ASSIGNMENT 2 SOLUTIONS Nick Trefethen, 4 November 2014 1. CONDITION NUMBERS We set up anonymous functions to construct the matrix A as indicated: clear all, close all D = @(n) sparse(toeplitz([2 -1 zeros(1,n-3)])); I = @(n) speye(n-1); A = @(n) kron(I(n),kron(I(n),D(n))) + kron(I(n),kron(D(n),I(n))) + ... kron(D(n),kron(I(n),I(n))); Here is a table of condition numbers: nn = 3:10; for n = nn c(n-2) = cond(full(A(n))); fprintf(’n = %2d (n-1)^3 = %3d end n n n n n n n n = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 (n-1)^3 = = = = = = = = 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) cond(A(n)) = %6.3f\n’,n,(n-1)^3,c(n-2)) = = = = = = = = 3.000 5.828 9.472 13.928 19.196 25.274 32.163 39.863 The results for n = 5 and n = 10 suggest that the condition number is approximately 0.4n2 , and this is confirmed by a plot. (The actual proportionality constant as n → ∞ is known to be 4/π 2 .) LW = ’linewidth’; MS = ’markersize’; FS = ’fontsize’; hold off, loglog(nn,c,’.-’,LW,1.2,MS,16), grid on title(’Condition numbers’,FS,16) xlabel(’n’,FS,16) hold on, loglog(nn,.4*nn.^2,’--r’,LW,2) text(5.1,23,’0.4 n^2’,’color’,’r’,FS,16) axis([3 10 2 50]) set(gca,’xtick’,3:10,’ytick’,[5 10:10:50]) 1 Condition numbers 50 40 30 0.4 n2 20 10 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 2. SOLUTION BY DIRECT METHODS To my eye the time seems to grow in proportion to n4 . I do not know if this is the ”right” answer, for I do not know the details of the algorithms from UMFPACK used by Matlab’s backslash command. nn = [5:40]; tt = []; for n = nn N = (n-1)^3; b = ones(N,1); AA = A(n); tic, AA\b; tt = [tt toc]; end hold off, loglog(nn,tt,’.-’,LW,1.2,MS,16), grid on title(’Times for direct solution’,FS,16) xlabel(’n’,FS,16) hold on, loglog(nn,5e-7*nn.^4,’--r’,LW,2) text(11,0.2,’5e-7 n^4’,’color’,’r’,FS,16) axis([5 50 1e-4 30]), set(gca,’xtick’,[5 10:10:50]) Times for direct solution 0 10 4 5e−7 n −2 10 −4 10 5 10 20 30 40 50 n The dimension of this matrix is n3 , so the time would be proportional to n9 , which is hugely worse, if backslash did not take advantage of sparsity. 2 3. SOLUTION BY CG Our CG experiment is, please note, CG without a preconditioner, which is far from the best iterative method available. Nevertheless it is faster than backslash. Again the time seems to scale in proportion to n4 , but the constant is better. Note that the dashed red line is at the same height as before. hold on, nn = 5:50; tt = []; for n = nn N = (n-1)^3; b = ones(N,1); AA = A(n); tic, pcg(AA,b,1e-10,500); tt = [tt toc]; end hold off, loglog(nn,tt,’.-’,LW,1.2,MS,16), grid on title(’Times for CG solution’,FS,16) xlabel(’n’,FS,16) hold on, loglog(nn,5e-7*nn.^4,’--r’,LW,2) text(21,.003,’5e-7 n^4’,’color’,’r’,FS,16) axis([5 50 1e-4 30]), set(gca,’xtick’,[5 10:10:50]) pcg pcg pcg pcg pcg pcg ... pcg pcg pcg pcg converged converged converged converged converged converged at at at at at at iteration iteration iteration iteration iteration iteration 4 to a solution with relative residual 4.2e-16. 7 to a solution with relative residual 9.1e-16. 10 to a solution with relative residual 1.5e-15. 16 to a solution with relative residual 1.8e-15. 20 to a solution with relative residual 2.6e-15. 24 to a solution with relative residual 8.4e-11. converged converged converged converged at at at at iteration iteration iteration iteration 131 134 136 140 to to to to a a a a solution solution solution solution with with with with relative relative relative relative residual residual residual residual Times for CG solution 0 10 −2 10 5e−7 n4 −4 10 5 10 20 30 40 50 n We can explain the n4 timing as follows. From problem 1, we know that the condition number is proportional to n2 . Thus CG theory tells us that the 3 7.5e-11. 8.3e-11. 9.5e-11. 7.6e-11. number of steps for convergence will scale at worst linearly with n, and this prediction is confirmed by the numbers printed by pcg during execution. Each step, however, requires work proportional to n3 , since the biggest part of the work is a matrix-vector multiplication and the matrix has dimension O(n3 ) with a constant number of nonzeros on each row. 4. A MATRIX OF DIMENSION 40000 There are many ways to solve this. A very simple one is to use preconditioned CG and take the diagonal matrix as the preconditioner. Convergence takes place in just a few iterations. N = 40000; p = primes(10+round(1.5*N*log(N))); % more than enough! d = sparse(p(1:N)); A = diag(d); I = 2.^(0:floor(log2(N))); O = ones(N,2*length(I)); A = spdiags(O,[I -I],A); b = (1:N)’; tol = 1e-14; maxit=100; tic, x = pcg(A,b,tol,maxit,diag(d)); toc x10000 = x(N/2) pcg converged at iteration 12 to a solution with relative residual 7.5e-15. Elapsed time is 0.163716 seconds. x10000 = 0.088980964585111 4
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