Reg . off : Office No. 12,
4 1h
Floor, 68, Sai Sadan, Janmabhoomi Marg, Hutatma Chowk, Fort, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra E-mail - [email protected]. CIN - L51900 MH1981PLC024340 0- t : 02/02/2015
The General Manager. The Bombay Stoc k Exctlange Limited, Corpo r te R lationship 0 partrl'1 ent.
Dalal tree , Fort, Mumba l -400 00
Sub: Intimation of Board Meeting of Vinaditya Trading Company Limited.
Scrip Code at SSE: 504380
Dear Sir/M adam,
Pu r Ud nt LO t he Listin g A re eme nt with the Stock Exchange, noti ce is hereby given that a
ti ng o f the Bo.:mJ of Oir eto r of the Company will be held on 10 n February, 2015 at 04 .00
p.m. a Offi ce No. 12, 4' Floor, 68. Sai adan, Janmabhoomi Marg, Hutatma (hawk, Fo rt,
Mumu i - 400001, to co nSider th e foll ow ing matt r5;
1. To appoi nt th e Ch ,lIrman for th e meeting.
7 To gran leave of abse nc . if any to I he Director .
3. ro confirm th e M in ute s of th pre viou me til g 01 th e Boa rd of Director. held .
4. To r view nd approve the Un audited Financial results along with the Limited Review
Report fOI t h ~ quarter ended on 3 1' Dece mber, 2014 .
lJdit C m mlltee Report. fo r ex ploring various Avenues for the growth of
5. 10 con,>id r
ompany .
6. To con Ider t he Valuation
Re~o rt
To conS Id er . rid t.o approv
Ie s
Vlt1ad, y
td and
o f the Company­
the Draft Scheme of Amalgamati on of M / Florn ic Freight
Jl ohal Log istICs Pvt. Ltd (T ral S eror (ornpanle:;) vlith the
M / ~ Flan n
r rad ll1g Co Ltd as reco m me nd ed by the Au dit Co mmittee .
8. To consider the Fairness Opinion of the Merchant Banker
the Valuation Report.
app Inl advo at as a repr sentatlve of the Company for tile said matter of p rup o cI
amalg<im alion.
10. To consider t he appointm ent
abl(j & Co . Company Secret nes, Mumba i with re speci
to co mplete t he proposed merger.
VINADITYA TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Heg. off: Off,c e No. 12, 4 h Fl oo r, 68, Sai Sadan, Janmabhoo l11 l Marg, Hutatma Chowk,
Fort. Mumb ai - 400001, Maharashtr
E-mail - lI1 ro 3aCS.1n (IN - L51900MH1981P LC0 24340
11. 0 fl th e Bombay Stock Excha nge (BSE) as Designated Stock Ex hange for COIlHlluflicang
with .Cl.Irities & Excha ne Board of India.
12. To appoin M r. Satyapra kash S Pa th ah. a W hol e Il11 e Di re tor nd Chief Fin anci al Of ficer
(CFO) 0 the Com pany in t r m 5 of Sect io n 203 of Companies
t, 2013 .
0 authorized Mr. Sa tya pra kash . Pathak, Director I M r. Pr bhu Chettiyar, Company
Secre ta'l' t o represen t / 0 affirm / e ecute documents / ffl davlts before the court of law
on t ehalf of t he Co mpany wi th r speet to the amalga mation of M !s Flomic. Freigh t
e Ices Pvt . Ltd and M / Florn ic loba l Logistics Pvt . L d (Transfe.ror Companies) w it h
Vmadllya Tr'a dll1g Company Limi ted (TransfereE' Company ).
14 . To appoint Mr. Rajit Ramchandra Up"dhyaya as independent Dire cto r o n th e Board of t he
Company .
15. Tu C nsid e til' r oSl nation of M r. Bhaskar Sh _tty from the pos of Chief Financial Officer
of th e ompa ny.
1 . To co nside r c ny oth r m att er with the permiSSion of the Chair ll1 an.
Th is is
0 1 you
in ti miltiof\ and re ords. kind ly acknowledge th e copy of t he same.
Also, w~ wo uld lik e t o Inform yOli that trading wrndo of th comp y will b closed from 3'<1
Febru ai'Y, 2.015 and sam e w ill be re- pe ned after 24 hour' s from til conclu sion of the Bo rd
M e t IIg.
../ .
Compahy Secretary & Comp llrllu"".A'-Jon..~~'1