Specific Efforts Improving Academic Ability 具体的な取組 学力の向上 Improving the academic ability of students is of upmost importance for Saitama Prefecture. Improvements in teaching methods at elementary and junior high schools are being made based on the analysis of results from school surveys, along with improvements made in basic education, and students' abilities to think, judge, and express for themselves. At senior high schools, education is used to promote the strengthening of students' abilities, encourage students to have high aspirations and instill basic skills. Efforts are being made at special needs schools to maintain support systems, promote support for entering the workforce, and bringing out the very best of each and every student. Moral Education 学力の向上は本県教育の最重要課題 です。小・中学校では、学習状況調査等 の分析結果を踏まえ指導方法の工夫改 善を図るとともに、基礎・基本の定着や 思考力、判断力、表現力等の向上を目指 す取組も進めています。高等学校では、 基礎・基本の確実な定着を図るとともに、 生徒の能力を伸ばし、高い志を育てる教 育を進めています。特別支援学校では、 児童生徒への支援体制の整備や、一般 就労に向けた支援を推進し、一人一人の 力を最大限に引き出す教育に努めてい ます。 道徳教育の推進 Sai no Kuni no Doutoku (Morals of Sai no Kuni ― Original teaching materials produced by the prefecture) is used in schools to increase awareness of social norms and cultivate rich minds through learning about the lives of well-known people from Saitama, and what to do when faced with moral dilemmas. Also moral education texts for home use, which parents and children can read together, are provided so that parents are able to contribute to their child's moral education at home. Moral education is promoted through the combined efforts of schools, families and local communities. Parents and guardians participating in moral education class 保護者参加型の授業の様子 学校では、郷土の偉人の生き方や人と して「してはならないこと」等を掲載した 本県独自の道徳教材「彩の国の道徳」を 活用し、子どもたちの規範意識を高め、 豊かな心をはぐくんでいます。また、家庭 でも保護者が子どもの道徳心をはぐくめ るよう、親子で読んで心温まるお話等を 掲載した家庭用道徳教材を提供するなど、 学校・家庭・地域が一体となった道徳教 育を推進しています。 Morals of Sai no Kuni 家庭用彩の国の道徳
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