ECE 650 Some MATLAB Help (addendum to Lecture 1) D. Van Alphen (Thanks to Prof. Katz for the Histogram PDF Notes!) MATLAB GUI for Examining PDF’s, CDF’s: >> disttool Choose pdf Select one of 22 types of distributions or cdf Moveable data cursor Set desired parameters, within limits ECE 650 D. van Alphen 2 Obtaining Probabilities for Gaussian RV’s - An Example Let X be N(1, 4). Find Pr(X < 3). 3 m 3 1 Pr( X 3) Pr Z Pr Z (1) 2 Standard Normal PDF MATLAB Code* (2 approaches): 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 >> x = 3; z = 1; >> F = normcdf(z, 0, 1) F= 0.8413 >> F1 = normcdf(x, 1, 2) F1 = 0.8413 MATLAB function normcdf(x, m, s) returns FX(x) for RV X ~ N(m, 2) ECE 650 D. van Alphen 3 Obtaining Probabilities for Gaussian RV’s - Another Example Let Z be N(0, 1). Find Pr(-1 < Z < 1) = P( |Z| < 1). Pr(-1 < Z < 1) = (1) – (-1) 0.5 MATLAB Code: (-1) >> z = [-1 1]; >> F = normcdf(z, 0, 1); % 2D vector >> diff = F(2) - F(1) diff = 0.6827 (1) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability within 1 standard deviation of the mean ECE 650 D. van Alphen 0 -2 0 2 4 Obtaining Probabilities for the Standard Normal Random Variable, Z: N(0, 1) Probability within 1 of the mean Probability within 3 of the mean Probability within 2 of the mean Pr( |Z| < 1) 68% Pr( |Z| < 2) 95.4% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 ECE 650 0.1 68% -2 0 2 0 0.1 95.4% -2 0 D. van Alphen Pr( |Z| < 3) 99.7% 2 0 99.7% -2 0 2 5 (By Claims 1 & 2, Lecture 1, p. 36): For Any RV X ~ N(m, 2) 0.25 0.2 pdf -1 +1 68% 0.15 -2 0.1 0.05 0 -8 -3 -6 -4 -2 95.4% 99.7% 0 m +2 +3 2 4 6 8 Pr( |X – m| < 1 ) = P( |Z| < 1) 68% Pr( |X – m| < 2 ) = P( |Z| < 2) 95.4% Pr( |X – m| < 3 ) = P( |Z| < 3) 99.7% ECE 650 D. van Alphen 6 MATLAB Functions for Gaussian RV’s normcdf(x, m, s) computes the cdf, F(x) = Pr(X x) for RV X ~ N(m, s2) norminv(p, m, s) computes the inverse cdf for RV X ~ N(m, s2); i.e., it returns the value x such that FX(x) = Pr(X x) = p normpdf(x, m, s) computes the pdf, f(x), of the normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s normrnd(m, s) returns a pseudorandom number (called a variate) from a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s. To generate a matrix of size (#_rows, #_cols) of such variates, use: normrnd(m, s, #_rows, #_cols) See randn for a similar function available without the statistics toolbox. ECE 650 D. van Alphen 7 Histograms • A histogram is a bar graph in which the bar heights show the frequency of (random) data occurring over intervals of equal width – The individual bars are referred to as bins • Example: a 10-bin histogram of measured voltages for 1000 nominal 10-KW resistors • MATLAB Command: >> hist(y) 250 200 150 100 50 0 6 data vector ECE 650 8 10 12 14 Resistance, KW D. van Alphen 8 Histograms, continued • MATLAB allows you to specify the number of bins: 120 – >> hist(y, 20) 100 80 60 (a 20-bin histogram of data vector y) 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Resistance, KW • MATLAB allows you to specify the bin centers: 400 – >> centers = [7 : 15]; – >> hist(y, centers) 300 200 100 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Resistance, KW ECE 650 D. van Alphen 9 Frequency Histogram Relative Frequency Histogram Density Histogram • Relative Frequency Histograms show the fraction of values in each bin (freq. hist. heights # data points) • Density Histograms are scaled so that the total area (in the bins) is equal to one. (rel. freq. hist. heights bin width) • MATLAB Example (Graphs on next page) >> centers = [7 : .5 : 13]; >> freq = hist(y, centers); >> bar(centers, freq, 1) >> rel_freq = freq/sum(freq); >> bar(centers, rel_freq, 1) >> dens = rel_freq/.5; >> bar(centers, dens, 1) % histogram % rel. freq. histogram % bin width = .5 % density histogram Note: The “1” in the 3rd argument of “bar” makes the bars adjacent, without spaces between them.) ECE 650 D. van Alphen 10 Frequency Histogram Rel. Freq. Histogram Density Histogram Histogram 250 0.25 200 0.2 150 0.15 100 0.1 1000 50 0 6 8 10 12 Rel. Freq. Histogram 0.05 0 6 14 Resistance, KW 8 10 12 Resistance, KW 14 Density 0.5 0.4 Total area = 1, like pdf 0.3 0.2 .5 0.1 0 6 8 10 12 14 Resistance, KW ECE 650 D. van Alphen 11 Density Histograms and PDF’s • Recall that the density histogram gives the distribution of “relative frequencies” divided by the bin width for the data # data pts Probability Density Function Density Histogram bin width 0 Generating 10,000 variates from the distribution: N(0, 1) >> x = normrnd(0, 1, 10000, 1); To generate the theoretical pdf: >> x1 = -4 : .01 : 4; >> y1 = normpdf(x1, 0, 1); >> plot(x1, y1) ECE 650 D. van Alphen 12 Density Histogram PDF 10,000 Observations of a “Standard Normal” RV 0.4 0.5 10 bins 0.4 0.3 30 bins 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 -4 -2 0 2 0 -4 4 0.5 0.5 0.4 100 bins 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 -4 ECE 650 -2 0 2 0 -4 4 D. van Alphen -2 0 2 4 pdf -2 0 2 4 13 MATLAB Function Summary (Requiring the Statistics Toolbox) For Arbitrary RV’s, with dist representing the particular type of RV: • distcdf(x, ... ) computes the cdf, F(x) = Pr(X x) • distinv(p, ... ) computes the inverse cdf; i.e., it returns the value x such that FX(x) = Pr(X x) = p • distpdf(x, ... ) computes the pdf, f(x), of the specified distribution defined at the point(s) x • distrnd( ... ) returns a pseudorandom number (called a variate) from the specified distribution ECE 650 D. van Alphen 14 MATLAB Function Summary (Requiring the Statistics Toolbox) • When using the functions from the previous page, for arbitrary RV’s, recall that dist represents the particular type of RV. – Some of the (~22) RV types available: • Gaussian (dist = norm) • Binomial (dist = bino) • Uniform (dist = unif) • Chi-Square (dist = chi2) • Student’s t (dist = t) • Hypergeometric (dist = hyge) • Rayleigh (dist = rayl) • Exponential (dist = exp) • Discrete Uniform (dist = unid) ECE 650 D. van Alphen 15 MATLAB Functions (Requiring the Statistics Toolbox) • disttool brings up a GUI to display pdf’s and cdf’s for a many types of random variables, with settable parameters • randtool brings up a GUI to generate random variates from many (~22) types of random variables, with settable parameters MATLAB Functions (No Toolbox Required) • randn(…) generates random variates from a normal distribution • rand(…) generates random variates from a uniform distribution ECE 650 D. van Alphen 16
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