MAP 4305/5304 Section 0099/3234 Intermediate Differential Equations Assignment 3 – Solutions 1. For each of the following regular boundary value problems, (i) convert it to a regular Sturm-Liouville problem, i.e. one of the form L[u] + λru = 0 with boundary conditions. Then (ii) find the eigenvalues and a set of normalized eigenfunctions (normalized, that is, for the inner product with weight r). (i) u00 + 2u0 + λu = 0, (ii) u00 + 2u0 + λu = 0, u(0) = u(π) = 0 u(0) + u0 (0) = 0, u(π) = 0. Solution. (i) The integrating factor is e2x , so that the equation becomes (e2x u0 )0 + λe2x u = 0. so that r(x) = e2x . There are no eigenvalues for λ ≤ 1, and for λ = 1 + a2 the equation has solutions u = Ce−x sin ax + De−x cos ax. Substuting the boundary conditions shows that D = 0 and that sin πa = 0, so that a is a positive integer and the n-th eigenvalue is λ = 1 + n2 ; the corresponding eigenfunction is un = Cn e−x sin nx. The normalization condition is Z π Z 2 2x 2 un e dx = Cn 0 π sin2 nx dx = 1 0 and doing the integral shows that r un = 2 sin nx π (ii) Once again we find that there are no solutions for λ ≤ 1, and for λ > 1 we must have 2. (i) Find the formal adjoint and the adjoint of the boundary value problem y 00 + 4y 0 + 5y = 0, y(0) = y(π) = 0. (ii) Use the Fredholm alternative to give a criterion for the boundary value problem y 00 + 4y 0 + 5y = f (x), y(0) = y(π) = 0. Solution. (i) The formal adjoint of L[u] = u00 + 4u0 + 5u is L† [v] = v 00 − 4v 0 + 5v. The bilinear concomittant is P (u, v) = u0 v − uv 0 + 4uv and π P (u, v) = u0 (π)v(π) − u(π)v 0 (π) + 4u(π)v(π) − u0 (0)v(0) + u(0)v 0 (0) − 4u(0)v(0) 0 = u0 (π)v(π) − u0 (0)v(0) when we substitute the conditions for u. The adjoint conditions are then v(0) = v(π) = 0. (ii) The solutions of the adjoint problem v 00 − 4v 0 + 5v = 0, v(0) = v(π) = 0 are constant multiples of v = e2x sin x and so the original equation has a solution if and only if Z π f (x)e2x sin x dx = 0. 0 3. (i) Find the formal adjoint and the adjoint of the boundary value problem x2 y 00 + xy 0 + y = 0, y(1) + y 0 (eπ ) = 0, y 0 (1) = 0. (ii) Use the Fredholm alternative to give a criterion for the boundary value problem x2 y 00 + xy 0 + y = f (x), y(1) + y 0 (eπ ) = 0, y 0 (1) = 0. to have a solution. 4. Find a solution of y 00 + y = x2 − 2πx, y(0) = y 0 (π) = 0 using the method of eigenfunction expansions. Solution. We take L[u] = u00 , so that p(x) = 1, q(x) = 0 and r(x) = 1 and for the inhomogenous problem we must have µ = 1. The eigenfunctions are then the solutions of u00 + λu = 0, u(0) = u0 (π) = 0 and the usual method shows that these are λ = (n + 1/2)2 , n a natural number, p and un = Cn sin(n + 1/2)x. The normalization condition leads to Cn = 2/π. We now expand x2 − 2πx in a series of eigenfunctions: Z π X 2 x − 2πx = dn un dn = (x2 − 2πx) sin(n + 1/2)x dx. 0 n A little computation shows that r dn = − and we find y(x) = X n≥0 2 16 π (2n + 1)3 dn un 1 − (n + 1/2)2 with dn as above. 5. Convert the problem u00 + 2u0 + u = 0, u(0) + u0 (0) = 0, u(π) = 0 to a regular Sturm-Liouville problem. Then find the Green’s function for the resulting boundary value problem, and use it to give a formula for the solution of the boundary value problem u00 + 2u0 + u = −f (x), u(0) + u0 (0) = 0, u(π) = 0. Solution. The integrating factor is e2x , and the S-L problem is (e2x u0 )0 + e2x u = 0 for which p(x) = e2x . The general solution of the equation is u = Ce−x + Dxe−x since −1 is a double eigenvalue. The solutions u1 , u2 satisfying the condition at 0 and π respectively are u1 = e−x u2 = (x − π)e−x . The Wronskian is −x e W (u1 , u2 ) = −x −e (x − π)e−x = e−2x e−x − (x − π)e−x and thus C = pW (u1 , u2 ) = e2x e−2x = 1. Therefore ( G(x, t) = −e−t (x − π)e−x −e−x (t − π)e−t 0≤t≤x≤π 0≤x≤t≤π and the formula for the solution is Z π Z u(x) = −e−x (t − π)e−t f (t) dt + −(x − π)e−x x x e−t f (t) dt. 0 6. Same as the previous problem, for the boundary value problem x2 y 00 + xy 0 + y = −f (x), y(1) = 0, y 0 (eπ ) = 0 7. Suppose G(x, s) is the Green’s function for the regular Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem Ly + µy = −f, B(y) = 0 where Ly = (y 0 p)0 + qy. Let f = δ(x − s) (the Dirac delta function; see chapter 7 §8). Show that if un is a normalized system of eigenfunctions with eigenvalues λn and µ is not an eigenvalue, then G(x, s) = ∞ X un (x)un (s) . λn − µ n=1 Solution. The idea is to use the eigenfunction expansion technique on the “function” δ(x − s) and hope this this makes sense. In fact if the un are normalized eigenfunctions with eigenvalues λn , the expansion of δ(x − s) is X δ(x − s) = un (x)un (s) n since b Z un (x)δ(x − s) = un (s) a by definition. The formula for the solution then yields ∞ X un (x)un (s) G(x, s) = . λn − µ n=1 8. (i) Estimate the spacing of successive zeroes of any nonzero solution of u00 + (2 + cos x)u = 0 on the interval (−∞, ∞). (ii) Do the same for the equation u00 + x2 u = 0 on intervals of the form [a, b] and [−b, −a], assuming 0 < a < b. Solution. (i) With Q(x) = 2 + cos x we have qmin = 1, qmax = 3 (recall that these are the minimum and maximum values of Q(x) on the interval) and thus the spacing s of successive zeroes satisfies π √ ≤ s ≤ π. 3 (ii) This time, with Q(x) = x2 we have qmin = a2 , qmax = b2 and the spacing satisfies π π ≤s≤ . b a 9. (i) Find intervals of infinite extent for which nonzero solutions of u00 + (E − x2 )u = 0 are not oscillatory (here E constant). (ii) Estimate the number of p pis a positive zeroes of a solution in [− E/2, E/2]. 2 Solution. (i) √The solutions √ are not oscillatory when Q(x) = E − x ≤ 0, which is for x ≤ − E and x ≥ pE. p (ii) In the interval [− E/2, E/2] we have qmin = E/2, qmax = E. The successive spacing of zeroes of a solution is bounded by π π √ ≤s≤ p . E E/2 √ The length of the interval is 2E, so the number n of zeroes is bounded by √ 2E E ≤n≤ π π since this number is at least the length divided by maximum spacing, and at most the length divided by the minimum spacing. Remark: Up to constants, this is the Schroedinger equation for a onedimensional harmonic oscillator. We see that the wavelength increases linearly with the energy E, as is expected on physical grounds.
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