Weekend of August 2-3, 2014 Preacher: Pastor Walt DeMoss Readings: Isaiah 55:1-5; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21 Matthew Oliver Erickson Baptized on August 2nd, 2014 Provided this weekend by Walt and Dolores Duy In celebration of their 51st Wedding Anniversary Join us downstairs for a coffee fellowship before Education Hour @ 9:30 am. Church News & Upcoming Events The next Hesed House servant event will be August 9-10. There are sign-up sheets for volunteers and food donations at the Welcome Center. Those less fortunate there are always appreciative of our help. Young at Heart will meet at 11:30 am at the Oak St. Restaurant on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. The restaurant is located in the shopping center on the N.E. corner of Randall Rd. & Oak St. in North Aurora. For reservations or cancellations, please call, Joann Heim at 630-892-6145 by Thursday, August 7. Adult Special Needs Sunday Bible Class will begin on September 14th, 2014. Running with Jesus Women’s Event will be held on Saturday, September 6th from 9 am -12 pm. Cost: $10 (boxed lunch and materials included) Childcare available for $5. For more information and to RSVP by September 1st please contact Craig Mattes, Director of Group Life: [email protected] or 630-896-3250 x623. Children’s Ministry Nursery Every Sunday Morning from 8 am to 12 pm, babies and toddlers 0-3 years are invited to play in the church nursery while parents worship or attend classes. The nursery staff are paid, trained and background checked to provide families with a safe and secure alternative each Sunday. AWANA for 4th to 6th graders will have a Kick Off Party on September 7th at 9:30 am. Classes will start on Sunday, September 14th and will be held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the school modular building. We will consider expanding our midweek options in the future. We are looking for 3 more adult volunteers to come onboard to make this happen with a weekly commitment from September to May (with 8 weeks of other events during the year). The Truth and Training class or T&T engages fourth through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage so they can grow in Christ's grace. The handbooks and large group lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach they how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life. This club will have wonderful awards that encourage kids in the benefits of learning spiritual development. Consider joining this new venture and making a difference in the lives of our children. Please contact [email protected]. Children’s Church Children 3rd to 4th grade are invited to join Children’s Church classes during the 8, 9:30 and 11am Services of Worship. Children gather to sing, praise, learn and share together as we discover the story of the week and how God’s love for us is bigger than anything! Parents attend worship while children have their own worship experience. Each week is something new. Try it out! Sunday School Returns Sunday mornings at 9:30 am Kick Party September 7th and classes start September 14th for ages 3years to 3rd Grade. Join us for a HOLY MOLY Sunday morning experience where we discover Bible stories through video and paper. Monthly Family Fun Parties will be planned as well! Don’t miss the fun :) Trunk or Treat Did you know that St. Paul will host a Trunk or Treat this October 25th in the afternoon? It will be fun dressing in costumes and trick or treating from car to car in a safe, fun environment. For more information: sign up online to receive weekly church eblasts by going to our website www.stpaulaurora.org. Youth Ministry Laser Tag this Sunday night (August 3rd) at 5 pm at Luigis! Cost is $20 for pizza and laser tag! We will have a Bible Study at Luigis before we head back to church for a lock-in. If you are unable to stay the night, please join us for laser tag and bible study from 5-7:30 pm at Luigis! Youth Ministry will be having a School Kickoff event on August 17th. The night will include food, fun and games. Stay tuned for more information. Youth Sunday School will be getting a new look this year. We will kick-off on September 7th at 9:30 am in the New Building. Grades 7th-12th are invited. Stay tuned for more information on the year to come. The High School Trip to the Indiana Dunes has been cancelled and is being replaced by a trip to Weko Beach in Michigan on August 6, 7, and 8th. The cost of the trip is $50 and that will include all travel costs, food and camping. Forms can be picked up in the office or by emailing Andrew Tutwiler at [email protected]. School News 150th Celebration Work Day on Saturday, August 16th from 8 am– 12 pm. Calling all school parents, alumni and members of the congregation to attend. 150 Years! Our school will be preparing to celebrate our 150th school year during the 2014-2015 school year. Please email your contact information, email address, years you attended our school, and submit a memory to Mili French at [email protected]. *Please email Mili with any old pictures you have.* **Looking for Scrapbookers to help with 150th projects. If you are interested in contributing your artistic talents, please contact Mili.** WHAT A BLESSING YOU ARE!! You are cordially invited to celebrate St. Paul Lutheran School’s 150th Anniversary We will begin our 150th school year by celebrating on Sunday, August 24, 2014. Please join us at either of our Sunday Services, 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. and stroll through our school’s ‘150 Years of History’ display in our Gym following each service. (Light Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served.) Senior Ministry Senior VBS at St. Paul Save the Dates: Tuesday-Thursday, September 16, 17, and 18th from 9-11:30 am Friday, September 19th 9 am-12:30 pm Please call Deaconess Brenna for details and details on how to get involved. 630-896-3250 Ext. 607 Senior Respite - Need a break? Help is coming soon. St. Paul will begin a Saturday Senior Respite program that provides families with safe, affordable, engaging care for Seniors on Saturday, September 27th. Seniors in need of care can be dropped off here at the church from 8:30-1:30PM for activities, programs, snacks, lunch, music and more! Breaks are good for everyone. No need to be a member of the church. Let your friends and neighbors know that help is on the way. For more information contact Deaconess Brenna Nunes Monday to Thursday's in the church office 630.896.3250. Senior Respite - Do you have a heart for serving our senior population? Want to help as a volunteer or paid staff? Training is starting soon. Saint Paul will begin a Saturday Senior Respite program that provides families with safe, affordable, engaging care for Seniors but first we need to hire qualified staff and find willing volunteers to help in peoples homes and to help here at the church Respite Program. Interviews begin in August. Training begins on Saturday, September 6th. Help your church connect to the Senior community with care, love, support and friendships! People are needed to help with filing and office work, activities, programs, snacks, lunch, music and more! No need to be a member of the church. Let your friends and neighbors know we are looking for the best team ever! For more information contact Deaconess Brenna Nunes Monday to Thursday's in the church office 630.896.3250 or [email protected] Outreach Ministry Celebrate Recovery Every Friday at St. Paul 6:00 - Dinner & Fellowship 7:00 - Worship/ Large Group 8:00 - Small Groups 9:00 - Dessert and Fellowship (child care is available) Celebrate Recovery — Recovery cannot be accomplished by yourself. Actually, trying to do everything yourself is often what got you into trouble in the first place! To be successful on your Road to Recovery you need God, your own commitment and the support and encouragement of friends. All of us have hurts, hang-ups, or habits that affect our entire family. Experience the freedom of those chains breaking off. Contact Larry Miller at [email protected] for more details. Celebrate Recovery child care ministry needs volunteers! We are looking for six individuals who love God's children and are able to commit to one Friday a month from 6 to 9 PM. If you are interested in getting involved in this incredible and rewarding ministry, please contact Andy Hoffman: [email protected] or Sara Comfort: [email protected]. Please put St. Paul Celebrate Recovery child care ministry in your prayers to see if God calls upon you to help do his work for our community. Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers care for people who are: Grieving, In a crisis, In need of long-term care, Dying, Hospitalized, Divorcing, Experiencing losses as they age, Going through a crisis of childbirth, The family and friends of people in crisis. Stephen Ministers: Listen, Explore feelings, Pray, Share Christ’s Love, Maintain confidentiality, Attend to the caregiving process and leave the results to God. For more information about Stephen Ministry, contact Andy Hoffman at [email protected] Parish Nursing Humor can: SAVE THE DATE Trip to Starved Rock Reduce Stress Baby Boomers and Seniors Lower Blood Pressure LIFE’S JOURNEY Lutheran Life Communities Elevate Mood OCTOBER 7-9TH BUS TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Past speakers included Pastor Charles Mueller, Rich Bimler and others on our spiritual journey with breakout sessions on healthy aging and other mind, body and spirit topics. Most meals provided with reduced registration fee. So much fun! Beautiful fall scenery, hotel rooms will be available… If interested, contact Kitty (Parish Nurse). Boost Immune System Improve Brain Functioning Protect the Heart Connect You to Others RIDE TO CHURCH Can you provide a ride to church? I receive many calls from people who need a ride to church, even one time a month. If you might be interested in helping someone in this way and I could contact you periodically, please call me….Thank you, Kitty If anyone has a healthcare need or concern and I can be of assistance, please call me at 896-3250 ext 608 or email me : [email protected] God’s Blessings in your week! Kitty What is Parish Nursing? Parish Nursing is a ministry of Christian service shaped by Christ’s concern for the whole person: Mind, Body and Spirit. The role of parish nursing in a congregation includes: Integration of Faith and Health Healthcare Education Healthcare Counseling Referrals to Community and Church Resources Support Groups Training and Equipping “Serving” Volunteers Thanks to the volunteers that serve in this ministry, we are able to “serve” more than 500 people every year in our congregation and community through all the ministries. In the pursuit of health, a well-meaning world focuses on results, and health advocates certainly do so. Preventing illness and fear of death drive the effort…. Molded and shaped by the Holy Spirit as we worship, receive the Sacrament, God’s gift of life, and Christ’s love for us expressed on the cross, sustain Christians on the journey to health even when the journey is long and arduous. Cross and Caduceus-LCMS Health Ministries We e k l y a t S t . Pa u l Bible Studies Sunday Turbo Group, 9:30-10:30 am in the FLC. Contact Craig Mattes, Director of Group Life at [email protected] Bible Study with Joe Thomas in Room 109 in the church office. From 9:30-10:30 am. High School Bible Study breaking for the Summer. Adult Special Needs Bible Class starting September 14th. Children’s Church for 3-10 years meets at 8 am, 9:30 am and 11 am. Themes relate to the Gospel Lesson of the day. Sunday School, 9:30 am starting September 14th. Monday Living Lights Bible Class meets 9-11 am in the Meeting Center of the new building. Contact: Wanda Horton at 630-947-4559. Tuesday Men’s Bible Study, 7-8 am in the Meeting Center of the new building. Contact: Pastor Walt DeMoss at 630-896-3250 ext. 603. Wednesday Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 am in the conference room. Staff Cord Group, 11:30 am at Mother’s. Thursday Women’s Bible Study (September-May) Breaking for the Summer. Call Danna Grant (630-466-9084) for information. Meetings Thursday Wit-Knits, a knitting (and more!) group are breaking for the summer. (September-May) Contact Gerry Blank 630-898-2523 or Mona Miller 630-896-8627 for information. Friday Celebrate Recovery: 6 pm Meeting, Refreshments, Fellowship. Contact Larry Miller for more information at [email protected] Rehearsals St. Paul Contemporary Worship Team - Wednesdays, 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Traditional Mixed Choir - Thursdays, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Sports Futbol Soccer Camp on Saturdays from 10 am -12 pm for children 4-13 years old. Contact: [email protected] Futbol Soccer League for ages 14-19 years please contact: alex.morales887gmail.com COME BE A PART OF SOMETHING LET’S CONNECT WITH THE COMMUNITY. LET’S TOUCH LIVES. Dear St. Paul, We just wanted to extend our gratitude, appreciation and love for all of you and for our time together last Sunday. The reception, gifts, fellowship, heartfelt goodbyes and the love you showed us was as genuine and extravagant as we have come to know of you throughout this entire year. As a church you will always have a piece of our hearts and our most sincere prayers. God Bless You All, The Duffy Family Half & All Day Pre-School, All Day Kindergarten and 1st-8th grades St. Paul is Nationally Accredited, offering academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. Celebrating SCHOOL 150 years of education. Competitive athletics for boys & girls (grades 5-8) Contact Diane Katz, Principal: [email protected] 630-896-3350 x601 Now Enrolling for 2014-15 Contact Mili French, Admissions: [email protected] 630-896-3350 x616 YOUTH “Light up the World” Impactful & Powerful Youth Worship: Ages 10-18 Watch for future dates. Sunday Night Youth Group Food, Fellowship & The Word 6–8 pm (Jr. High & High School) Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-based recovery program that provides freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, & habits. Servant Events: WiFi? Need WiFi access while on our campus? Free access is available to our members and guests: Network: STP-GUEST Password: Luther123 St. Paul Board of Directors Jack Meyer (Chairman), Sam Schmidt (Vice-Chairman), Eric Gustafson (Secretary), Louanne Heinisch, John Hendrickson, Ann West, Mel Wille St. Paul serves at Hesed House the 2nd Saturday of even months, reaching out to the homeless in our community. Small Groups Check website for current schedule. Parish Nursing is a professional nursing care program that promotes health within the values and beliefs of the Christian faith. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS St. Paul Lutheran Church 85 S. Constitution Drive Aurora, IL 60506 Website: www.stpaulaurora.org Telephone: 630-896-3250 Evening & Weekend Urgent Pastoral Care: 630-896-3250 #4 Email: [email protected] Facebook: http://facebook.com/StPaulAurora Twitter: http://twitter.com/StPaulAurora Church Contacts Rev. Danny Tutwiler, Senior Pastor, x604 [email protected] Rev. Angel Morales, Assistant Pastor, x609 [email protected] Rev. Walter DeMoss, Assistant Pastor, x603 [email protected] Don Phelps, Director of Operations/ Assimilation, x602 [email protected] Craig Mattes, Director of Group Life, x623 [email protected] Worship Services Saturday: Traditional@ 5 pm Sunday: Traditional @ 8 am Spanish @ 9:30 am Contemporary @ 11 am New to St. Paul? Guests: Thank you for joining us in worship. Welcome Card: Please register your attendance on the beige card available from an usher and place it in the offering plate. This allows us to serve you as effectively as possible. Thanks for letting us know that you are worshiping! Families with Children: We welcome infants and small children up to age two. Our staffed nursery is upstairs in the pre-school area and available during and between Sunday morning services. Nursing Moms: Please come to the nursery when you need a quiet and private space. HOLY COMMUNION—OUR BELIEF AND PRACTICE Holy Communion is a special meal instituted by Jesus Christ for committed and confirmed Christians. Those planning to commune should ask themselves the following questions and may also read the bible references which explain the questions. 1. Do I believe I am a sinner and am I sorry for my sins? (Romans 3:12; 1 John 1:8-9) 2. Do I believe that Jesus offers forgiveness for my sins? (Romans 5:6-8; Colossians 2:13) 3. Do I believe that the body & blood of Christ are truly present in the Sacrament? (1 Cor 10:16; 1 Cor 11:23-26) 4. Do I resolve grievances with my brothers and sisters in Christ before coming to Holy Communion? (Matthew 5:23-24) 5. Do I desire and intend to walk more closely with my Lord and change my sinful behavior, with the help of the Holy Spirit? (Romans 6:11-12; 1 Peter 4:1-2, 1 Corinthians 15:34) A very helpful exercise is to ask yourself the “Christian Questions & Answers” on pp. 329-330 of the hymnal Lutheran Service Book (copy available from Pastor). If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to the questions above, if you believe you need more information, or if you are unsure if you share the faith proclaimed at St. Paul Lutheran Church, please talk to the Pastor or an Elder before communing, since participating without a proper understanding for Holy Communion is spiritually unwise (1 Cor 11:28-29). If you are physically unable to come forward for Communion, let an usher know of your wish to be served in your seat. Please sit in an ‘aisle seat’ and Communion will be brought to you. For those who do not wish to receive alcohol, please note that the red wine in the center of the tray is non-alcoholic. Children not yet communing are encouraged to come forward and are asked to fold their hands across their chest to indicate that they should not be served. Weekly Attendance & Contributions: July 26-27, 2014 Total Attendance: 418 Contributions: $ 12,349.94
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