .R . 一 Wall Mountedノ Pole mounted Antenna: o ill . Wherever the antennae are rnountcd on the wa‖ of buildil19 or pOle 鼈 胤 」t:躯 ↓ 1鯨 翼零 itil幾 謡轟漱器緊 ど盟f躍雪 「亀 │ラ :『 As.far as safe distance of buildings from antenna is concerned, guidelines as given above will apply >F***>krk 4
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