Palos Plans January 2015 Volume 60, Number 5 In This Issue Calendar Children’s Ministry Christian Education Hour Church Night From the Clerk Golden Oaks Mitten Tree Update Music Ministry PC’s Perspective Promise Renewal Sunday Spiritual Growth Weekend World Service Youth Ministry Mark Your Calendars! February 1 8 13-16 14 16 New Worship Schedule Begins! Congregational Meeting WF Winter Retreat Valentine’s Day Presidents’ Day PC’s PERSPECTIVE The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to...well, you get the picture. As we enter a new year, PPPCC is in the midst of a time of change. In August Pastor Tony said his farewell and we have gone through a busy fall and wonderful Christmas season. Now we turn our attention to the new things that God will be doing in 2015. The first new thing that God is doing at PPPCC is the calling of Rev. John Curphey to be our interim pastor. Pastor Curphey will be joining our church staff on Monday, January 12. His first sermon at PPPCC will be the following Sunday, January 18. Pastor Curphey has already begun to engage with staff and took part in the December 16 Session meeting where plans for 2015 were discussed. I know that God has called Pastor Curphey to be with us during this period of congregational change. He is well suited for the task ahead. Our next significant change will be on February 1 when we change our worship format from the current three services (7:30 - Devotional; 8:30 Contemporary; 11:00 Traditional) to one unified service of worship at 9:30 AM. We have heard many of you ask for this change to happen and Session voted unanimously to make this change for the sake of the unity of the congregation. Education Hour will run from 10:45 to 11:45 after the worship service and will include Children's, Confirmation, Youth, Adult Education classes and small groups. Session is excited about having our entire congregation worshipping together once again and looks forward to the energy and enthusiasm we will have as we grow closer together during this interim time. The third change is one that we continue to be in process with. In early 2015, Session will be meeting with members of the Chicago Presbytery's "Listening Team" as the church continues through the Gracious Separation process from the PC(USA). The next step after meeting with Session will involve two congregational meetings on a date and time to be determined. Please keep your Session in prayer as they continue on this journey. We also need to keep our new Pastor Nominating Committee in prayer as they take their first steps in searching for the next called pastor at PPPCC. Please hold these faithful servants of God in your prayers. They are: Shirley Agrimonti, Steve Brumbaugh, Laura Dolan, Jim Klockow, Abbie Niewiadomski, Tim O'Connell, Cathy Robieson, Randy Ytterberg and Wes Zuro. In addition to all these new developments at PPPCC, we have a number of more regular events that are fast approaching as we enter 2015. Please be sure to mark these on your calendars. January 4 ...... Promise Renewal Sunday (ONE SERVICE at 11:00 with Communion) January 25 ................................................. Officer Ordination and Installation Sunday January 30-February 1....................................................... Spiritual Growth Weekend February 8 ..........................................................Annual Meeting of the Congregation February 18 ...................................................................................... Ash Wednesday PC’s PERSPECTIVE (CONTINUED) Here are some of the Scripture passages we will be exploring this month. DATE SPECIAL DAY Jan 4 Promise Renewal ONE Service Jan 11 WEEK’S ADVANCE READING TOPIC SUGGESTIONS 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 The New Creation in Christ Jesus Deuteronomy 4 Preparations for coming into the Land Jan 18 Pastor Curphey's First Sunday Joshua Jan 25 Ordination Sunday Joshua Feb 1 Spiritual Growth Weekend TBD Guest Preacher Geoff Carroll Look for the Small Group ministry to begin sign-ups for sermon-based small groups in the weeks ahead. This is an excellent opportunity to dive into Scripture in the context of a supportive community of believers. I hope you will plan to be a part of one of these groups. We have many new and exciting things to look forward as a congregation in 2015. I look forward to serving with you as we experience God through these changes and continue to seek His purpose for us here in Palos Park. I hope you have had a blessed Christmas season and I will see you in the New Year! JOSHUA in our MUSIC MINISTRY Our Interim Pastor will be leading us thru the book of Joshua. If you have ideas to share related to the story of Joshua and how we enhance our music & worship, please consider joining our CREATIVE ARTS WORSHIP team. The first meeting for this team in 2015 will be held on Saturday, January 10th at 9:00 a.m. Please let Megan Marshall in the church office know if you plan on attending this meeting. REHEARSAL START-UPS in 2015 Chancel Choir (in the sanctuary) .......................................... Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 p.m. Children's Handchime Choir (2nd-5th grade) ...................... Wednesday, January 7th at 5:45 p.m. Children's Choirs (PreK-5th grade)....................................... Wednesday, January 7th at 6:15 p.m. Praise Band (full team).............................................................. Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 p.m. Handbell Choir (in the choir room)........................................... Sunday, January 11th at 12:15 p.m. As this is written, we are in the midst of Christmas and the anticipation and excitement that surround it. Hats and mittens have been delivered to the Jones Center in Chicago Heights by Jane Jahn. Deacons have delivered Christmas gifts to families in difficult circumstances, thanks to PPPCC members who “Serve Our Neighbors.” And we enjoyed the beautiful expression of the meaning of Christmas in the intergenerational musical “Darkness Into Light,” complete with orchestra. All that is left is the celebration of the birth of the Savior, Emmanuel, God With Us. (And why do we sing about Emmanuel only in Advent when He is with us all the time)? I anticipate eagerly the arrival of our Interim Senior Pastor, John Curphey, on January 12. He is a much-needed addition to our staff, wellqualified and personable. Please set aside the last weekend of January (January 30-February 1) for Spiritual Growth Weekend. Geoff Carroll will show us the land of the Bible on Friday evening and Saturday till 1:00 p.m. It’s been a long time since we have done a weekend like this, and it will be inspiring. To get a little taste of what we are likely to see and hear, go to his website Many people have commented on the decrease in attendance at Sunday morning services over the past few months. Be assured the subject is being addressed by Session. And thanks to Bob Van Baren for reminding us of Paul’s message to the church at Philippi to be united by humbly “being one in spirit.” There is much to celebrate. God is good! Nancy Rode Clerk of Session Introducing…. Our New Interim Pastor: Reverend John R. Curphey! The Session, in acting upon the recommendation from the Interim Pastor Nominating Committee (IPNC) at Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church unanimously voted to call Pastor John R. Curphey to be our Interim Senior Pastor. Pastor Curphey is a Teaching Elder and member of the Chicago Presbytery. He has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Wisconsin, a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling from The Adler School of Professional Psychology. He is currently serving a church in the City of Chicago as their Interim Pastor. John has served as a solo pastor, head of staff, associate pastor and pastor interim. He has a particular interest in helping churches in the midst of transition. He believes there is much spiritual opportunity in these times as congregations gather the wisdom of the past, and launch into the future with new energy and a sense of God's unique calling. John is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Massachusetts) and the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. John has served several churches in the Midwest and one church in New England. He served as the associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn for seventeen years. He is presently serving as the interim pastor of Church of Christ, Presbyterian in the northwest part of the city of Chicago. John's wife, Barbara, teaches first grade in Wheaton, Illinois. His oldest daughter, Ruth (married to Adam Anderson). lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a new mother. Baby Maggie Anderson is just six and a half months old! Adelyn (daughter #2) is teaching English literature in a private school in Bachrain, a tiny country near Saudi Arabia. She will complete her work in June of 2015. John and Barbara are looking forward to getting to know the members of PPPCC and they come with a sense of expectancy about what God is "up to" during this interim season. We look forward to Pastor Curphey’s ministry beginning with us on January 12, 2015. Please keep them both in your prayers as they transition into ministry with us in this new year. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Youth Club and Junior Youth Club SNOW Party! January 7 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. As we begin 2015, we will have a “snow” party. We will make snowflakes, drink hot chocolate, have a “snowball” fight, play “Pin the nose on the snowman”, and if there’s real snow on the ground, we will take a flashlight walk through the snow. Wear your gloves/mittens, hat, scarf, boots and your winter coat. Hope to see you there! Mitten Tree Update First Wednesday Book Club from the Mission Team will not meet in January... Happy New Year! Thank you for your support of the Mitten Tree! Your contributions, as always, were very generous. All donations were delivered to Jones Center, along with the food we collected in the narthex, by Jane and Loren Jahn. The items were distributed to the children attending the Jones Center Christmas Party on December 13. These were the items that you donated: 20 69 79 8 18 20 3 Mittens Gloves Hats Hat/Scarfs Sets Hat/Mitten Sets Scarves Headbands The next meeting will be on February 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Library. February’s book selection is: The Great Divorce By C.S. Lewis This extraordinary book is an allegory about a bus trip to heaven and hell. Topics discussed include good and evil, and grace and judgment. Please read the book and bring your reflections to the February meeting and discuss them with others. Spiritual Growth Weekend for Kids January 30 - February 1, 2015 All children in PreK-5th grade are invited to join us as we “Journey to Israel” to learn about Jesus and where he lived and worked on earth. $10.00/child Cost includes Dinner on Friday, Breakfast, snacks and lunch on Saturday; crafts, and all activities. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Education Hour Winter Term Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. January 11 - February 15 As we study the Bible together we form relationships with one another and define and strengthen our relationship with God. Join us each Sunday, between the two worship services as we study, fellowship, and grow together as Jesus’ disciples in the world. Children and Youth Classes Nursery Care 2 & 3 year olds PreK - 2nd Grade 3rd - 5th grade 2nd Year Confirmation WF Bible Study Church Nursery, led by Donna White Sonrise Room, taught by Mona Tapia Stage in Primary Hall, taught by Lori Goral and Michelle Miller Primary Hall, taught by Maggie Downs Friendship Room, taught by David Carlton and Bob Van Baren WF Room, taught by Paul Grivakis Adult Electives The Wired Word, led by Sean Scanlon..............................................................................Fellowship Hall Acts, Part 2, led by Tim Gibbons..............................................................................................Map Room Nursery Care is available for children who are young than 2 years of age on September 1, 2014 Benefits of Studying Your Bible With Others Grow closer to God Gain nourishment for your soul Learn who God is Learn how to live the Christian life Grow closer together with your brothers and sisters in Christ Better able to discern right and wrong Have an opportunity to discuss what your are reading and how it applies to your life Learn how to read your Bible and what it means Gain purpose for your life Be able to stand firm in your faith Dinner and a Movie Night January 16 - 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Movie: Pinocchio Dinner: Italian Feast / Cost: $2.00/person Children may wear their pajamas and bring a sleeping bag/blanket and pillow to use during the movie. RSVP to [email protected] by January 15, if you will be attending. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS hurch ight Wednesdays, January 7 - April 8 An additional opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship for children and adults. Children’s Handchime Choir............................................ 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. for children in 2nd - 5th grade ..........................................Choir Room Led by Megan Marshall Children’s Choirs .............................................................. 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. Sonshine Singers for children in PreK - 1st grade ........ Primary Hall Led by Maggie Downs Young Musicians for 2nd - 5th grade .............................Choir Room Led by Sara DeBoer Junior Youth Club ............................................................. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. for 2 years old through Kindergarten ......................... Sonrise Room Led by Reilly Scanlon and Maggie Downs Youth Club ......................................................................... 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. for children in 1st - 5th grades ....................................Fellowship Hall Led by Laurie Zuro and Toni Pronger Adult Electives 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Bible Focus Group, led by Matt Zatkalik.................................................................................Map Room Chancel Choir, led by Megan Marshall ..................................................................................... Sanctuary Helping Students Write Their Stories 2015 WF CALENDAR All meetings 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. January 4 11 18 25 February 1 8 13-15 Saturday Night Lives WF Resumes! What’s Your Story Walking the Talk Is Heaven for Rule-Keepers? January 10th Dinner and a Movie March 14th Ice Skating Night NO WF-Super Bowl Life by the Spirit WF Retreat-Meet at 1:00 p.m. to board vans on February 13th WF Retreat Final Deadline to Sign-up is January 4th MISSION TRIP-JUNE 7-13-St. MILFORD, IOWA LOL CALENDAR All meetings 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. January 4 11 18 25 February 1 8 15 22 LOL Resumes! What’s Your Story Walking the Talk Is Heaven for Rule-Keepers? (Springhill Canceled) NO LOL-Super Bowl Life by the Spirit WF Retreat-NO LOL No More Kiddie Prayers Our Sympathy To… ...Jim and Pat Tony and their family on the death of Pat’s mother, Jan Barry, on December 6. ...Tim and Cathy Robieson and their famiy on the death of Tim’s father, Clarence Robieson, on December 14. Deacons’ Organizational Meeting Saturday January 24 - 9:00 a.m. Please keep these friends in your heart at their time of sorrow. Bulletins Far & Near… Covenant Church West Lafayette, IN ♦ The Les Hansen Family First Presbyterian Church of Saranac Lake Saranac Lake, NY ♦ The Klockow Family Session Examinational Meeting Tuesday January 20 - 7:00 p.m. Installation of New Officers The next meeting of Golden Oaks will be on March 4, 2015 Golden Oaks will not be meeting in January and February, in an effort to keep our Seniors safe during these months when the weather can be frightful! World Service WILL be meeting in January and February. If the weather is too inclimate, Norma Carson will contact you to let you know that the meeting has been cancelled. Sunday January 25 - 11:00 a.m. Organizational Meeting Tuesday January 27 Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday - February 8 Following the 11:00 a.m. service Because of the mail, the finance office will receive 2014 gifts (must be postmarked 2014) up to January 4, 2015. PALOS PLANS is published monthly by Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church [exception: combined summer issue] Susan M. Schmidt, Editor Submit news items to: 12312 S. 88th Avenue Palos Park, Illinois 60464 708.448.5220 Fax 708.448.5331 e-mail: [email protected] NEXT DEADLINE: January 18 Pal o s Park Pres by terian C om m un ity Ch urch Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Church Night Includes: 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm PROMISE RENEWAL 4 SUNDAY New Year’s Day Hand Chime Choir Children’s Choirs Chancel Choir Adult Electives Youth Club Saturday 1 2 8 9 10:00am Bible Focus 7 ONE SERVICE 11:00am Worship 6:30pm LOL & WF 12 6:30pm LOL & WF 19 13 20 25 7:30am Devotional 8:30am Contemporary 9:45am CE Hour 11:00am Worship 12:45pm Handbells 26 27 21 10:00am Bible Focus 15 9:00am Officer Training 10 6:30pm WF Saturday Night 7:00pm Administration 7:00pm Missions 14 10:00am Bible Focus 5:45pm Church Night 7:00pm Finance 7:00pm Session Examinational Meeting 6:30pm LOL & WF 6:30pm LOL & WF 9:30am 7:00pm Worship 18 7:30am Devotional 8:30am Contemporary 9:45am CE Hour 11:00am Worship 12:45pm Handbells INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS 5:45pm Church Night Resumes 7:00pm Youth Club & Junior Youth Club Snow Party 7:00pm CE 11 7:30am Devotional 8:30am Contemporary 9:45am CE Hour Resumes 11:00am Worship 12:45pm Handbells 3 Church Office 6 5 Friday 16 17 6:00pm Dinner and a Movie Night 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 22 23 24 9:00am Deacon Organizational Meeting 29 30 31 5:45pm Church Night 28 10:00am Bible Focus 7:00pm Session Organizational 5:45pm Church Night Meeting Spiritual Growth Weekend CHURCH STAFF Ext. John Curphey ................................. Interim Pastor (11) [email protected] David Carlton.............................. Associate Pastor (12) [email protected] Maggie Downs ...... Director of Children’s Ministry (13) [email protected] Bob Van Baren ............ Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church Non-Profit Organization 12312 South 88th Avenue Palos Park, IL 60464 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.1 (15) Megan Marshall........Director of Music & Worship (16) [email protected] Susan Schmidt ...................... Executive Assistant (10) [email protected] Dorothy Wertzbaugher........... Assistant Secretary (14) [email protected] Linda Kuhn ........ Youth Ministry Admin. Assistant (22) [email protected] Donna Parker ......................................Comptroller (22) [email protected] Ralph A. Pugh ......................................... Organist [email protected] SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE 7:30 a.m. Devotional Service 8:30 Contemporary Service and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Christian Education Hour (September - May) OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CHURCH PHONE & WEBSITE 708-448-5220 FAX: 708-448-5331 We Are A STEPHEN MINISTRY Congregation hurch ight Resumes January 7, 2015 5:45 p.m. Join us for classes or participate in choirs...there’s something for everyone!
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