St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] St. Paul 1 February 2015 A Community of Christ, Helping, Reaching out, Inviting, and Serving Together. Church address: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Mailing address: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Website: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 Pastor Katie’s Installation January 18, 2015 Lent and Holy Week 2015 See insert for schedule! Katie Lowe Lancaster, Pastor [email protected] Paula Hartman, Admin. Assistant [email protected] (319)462-4841 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 2 L ife has been busy and full with the ups and downs of the season of winter. It is Iowa and the weather gives us something to talk about – it becomes a story that we can all witness, share and retell. In retelling our winter stories – our rela"onships with one another are connected, reconnected and we even establish new rela"onships. When we read the Bible together – we are connected, reconnected and establish new rela"onships. God’s Story is our story of our rela"onship with God and our rela"onship one another. Our stories of the everyday joys and challenges are intertwined with God’s story of forgiveness, compassion and unearned but freely given grace. On February 18 we enter a special "me of our discipleship journey – The Heart of the Story. Throughout each week when we gather for worship, fellowship or small groups we will encounter scripture in a variety of ways to help us to grow deeper in our understanding that God’s gi of a savior – is for everyone. That was and is God’s plan, God’s act and not an act of our own but a gi by God for us to receive. During the Season of Lent many of us grew up or have heard that we must give up something to remind us of God’s sacrifice. That is a very powerful and meaningful tradi"on and prac"ce. I have a challenge – instead of giving up – how about – giving of your "me, energy and commitment - by making weekly worship a part of your personal prac"ce. When you take the 6 week journey including Holy Week the revela"on of God’s Story will be more meaningful than you ever thought possible. Invites your family, friends and neighbors to hear that they too are part of God’s story. The Heart of the Story is this - Jesus, God’s Son, walked this earth, revealed God’s desire to be in rela"onship with you and me, died and rose again so that we too will live. Come and see – God’s story is your story. On a personal note. I would like to thank the members and friends of St. Paul for your con"nued encouragement and support. It is a privilege to be s"rred by the Holy Spirit to walk together as children of God in our hope to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thank you for my new call as Lead Pastor at St Paul. I am humbled and grateful for the invita"on to serve together. Peace to you always, ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 201 N. FORD ST. ANAMOSA, IA 52205 (319) 462-4841 PASTOR KATIE’S EMAIL: [email protected] St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 3 Volunteer Needed Baptisms Welcome to our church family KoraLea Jo Burgess, daughter of Walker and Kayse Burgess who was bap"zed at St. Paul on December 20th. Sponsors were Shawn & Joyce LiAle. Welcome to our church family Morgan Jayne Aus"n, daughter of Fred and Lindsey Aus"n who was bap"zed at St. Paul on December 28th. Sponsors were Nancy Lyon Douglas and Brock Weers. Do you have the talents and skills to prepare soup and bread and serve it with a smile? Then we need you! We need someone to be the primary chef for Wednesday night soup suppers. You already have a partner who is ready to go! Please contact Pastor Ka"e TODAY! Quilting Quil"ng will begin Monday, February 16 at 1pm in the church basement. Join us! Memorials Thank you for the memorial received in memory of Carol Crump. Pray for Our Military Please pray for our men and women currently serving in the military: • • • • Alec Embree Jeremy Fall Allen Gilbert Kalib Seeley Please call the church office if you would like to be added or deleted from this list. Women’s Circles Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 10 at 7pm at the church. Hostess will be Virginia Danielson and Jan Koppenhaver will lead the Bible Study. Mary Circle members are asked to bring dona ons of Personal Care Kits to Circle. Sarah Circle will meet on Wednesday, February 11 at 1:30pm at Woodland Park. Hostesses will be Barrie Reynolds and Mary Lou Schipper will lead the Bible Study. 2015 World Day of Prayer Service Anamosa United Methodist Church Friday, March 6th 1:30 p.m. Donations of personal hygiene and baby care items will be gathered and given to the Jones County Community Cupboard. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] THE STORY CHAPTER SCHEDULE Date: Chapter: Bible Reading: Gospel Reading: 2/1/15 2/8/15 2/15/15 2/22/15 18– Daniel in Exile 19– The Return Home 20- The Queen of Beauty and Courage 21– Rebuilding the Walls Daniel 3:19-27 Haggai 1:2-9 Esther 9:26-28 Nehemiah 1:1-9 Luke 12:4-7 Matthew 7:24-29 John 16:31-33 Mark 1:1-8 The Story Have you missed a week or want to catch up? All sermons are on our website at Invite and share the site with your friends, family and neighbors. There are a handful of “Teen Versions” of The Story s"ll available. If you would like a copy please contact Laura Secrist at 462-2993. Christmas may be over to most, but it’s still coming to St. Paul. WD4 Children’s, Youth and Adult Mid-week ministry and worship known as WD4 will con"nue to meet throughout all of Lent. Anyone interested in ea"ng dinner should eat prior to small group. 6:30 for small group in typical loca"ons (adults will have a new loca"on) 7:15 Worship and Portrayal. 4 Ray of Hope Grief Get-Together When: First Saturday of each month 9:00AM– 10:00AM Where: St. Paul Church Basement We will be embarking on a journey through grief entitled, “Beyond a Broken Heart” which will include a short video, a different topic each session followed by group discussion and concerns. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Call Karen at 462-2949 for further information. Sunday, March 1 “The Story” will be the Christmas story. Kids will be performing a special program during both services: 8:00 and 10:30. *We’ll begin practicing January 18th and 21st...attendance each week will be extra important. *Mark your calendars as we revisit Christmas– March 1. 4 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 5 Generous Giving Welcome Pastor Wade Reddy So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gi s, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gi is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. -Romans 12:5-10 (NIV) We extend a welcome to the new pastor at Wayne Zion in Mon"cello, Pastor Wade Reddy. We celebrate with our ELCA neighbors and the Jones County Community as together we greet Pastor Reddy. We pray for the leadership and the ministry for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ serving ELCA congrega"ons in Anamosa and Mon"cello including: Wayne Zion, St. MaAhew’s, SS. Peter & Paul, and St. John in Hopkinton. This is just a sample of recent generous gi s shared by members at St. Paul. If you have been a generous giver and your name is not listed, please know, as a community we could never glorify and proclaim the Good News without your faithful stewardship. Your brothers and sisters in Christ thank you! • • • • • • • • • • • Call CommiAee: Laura Secrist, Michele Lubben, Dan Lambertsen, Paul Lewison, Deb Oltmann and Darla Algoe for their gi of "me and discernment. To the many individuals that helped to prepare the celebra"on Sunday of worship and fellowship for Pastor Ka"e’s installa"on. Pastor Paul Ostrem, Assistant to the Bishop Southeastern Synod of the ELCA for his guidance for our congrega"on and preaching at Pastor Ka"e’s Installa"on. Pat and Dale Jensen for pain"ng Pastor Ka"e’s office. To the many people who prepare bread for Holy Communion. To the Members of the choir who have offered their gi of voice to worship. To the Grounds and Maintenance Team for installing windows in each door in the CE Building. Denny Oltmann and Denny Christenson for replacing the chair mat in Paula’s office. Dale and Pat Jensen for Pain"ng Pastor Ka"e’s new office. Steve & Linda Kenny and family for snack shack supplies. Karen Stange for her leadership and sharing of the scripture during worship on January 17. Can you think of someone you would like to acknowledge? Contact the church office and we will add them to our Generous Giving list next month. Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits (January- March) We will be once again collec"ng personal care items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits. Individual items or complete kits may be donated, please put your dona"ons in the kit box in the church kitchen. Here are the items needed to complete 1 kit: One light or medium-weight (approximately 52”x27”) dark color. bath-size towel Two bath-size bars of soap (4 or 5 oz.) any brand, in original wrapping. One adult size toothbrush in original packaging. One sturdy comb, remove packaging. One metal nail clippers, remove packaging. Do not add any items or leave out any items listed. Use all new items. Wrap all items in the towel and "e securely with ribbon or yarn. No plas"c bags. FORKS & FRIENDS COMMUNITY MEALS 4th Thursday of the month 5-7pm at the Anamosa United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] January 12, 2015 Church Council Report The mee"ng began with the approval of the agenda, last month’s minutes and the Financial Coordinators report. Communica"ons/Requests/Responses received during the month included a thank you note from LyneAe OAen for a monetary dona"on from St Paul to go toward her mission trip, a leAer and $300.00 gi from Fidelity Bank & Trust, a Christmas card and leAer from the Nielsen family, a copy of Pastor Ka"e’s LeAer of Call and a thank you from Jenny Lundstrom for the Affirma"on Gi she received for all the hard work she does for the St Paul website. This month’s membership roster changes include mo"ons to add to roster, KoraLea Jo Burgess, who was bap"zed on December 20, 2014 and Morgan Jayne Aus"n, who was bap"zed on December 28, 2014. All mo"ons were approved. Pastor Ka"e presented a wriAen report which was reviewed and discussed by Council. In this report Pastor Ka"e discusses her thoughts on crea"ng a new Vision and Mission Statement and then provides an example of a Vision and Mission Statements that she feels fits the St Paul Cons"tu"on. In this report, she also outlined projected goals for 2015. Pastor Ka"e explained that this report is meant to be a star"ng point for Council and Congrega"onal discussions. Council was presented with a wriAen report from the Discipleship Ministries team. Verbal reports from the Grounds and Maintenance, and Staffing Resources and Development teams were also presented. No Council Ac"on Items were iden"fied from any of the reports. In discussions regarding Old Business it was men"oned that Pastor Ka"e’s Installa"on will be January 18 during the 8:00 and 10:30 worship services. Ralph Andresen will represent the St Paul Congrega"on. Discussions also included a Property Consultant update and the need for a “Ministries Tool Kit”, Pastor Ka"e will gather resources and aid teams to have focus on their goals as well as have general informa"on regarding budgets, calendars and mee"ng informa"on. The final Old Business issue addressed by Council was a mo"on to authorize the Grounds and Maintenance team to install pulleys to help with the changing of banner in the sanctuary, not to exceed $1500.00 in expenses. This mo"on was approved. There was no New Business to discuss. The mee"ng was adjourned with a closing prayer. The next mee"ng is scheduled for February 9 at 6:30pm in the CE Building. RespecTully submiAed, Kris" Fortune, Council Secretary Do you have a topic or request for Church Council to discuss? Each month on the first Monday of the month the Church Council Agenda will be created for the Council Mee,ng the following Monday. You are welcome to contact the church office and request an item be on the agenda. Deadline will always be the 1st Monday! If you have ques,ons please contact Kris, Fortune, Church Council Secretary for more informa,on. Thank you! 6 Balances of St. Paul Bank Accounts As of 12/31/2014 General Fund Checking Account Beginning Balance $18,022.19 Ending Balance $40,380.30 Budget Reserve Savings Account Beginning Balance $12,114.38 Ending Balance $12,116.91 Land Purchase Checking Account Beginning Balance $5,031.46 Ending Balance $5,475.00 Land Purchase Savings Account Beginning Balance $10,034.20 Ending Balance $13,240.11 Luther League Checking Account Beginning Balance $5,388.01 Ending Balance $5,388.01 Luther League Savings Account Beginning Balance $876.56 Ending Balance $976.76 Insurance Restora"on Savings Account Beginning Balance $11,249.96 Ending Balance $11,250.90 Mortgage Account Beginning Property Purchase Amount $258,250.00 Mortgage Balance $124,550.08 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 7 Jones Regional Auxiliary Luncheon St. Paul hosts and serves the Jones Regional Auxiliary Luncheon on Wednesday, February 11 in the church fellowship area. Volunteers are needed to prepare food, set up, and work in the kitchen and dining room. If you want to volunteer and haven’t been called as yet, please contact Verna Lewison at 462-2135 or Virginia Danielson at 462-4625. Please, Please, Please Check the church kitchen for your le -behind dishes and pans. The counter is sagging under the load of beau"ful and useful dishes and pans. Items not picked up with be stowed away to help uncluAer the kitchen. ALY Report Thrivent Action Teams Recent generous grants have helped to keep Anamosa Lunches for Youth strong and secure. A report given at the January Board mee"ng noted a rise in the cost of food items purchased for the weekend backpack program. The grants received will help fill the gap between projected and actual expenses. Dona"ons to the program are always needed (see sugges"ons at the end of this ar"cle.) February is St. Paul’s month to fill and deliver ALY bags. A signup chart is located in the church entryway. The usual work "me is Thursday morning at 10:00, but alternate "mes will be set up for groups or individuals who want to volunteer for evening or weekend ALY packing. A new program, started in the Spring of 2014, has given individual Thrivent members an easy way to help fund church or community ac"vi"es. With a simple applica"on, and rapid approval for most of the requests, it is becoming a popular program. Thrivent members, check the on-line informa"on provided at St. Paul folks who are not Thrivent members, check with a Thrivent advocate with your sugges"ons or requests for seed money to carry out an ac"vity you feel is worthwhile. These grants are in the amount of $250 each, given in the form of cash cards. Thank you, St. Paul. St. Paul Thrivent Advocates: How can we help? Suggested dona"ons: (individual servings) Hot chocolate (usually packed in boxes of 8-10 packets) Snack packs of pudding (usually 4 to a pack) Snack packs of fruit (usually 4 to a pack) Snack packs of applesauce (usually 4 or 6 to a pack) 100% juice packs or boxes Cash or checks should be directed to: AAn: Janet Sanborn, ALY Treasurer Ci"zens Bank 215 E Main St Anamosa IA 52205 Hank Biere Virginia Danielson ScoA and Cheri Francik Jerry and Verlyn Stolte Deb Hardersen Angie Keller Dorothy Harmon Brian Harmon St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 8 Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) Na onal Parent Leadership Month February is Na"onal Parent Leadership Month. Through your support, LSI is able to partner with thousands of parents each year who want to be parent leaders and make posi"ve changes in their families. Some parents come to us through our early childhood services and want a liAle extra support in raising an infant or toddler. Other parents come seeking help for an older child who is in trouble and turn to our therapy services, behavioral health interven"on services or our many community programs for help. And some parents become part of our programs through involvement with the Department of Human Services, and we work to help them resolve issues in their home and to ensure the home is a safe place for a child. Your support of LSI as your social ministry helps prevent child abuse and neglect and helps strengthen families all across the state. Thank you for making this work possible! LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organiza"on of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and Lutheran Day on the Hill– March 9, 2015 9:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. Join us in advoca"ng for Iowa’s children and families at Lutheran Day on the Hill, March 9, 2015. This annual day of advocacy is essen"al in giving voice to those who are not heard, for seeking social jus"ce and for empowering people to exercise their right and responsibility to be part of the legisla"ve process. No special experience or exper"se is needed! This day is a great way to begin learning more about the power of advocacy. The day includes: • Special guest speakers • Stories from people served by LSI • Advocacy training • Lunch • Opportuni"es to speak to legislators at the Iowa Capitol Building. Lunch, transporta"on op"ons and a T-shirt are all provided. There is no cost to aAend this event. Register online at by March 5, or call 866.584.5293. To be guaranteed a T-shirt, register by Feburary 22. If you aAended last year’s event, please wear the T-shirt you received to help us be good stewards. Transporta"on to Des Moines: We’ll drive! Charter buses will leave from Iowa City (stop in Newton) and Waverly (stop in Cedar Falls). Transporta"on for Western Iowa will be determined by par"cipants and their loca"ons. Join us on TwiAer: Follow @LSIowa and use #LDH15 and #advocacymaAers to connect with other par"cipants now and on March 9! Lutheran Day on the Hill is planned in partnership with the three Iowa synods of the ELCA and made possible in part by an ELCA Domes,c Hunger Grant. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] COMMUNION BREAD FEBRUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 6:00 SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT Feb. 7– 6:00 Ken/Pam Humpal Karen Stange Ken/Pam Humpal Karen Stange Myra Powell Feb. 14– 6:00 Jery/Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Jerry/Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Julie Fall Feb. 21– 6:00 Bob/Betty Hora Beth Hora Bob/Betty Hora Beth Hora Beth Hora Feb. 28– 6:00 Jerry/Verlyn Stolte Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Lisa Hamilton Lisa Hamilton DATE/SERVICE FEBRUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 8:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Feb. 1– 8:00 Mike & Nancy Bickford Colin Stiffler Jim/Dolores Albrecht Colin/Carol Stiffler Feb. 8– 8:00 Bob Prull Merlyn Wilken Don or Debbie Hardersen Don/Debbie Hardersen Don & Debbie Hardersen Feb. 15– 8:00 Paul/Verna Lewison Pastor / Mary Lou Schipper Virginia Danielson Pastor Schipper Jay Willems Feb. 22 – 8:00 Lance/Michele Toenjes John Lancaster Merlyn/Marlaine Wilken Michelle Toenjes John Lancaster February: Karen Stange FEBRUARY ALTAR FLOWERS Feb. 1: Open– Call Office Feb. 8: Jan & Ed Allaire Feb. 15: Open– Call Office Feb. 22: Lent– No Flowers FEBRUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 10:30 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN 9 COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT VIDEO Erik/Ashton Stegemann Kirsten Lancaster Kyle Folken Feb. 1– 10:30 Rob Robertson Family Kristy Robertson Amy Christianson Feb. 8– 10:30 S. Lambertsen Family Shaun or Valerie Lambertsen Barb Wilson Gary/Carlene Vavricek Seth Secrist Sebastian Goldsmith Feb. 15-10:30 Darin Sander Family Nancy Lyon Douglas Dan/Lynn Rickels Dan/Lynn Rickels Jenna Wilson Cole Sander Feb. 22-10:30 S. Countryman Family Paula Sisler Serge/Paula Sisler Fred Austin Paula Sisler Kylee Secrist Olivia Christianson St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 10 ST. ST. PAUL PAUL FEBRUARY JULY CALENDAR CALENDAR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6:30pm GMT Mee,ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 6:45am Good Guys (McOAos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 6:30-8:00pm WD4 7:30pm Worship SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9-10am Ray of Hope (Church basement) 9-3pm ARC (CE Building) 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 6:30pm Church Council Mtg. (CE Bldg) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 7:00pm Mary Circle (Church) 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 6:45am Good Guys (McOAos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) Noon Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon (Church Basement) 1:30pm Sarah Circle (Woodland Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8pm WD4 7:30pm Worship SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 1:00pm Quil,ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 6:45am Good Guys (McOAos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 11:30am Ash Wed. Worship and Lunch 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 5:00pm Ash Wed. Worship w/Communion 6:30pm WD4 Small Group 7:15pm Ash. Wed. Worship w/Communion FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 4:00pm NewsleAer Ar,cles Due SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1:00pm Quil,ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 6:45am Good Guys (McOAos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W. Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 5:00pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal 5:30-7:00pm Lenten Meal (Ch. Basement) 7:15pm Lenten Worship w/Portrayal THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:00pm Mail NewsleAer (Paula Hartman) 10:00am Friend to Friend (Ch. Basement) 5-7pm Forks & Friends (Methodist Church) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service February Work Group Chairs: Ronnie & Karen Stange Norma Brady Jim & Amy Christianson Deb Clymer Elnora Day Lynn Decious Bob & Janice Goodyear Arlen & Marilyn Holcomb Marna Gaye Ketelsen Betty Lubben Dave Michels Duane & Ruthie Mosser Paul & Karol Pinney Roger & Helen Seaton Darel & Laura Secrist Steve & Karen Smith Neil & Elaine Stigen A few du,es include: Taking care of the family care room; (wipe off crib & liAle table, pick up and straighten room) over-see kitchen (*Launder towels on counter, check & clean refrigerators & stoves when needed) keep supplies stocked (paper towels, dish soap in kitchen, kleenex for the bathroom, plas,c wrap & baggies etc.). *It is very important that Work Groups select someone to check on the kitchen. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] AMILY E PERIENCE January 14, 2015 11 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205 12 Return Service Requested WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday: 6pm Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8am Traditional Worship 9am Fellowship 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Contemporary Worship FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Addison Zieser 01 Lindsey Aus"n 02 Donna Condry 02 Steph Hardersen 02 Breanna Luchtenburg 02 AnneAe Wheeler 02 Dylan Schmidt 03 Colin S"ffler 03 Michelle Smith 04 Sharlene Ulferts 04 Roger Seaton 06 Ruthie Mosser 07 Wayne Embree 08 Jeremy Fall 08 Marge Bohlken 09 Abby Fairbanks 10 Marissa Hankemeier Samuel Kenny Wes Wheeler Elnora Day Pat Jensen Marie Capron Becky Embree Brian Zieser Dave Michels Mallory Whitmore Rhonda Michels Evan Wilson Grace Lubben ScoA Minzenmeyer Kirk Reinhardt Carol Atwood 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 19 Ryker Weber Easton Wheeler Lawrence Behnke Marshall Kray Rob Robertson Jane Ortgies Rick Carpenter Seth Secrist Jillian Faille BreA Jacobs Taylor Zumbach Beulah Folken Trent Gravel Damon Rogers Mary Lou Schipper Shirley Shover 19 19 21 22 22 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 If your birthday was omiAed from this calendar, it is because we do not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed on our newsleAer calendar, please call Paula at 462-4841 or email her at [email protected] and she would be happy to include it.
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