Latest Weekly News

This Week
Weekly News
Worship Services
9:00 am Traditional (Sanctuary)
10:30 am Contemporary (Sanctuary)
6:00 pm Praise (Sanctuary)
February 1,
Connection Groups - Adults
9:00 & 10:30 am See list at Information Center
6:00 pm See list at Information Center
Student Ministries (Grades 6-12)
9:00 am Connection Groups (Family Center)
10:00-10:20 am Breakfast/Fellowship Time (Family Center)
10:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
6:00 pm Small Groups (Family Center)
Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Grade 5)
9:00 am Children’s Church “252” (Downstairs)
10:30 am Connection Groups (Downstairs)
6:00 pm Nursery-3 Years (Downstairs)
6:00 pm WOW! (4 Years-5th Grade) (Choir Room-221)
11:30 am
“Covers for Comfort” Lunch/Blanket Tying
(Fellowship Hall/Family Center)
Mon., Feb. 2
10:00 am
7:00 pm
5-7:30 pm
6-7:30 pm
Cornerstone Ministries Visitation
Eating Disorders Anonymous (Room 222)
Upward Practice (Family Center)
Pound Fitness/Zumba (Fellowship Hall)
Tues., Feb. 3
5-7:30 pm
Upward Practice (Family Center)
Wed., Feb. 4
3:15-5:00 pm
5-6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 & 6:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Student Ministry Open Gym (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center)
Feed Your F.A.C.E. Dinner (Fellowship Hall)
(Taco-in-a-Bag, Dessert)
Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Gr. 5) (Downstairs)
Student Ministries (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center)
Adult Classes & Groups (see list at Info Center)
“Book of Nehemiah” Bible Study (Room 230)
Sanctuary Choir (Room 221)
Thurs., Feb. 5
9:00 am
Thursday Morning Bible Study (Room 231)
Fri., Feb. 6
6:00 pm
Good Samaritan Class (Fellowship Hall)
Sat., Feb. 7
8:00 am-3:00 pm
Upward Basketball (Family Center)
by Scott McClure, Senior High Ministry Director
Two weeks ago, nine people from our church, including five seniors
from our Youth Ministry, traveled to Atlanta, Georgia for the Passion
Conference. Every year thousands upon thousands of students
between the ages of 18 and 25, from around the world, come
together for a few days to worship with one another, hear wellknown speakers share the word of God, as well as spend time in
community groups where the students have the opportunity to
share life with one another and make long lasting relationships.
The students were challenged by the speakers to become colaborers with Christ because as Luke 10:2 says, "The harvest is
plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Our five
students all said they want to become laborers and workers for
Christ within their families, the Youth Ministry, and within the SPBC
family. They are all excited to share their experiences with you
about the way God was moving in their lives. Lives are forever
changed and leaders of the next generation are rising to proclaim
the name of Jesus Christ to the nation. Attending the conference
were Scott McClure, Jason & Megan Jones, Claire Cottrill, Alex
Conley, Courtney Conley, Bailey Surbaugh, Jacob Valentine, and
Emily Bailey.
1655 Blizzard Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26101
304.422.SPBC (304.422.7722)
304.428.8818 (fax)
Upward Sunday Next Week
On Sunday, February 8th we are inviting our Upward
Basketball players and their families to come and worship
with us during the 10:30 service. Please be in prayer for
this event, as 50 families indicated no church affiliation on
their registration forms. Upward helps us to connect to
our world and hopefully helps us connect others to God!
Two-liter bottles of pop and packages of cookies are
needed for this Sunday. Any donations would be greatly
appreciated and may be left at the Information
Desk. Thank you in advance for your prayers and
Winter Family Camp
Parchment Valley in Ripley, WV
February 27 — March 1
Weather permitting we will have sledding and snowmen
building competitions, and regardless of the weather we
will have a ton of fun playing games and just hanging out
with one another! Go to the table in the foyer for more
information about our WINTER FAMILY CAMP and sign up
today! Contact Pastor Janelle for more information.
“Feed My Sheep” Food Drive Next Week
Non-perishable food items for the “Feed My Sheep”
ministry will be collected next Sunday, February 8 in the
Main Foyer. If you prefer to make a cash donation, please
make your checks payable to SPBC and designate for
“Grace of God Food Pantry” in the memo line.
Wednesday Night Bible Study Series –
Book of Nehemiah
A Bible Study series on the Book of Nehemiah runs
through January and February. Nehemiah provides
lessons not only on leadership, but also on personal
character and how God’s people can work together to
accomplish God’s good purposes. If you are looking for a
Bible Study, come join us in Room 230 (Koinonia
classroom) at 6:00 this Wednesday.
Media Ministry
Audio and DVD recordings of Sunday services are available
upon request. Sign up for a copy at the Information
Center. All copies will be available for pickup at the
Information Center.
Worshipping God Through the Arts!
Join us for this exciting new program geared for kids ages
4 through 5th grade. We will experience God through
different art forms like music, drama, art, etc.! W.O.W.
(Worship Our Way) meets Sunday nights at 6:00 pm in the
Choir Room (221). We are also looking for adults to help
in this exciting new ministry. See Pastor Janelle or Mandy
Philpott for more information.
Attendance Last Week:
Morning Worship
LifeSpring-Mason Campus
LifeSpring-Jackson Campus
Total SPBC Worship
C2O: 245 SE: 144 WE: 125
General Fund
Offering Last Sunday:
Building Fund:
January Total
Monthly Amount Needed $14,298.00