of Central Christian Church (DOC)

of Central Christian Church (DOC)
February 2015
Inside this issue:
Prayer List
Activities at Central
Our Church Family
Building God’s Realm
Elders & Deacons
Rebecca’s Revelation
Safe Kids Training
Worship Ministry
Pictorial Directory
Mission Trip
February Calendar
Youth Bowling
Kids Club
“God calls Central Christian Church to be a welcoming and open faith
community where Christian love, action, and discipleship unite.”
Vision Statement of Central
Christian Church (DOC),
Terre Haute, IN
"February is merely as long as is needed
to pass the time until March."
- Dr. J. R. Stockton
"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter
lies a miracle ... a seed waiting to sprout,
a bulb opening to the light,
a bud straining to unfurl.
And the anticipation nurtures our dream."
- Barbara Winkler
Page 2
Prayer List
A new Prayer List is started on a
quarterly basis. You may submit
names for the Prayer List by filling
out a Prayer Request form located in
the Pew Pads and placing it in an
offering plate.
Will Hine
Prayer Cards:
Kathy Ocampo
Attendance Pads:
Kathy Ocampo
Cindy Wondra
Harold Blackwood
Jordan & Devin Klaeger
Joanne King
Judy Juhala
Ed Ocampo
Martha Gray
Willa Dickey
Lynn Gray & Family
Carol Mullen
Shirley Britton
Diana Chavis
Chloe Hammond
Kevin & Kristen Crist and
Connie Rouquette
Mary Heller
Dawn McKillop
Dick & Dorothy Fox
Penny Wilkinson
Freida Nelson
Family of Chris Evinger
Danny Bailey
Dori Marshall
Maria Dellarosa
Austin Spencer
Mason Spencer
Diane Manning
Matt Mullen
Vic Mullen
Rachael Manning
Shirley Chavez
Randy Garloch
Lillie Lawson
Dee Ugo
Brant Blackwood
Family of Bob Jerry
Sally Leonard & Karie Tharp
Christine Kennedy
Patrick & Rose Kennedy
THANK YOU! I would like to thank everyone for the Christmas gift It was greatly
appreciated. You all mean so much to me. You have greatly blessed my life.
Thank you for all your kindness and all the beautiful children you’ve let me take
care of and watch grow. It blesses my soul when they keep coming to see me when
they grow up. Children are a blessing from God Thank You!
Paula Switzer.
4 p.m. Sunday, February 8th at the church
This will be our first ever mystery dinner and we hope to have a great turnout. A special
thanks to Koinonia Ministry team member Mary Beth Ripple who suggested we have this dinner. Her sorority has had them in the past and she talked about how much fun they are. She is
organizing this event for the entire family and said everyone needs to come prepared for a fun
evening with good food which is part of the mystery. If you haven’t signed up yet at the information center, please contact Mary Beth (234-1086) so we’ll know how much food will be
needed. It will be a wonderful opportunity for an evening of great food and wonderful fellowship.
Mardi Gras Mystery Dinner
Active Adult Movie Night at Church
The deadline for
the Clarion is the
Wednesday of the
month at 10AM
Deadline for the
bulletin is Tuesday
mornings at 10AM.
6:30 p.m. Friday February 13th
Rather than going out to dinner this month we’ll order pizzas and enjoy spending a relaxing
evening together at church. We can all chip in to cover the cost of the pizza. We’ll have lemonade and iced tea but persons are welcome to bring soft drinks, salad, dessert, etc. Our plan is to
show the movie “The Drunk” which was filmed here in Terre Haute. Central members Doug
Sloan and Susan Edmondson were included as extras in the film. The rating of the movie is
geared to adults so if there are kids/youth here that evening we can have an age appropriate
movie playing in the toddler/nursery room for them.
Please sign up at the information center so we’ll know how many people will be attending and
what child appropriate movie we’ll need depending on the ages of any youth who will join us
that evening.
Active Adults to set up for the Evening at Central and then go out to dinner
6 p.m. Friday, March 6th
We’ll meet at church at 6 to set up tables for the
“Evening at Central” that will be the next evening and then go to dinner at MCL Cafeteria afterwards (approximately 6:45 p.m.)
(Upcoming Activities—continued on page 3)
Page 3
Our Church Family
Please report items for Our Church Family to the church
office. In addition to the prayer list please remember the following in your prayers.
Vicky Clark’s ten-year-old
Sandra Lang as she deals
great-niece, Chloe Alexander, with the aftermath of a burst
as she battles cancer
sprinkler system in her apartShirley Britton as she con- ment
We extend our deepest sympathies to the following:
Richard and Barbara Hunt
and family at the death of
tinues cycles of chemo and flucSusan Edmondson’s son, Jar- Richard’s brother, Charley.
tuating blood cell counts
rod Michael, as he recovers
Susie Gumm and her sister,
from an emergency appendecDiana Chavis as she deals
Joyce, at the death of their
with ongoing seizures
mother, Phyllis Jackson.
Nel & Lily Frazier as Nel
deals with ongoing health issues and as they both offer
support and care to extended
family members
Mary Jo Brown’s son and
daughter-in-law, Eric & Jane
Ann Siepman, as Jane Ann
receives treatment for a recurrence of cancer
Twyla Edinburgh’s brother,
Ramon Hughes, as he recovers from a serious nail-gun
Dinah & Carroll Vasbinder as Dinah continues chemotherapy treatments
(Upcoming Activities—continued)
Evening at Central
Norma and Martin Plascak
at the death of their long-time
friend, Harry Nelson.
February 1
Kathy Ocampo
Betsy Hine
February 8
Dianne Mansfield
Sherrie Mansfield
February 15
Mary Beth Ripple
Phil Ewoldsen
February 22
Betsy Hine
Dianne Mansfield
5 p.m. Saturday March 7
This will be a fun, informative
evening for all of our newer members and visitors (and anyone else who hasn’t be able to
attend one of these special evenings). It will begin with a meal prepared by the Koinonia
Ministry team followed by a Power Point presentation about the history of the Disciples of
Christ and our own Central Christian Church.. We thank Doug Sloan for his hard work in
putting together the presentation. Rev. Rebecca will have current members share about how
they came to be a part of Central Christian and there will be time for questions. It’s always
a great evening of information, good food and great fellowship. Invitations will be sent to
our visitors and new members, but it you are a current member who hasn’t been able to attend one of these events in the past and would like to join us, please contact Sharon Crist
(535-3359) by March 1st so we’ll know how much food to prepare.
Building God’s Realm through Mission and Outreach
Angel Tree Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Angel
Tree Outreach in December. Every tag was taken and filled! Outreach Chair, David Rose,
estimates that the total amount of gifts and gift cards we provided for Christmas was between $1,700 - $2,000+! Excellent job, church!
February Focus on Week of Compassion
Every year during the month of
February, Disciples of Christ congregations across the US and Canada focus on the ministries of Week of Compassion in preparation for the special offering taken the last Sunday of
February. Week of Compassion is the Disciples of Christ world-relief, rehabilitation, and
development ministry. Every Sunday in worship during February this year we will hear
stories that highlight some of the many ways our gifts have been used to offer hope, compassion, and new life in some of the worst situations.
One of the very impressive things about Week of Compassion is the breakdown of where
our gifts go. Out of every $1 give to Week of Compassion:
50 cents goes to emergency response
25 cents goes to sustainable development
8-10 cents goes to our ecumenical partners, mission stations, and volunteer work trip
8 cents goes to refugee and immigration ministries
6-8 cents goes to administrative costs
We will gather and dedicate our Week of Compassion Offering on Sunday, February 22.
February 1
Prep-Melanie & Twyla
Serve –Susan Edmondsen
Serve-Carol Sloan
Serve-Patrick Meyer
Cleanup-Kelly Majer
February 8
Prep-Beth Truax
February 15
Prep-Kathy Ocampo
Serve-Susan Edmondsen
Serve-Carol Sloan
February 22
Prep-Melanie & Twyla
Page 4
Rebecca’s Revelation
Safe Kids
As members of the Christian Church…
In Christ’s name and by his grace we accept our mission of witness and
service to all people.
Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made
one with the whole people of God.
Within the universal church, we receive the gift of ministry and the
light of scripture…that we serve the One whose kingdom has no end.
Excerpts from the Preamble to the Design for the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people,
in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of the one who called you out of
night into marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ! I am currently working on a
number of different events/projects that keep drawing my attention to a long-held,
cherished understanding of the Disciples of Christ. Preparing worship elements for
Laity Sunday, teaching weekly Pastor’s Class, and looking ahead to An Evening at
Central I have been reminded of the importance of the priesthood of all believers.
From the beginnings of the movement that would become the Christian Church
(DOC), it has been affirmed and practiced that all followers of Jesus Christ are called
to ministry and mission. Each one of us has different gifts and each one of us hears
a different call from God in how and where to use our gifts, but it is not up for debate
that all of us are “ministers.” We are.
I know this can be difficult for some to fully embrace, especially those who come
from other Christian traditions or congregations, but as an ordained member of the
Disciples of Christ, I take this very seriously. For example, I LOVE serving at the
Lord’s Table. I love issuing the invitation, saying the Words of Institution, and praying for the bread and the cup on behalf of the faith community; HOWEVER, I
learned early on in my career that if the Elders of the church are to truly grow and
be recognized as spiritual leaders, then they should do these things at the table.
(Side note: this is exactly what many Disciples congregations practiced before they
started employing paid clergy.)
As Senior Minster, I have plenty to do in ministry and service within our membership as well as in our larger community. I try to be encouraging and supportive of
all the various ministries Central currently is doing. If, though, someone has a good
idea for an event, a ministry, etc. I am NOT going to do it for that person. If it is truly a good idea and someone feels passionately about it, he or she should be the one to
answer that particular “call.”
I am in awe of all the things that are accomplished through Central Christian
Church (DOC). I can’t remember a week in all my time in Terre Haute that I did not
witness the presence and power of God at work through someone/something at Central. You are the Beloved of God. God has given you gifts that are to be shared and
used. God entrusts particular mission and/or ministry to YOU. Rejoice in this! Rejoice in being part of the Priesthood of all Believers.
Rev. Rebecca
Set for
In keeping with our
own church policy
and fulfilling the
requirements of the
church insurance
carrier, we will have
a Safe Kids Training
session on Tuesday
February 24 at
6:00 PM in the
Cornerstone Room.
This session is for all
adults (18+ years
old) who work with
our congregation’s
children and/or
youth in any
Sunday School,
Youth groups,
VBS, etc.
If you have any
Please contact
Rev Zelensky or
Educaton Chair,
Theresa Vaughn,
Page 5
Worship Ministry News
Lent is a time
to renew
wherever we
are in that
process that I
call the divine
It's a time to
look at what
our instinctual
needs are,
look at what
the dynamics
of our
Thomas Keating
Lent is a forty-day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday.
We skip Sundays when we count the forty days because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 this year and ends on April 4 which is the day before Easter. Palm
Sunday is March 29 and Easter Sunday is April 5. This is a season of
prayer, soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and
taking stock. Traditionally the color of Lent is purple so you’ll see that
starting February 22, the first Sunday in Lent, in the vestments and in
the choir stoles. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church
as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for
baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian
imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. Some
faithful observe fasting and/or some sort of self-denial during Lent, but
however one chooses to keep Lent, the purpose is to set aside time for
prayer and reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his
life, death, burial and resurrection. Some ways that we will observe Lent
at Central Christian Church will include:
Ash Wednesday Service on F ebruary 18 at 6:00;
Maundy Thursday service at St. Mark UCC at 7:00 on April 2;
Good Friday service at Central Christian at 7:00 on April 3
In addition, Rev. Rebecca has been leading a membership class on Sundays following the tradition mentioned above of preparing for baptism;
There is often a special Lenten series that focuses on preparing for Easter by examining a spiritual topic for exploration and discussion;
We will also take orders for memorial flowers for Easter Sunday.
Watch for dates and times for these special observances of this holy time
in the Church calendar.
Page 6
It was June 2011 when pictures were taken for our last pictorial directory so
it’s definitely time for a new one. We want all of you to be a part of the new directory, whether you’re a member, visitor or shut-in. Once again we have partnered with Lifetouch, a company that specializes in church directories, to do
our new directory. A new pictorial directory committee has been formed and a
meeting has been scheduled with the Lifetouch representative at 6 p.m. on Feb.
5th. If you are interested in helping with the directory please feel free to join us
that evening.
More details and specific times will be provided after the meeting with Lifetouch, but please mark your calendars that the photographers will be here to
take our pictures on the evenings of Thurs. April 30th and Friday May1st
and during the day on Saturday May 2nd. Unless you will be out of town on
vacation during those three days, our goal is to have everyone, with the exception of our shut-ins who are unable to make the trip to church, make appointments to have their pictures taken by Lifetouch.
There is no obligation to purchase any pictures. Every group photographed will
receive a free 8x10 picture of the pose they chose to go in the directory along
with a free directory. Your extended family, friends, etc. are also welcome and
encouraged to make appointments to have their pictures taken. They can just
designate that the picture isn’t to be included in the directory but they will still
receive a free 8x10 and the church will receive a directory that can be used to
give to new members in the future. Our church will receive points for each
group Lifetouch photographs which will enable us to earn free activity pages of
pictures in the directory. The more people who have their pictures taken will
increase the number of activity pages featuring the ministries here at Central.
The last time we were allowed to submit pictures for up to 5 shut-in members
at no cost but there was a charge for each additional submitted picture, so we
are hoping to have a big response from persons to come in and have their pictures taken by Lifetouch. I checked my records from the 2011 directory and we
had 21 submitted pictures so we hope to eliminate that cost by giving you the
opportunity to have professional quality pictures taken without a requirement
to purchase anything. You’ll still get the free 8x10 and a directory.
We are getting an earlier start this time in planning ahead for our new directory in order to give everyone lots of time to “save the dates” to have their pictures taken. We will provide the information as soon as it’s available on when
you can begin scheduling your appointments. I extend a special thanks to
Doug and Carol Sloan and my husband Frank who said yes when I asked them
to serve on this temporary committee. If anyone else is interested in helping,
please let me know. We will need host/hostesses to be there to register people
when they arrive for their scheduled appointments on those dates.
We’ll have more information after our meeting with Lifetouch but our goal is
that we will have our new directory ready to hand out by the end of summer.
Thanks for your support in making our new directory a big success!
Sharon Crist
So far, about 20
persons, youth and
adults, have signed up
for the mission trip to
New Orleans scheduled
June 12-19, 2015.
Vehicle, fuel, and food
costs will be determined by the number
of people going.
The non-refundable fee
of $75 is due by
February 8, 2015.
We hope to have some
fundraisers and
sponsors to cover a
good portion of our
Page 7
Wednesday Thursday
Elders at
12 noon
YouthVigo Bowl
9AM Bible
6 PM
Bible Study
6:30PM Choir
7 PM
Active Adult
Dinner & Movie
at church
7 PM
6:30PM Choir
Mystery Mardi
Gras Dinner
4pm at church
Noon Board
9AM Bible
Phoenix Hilla
Home Assoc
6 OR 7 PM
Holy Cow
at church
6:30 PM
6 PM
6:30PM Choir
Week of
9AM Bible
1st Sunday of
Cody Crist
Kristine Kennedy
Dorothy Armstrong
Twyla Edinburgh
Garrah Johnson
Safe Kids
6:00 PM
6:30PM Choir
Rachael Manning
Abbie Ritchie (Hammons)
Susan Evans
Hallie Whitley
Sarah Seybold
23 Frank Crist
23 Kathy Ocampo
24 Clayton Minger
27 Theresa Vaughn
10 Paul & Phyllis Myers
16 Richard & Barbara Hunt
Central Christian
(Disciples of
4950 East Wabash Ave
P.O. Box 3125
Terre Haute Indiana
Phone: 812-877-9959
We’re On The Web
Worship Services
9:30 AM
(Nursery for Infants &
Toddlers Open 9 AM 12Noon)
Sunday School for All Ages
11 AM
February Event
CKC will meet on Sunday,
February 8th at church
from noon to 1:30pm.
Our youth group will meet at Vigo Bowl
from 12:30 —2:30 on Sunday, February 8,
2015! Each game costs $2.25 and bowling shoes cost $2.25. This is by far, the
best price in town. Bring enough money
to play 2-3 games, rent shoes, and buy
lunch/snacks. Friends are welcome. If
you need a ride, let Teresa Vaugn or
Shelly Manning know in advance.
Please bring a sack lunch.
After lunch Mary Beth Mullen
has planned a special
♥ Valentine project. ♥
All elementary age children are
welcome to join the
fun and fellowship.
Hope to see you there!