U3A Cairns Inc. U3A Centre: 129, Mulgrave Rd., Cairns. Phone: 4051-0400 Postal: P.O.Box 6915 Cairns, Qld. 4870 Email: [email protected] Website: www.u3acairnsinc.org.au University of the Third Age BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2014 Contributions for the December/January Bulletin need to be submitted by Thursday November 20. There is no Bulletin published for January. Please send ALL Bulletin contributions to the dedicated Bulletin mail address: [email protected] rather than to my person email address. We need to have all the bulletin material in one location. OFFICE RECEPTIONISTS WANTED U3A office is staffed by volunteers. Over the past year it is only natural that some people have left to live in new places, or for health and family reasons. If you have some general office experience and can say, “Yes I can” to a half day shift, once a month, you would be very much appreciated. Enquiries to Office Manager: Jac Waters END OF YEAR - U3A OFFICE CLOSES The U3A office will close at 12.30pm Friday 12 December 2014 for a 4 week period. The office re-opens 9am Monday 12 January 2015 NEW MEMBERS Doreen Allington, Tina Beck, Susan Bradley, Keith Clarke and Jeanene and Helen Bolton,Yvonne Dighton, Maggie Hill, Bev Lynn, Mo McIntosh, Sandy Murphy, Sheila Neale, Bob and Barb Rankin, Jeanette Sheardown. Welcome to you all. A new members meeting will be held at the U3A Centre on Thursday 13th November at 1.30pm Jean Wilkinson, Treasurer. FROM THE COMMITTEE TABLE MAINTENANCE: We are in need of a maintenance person to take over from Max. Max has left the centre in good shape and it is rare that maintenance is required. It would suit someone who lives fairly close and who could attend the tenants meetings once every two months. U3A Cairns Inc. U3A ON LINE: We have recently become members of U3A on Line. It offers over 40 courses to its members. These courses can be studied either individually or as a group. We have decided to trial one of these as a group. The subject chosen is “Antarctica”. There are 8 sessions to the course. The first session will be presented on Friday 21st November at 2pm. This will be followed by discussion regarding frequency of future sessions. Further courses could be scheduled next year and a full list of topics will be available. “Story telling with Pictures”, “Religions of the World” and “Train your Brain” are just a few on offer. Ring reception to book. PUBLICITY The naming of the rooms. U3A Centre The committee of 2010 decided that no member past or present should be singled out for this honour. The then President, Rod Ellis, at a committee meeting had a 'light-bulb' moment and suggested the streets adjacent to the building, and so we have Mulgrave, Buchan, Scott. When the hall came on line it seemed logical to name it after the street on the eastern boundary, Severin. Ken Pettit has written a lovely historical piece about how these streets were named called “The People Behind The Names Upon The Doors Of U3A”. A copy of Ken's paper is available at the centre. Thanks to Ken for providing this information. NEW COURSES HOLISTIC BRAIN TRAINING An introduction to holistic brain training; exercises which keep the brain alive & healthy Sessions will be held fortnightly depending on interest. See calendar for details. Starting Thurs Nov 13th at 2pm. NB Teacher is highly allergic to perfume so no perfume please SPANISH A short Spanish course will be held from 15th Dec until 22nd Jan. All those who have already expressed interest please confirm by phone Yeoey BEGINNER’S BRIDGE A Beginner’s Bridge course will start in February. It will be a 12 week course presented weekly. Please contact the convenor or U3A reception to register your interest. Convenor: Michael Byrne Page 2 of 13 Bulletin November 2014 COURSE CO-ORDINATOR CORNER 2015 is fast approaching & we need to organize courses for the new year. A big thank you to all the Convenors & Tutors who did such a terrific job in 2014. Hope most of you will continue your great work into the New Year. Some suggestions for new courses include "The Household Budget", “Italian”, “German”, “Women’s' Self Defence”, "Your Legal Rights", "Your Say" (a discussion group on topical issues), A travel club & a fortnightly social afternoon tea. We are excited about the prospect of making U3A ONLINE available to members at the centre. There are dozens of topics to choose from and the only cost will be the usual $3.00 unless you also wish to enrol at home. Any convenors using the Centre during the Christmas closure need to notify the coordinators or the office (by 30th November) of the dates and times they will be on the premises please. There is a wealth of knowledge out there in our membership and if you are willing to share your expertise with other members please contact Yeoey or Denise for a no obligation chat. . INVITATION TO ALL CONVENORS AND TUTORS. In appreciation of your efforts throughout the year, you are invited to a luncheon at the U3A Centre on Friday the 21st November. Please advise Yeoey or Denise by 14th November of attendance numbers for catering purposes : Love To See You There. ONGOING COURSES and ACTIVITIES: BOOK CLUB – SECOND:(1st Monday) Date: Monday 3rd November 10.00am U3A Centre. November's book, "Stravinsky's Lunch" is a feminist reappraisal of the lives and work of Australian painters Stella Bowen and Grace Cossington Smith. The author Drusilla Modjeska has a superb ability to describe paintings in such a way that the reader sees them anew and can share the empathy Drusilla has developed with the artists through exploring their lives. Although these two women lived completely different lives they succeeded in the male-dominated art world of the nineteenth century. Their stories are both inspiring and thought provoking. . . Convenor: Merril. (Session full.) BOOK CLUB – THREE:(1st Monday). Date: Monday 3rd November 1:15pm-3:00pm. Scott Room U3A Centre. Page 3of13 U3A Cairns Inc. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Mr Fry by Rachel Joyce When Harold Fry leaves home one morning to post a letter, with his wife hovering upstairs, he has no idea that he is about to walk from one end of the country to the other. He has no hiking boots or map, let alone a compass, waterproof or mobile phone. All he knows is that he must keep walking. To save someone else’s life. Convenor: Jac Waters BOOK CLUB - FOUR:(2nd Monday) Date: Monday 10th November 1:15pm – 3:00pm at U3A Centre in Scott Room. Cost $3.00. The People’s Train by Tom Keneally Life story of a Russian who came to live in Australia. Artem Samsurov, a protégé of Lenin, makes an extraordinary escape from Tsarist Russia to reach sanctuary in Australia, but soon discovers that repression and injustice exist there too. Based on a true story, Keneally’s enthralling novel takes us to the heart of the Russian Revolution through the dramatic exploits of one inspiring man. . Convenor: Jac Waters BRIDGE –CASUAL Every Monday 9.30 -12noon. U3A Centre. Cost $3.00. New members welcome. Please call Joan Convenor: Pat BRIDGE –INTERMEDIATE: Every Friday 9.00 -12noon. Scott Room U3A Centre. Cost $4.00.($3 for room usage plus $1 for cards etc). Lai teaches all the popular conventions and will improve your bidding and judgement in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Convenor: Lai Knight. . BROADBAND FOR SENIORS:Every Tuesday 9:30-12:00noon. Library,U3A Centre. This program trains members and others in the use of the internet and the setting up and sending of e-mails. Ask Chuck about any technical issues that you encounter when using your computer. If you wish to join the program or have a refresher please book with Chuck preferably by email or by phone CARD AND GAMES AFTERNOON: Every Monday1.00pm at the U3A Centre. Cost $3. Carole is back Monday 13th after a long illness and is looking forward to seeing everyone. Come along and participate in a sociable afternoon of cards and table games and enjoy afternoon tea. Contact Carole Prowse. CARDS IN PUBLISHER: 3rd Friday every month 10.00am - 12:00 noon Library U3A Centre. Page 4 of 13 Bulletin November 2014 We have a limit of four people for four computers at the moment but if you want to bring your own laptop you are welcome to join us. Please contact reception with your contact details or email Carol Convenor: Carol Rothwell CHARLES DICKENS GROUP: Last Friday every month 11.30am – 12:30 Mulgrave Room U3A Centre. Our 2nd meeting: We all agreed that "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens is a good book to read first as it is well constructed and not too long. We discussed some of Dicken's 14 novels, his life and family, "The Invisible Woman" book and film, and laughed together as we recalled his hilarious characters and his sense of humour. We return on Friday to discuss together our ideas about "The stages of Pip's expectations of his personal and moral development." Also to choose a name for our group. It cannot be the same name as "The Dickens Fellowship" in Melbourne whose guidelines we follow, or any of the other Dicken's groups throughout the world. Not yet anyway! Contact Zoe Wallace CHESS –SOCIAL: Every Wednesday 9.30 -12noon. Severin Hall U3A Centre. Cost $3. . Members of the present beginners group can continue to attend as well as any others who want to play some social games. Persons completely new to chess who would like to learn are advised to attend the beginner’s lessons. Please contact the convenor if you wish to join the present activity. Some sets are available but it would be helpful if you could bring a set if you have one. All players welcome Contact Convenor/tutor Michael Byrne for additional details, queries or play. COUNTRY DANCING: Every Tuesday1.30. Severin Hall, U3A Centre on Mulgrave Rd. Contact Anne Archdeacon CREATIVE MOVEMENT: 1st and 3rd Friday 10:00am – 11:00am Classes began by looking at Historical Dance - C15th Pavane - a court dance for couples in procession. We did our Pavane to the music of Ennio Morricone. Everyone brings their unique Creative Movement and Dance skills about Gesture, Space and Travel to each class, dancing to a wide range of music. Everyone is learning the Language of Dance and has a great ability to create Movements - as seen this week when dancing to Benny Goodman's (and Rod Stewart's!!) "Moonglow". Was Kim Novak in this film??? All were exhausted and we had great fun. Contact Zoe Wallace Page 5of13 U3A Cairns Inc. EXPLORING ART: Every Wednesday 2.00pm-4.00pm. Guide Hut, James Street, Cairns. Give expression to your creativity! New members are always welcome. Contact Frank EXPLORING MUSIC; (2nd Friday) Date: Friday 14th November 9.45-midday. Severin Hall U3A Centre. Cost $3.00 Correct Money Please. CHOPIN and his lesser known Master Pieces ~ Part I The main item is the Cello Sonata performed by multiple prize winner Benedict Kloeckner who plays on a precious 17th century Cremona cello. Some shorter and more familiar pieces are played on a piano from Chopin's time. We also take a quick look at some Polish cathedrals and Polish Folk dances. It was Chopin's wish that the Mozart Requiem would be performed at his funeral and here we can enjoy the Requiem sung by a Polish Boys choir recorded in a medieval church. Tutor Herman Soenario Convener: Max Harker THE FAMILY FAVOURITES COOKING SHOW: (3rd Monday) Date: 17th November 9.30 - 11.30 am Guide Hall James Street Cost $3.00 for venue hire and food. Sadly, our November meeting will be the last for this year. We will return in March for more kitchen fun and exciting food prepared by a range of skilful cooks. Come on the 17th November and help us celebrate the Xmas season with all sorts of festive goodies -remember, you don't cook, you just watch, learn and eat the great food! Who will be our surprise Guest? Our last meeting was really well attended and I am thrilled with all the enthusiasm shown by our U3A members over the past six months of Family Favourite Cooking Shows. Sincere thanks to you all. We need numbers for Santa's helpers! So please contact Judi if you will be coming. Contact Judi FIELD TRIPS:(3rd Wed) Date: Wednesday 19th November. Blue Arrow. 7:00am This is a reasonably strenuous walk of approx 2 1/2 to 3 hrs through beautiful rainforest on Mt. Whitfield. We will stop at the summit to have a snack and enjoy the view overlooking the valley and out to sea, before continuing down the other side back to the start. On route you will see a lot of bush turkeys and scrub fowl with some rock wallaby's out foraging. This is the extension of the Red arrow circuit. Please wear suitable footwear and bring plenty of water and some snacks, hat and sunscreen. We will meet at entrance next to Wild Bean Cafe at 7.00am. Please let me know if you are interested. We will finish at the Cafe for coffee afterwards. Contact Anne . Page 6 of 13 Bulletin November 2014 ADVANCED FRENCH DISCUSSION GROUP: Every Tuesday. 10.00am-12noon.Mulgrave Room U3A Centre. UNABLE TO TAKE NEW MEMBERS - SESSION FULL For information: Colin Bramall. FRENCH CLASSES: Every Thursday 10am -1200. Scott room U3A Centre. Cost:$3:00 Please note that the meeting on the last Thursday of the month is in the Mulgrave Room. Tutor/Convenor: Marie-Claude NICOT GENEALOGY/COMPUTERS:(2nd& 4th Tues.) 1.00pm -3:00pm Scott Room U3A Centre. Concerning Genealogy, you may be a complete beginner or someone who has been researching their family tree for years, there is far more information online nowadays to help you in your search. Convenor: Chuck Rothwell GREEN THUMBS: Monday 10th November 2:00pm. 4 Purbeck Place Edge Hill An introduction to raising bees & why we need them. Please wear hat & long sleeves. I will have an observation hive on site Contact: Yeoey HANDICRAFT: Every Tuesday 9.00am at the Guide Hut, James Street, Cairns. Convenor: Audrey Samways.. LUNCHEON: (Last Friday) Date: November 28th. Dundees Restaurant on the Waterfront. 12:30. Cost: $32.00 As the year’s end is fast approaching we are going to celebrate our Xmas break-up with a bang. Baked ham and Turkey with all the trimmings. Xmas pud and a wine, beer, or juice /soft drink. Come and join us in the fun. The raffle has lots of goodies again this year Contact : RENE MAH-JONG (Group1) at the GUIDE HUT: Every Wednesday.9.00am -12 noon 32 James Street, Cairns. Cost: $3.00. All players are welcome to enjoy the great game in the convivial atmosphere at 32 James Street Convenor: Lyn.. Page 7of13 U3A Cairns Inc. MAH-JONG (Group 2) at the CENTRE: Every Thursday. 9.30-12.noon. U3A Centre. Cost $3. We have lots of fun and love seeing beginners learn to play, everyone is welcome. Booklets listing all the games we play are $4. Convenor: Noelene Day, MANDARIN-CHINESE: Every Wednesday 9.00 am-12:30 in the Mulgrave Room U.3.A. Centre. Cost: $3.00 There are now 2 classes of Mandarin: Beginners from 9 to 10.30am; Intermediate from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Convenor: Terry Little. MEMORY TEASERS: (2ndand 4th Monday) 10.00 am at the Guide Hut. 32 James St, Cairns. Good news for all dedicated trivia players. Denise is now teasing our memories twice a month. Prize for the winners is a nice morning tea which the losers get to share. Convenor: Judi Hopper – SQUARE DANCING. (BEGINNERS). Every Thursday 1.30-3.30pm, U3A Centre. No specific fitness required, as this is not an athletic dance form. Sets can be walked. Come along, meet people and have loads of fun. Convenor: Graham TAI CHI Every Tuesday 9.00am - 10.00am Severin Hall U3A Centre. Tai Chi combines slow, soft and firm movements that work the body and the mind from the inside to the outside, enhancing strength and energy. This exercise session is suitable for all levels of fitness. In Christel's absence the classes will be self directed. Contact: Christel WRITING MY LIFE STORY. Every Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm, U3A Centre This course is now full. This course has been extended but no new participants can be accommodated. Contact Marcia Miller YOGA CLASSES – Gentle: Every Monday10.30am - 11.45am Severin Hall at the U3A Centre. Cost: $3. Yoga continues on each week under the guidance of Helen. The class is full with a waiting list in the office. Enquiries to Cecily - or Yeoey Page 8 of 13 Bulletin November 2014 U3A ONLINE COURSES: Members wishing to check on U3A Online Courses can go to www.u3aonline.org.au and click on 'Courses' in the left hand panel and then on 'Looking Ahead' from the drop down list. Note: that the Online Courses are completely separate from Cairns U3A and do require a further payment to U3A ONLINE to access their courses. JCU COURSES 2015: Members are reminded that they can attend lectures at JCU Smithfield campus for no fee. Semester 1 commences Monday 23 February 2015. Information about subjects that are available in Semester 1 at JCU Smithfield, can be found on the JCU web site, (jcu.edu.au) or you can visit the campus and browse the booklets there. Members are reminded that JCU requires all U3A members, wishing to attend JCU, to have a personal email account. This is considered essential as a way of contacting members. Members are also reminded that free accounts can be established with providers such as hot mail or Gmail. I will not be accepting requests from members without a personal email address. A U3A/JCU orientation meeting will be held at the JCU Smithfield campus Tuesday 27 January 2015 at 10.30 am. The room in which we will hold the meeting is still to be decided, so please look in the December bulletin for this information. At the orientation meeting, we discuss subjects, timetables and attending JCU as a U3A member. All members welcome. All requests to attend subjects must reach me) by COB Friday 30 January 2015. No late requests will be accepted. All enquiries to judith Page 9of13
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