10:00 Rite of Sending Food Collection: Crackers 6:00 L.I.F.E. 10 4:00 L.I.F.E. 9 11:0 6:00 L.I.F.E. 10 4:00 L.I.F.E. 9 8 1 22 15 Sunday 23 16 9 2 17 10 3 24 4 18 11 25 4:30/6:30 CFC, Gr. 1-2, 4-6 4:30/6:30 Church Search-Gr. 3 5:30 R.O.C. 7 No Confessions No Choir Mass: 7:00am 12:15 & 6:30pm 5:30 CFC Family Lenten Activity No Confessions 9:00 Social Concerns 4:30/6:30 CFC No Confessions 5:30 R.O.C. 8 6:30 Bible Timeline 6:00-8:00 Choir 4:30/6:30 CFC 4:30 Worship Meeting 5:00-6:00 Confessions 5:30 R.O.C. 7 6:30 Bible Timeline 6:00-8:00 Choir Wednesday 12 5 6:30 Bible Study 9:00 Bible Study 8:15 School Mass 6:30 Bible Study 9:00 Bible Study 6:30 Bible Study 26 19 2:30 Divine Mercy Devotion 9:00 Bible Study 8:15 School Mass 6:30 Bible Study 11:00 Anointing Mass 9:00 Bible Study 8:15 School Mass Thursday 4:30 Fish Fry 20 13 6 4:30 Fish Fry 27 7:00 Bingo 6:30 Stations of the Cross 7:00 Bingo 6:30 Stations of the Cross No School Friday 4:30 Confirmation 28 21 14 7 Saturday 900 Geiger St., Neenah, WI 54956 (920-722-4914) St. Gabriel Parish St. Gabriel the Archangel is a welcoming Catholic Community of disciples who encounter Jesus, joyfully and compassionately serving God’s people. 12:30 Griefshare 6:30 R.C.I.A. 3:00 St. Vincent de Paul 12:30 Griefshare 6:30 R.C.I.A. 12:30 Griefshare 12:30 Griefshare 4:00 Stampers 6:30 Knights of Columbus 7:00 Finance Meeting Tuesday Our Parish Mission Statement: 6:30 Rosary 5:30 R.O.C. 7 4:30 Church Search - Gr. 3 4:30 CFC, Gr. 1-2, 4-6 No School 6:30 Rosary No CFC 6:30 Rosary 5:30 R.O.C. 8 4:30 CFC 7:00 Respect Life 6:30 Baptism Class 6:30 Rosary 5:30 R.O.C. 7 4:30 CFC Monday www.stgabrielparish.com February 2015 ST. GABRIEL PARISH NEENAH The Week Ahead SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Coffee and rolls will be served in Stingle Hall after Mass. 10:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy of the Word. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6:30 p.m. - Rosary 6:30 p.m.- Baptism Class 7:00 p.m.- Respect Life Meeting TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 12:30 p.m. - GriefShare 4:00 p.m. - Stampers WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 4:30 p.m.- Worship Meeting 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Confessions 6:00 p.m. - Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. - Bible Timeline “Teach My People to Pray” On the Feast of Christ the King, November 23rd, you may remember that a letter from Bishop Ricken was read at Mass. In it, he introduced a two-year initiative calling all of us across the Diocese of Green Bay to enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus in prayer. It’s part of a larger focus on discipleship that you will continue to hear more about in the months and years to come. What’s particularly exciting about this invitation is that it coincides so well with our emphasis on evangelization here at St. Gabriel the Archangel. Sharing the Good News of Jesus MUST be founded on prayer. Without a growing relationship with God, our efforts will be empty, like words without music. Here is an excerpt from Bishop Ricken’s recent Pastor reflection “Teach My People to Pray”. Priests, Deacons, Pastoral Leaders, Pastoral Ministers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 9:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. - Bible Study 11:00 a.m. - Anointing Mass SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 3:30-4:15 p.m. - Confessions 4:30 p.m. - Confirmation SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Coffee and rolls will be served in Stingle Hall after Mass. 10:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Anointing Mass - February 5, 2015 at 11am Soup Dinner to follow For Seniors and those who wish they were seniors Dinner will take place after Mass, 12:30ish in Stingle Hall. No need to RSVP. We are in need of people that are willing to donate desserts for the funerals. If you are willing to have your name added to a rotating schedule please call Cookie at 727-1191 if no answer please leave a message. Also needed are volunteers interested in helping to serve lunch and clean up after funerals. Sponsor of the Week ANN M FERO Parish Member Fox Cities Funeral Services 920.966.9000 www.foxcitiesfuneral.com 3026 Jackson St Oshkosh, WI “Providing Affordable Funeral & Cremation Services” Our bulletin is furnished without charge. The advertisements that appear defray all publishing costs. Please patronize our sponsors as a thank you for their generosity and let them know you saw their ad. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Priests My brother priests, I know that all of you are working very hard in your pastoral ministry, sometimes covering several parishes sacramentally and administratively. As your shepherd, I humbly ask you to please remember to take care of your own soul. It often happens that those closest to a profession also neglect their own care, e.g. health care professionals often neglect their own health; psychologists forget to take care of their own psychological well-being; teachers resist taking on-going education classes, etc. Sometimes, the reality is that priests neglect the care of their own souls, putting the needs of others far ahead of their own. As our retreat master in June 2014, Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto, explained, the priest is fundamentally a servant and has the responsibility to tend to three types of service. The first is the “service of reconciliation.” A good confessor is first of all a good penitent who goes to confession frequently. He is also a pontifex – a bridge builder of reconciliation between and among the faithful in their families and in their parish communities. The second service the priest renders is the “service of the Word of God.” He recites all of the offices of The Liturgy of the Hours every day for his own people, for the Diocese and for the Church universal. He is also a man of the Word of God, both a herald and a doer of the Word of God. He practices praying with the Bible (called lectio divina) on a frequent basis and strives to live and breathe the Word as he ministers to the People of God. Third, he is a “servant of the Eucharist.” He celebrates the Mass well and prayerfully. He also spends time in private prayer before the Eucharist, talking and listening to his best friend, Jesus Christ. My dear brother priests, I ask you in this two-year period to reinvigorate your interior life and to make sure that you are tending the garden of your own soul by putting first things first, just as I will strive to do. Together, as a community of priests, we can support and nourish one another to truly be bridge builders of God’s mercy, love and renewal to the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, as we renew our interior lives together, so too 2 we will renew the lives of our parishes and parishioners. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 CFC NEWS Regular CFC classes on Monday at 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. R.O.C.-Gr.7 classes on Monday and Wednesday in Stingle Hall from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation will take place during the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday. Please pray for our candidates. Upcoming Events: Feb. 8 L.I.F.E.-Gr. 9 meets from 4:00 – 5:45 p.m. Feb. 8 L.I.F.E.-Gr. 10 meets from 6:00 - 7:45 p.m. Feb. 9/11 Regular CFC classes on Monday at 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9/11 R.O.C.-Gr. 8 meet in School Library on Monday & in Stingle Hall on Wednesday from 5:30-7:30pm. Feb. 16/18 NO regular CFC classes this week Feb. 18 Family Lenten Activity at 5:30 p.m. with Ash Wednesday Mass immediately following. GIMME A “BREAK” Things are starting to warm up for Winter Break! Be sure to pick up your raffle tickets and look if your envelope includes a surprise? Interested in donating an item or two for the event? Donation ideas can be found in Stingle Hall along with some great raffle prizes! There are 4- $10 limited quantity raffle items (47” Samsung LED TV, Samsung Galaxy tablet, NutriBullet, or a Haen’s GC) TV too big or not big enough?? You can exchange the items for an instore credit!! Limited quantities available, so get them before they are sold out! We also have a great variety of raffle items for $5 or 6 for $25 which is sure to please everyone in the family (Lego building set, Coach purse, Fitbit, 2- $50 Festival GCs and/or a Green Bay Packer canvas). Be sure to take your chances on some fun prizes! Event tickets will be sold in the same area! The event tickets are $30/person or $50/couple. The family style dinner is surely to please your palate! Please join us for a fun and relaxing evening to promote the fellowship of our parish community. STILL IN NEED OF A “BREAK”!! If you can give an hour or two, a day or two?... to assist with the preparations of Winter Break or are able to help out the night of the event, please call the parish office or email Karen at [email protected]. We are grateful for your continued support and generosity!! SAVE THE DATE! St. Gabriel’s Annual Winter Break Saturday, March 14 at Waverly Beach, Menasha Emcees: Bill Jartz & Chuck Lakefield MON. TUES. WED. THU. FEB. FEB. FEB. FEB. 2 3 4 5 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 8:15 A.M. Anointing Mass 11:00 A.M. FRI. FEB. 6 7:00 A.M. SAT. FEB. 7 4:30 P.M. SUN. FEB. 8 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Communion Service James G. Recker Lucille Johann Communion Service Gordon Evansen Harold Seymour Otto Zoesch Peggy Zolkowski All Our Parishioners Milo Jovanovich Stewardship of Giving January 24th/25th Giving YTD Giving YTD Budgeted Giving Debt Reduction Parking lot donation $9,466 $512,697 $492,400 $20 $320 As of December 31, 2014 YTD Parish Income $715,077 $668,325 YTD Parish Expenses $46,752 Net Income St. Mary Catholic Middle School (Goal $860K) $321,382 Debt Reduction Recap In November of 2010, the parish began a debt reduction drive with the hope of leaving a debt-free parish to our new pastor, Fr. Larry. At that time, our total debt that included the bank line of credit, notes to parishioners and Bishop’s Appeal arrears amounted to $336,000. As of December 31, 2014, we have no line of credit and our promissory notes have been paid off. All that remains is $70,000 owing on the Bishop’s Appeal liability from past years when we were unable to make our assessment. We have come a long way, especially considering all the other fundraising we have done. For the past three years we have gone above and beyond our Bishop’s Appeal assessment. Any amount we raise over that assessment will be applied to our liability from previous years’ shortages. So please give generously to this appeal which begins again in February. We also ask that you keep up the donations to the debt reduction drive that will continue until this liability is paid off. We will get there! Thank you for your generosity. Colton Robert, son of Dustin & Abigail Kraft IN SYMPATHY Prayers & sympathy are offered for the families of Thomas Pitz, Joan Spears and George Williamson who were called home to the Lord. May their souls and all the 3 souls of the faithful departed rest in peace & glory. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Mass Servers 4:30 p.m., Saturday, February 7 B. Puls, S. Pingel, J. Koshollek, A. & J. Sturgell 8:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 E. Wierzbicki, R. Simonis 10:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 E. Balensiefen, G. Kegley Eucharistic Ministers 4:30 p.m., Saturday, February 7 A. Shelley, M. Heeter, M. Kalaus, C. Deprey, M. Widener, G. & J. Heath, M. Kriz, M. Broeren 8:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 C. & M. Jurasewicz, D. Rothe, N. Handevidt, J. Terrell, B. & J. Bestler, D. Matthews, C. Liebhauser 10:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 D. Willing, P. Brown,C. Dixon, N. Herrmann, J. Buhl, C. Knapinski, J. Zwicky, D. Potratz, K. Knott Lectors & Musicians 4:30 p.m., Saturday, February 7 Knapinski / Saunders 8:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 Matthews / Choir 10:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 Juneau / Folk Greeters 4:30 p.m., Saturday, February 7 J. Cerniglia, D. Reuter 8:00 a.m., February 8 S. St. Pierre, D. Krueger, C. Liebhauser 10:00 a.m., Sunday, February 8 B. & R. Bodenhagen Sacramental Life: Baptisms: A class for those requesting Baptism is held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for dates & times and to register. The next class is February 2 at 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Satur day 3:30-4:15pm and Wednesday 5:00 -6:00pm or by appointment. Marriages: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance. RCIA: Adults interested in becoming Catholic participate in the RCIA Process. Contact Tom and Lori Gritton at 585-9620. Anointing of the Sick: Call the Par ish Office. Registration of New Members: New members are welcome to the Parish and are asked to call the Office at 722-4914. Hospital Visitation: Please notify the Office when you or someone you love enters the hospital. Fr. Larry and Steve Pable make regular visits to the area hospitals. 24 hour help: is available for unplanned pregnancy, call 731-4354. St. Vincent de Paul Help line: 729-4571 Prayer Chain: Call Kathleen at 725-7455 to add a name. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Courtesy Announcements You are invited to join us as we discuss Dawn Eden’s book “My Peace I Give You”. We will be gathering for 7 weeks in the Janssen Center at St. Bernard’s Appleton, starting Feb. 16th on Mondays from 6:30– 8pm. Please call the office at 739-0331 or Kay at 920-475-6460 for more information (confidentiality will be kept). You may also email the leaders at [email protected] >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< Open House will be held at Holy Family Convent, 2409 South Alverno Road, Manitowoc, WI on Sun., Feb. 8, from 1:00-3:30 p.m. The afternoon will include meeting the Sisters, touring the public areas, learning a bit of history and enjoying refreshments. Thank you for considering this visit and please remember to pray for Religious Vocations. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< A Marriage Encounter Weekend - It's a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and promote greater intimacy in your life together. Feb. 6-8 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in DePere. For more information contact Sue & Dennis Amtmann, (920) 544-5166 or visit the website at www.gbme.org >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< SPIRITUS Catholic Youth Evangelizer - We are seeking passionate Catholics, 20-29 years old, to be a part of our dynamic evangelization team for 9 months beginning in August. Team members live in community and travel to schools and parishes inspiring youth through retreats, spiritual programs, youth groups, parish-based youth ministry, and college campus ministry. You’ll receive training, spiritual direction, formation, lodging, food, monthly allowance, health insurance, and a $2000 stipend. SPIRITUS team members learn valuable evangelization, youth ministry and leadership skills, deepen their faith, and discern future callings. This is an awesome opportunity to serve our Lord and help young Catholics grow in faith! Application deadline is May 2, but spots may fill sooner. Internships are available. To apply, visit www.spiritusonline.org, or contact Andrea School [email protected] 722-8918, ext. 5 for more info. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< Right on Target - this is an evening for men to get together to discuss their love of the outdoors, particularly hiking, hunting, and fishing in the light of faith. Feb. 12 from 6:308:00pm at St. Patrick, Menasha. Register by calling 920-272 -8276. ext. 8276 or email [email protected]. Partially funded by the Bishop’s Appeal. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< Interested in going to Medjugorje on June 10-19? There will be an informational meeting on Sun., Feb. 15, at 5:30pm in Friendship Hall at Holy Cross Parish, Kaukauna. Call Kim at 428-1080 to RSVP. Please bring a dish to pass. Sandwiches and beverage will be provided. >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< Men’s Basketball Tournament at St. John's Menasha, Feb. 20-22. For questions, or to register, contact Ty Thompson (920)209-9473, or e-mail [email protected], or 4 contact Steve Siegel at [email protected] Yell to the Youth News & Events for St. Gabriel Youth Ministry Often we hear the readings on a given Sunday, and it might be hard to make connections. There may be a theme that runs between the Old Testament First Reading, and the Gospel, for example, but they aren’t always obvious parallels. Then throw in the Second Reading, which is usually from one of the letters of St. Paul or another author. These often follow their own sequence, so that you notice that it continues a topic from the previous week. It may or may not “fit” with the First Reading & Gospel. This weekend, at first glance, would appear to be a hodge-podge. Moses is talking about God raising up a prophet to follow in his footsteps. St. Paul is talking about how it’s easier to dedicate your life to serving God when you don’t have the commitment to spouse and family. And early in Mark’s Gospel (chapter 1!), Jesus is already on a mission, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and driving out evil spirits. However, if we step back, we can see a few connections. Moses is talking about a prophet whose job is to “tell them all that I command him.” In other words, the prophet is speaking on God’s behalf, giving direction to the people of Israel so that they may follow the Lord more closely. St. Paul offers guidance “for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction.” And Jesus amazes his listeners, not just with a show of power over an evil spirit, but because “he taught them as one having authority…” So we’re called upon to consider how God is guiding us in lots of big and small ways. How do I submit to the authority that God has in my life? Perhaps it is the authority of a parent or teacher or a doctor. It may be the authority of a coach or music instructor. We have over us the authority of civil government. And lest we forget, in the life of the Church, we have the authority of pastors and bishops who are there for our benefit. Here’s the thing – part of the paradox of our human condition is that God doesn’t force our obedience, even though we are subject to His Laws. It is our choice to enter into a relationship with Jesus, and in so doing, choose our ultimate Good – life with God forever. There are consequences to consistently choosing less than the best of what God has to offer. Let’s pray today for those in authority, that they may exercise their power in loving service to the people under them. May we take as our example Jesus, Who, though He was Lord of all creation, stooped down to wash the feet of His disciples. And let’s pray for all who are subject to authority, that we may be obedient, and put things in the proper perspective. In this also, may we look to the model of Jesus. In the ultimate act of obedience, He followed His Father’s plan of love, all the way to the Cross, for our salvation. Not all Scrip purchases are created equal… If you’re one of our regular Scrip purchasers, thank you! But did you know that not all Scrip purchases result in the same donation to the church? Check out the order form to see what % contribution each purchase you make provides the church. All Scrip purchases are greatly appreciated! Thank you! $100 Scrip Purchase Amount you Receive Applebees $100 in gift cards Perkins $100 in gift cards Olive Garden/Red Lobster $100 in gift cards Four Seasons $100 in gift cards Ground Round $100 in gift cards Hu Hot Mongolian Grill $100 in gift cards Parish Profit $8 $20 $9 $10 $5 $10 Scout Sunday, February 8 at the 10:00 AM Mass. If you have a child, son or daughter, who is a scout in any troop at any level, he/she is invited to participate in Scout Sunday. All boy scouts and girl scouts in the parish are welcome. They simply need to show up in their scout uniforms. On Scout Sunday, all participating scouts will be part of the procession and will sit together with their leaders in pews reserved in the front of church. As in the past, several of the scouts are welcome to lead the procession of scouts with the American flag and with the scout standards. After the homily, Father will ask all the scouts to stand and he will give them a blessing. Scouts will not be doing the readings or petitions. At the end of the Mass, the scouts will participate in the recessional, leading the way out of church. Why Give to the Bishop’s Appeal? And the king will say to them in reply, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal will help in countless ways. Care ministers are trained to go out and share the Gospel with the homebound and sick. Children and families are able to attend lively, interactive education programs learning the Word of God. A young woman in an abusive relationship is able, through counseling with Catholic Charities, to stand on her own feet. Families seeking to adopt are connected with newborn babies. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal makes happy endings possible. 91% of every dollar raised goes to Diocesan ministries and services right here in northeastern Wisconsin. Make a tremendous difference, and give to the Bishop’s Appeal. How much you give is less important than the For any upcoming events, or questions, contact Steve spirit in which you give, and even small donations add up Pable, CFC Director at [email protected] or 725-0660. to large donations. To make a gift today contact your parish, visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at If you have any fleece in at least 1 1/2 yard pieces, Project www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give, or call Debbie tollComfort can use it to make blankets. Please drop it off in 5 free at 877-500-3580, ext. 8184. the Parish Office. Monetary gifts are also appreciated. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com TCCES NEWS SUMMER CHILDCARE -St. Mary Catholic Schools (SMCS), has a faith-based day camp program for children 5 to 12 years old with a variety of scheduling options to allow families the flexibility to meet their needs. Children participate in field trips, arts and crafts, drama, music, sports, picnics, foreign language and much more. Enthusiastic teachers lead the children in activities and explorations. Go to http://www.tcces.org/stmargaretmary/ earlychildhood/sonsationalsummer.html for information and to register or contact Katie Weber at [email protected]. Next weekend! St. Margaret Mary’s Wines Around The World: An Evening in Paris will take place at Nor th Shore Golf Club at 7pm. Amazing silent auction and activity board opportunities abound! Tickets are available for $50 per person at the school office. Don’t miss it! Seton’s Fiddler on the Roof Junior will be performed in the Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center on February 20 and 21! Visit showtix4u.com for tickets or call the school office at 727-0279 for details. St. Gabriel Parish has made a commitment to our young people and their Catholic education by supporting the construction of the new St. Mary Catholic Middle School. The school will be built on the campus of St. Mary Central High school on Cold Spring Road in the Town of Menasha. Construction is underway and on budget. Our parish commitment is $860,000. We currently have $321,382 or about 38%, pledged so far. Thanks to those who have already made their contributions. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to this very important parish effort. You can do so in one of these ways: Envelopes can be found in the pews. You may return it in the collection basket or take it to the parish office. Online giving: Complete the online giving form at tcces.org to have your contr ibution debited fr om your bank account or billed monthly to your credit card. Perfect option for budgeting! St. Mary Catholic Schools (currently known as TCCES) is participating in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP), commonly known as school choice. Drop-in information sessions will be held at SMC High School on Thurs., Feb. 19 and Tues., Mar. 24 from 5-7pm. Assistance will be available in completing the applications. Contact Helen Englebert at 722-7796 or [email protected] for details. You can be assured that 100% of your donation goes directly to the new school. If you have already donated, please accept our sincere thanks. The students, faculty and staff of TCCES are very grateful to St. Gabriel Parish for the on-going support of our schools. Join us for a fun PUPPET SHOW starring Hairy & Company on Sat., Feb. 7 at 10:30am in the Fine Ar ts Center. This is a unique cast of unforgettable characters who offer enjoyment to every member of the family. This is free-of-charge event, and children must be accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP online at tcces.org. Items are still needed for the poorest of the poor in Jamaica. Call Nancy and Bill Haga, 725-8962 to have your larger items picked up. Small items can be placed in the container in Stingle Hall. Your financial support is most appreciated. Helping Hands Do you have old palms from past years? Because the palms are blessed, they need to be treated with respect. We are collecting old palms to be burned as part of a prayer service with the school students. The ashes from the palms will be distributed on Ash Wednesday, Feb 18th. Please place your old palms in the baskets provided at the entrances of the church. Thank you. Hymnal Donations: Thank you to everyone that contributed to our hymnal fund. We have raised enough money to cover all the hymnal, choir & music books and necessary music licenses. All hymnals now have nameplates inside the front cover. Here’s what’s happening at your TCCES schools: SMC: Last week SMC enjoyed var ious dr ess up days and activities reflecting on their faith to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Seton: 7th grade Language Arts classes recently completed a drama unit. They read Israel Horovitz’s drama adaptation of A Christmas Carol and read/acted out the play. St. Mary Elementary: Reduce, r euse, r ecycle! 2nd grade students found things around the house and created something new. We had wreaths, banks, ornaments, robots and more. The students learned to think twice before recycling or throwing something away. Handicapped Parking Lot: St. Margaret Mary: Students in four th gr ade science class constructed a track to try the double loop Hot Wheels As part of our parking lot project, the parish dare. They used elements of physics to accomplish racing added a new lighted handicapped parking lot two cars through loops on a track. near the sacristy entrance of the church. We St. Gabriel: The 5th gr ader s have completed their encourage those with mobility problems to use D.A.R.E. experience with Officer Pete Ehlert from the this lot. There are no steps to maneuver and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department. Students learn entrance by the sacristy has a new automatic door making how to make good decisions about drugs, smoking, and it easier for those using walkers and wheelchairs. Our hope alcohol as well as learning how to handle any tough is for parishioners to use this lot so we can keep the church 6 situation. Good communication skills are also stressed. circle clear of parked cars. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com OGDEN CLOVER CHIROPRACTIC LLC Plumbing “Pain relief when you need it most.” “A Quality Service Company with a Great Attitude” 920-725-8985 www.OgdenPlumbing.com Thrift Store 1506 S. Oneida St., Appleton Hospital Information: (920) 738-2000 www.affinityhealth.org Affinity Health System is a Catholic health care system. 1576 Lyon Drive Neenah, WI 54956 Say goodbye to allergies... (800) 637-0071 Mon-Fri 9:30-6 • Sat 9:30-4 Closed Sunday 1425 S. Commercial St. Dr. Dan Wendelborn • Dr. Karen Konz, Parishioner www.foxcitiesallergists.com Appleton, WI 920-213-8654 Save Money AND help St. Gabriel Parish: Each new customer earns St. Gabriel Parish a Billing Information 920-727-3020 Dispatch 920-727-3030 Education & Supplies 866-967-6073 FREE month of service reliablerefuseremovalappletonwi.com New TCCES Middle School (920) 722-7947 [email protected] ALLERGY & ASTHMA ASSOCIATES, S.C. Donations of clothing and shoes are greatly appreciated HELP BUILD THE DREAM Dr. Matthew B. Clover Contact us today for a cleaner, fresher tomorrow 1055 Wittman DR. Menasha, WI 54952 Fox Cities Appliance & Mattress James A. Pappas Parishioner Quality New & Preowned Appliances for Less! www.foxcitiesappliance.com New & Preowned Appliances • New Mattresses • Service • Parts Eric M. Miller • Owner 453 S. Green Bay Rd. • Neenah, WI 54956 920.725.7996 Parish Member 850 Valley Road • Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 731-5789 • Fax: (920) 731-5918 304 South Commercial Street 722-6464 FormerFarmer.net Complete Tree Removal & Stump Grinding Heavy Duty Lawn Rolling If you need a Lot, Hunting Lands, Ditches or Property mowed, I have Equipment! Equipment provided For a free estimate call Mike Deering 920-470-8323 Fully Insured 550 Commerce Court • Neenah • 727-0727 “Where Personalized Service Is The Key” 500 Large Pizza $ Valid at Participating Stores. Expires in 30 Days. MP222563 KEYES & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 1066 American Dr. Neenah, WI 725-2494 Advertising Questions? Interested in placing an ad? CatholicMatch Wisconsin CatholicMatch.com/goWI Call Greg Pope 1-800-783-1623 [email protected] D IOCESAN P UBLICATIONS James A. Kearney Quality Child Care ON SITE R.N. 6 wk.—12 yr. 5:30 am—6 pm Attorney at Law 675 Deerwood Dr. Neenah, WI 54956 725-6260 General Practice Stepping Stones Learning Center 1303 American Dr. • Neenah, WI 920-725-1200 Neenah Dairy Queens Parishioner www.fnbfoxvalley.com 920.729.6900 Member FDIC James L. Rudd & Jolene D. Schneider Parish Members Dr. Daniel C Strong ~ Parishioner Dr. Hoan Vu Nguyen ~ Parishioner Parish Member 920.966.9000 www.foxcitiesfuneral.com 3026 Jackson St Oshkosh, WI “Providing Affordable Funeral & Cremation Services” JANSSEN’S UPHOLSTERY & FABRICS, INC. (920) 727-0808 Fax: (920) 727-1533 1524 Paynes Point Road Neenah, WI 54956 TV & ELECTRONIC REPAIR VIDEO TRANSFERS electronicrepairdoctor.net racingelectronic @ aol.com 1339 County Rd JJ, Neenah ANN M FERO Jeff Oppelt, Parishioner 1426 S. Commercial St., Neenah, WI 2100 Omro Rd., Ste. B, Oshkosh, WI 1801 N. Richmond, Appleton, WI SERVICE 47 Years Experience Quality Guaranteed NORMAN BROTHERS ROOFING AND SIDING, INC. NEENAH • 722-7071 Tom Francart JACK’S MAINTENANCE Commercial & Industrial Cleaning 722-5136 FREE ESTIMATES Specialized Orthodontics for All Ages 1524 S. Commercial Street • Neenah, WI 54956 Phone: 920-729-0889 • Fax: 920-751-8584 www.keeslerortho.com 24 Hour Emergency Service WINES 2700 E. Calumet St. • S. Appleton...739-7676 420 E. Northland Ave. • N. Appleton...739-7500 808 Winneconne Ave. • Neenah...720-7500 223 East Ann St. • Kaukauna...766-7676 1110 Midway Rd. • Menasha...886-9000 725-0800 426-9898 831-4110 And SPIRITS 920-725-0861 Sales • Service • Installation Industrial • Commercial • Residential • Mini Storage Units for Rent 920-725-2257 • 1-866-222-1221 1565 Deerwood Dr. • Neenah, WI [email protected] • www.garagedoorspecialists.net Tim & Colleen Colford Parishioners Encourage Someone to Consider the Priesthood ZTEC V Enterprise Tim’s cell 920.858.2114 Contact: Father Dan Schuster 920-272-8293 Colleen’s cell 920.915.1669 [email protected] www.MonaVie.com HARRY H. LONG MOVING STORAGE & EXPRESS, INC. 8707 CLAYTON AVENUE NEENAH, WI 54956 920-967-4408 www.harryhlong.com NEENAH 722-7151 MENASHA 720-0314 What employees at C.R.E.W. Inc. say... Unleash Your Potential ~ Contact C.R.E.W. 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