wayraparattee Advisory Group (wAG) Minutes

wayraparattee Advisory Group (wAG)
Date: Tuesday 11 March 2014
Time: 1.00 – 2.30
Venue: wayraparattee Child and Family Centre, Geeveston – Playroom in the CFC main building
Attendees: : Jenny Gale, Sally Doyle, Tracey Cameron, Anna Jones, Kim Harvey, Kate Albury,
Rachel Mundy, Sue Costello, Leigh Oates, Rowena Bird
Executive Support: Leigh Oates (CIW – Minute recorder), Anna Jones (CFC Leader)
Chair: Jenny Gale
Co-Chair: Rowena Bird
Apologies: Charles White, Kate Albury, Amy Robertson, Auntie Cheryl Burdon, Leigh Oates, Janelle
Welcome to country
Anna Jones
Approval of Minutes
Motion: To approve Minutes from Thursday, 7 November 2013
Vote: Unanimous approval
Jenny welcomed our new wAG community member, Sally Doyle, to her first meeting and notified
the wAG that the other newly appointed community member, Cheryl Robertson, regretfully was no
longer able to sit on the group. As there were two community members appointed for one vacancy
the wAG decided not to pursue another community member at this point.
Business Arising
Two actions arising from last meeting to be carried forward:
Action 1: Rowena will make changes to draft advertising policy and wAG will review the policy in
twelve months.
Action 5: The CFC to send invitations to Huonville Rotary and Port Huon Sports Centre inviting them
to visit the CFC and discuss the programs run from the centre.
CFC Strategic Plan
Anna presented the draft 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan for Tasmania’s Child and Family Centres which
outlines the context, purpose, desired outcomes and philosophy of CFCs. The strategic plan also
clarifies the Tasmanian Government’s 3 year vision, the priority areas and goals and success
Members discussed the preventative role of the wayraparattee CFC and identified some issues for
further consideration: a concern that some non-government organisations which may be able to
provide needed services are reluctant to travel to Geeveston; the possibility of using measurable
outcomes in our efforts to retain funding; and the waiting period for psychological services in the
Huon Valley which makes it imperative to retain services at the CFC.
Action 1: Anna to continue to keep the wAG advised on progress on the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan
New programs at the CFC in 2014
Anna outlined new programs:
Teen sexual health – Family Planning Clinic being run at Huonville High School for 2 hrs
/week and at wayraparatte for 1 hr/week. A proposal for a monthly clinic at Dover will also
be considered.
The Royal Hobart Hospital will run an outreach paediatric clinic at the CFC for 3 hours each
Monday, starting 17 March. All referrals from the Huon will be seen at the clinic.
Rachel Mundy has commenced her role as Pregnancy Buddy. Rachel will connect pregnant
women in the region with antenatal services such as antenatal yoga and midwifery services.
Franklin Primary School Launching into Learning (LiL) will operate from the CFC each Tuesday
morning for Term 1.
A DoE Aboriginal Early Years officer will be based at the CFC on Tuesdays.
Childcare and Education Cert 111 course will operate with 10 places, which are all taken.
Social Circus will run in the school holidays in April.
Action 2: Doctors in the area to be made aware of the RHH paediatric clinics.
Grant Activity and Proposals
HIPPY (Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters) in partnership with Good
Beginnings to establish a home visiting program which focuses on early literacy and
numeracy activities for children over a 2 yr period.
Jamie Oliver Pop-up Kitchen in partnership with GeCo and Geeveston Primary School – goal
to increase fresh food intake and to assist food security.
Social determinants Grant – a family support program
Update on National Partnership Funding
Following a discussion with Anna, Jenny informed the group that the Partnership Funding ends in
June 2014 and the Commonwealth Government has made no announcements in relation to this
funding continuing. State Government officers have indicated that should there be no recurrent
funding granted by the Commonwealth the Commonwealth initiated and funded CFCs would be
allocated the same funding as the state CFCs. This would most likely mean a reduction in services,
particularly the psychological services.
The wAG decided to pursue other funding avenues such as sponsorship from local businesses and
community members determined to contact sitting MHRs and senators to canvass funding
Action 3: Anna to contact Ta Ann, Bendigo Bank, Tassal and Huon Salmon for discussions about
funding for the centre.
Action 4: Community members to invite Senator Eric Abetz to visit the centre, and once the new
Tasmanian Government is elected and sworn in, local members and relevant Ministers also to be
Next Meeting
Tuesday 8 April, 1.00 to 2.30pm