FOW Trading Singapore 2014

FOW Trading
Singapore 2014
25 September 2014 • SGX Auditorium, Singapore Exchange
FOW returns to Singapore in 2014 with Trading Singapore, a new event format aimed at brokers, funds and proprietary
traders based in Singapore. The afternoon event will bring together some of the key participants in the local trading
market to discuss the issues of the day. The event is followed by the FOW Awards for Asia Gala Dinner.
Host exchange:
Gold sponsors:
Silver sponsors:
Supporting association:
Media partners:
14:00 Chairperson’s welcome
Moderator – Will Mitting, Publisher, FOW
14:10 Keynote address
Rama Pillai, Senior Vice President, SGX
Adam Reynolds, CEO, Saxo Capital Markets
Steve McNulty, Managing Director, HTG Capital Markets
Matthew O’Brien, CEO, Propex
Matthew Png, Senior Executive, UOB Bullion and Futures
14:30: Panel: Perspectives on the low latency debate
The debate on the benefits of low latency trading has heightened recently in
global markets. But as exchanges across Asia seek to encourage more trading to
their markets, it is clear that critics are under-appreciating its benefits. This panel
will bring together a group of market participants to discuss low latency, its merits
and how it should be policed.
- What benefits does low latency trading bring to markets?
- Are accusations of market manipulation and unfair advantage justified?
- How to operate a safe and efficient market in an age of near zero latency?
Moderator - Eric Neo, CEO, NEO & Partners Global
Nizam Ismail, Partner, RHT Law Taylor Wessing
Nirav Parikh, Director APAC Head of Electronic Trading Futures, Clearing and
Collateral, Citi
Nikunj Drolia, Director, Global GRD
Ting Shang Ping, Portfolio Manager, Algo Tradelab
15:15: Coffee break
15:35: Panel: What is the future of proprietary trading?
As banks across the world cut back on proprietary trading activities, increasingly
smaller trading business will fill the void and further increase their importance
in exchange traded derivatives markets. This panel will look at the opportunities
and challenges ahead for proprietary traders.
- How are banks in Asia changing their proprietary trading operations?
- Where does the opportunity lie for smaller proprietary trading businesses?
- What can proprietary trading firms do today to capitalise on the new market?
16:35: Presentation
Meng Chan Shu, Head of Product Management, DGCX
16:45: Panel: Opportunities for growth in Asia
Asia remains the world’s most exciting continent for derivatives with the
continued growth of established markets in Singapore and Hong Kong and the
emergence of numerous growth markets. China in particular presents one of
the most exciting new markets for decades. This panel will profile some of the
big opportunities for traders in China and Asia as a whole and ask how brokers
and trading businesses can capitalise on these opportunities.
- Where are the key growth markets in Asia?
- How is technology lowering the barriers to entry into new markets?
- How can Singapore establish itself as a gateway to China?
Moderator: John Warren, SVP, Head of Business Development, SunGard
Teyu Che Chern, CEO, Phillip Futures Pte Ltd
Janice Kan , Senior Vice President, Derivatives Head, Product Development &
Management, Singapore Exchange
Zhao Guiping, President, GF Futures Co Ltd
Stefen Shin, Senior Advisor, China Financial Futures Exchange
17:30: Drinks reception