FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Niles, OH 44446 Rev. Cynthia Klingemier, Minister Terry Soroka, Music Director 10:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE February 8, 2015 WE BEGIN OUR TIME TOGETHER NEWS IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH (Please sign and pass the attendance pad across in your row, recognizing and greeting members and guests. Include children/family elsewhere in the building.) FIRST CHRISTIAN 175TH ANNIVERSARY HISTORY MOMENT WE MEET OUR LORD TOGETHER AND OFFER OUR PRAISE * CENTERING (Responsively) One: We have a story to tell: Many: A story of healing and hope. One: We have a message to proclaim: Many: A message of love and mercy. One: Why do we keep this message to ourselves? Many: We are lazy. We are afraid. We are tired. We don’t know how to share. One: Come and worship! Be restored! Then spread the Word! Amen. * SONGS ‘STANDING IN THE NEED OF PRAYER’ ‘LORD, I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH’ ‘AS THE DEER PANTS’ WE PRAY TOGETHER OPENING PRAYER (Unison) God of love, speak your Word to us today. You meet us right where we are, O God. May we hear the message you have for us and remember your call on our lives. May we rejoice in your love and find renewal in your Spirit. In your blessed name we pray. Amen. PRAYER CONCERNS MORNING PRAYER (Children ages 0-4 are dismissed after the prayer to the Preschool Room and Grades Kindergarten – 4 to go to Junior Worship. Please gather at the back of the sanctuary.) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD CHORAL SELECTION ‘I Stand in Awe’ SCRIPTURE Mark 1: 35-39 MESSAGE WE SHARE THE LORD’S SUPPER AND OFFER OUR GIFTS NT p. 35 PRAYERS FOR THE BREAD AND CUP AND FOR OUR OFFERINGS Elders Serving: Bonnie Moore and Tom Appel COMING TO THE TABLE (Please come forward from the center aisle and dip the bread into the cup. Those unable to come forward please stay seated and a deacon will bring the bread and cup to you.) OFFERING OUR GIFTS (Offering trays are available at the side aisles as you return to your seats.) LORD’S PRAYER (using “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”) WE DEPART TO SERVE LITANY OF BLESSING One: Many: One: Go now from this place to serve those in need and those desperate for a word of hope. We go with the presence of God going before us and beside us. Go in peace to serve. Amen. CLOSING SONG * Please stand if able ‘Glory to God, Glory to God! Alleluia, Alleluia! FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH’S 175TH ANNIVERSARY KICKOFF CELEBRATION – Everyone is welcome to join us TODAY following worship in fellowship hall for cake and fellowship as we kick off our yearlong celebration. If you have any pictures to share of activities in the church, past and present, submit them to Becky Carpenter or Becky Brothers. Be sure your name is on the back of the photo. Write a brief explanation of the event and the people in the photo. We’d like to use them in PowerPoint presentations throughout the year. CHI RHO PARENTS MEETING today following worship, Library. Chi Rho is for grades 6-8. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY GROUP will be passing out Valentines on Sunday, February 15th with an invitation to the congregation to join them at Ash Wednesday services and afterwards for fellowship. The Ash Wednesday fellowship will have lots of goodies but nothing that would tempt those who are giving up sweets for Lent. We are also inviting the congregation to bring a can of soup to Ash Wednesday or to church service on Sunday, February 22nd. They will be donated to Niles Community Services. FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER and CALENDAR ARE OUT. Check your email, or newsletter and calendar are available at ANNA CIRCLE Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m., El Jalapeno, Rt. 422, Niles JAIL MINISTRY Feb. 9, 6:45 p.m., Trumbull County Jail BIBLE STUDY Feb. 10, 1:00-2:30 p.m., parlor LYDIA CIRCLE CHINESE AUCTION Feb. 11, 6:30 p.m., fellowship hall COMMUNITY MEALS are being served by First Christian Church during February. Meals continue this Thursday, February 12 from 4:45 to 6 p.m. and will continue on February 19 and February 26. Monetary donations are being accepted for these meals. If you wish to contribute, please make checks payable to First Christian Church labeled ‘meals.’ SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP Feb. 15, following worship, parlor, hosted by Shepherds SERENITY WORKSHOP Feb. 15, 5:30-8 p.m., parlor MISSIONS LUNCHEON MARCH 1 – A ‘cabbage rolls’ luncheon will be served by our Missions Committee on Sun., March 1 following worship in fellowship hall. Tickets will be available on the Sundays of February 15 and February 22 at $7 each. No tickets will be sold the day of the luncheon. Tickets must also be purchased in advance for carryout orders. PLANNING COUNCIL Feb. 22 following worship, board room. It is very important that a representative from each church group/committee attends this meeting with plans and ideas through summer 2015. 2014 YEARBOOKS AND/OR DIRECTORIES available on narthex table. One to a family, please! BUDGET NEEDS EACH WEEK ARE: BUDGET RECEIPTS LAST WEEK WERE: Sun. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Tues. 1:00-2:30 p.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m. Thurs. 4:45-6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sun. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:30-8:00 p.m. Mon. *CALENDAR * Stewardship/Finance Meeting Church School Trustees Meeting Worship Service FCC 175th Anniversary Kickoff Celebration – fellowship hall Chi Rho Parents Meeting - Library TMH Psych Unit Worship Anna Circle – El Jalapeno – Rt. 422, Niles Jail Ministry – Trumbull County Jail Bible Study - parlor Lydia Circle Chinese Auction – fellowship hall Community Meals – fellowship hall Senior Choir Rehearsal / OWM Bingo-Shepherd of Valley Church School Worship Service Sunday Fellowship – parlor Serenity Workshop – parlor $3,099.04 $4,988.50
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