THE U3A HERALD AGM 2015 EDITION DECEMBER 2014 A NEWSLETTER FOR KEMPSEY MACLEAY VALLEY U3A INC NEW website: Email:[email protected] Phone: 6562 5869 DIARY NOTES 2015 TERM 1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & 1st Term Enrolment Day Monday 2nd February 2015 10.30am-1.30pm Kempsey Macleay RSL Club Class Leaders Meeting Friday 6th February Classes start Mon 9th February Classes end Fri 27th March TERM 2 2nd Term Enrolment Day Monday 20th April Classes start Monday 27th April Classes end Friday 19th June PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT—2014 It has been an eventful year for your committee, and looking back, we have made some real progress in making this a leaner, more efficient U3A. Term 1 was concentrated on moving the computers and photocopier from Collombatti to Tozer Street, involving delivery and set up costs. Frankly I am amazed how the committee managed to rearrange things at Tozer Street so well. The organization owes a huge debt of gratitude to David Chamberlain and his willing helpers in handling this difficult task. With a government grant we participated in Seniors’ Week in conjunction with Kempsey Shire Council, which gained us local publicity and some new members. The end of term 2 function held at South West Rocks was well received by those who attended. Term 3 saw the introduction of the U3A Herald newsletter on-line, which was received favorably by a majority of members, although there have been some critics. Hard copies will still be available to members without computer access or who prefer a copy by mail. Term 3 also saw the introduction of a new Web Page, which is available for news and photos of events. It is possible to download Membership and Term Enrolment Forms, avoiding the necessity of downloading the whole newsletter. Over the year our bank balance has reduced 50%, necessitating cost cutting measures. The electronic delivery of the newsletter has resulted in a reduction in photocopying and postage costs. The Class Leaders’ meeting in Term 3 agreed that they would be happy to receive only one free meal (Christmas Party). An increasing number of leaders are holding classes in their own homes adding to rental savings. The committee will recommend to members at the A.G.M. that the annual fee be increased from $25 to $30, for singles and $40.00 to $50.00 for couples, the first such price rise in ten years. This will still be considerably cheaper than many U3A’s. There are no plans at this stage to increase the $5 class fee. In Term 4 we introduced classes on the use of I-Pads with equipment bought from a grant from Australia Post, and these classes were well received by all participants. I wish to convey my thanks to a magnificent committee who have cheerfully accomplished so much over the past twelve months. It was necessary to review all our operations to effect financial efficiencies. I believe this has been done and we have a leaner U3A as a result. During the year I have struggled with failing sight, which has made it difficult to fulfill the duties of President effectively. However I hope that I leave the organization in a stronger position going forward for the next ten years. Richard Mackay—President Page 2 U3A Herald DECEMBER 2014 NOTICE of KEMPSEY MACLEAY VALLEY U3A INC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Management Committee of the Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc. gives notice of the Annual General Meeting. The meeting will be held on: MONDAY 2nd February 2015 at the Kempsey Macleay RSL Club Auditorium Commencing at 10.30am ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA Members sign-in and receive ballot papers Meeting Opening by President Welcome Attendance as per sign-on sheets Apologies Minutes of Previous AGM (28th January 2014) President’s Report Treasurer’s Report Nomination of Auditor for 2015 Ratification of Membership Fee Ratification of the Dollar Value for Major or Unusual expenses Nomination of 4 committee positions to act as signatories on the KMVU3A Inc. Cheque Account General Business Standing down of Old Committee Retiring President’s Introduction of Independent Returning Officer Introduction of the 2 Independent Scrutineers by the Returning Officer Election of Office Bearers and 5 Committee MembersAnnouncement of Nominees Voting for New Committee Announcement of New Committee for Year 2015 Returning Officer to hand over to Incoming President Thanking of Returning Officer and Scrutineers Meeting Closed The Committee thanks you for your support throughout 2014 and looks forward to your attendance at the AGM. Rosemary Dickinson—Secretary Page 3 U3A Herald - AGM EDITION December 2014 2014 Committee Job Descriptions PRESIDENT Chair meetings Ensure the overall running of the association is in accordance with the Constitution, by-laws and objectives of the association. Maintain a general overview of U3A Promote the image and day-to-day activities of U3A as opportunities arise. VICE PRESIDENT Carry out the duties of the President when required Act as Public Relations Officer and in that capacity be responsible for promoting the image and activities of the association at all appropriate opportunities Act as official spokesperson for U3A and in that capacity be aware of and voice the official policies and views of the Committee and bring such matters to the Committee’s attention when an official policy is likely to be required Act as Submissions Officer SECRETARY Act as Public Officer Maintain up-to-date records of all Members’ details, Committee appointments and attendance of members at Committee and General meetings. Be responsible for all official communications Organise all meetings of the association and notify the correct persons to attend Be responsible for the make-up and distribution of Agenda and Minutes of all meetings Have access to a computer, basic Word Processing skills and internet access. TREASURER Collection and receipt of all monies and authorized payments Responsible for maintaining all financial records Provide up-to-date financial information Be familiar with MYOB Have internet access Responsible for the correct operation of the petty cash system NEWSLETTER EDITOR Collect/edit/write articles for the newsletter Compile, print & assemble master copy of newsletter Organise the printing, collation and mailing (Aust Post & email) of the newsletter Liaise with IT Officer for electronic distribution of newsletter Have efficient computer skills (Desktop Publishing) COURSE CO-ORDINATOR Actively seek ideas for new classes from the general membership Liaise with prospective Class Leaders regarding courses for U3A Provide support to Class Leaders as required Maintain Class Leaders’ contact list Locate and match suitable venues to Class Leaders class requirements and timetable Update Committee on class programs Organise Term timetables for inclusion by end of term newsletter deadline ASSISTANT SECRETARY/TREASURER Fill in for Secretary and/or Treasurer at meetings as required and assist Treasurer on enrolment days Act as Membership Secretary—send out membership packs in response to any enquiries Have access to Internet EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR Responsible for liaising with the Committee and the organization of the following: Social Functions eg. End of term, group outings and Class Leaders Get-togethers 4 Enrolment Days AGM/Special Meetings Catering for classes (Morning Tea Supplies) IT OFFICER Responsible for the liaison between the Committee and non-committee members responsible for Publicity. Maintain and update the KMVU3A website. Create and maintain master copies of all KMVU3A proforma which include: Class Leaders Pack Covering Letter Class Leader Guidelines Venue Sheets Incident Report Sheets Class Lists Class sign–in book Templates Badges Mail-out labels Newsletter Enrolment Day Banners End of Term Flyers Class Leader Invitations Stationery Letterhead Agenda Letterhead Minute Letterhead Brochures Enrolment Forms Membership Forms AGM 2015 EDITION THE U3A HERALD 2015 KEMPSEY MACLEAY VALLEY U3A INC AGM DATE: Monday 2nd February 2015 TIME: 10.30am & 1ST TERM ENROLMENT DAY DATE: Monday 2nd February 2015 TIME: 11.30am —1.30pm Kempsey Macleay RSL Club Auditorium If undelivered please return to KEMPSEY MACLEAY VALLEY U3A P.O.BOX 3666 WEST KEMPSEY 2440 ————————————————————————————————————Change of Details If any of your details have changed please fill out the following form and take it along to the enrolment day and hand it to the treasurers desk or post it to: MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY KEMPSEY MACLEAY VALLEY U3A P.O.BOX 3666, WEST KEMPSEY 2440 NAME .................................................................................................................................................... ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................. POSTAL ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................ EMAIL ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................... PHONE.................................................... MOBILE PHONE ............................................................ SIGNATURE……………………………………. ................................................................................
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