2014 newsletter - Bracknell Forest U3A

Fleet and District U3A
Sailing Group 2014
Fleet U3A Sailing group meets every Thursday between May and September at Horseshoe
Lake in Yateley. We have a mix of beginners, people who had done a little bit of sailing in
the past but nothing recent, people who had qualified at RYA Level 2 with Fleet U3A, and
more experienced members.
This year we are fortunate enough to have some fully qualified Royal Yachting Association
(RYA) instructors among our members, so we hope that we will be able to carry out our own
assessments leading to the formal RYA sailing qualifications, as well as just having fun going
out on the water.
We sail in Wayfarers which we hire from the Activity Centre. Members go out in the
Wayfarers with more experienced U3A people who have at least the RYA Level 2
qualification. This year, we have also been offered the opportunity to use a couple of Topazs
and a couple of Lasers.
Fleet U3A Sailing Group is open to members of any U3A branch and we currently have
members from Wokingham, Bracknell Forest, Woking, Maidenhead and Hartley Wintney as
well as Fleet.
Meeting dates
We meet every Thursday from 10am to about 1pm between May 2014 to September 2014.
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
August 7, 14, 21, 28
September 4, 11, 18, 25
Depending on numbers, we may alternate Beginners and Improvers later in the year, but at
the start everyone is welcome.
It would probably be possible to go on into October if members are keen on this – we will
decide later in the year.
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Fleet and District U3A
Sailing Group 2014
The cost for each day is a flat rate of £10.
This is an excellent deal, which we have managed to negotiate with the centre, and is
normally considerably cheaper than the standard hire cost. Please bring the money in cash.
The money is collected each week by the U3A Group Leader (or nominated deputy) and is
paid direct to the centre without going through the U3A books. The cost is irrespective of the
number of people who turn up and the number of boats that we use. Of course you will only
pay if you are going out on the water.
We normally have two sessions of one and a half hours each, less a little time for getting the
boats out and putting them away. The number in each boat will depend on how many people
are there and the weather. Again, depending on numbers, you may occasionally be able to go
out for both sessions (if you have the energy for that). In all cases, the cost remains the same.
As we do not meet in one of the ‘normal’ U3A venues, the normal £1.00 fee is not payable.
The Wayfarer is a reasonably stable boat but you cannot eliminate the possibility that you
will capsize and get tipped in the water, so you must bring a complete change of clothes
and a towel with you.
What clothing to wear on the day for sailing will depend on the weather and time of year.
You will have time to change before going afloat. Please note the water can be very cold and
the weather as always in the UK can be changeable. When packing your bag remember it is
always easier to take a layer of clothing off. A shower and changing rooms are available at
Horseshoe Lake.
Soft sole shoes / Trainers to wear in the boat (no Wellingtons) These are in addition to
your dry footwear – barefoot is not an option
Warm outdoor wear, thermals, fleeces, gloves, scarf
1 pair of trousers
1 Pair of shorts (if warm weather)
Attach something to your glasses to stop them coming off and falling in the water.
The RYA recommends thermal or fleece clothing for inner layers, and avoiding cotton items
(e.g. jeans), which are cold to wear when damp. However, there is no need to buy special
clothing and some of us sail in jeans – if you get wet you can always go in and change.
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Fleet and District U3A
Sailing Group 2014
The “small print”
Sailing like all sports is not totally risk free. It is the responsibility of all sailors to act at all
times with the safety of themselves and of all other sailors foremost in their minds.
All sailors must wear adequate personal buoyancy at all times when on the boats or on the
jetty. Buoyancy aids and protective helmets are freely available from the activity centre.
Please note that you should cover any blisters or cuts before arrival to reduce the chance of
Weill’s disease.
In order to ensure third party insurance cover from U3A, you must be a member of a U3A
group; it doesn’t matter which U3A – it doesn’t have to be Fleet U3A. The Group Leader
must see the membership card to confirm membership. Note that the sailing season does not
correspond with the normal Fleet U3A year, so May to August is the U3A 2012-2013 year
and September on is 2013-2014. You need to be a member for whichever sessions you attend.
You will need to complete the ‘Personal Information’ form at the end of this leaflet and hand
it to the Group Leader at the first meeting you attend.
Two of our members who gained RYA Level 2 with the Sailing Group in 2013
Calm sunny days!
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Fleet and District U3A
Sailing Group 2014
Contact information
Group Leader:
Sailing centre:
(Issue 2 - 5 April 2014)
Tim Lyons
(01252) 624412
07740 001179
[email protected]
Freetime Leisure Watersports Ltd.
Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre
Mill Lane
GU47 8JW
01252 871808
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Fleet and District U3A
Sailing Group 2014
Personal Information
U3A and Membership Number
Contact Number
Emergency Contact details
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Mobile
Emergency Contact Landline
Sailing Guidelines
Sailing like all sports is not totally risk free. It is the responsibility of all sailors to act at all
times with the safety of themselves and of all other sailors foremost in their minds.
All sailors should wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
All sailors must wear adequate personal buoyancy at all times when on the boats and on the
Buoyancy aids and protective helmets are available to all sailors free of charge.
All sailing activities are undertaken at your own risk.
I Agree to the above
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