February 2015 THE VIEW FROM HERE Greetings, We often associate February with Valentine’s Day. Every once in a while I come across something on the Internet that is worth sharing. Recently, I came across “Six signs you know your marriage will last” and I thought at least one of them was worth sharing. “When something weird happens, my guy is always the first one I want to text.” — Erin W., Highlands Ranch, CO Seeing your guy as your person—the one you want to share gossip or funny observations with—is essential, say Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz, psychotherapists and authors of "Building a Love That Lasts." “Good couples tend to view their partner as their best friend,” says Charles. “Having inside jokes and stories is part of what builds that bond.” That’s why it’s key to share funny anecdotes about your day, even if they’re as minor as your coworker freaking out because someone stole her Diet Coke from the communal fridge. Making "I do" last forever is one of the biggest challenges you'll ever face—and it's normal to worry about how you'll do it. But, if your connection involves any of these things, rest assured that you're in it for the long run.” Many of you who read this have been married many years, and you’ve experienced this. Others of you don’t have quite as long of a history together. I hope that no matter where you are on that continuum that you will see each other as your best friend. As we enter February 2015, we will begin the month with our “First Sunday Worship and Communion” at 10:00am, with a potluck to follow. During the potluck we will conduct our annual congregational meeting. Please stay and participate in the potluck and the congregational meeting as well. Whether you are a member of First Pres, or a regular attender, you are welcome to share in the meal, and listen to what has happened in 2014, and what we anticipate for 2015. Ash Wednesday is February 18th. Prior to the 7:00pmAsh Wednesday Communion Service, we will have soup supper at 6:00pm. We will be continuing the DVD series on “Reformation Roots” on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm until that series is completed. If you have any curiosity about why there are so many different denominations, you will find this series to be helpful. “Come and See.” Have a Great February, Pastor Ken Loving and gracious God, we give you thanks that you have made yourself known to us in the person of Jesus, the Christ. Grant that both our worship, and our lives would honor his name in all we do. Through his mercy, feed our spirits with what they long for most: an awareness of your presence with us every day and in every aspect of our lives. Help us to be alert to the small and large ways you touch our lives through both strangers we meet, and friends and family with whom travel on our life’s journey. These things we ask in Jesus’ name. AMEN. The Mission of First Presbyterian: As followers of Jesus Christ, we will nurture a Christian community that: grows in God’s love, cares for one another, and responds to the needs of the world. WING We’re GRO disciples of Jesus who… GROW in God’s love through... weekly worship regular group, family & personal study CARE for one another through… daily prayer friendships in our church community RESPOND to the needs of the world through… service in and beyond First Presbyterian generous giving We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. 2 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, February 2015 CLERK’S CORNER Dennis Junk, Clerk of Session At its Stated Meeting in January, Session: Heard that during the past month Pastor Ken has: Visited with two members in hospital and one in Transitional Care. Met with the Finance and Traditional Worship committees. Conducted Christmas Eve service. Lead adult study on the Reformation. Voted to send the remaining $85.00 in the Peacemaking Offering account to CVIC. Voted to pay off the remaining Per Capita balance from prior years of $13,489.79. Heard the Personnel Committee, in an upcoming meeting, is reviewing the policies and meeting with Tatiana. They hope to soon be interviewing a musician to replace Rachel, who is expected to leave shortly. Heard the presbytery is planning a senior high mission trip for this summer. On the afternoon of 18 July they would be in Grand Forks. Session approved an overnight stay in our building and approved scholarships for any of our youth that would like to join on the mission trip. Discussed whether to attempt to hire a summer intern to work on youth programs. It was decided to TABLE the discussion until the idea could be discussed with parents of our youth. Elected the following to serve as corporate and/or officers for the congregation: Josh Lindenberg President Delphine Gregoire Vice President Dennis Junk Clerk of Session Chris Lander Treasurer Dennis Junk Secretary/Sexton Approved the examination of the newly elected elders and ordination/installation of the newly elected elders during worship services on 25 January 2015. Heard that the Pastor Nominating Committee has met twice. Voted to hold the annual congregational meeting on 1 February 2015 after worship. Session meets the second Thursday of each month at 7pm. The next stated Session Meeting is February 12, 2015. As always, members are encouraged as to attend with concerns or ideas to come to the open forum at the beginning of each stated session meeting. If you are not able to come to the meeting in person, but would still like your voice to be heard, you are welcome to write a letter to the session or seek out a member of session prior to the stated meeting. PASTOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE The members of the Pastor Nominating committee began regular meeting this month. Our hope is to have a Pastor Candidate to be voted on by members of this congregation this summer or early fall. We are beginning the process of writing the Ministry Information Form, which describes our congregation and the attributes we wish our new pastor to possess. This form will be approved by the Session after which it will be forwarded to our national church. We will then receive information back concerning pastor candidates to be considered. We will keep you informed as we proceed. Please keep us in your prayers. Randy Knutson, Jennifer Jorde, Linda Sander, Nance Grove, Terry Brenner, Sandi Kerr, and Fred MacGregor. 3 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, February 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Communion 10:00am Combined service 11am Baked Potato Bar 8 9am Contemporary Service 10:10am Young Children’s Worship 11am Traditional Service 15 9am-9:30am CD Ministry 9am Presbytery Meeting 1:00pm Community Quilters 9 9am-9:30am CD Ministry 9am Presbytery Meeting 1:00pm Community Quilters 16 9am Contemporary Service 10:10am Young Children’s Worship 11am Traditional Service 9am-9:30am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 2pm Hessed Bible Study 22 23 9am Contemporary Service 10:10am Young Children’s Worship 11am Traditional Service 9am-9:30am CD Ministry 1pm Community Quilters 1pm-3pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting Class 7pm Reformation Roots Study Group 10 1pm-3pm Community Quilters 6pm-9pm Quilting Class 17 1pm-3pm Community Quilters 6pm Quilting Class 7pm Reformation Roots Study Group 24 1pm-3pm Community Quilters 6pm-9pm Quilting Class 7pm-8:30pm Reformation Roots study group 7:00pm Middle School Group 9am-10:30am Bulletin Folding 7:00pm Korean Prayer 13 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast 9:30 Church Quilters 11 12 4:00pm Finance Team 6:00pm Church Quilters 7:00pm Middle School Group 7:00pm Session 9am-10:30am Bulletin Folding 7:00pm Korean Prayer 18 19 20 21 9am-10:30am Bulletin Folding 7:00pm Korean Prayer 14 9:30amChurch Quilters 4:30pm Ladies Night Out 2:00pm-5:30pm After Eve 6:00pm-6:30pm KIN@ Day Report 25 26 27 28 1:00pmNewsletter Folding 6:00pm Church Quilters 6:30pm Quilters Coffee (sanctuary, Kitchen, & Great Room) 9am Bulletin Folding 7:00p Korean Prayer 9:30 Church Quilters Ash Wednesday 4 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, February 2015 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY’S Adult Studies & Discussion Groups Men’s Breakfast (conversation) -1st Saturdays @ 8:00 am at Perkins on Columbia Women’s Circles A Bible Study groups meets the second Monday of each month @ 2pm. A book group meets the third Thursday of each month @ 2pm, During the Fall/ Winter months. Please contact the church office for details Janet Marwin February 6th David Vaaler February 6th Chloe Sherve February 8th Karen Tankersley February 14th Weezie Potter February 19th Hannah Sheppard February 25th Ladies Night Out Every 3rd Wednesday @ 4:30 pm-7:00 pm at Charles Jr. Sansburn February 26th Dakota Harvest. Book Study Book study every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the conference room. Sunday Programs for Children CD Ministry If you know anyone who would like to receive a copy of the sermon and cannot make it to join us in church on Sunday’s. Please let us know . Praise Team Passionate for music? Then perhaps you are just the right type of person to sign up for Praise Team. If you are interested in joining please seek out a member of the team, who can be seen singing their hearts out in the front of the church. Young Children & Worship 10:10 am Age 4 - Grade 6 February 8th, 15th & 22nd Middle School Group The First Presbyterian Church of Grand Forks is excited to announce the Middle School Youth Group will meet on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm. Come and join us in discussions, devotions, music, service projects, and socializing on: February 4th February 11th Check us out and see what you think! It will be a great time to hanging out and have some fun. Volunteers Needed The church is always looking for volunteers. If you want to get involved in the ministry of the church, please contact the church office at 701-775-5545 5 www.firstpresgf.org First Presbyterian Church, February 2015 JOINT SERVICE AND POTLUCK On February 1st, at 10:00am “First Sunday” Combined Communion Service with a baked potato bar to follow at 11:00am. Session talked about how we might get people to set up and clean-up the monthly potluck lunches. As it is, the same people have done the work, so the hope is that that can be spread out and involve more people. Linda Shaw-Elgin will coordinate the set up and clean-up for February, and will ask for someone to coordinate the Potluck for March 1. Each month, the one who coordinates the potluck will ask someone else/or a couple of people to do the following month’s potluck. For your convenience: Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your generous donation to Northland rescue Mission! Because of you we are able to help those in need. God Bless, Alex Auto-deduction of your monthly pledges is available on or shortly after the 18th of each month. Contact the church office at 775-5545 if interested. Did You Know? Approximately 150 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas. Visit the Church Library AT Zion Methodist Church Thank You to all who came out and helped with the Love feast on January 27th! Meatballs, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, pickles and fruit were served to 194 people. A Big thank you to Hope Korean for contributing the fruit and helping serve. Thank you for your recent donation to Ethiopia reads Professional development fund. -Ian A wide selection of books & magazines. Check out books using the pocket card. Children’s books are also available in the Gloriosa Room. Prayer Chain To request prayer for yourself or a loved one, please call: Bonny Crow at 775-6425 or email Tatiana at [email protected] Please secure permission before using a person’s full name in your request.
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