Nicholas M. Van Horn – Curriculum Vitae

Nicholas M. Van Horn
Curriculum Vitae
207 Lazenby Hall 1827 Neil Ave.
Columbus Ohio 43210
[email protected]
2014 Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
2011 M.A., Cognitive Psychology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Magna Cum Laude
2007 B.A., Japanese Language, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Magna Cum Laude
Scholarly Work
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Petrov, A., & Van Horn, N. M. (2012). Motion aftereffect duration is not changed
by perceptual learning: Evidence against the representation modification hypothesis.
Vision Research, 61 , 4-14.
Petrov, A. A., Van Horn, N. M., & Ratcliff, R. (2011). Dissociable perceptual
learning mechanisms revealed by diffusion-model analysis of the patterns of specificity.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , 18 (3), 490–497.
Petrov, A. A., Van Horn, N. M., & Todd, J. (2011). The visual identification of
relational categories. Journal of Vision, 11 (12), 1–11.
Van Horn, N. M., & Petrov, A. A. (2014a). The contents of visual working memory
systematically influence visual input. (In Preparation).
Van Horn, N. M., & Petrov, A. A. (2014b). Training on orientation discrimination
under VSTM load reveals asymmetric patterns of interference between memory and
visual input. (In Preparation).
Beveridge, A., & Van Horn, N. M. (2014). Humanities software development: Data
mining and writing studies. In The humanities and technology camp (thatcamp)
Petrov, A. A., & Van Horn, N. M. (2009a). Motion aftereffect duration is not
changed by perceptual learning: Evidence against the representation-modification
hypothesis. In Abstracts of the psychonomic society (Vol. 14, p. 5094).
Petrov, A. A., & Van Horn, N. M. (2009b). Perceptual learning of visual motion:
The role of the spatial frequency of the carrier. Journal of Vision, 9 (8), 886a.
Last Modified on January 30, 2015
Petrov, A. A., & Van Horn, N. M. (2014). Training on orientation recall improves
the precision of visual short-term memory under high and low levels of memory
masking. In Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting of the vision sciences society.
Petrov, A. A., Van Horn, N. M., & Ratcliff, R. (2010). Dissociable perceptual
learning mechanisms revealed by diffusion-model analysis. In Abstracts of the
psychonomic society (Vol. 15, p. 218).
Petrov, A. A., Van Horn, N. M., & Ratcliff, R. (2011). Dissociable perceptual
learning mechanisms revealed by diffusion-model analysis. In Proceedings of the
2011 annual meeting of the vision sciences society.
Van Horn, N. M., & Beveridge, A. (2015). Writing escience: Using data science
tools to study networked writing ecologies. In Proceedings of the 2015 conference
on college composition and communication.
Van Horn, N. M., & Petrov, A. A. (2013). Cross-talk between visual short-term
memory and low-level vision: Evidence for interactions across shared neural resources.
In Proceedings of the 2013 annual meeting of the vision sciences society.
Van Horn, N. M., & Petrov, A. A. (2014). Practice abolishes similarity’s influence
on VSTM-induced interference on perception. In Proceedings of the 2014 annual
meeting of the vision sciences society.
Van Horn, N. M., & Petrov, A. A. (2015). An equivalent noise method for measuring
delay-induced degradation in vstm. In Proceedings of the 2015 annual meeting of
the vision sciences society.
Van Horn, N. M., Petrov, A. A., & Todd, J. T. (2011). Can configural relations
be encoded by image histograms of higher-order filters? [abstract and a talk at
the session on models of perceptual learning]. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual
meeting of the vision sciences society.
2014 Summer Research Excellence Fellowship, The Ohio State University.
Research fellowship awarded to top 5 graduate students in Psychology
2013 Presidential Fellowship, The Ohio State University.
Merit-based scholarship rewarding outstanding scholarly accomplishments (≈17 recipients
across all departments at OSU)
2012 Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, The Ohio State University.
Summer research fellowship awarded to top 15 graduate students for outstanding research
2011 OSU Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award.
Travel award to present research at the 11th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society
2011 Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, The Ohio State University.
Summer research fellowship awarded to top 15 graduate students for outstanding research
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2010 OSU Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award.
Travel award to present research at the 50th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society
2009 OSU Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award.
Travel award to present research at the 9th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society
2008-2009 University Fellowship, The Ohio State University, Department of Psychology.
Merit-based departmental scholarship
2012 Meritorious Teaching Award, The Ohio State University, Department of
Award winner for the 2011-2012 academic year.
2011 Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate
Teaching Associate Award.
Nominated for the 2010-2011 academic year.
Teaching Experience
2015 Adjunct Professor, Capital University.
Psych 330: Biological Psychology.
2014-2015 Adjunct Professor, Capital University.
SocSci 220: Research Methods (2 sections).
2014-2015 Adjunct Professor, Capital University.
Psych 110: Principles of Psychology (2 sections).
2009-2014 Graduate Lecturer, The Ohio State University.
Psych 1100: Introduction to Psychology (12 sections).
2012 Guest Lecturer, The Ohio State University.
Psych 312: Memory & Cognition.
Computer and Technical Experience
Languages Matlab/Octave, R, Lisp, Scheme, Perl, Python, C.
Many experimental protocols written using Matlab and the Psychophysics Toolbox, including
a strictly controlled fMRI experiment. Extensive statistical analysis and modeling in R and
Matlab. Enthusiastic development of open-source software in Lisp, R, Perl, and others.
Research EyeLink 1000 eye tracking.
OS MacOS, Linux/Unix, Microsoft.
Admin Network & web admin on Linux, Mac, and Windows environments.
Publishing/ Emacs, LATEX.
Professional Activities
Scientific Memberships
2008-Present Vision Sciences Society.
2010-Present Psychonomic Society.
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Conferences and Workshops
2012 Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop.
2009-2013 Vision Sciences Society Proceedings.
2010 Psychonomic Society Proceedings.
Research Interests
Object Recognition.
Visual object recognition in human observers and computer models
Perceptual Learning.
Neurophysiological mechanisms of visual perceptual learning
Visual Working Memory.
Visual short-term memory, and its interaction with other visual systems
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience.
Biologically plausible neural network models of cognitive systems
Last Modified on January 30, 2015