Here - Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board

February 2015 Agenda
Week 1 (Monday 2nd – 6th): Theme – Roots and Culture
Nelson Mandela Day (Tuesday 3rd): Students will have an opportunity to learn
about the many accomplishments and achievements of this great South African leader
through a variety of activities. These include:
Candy and a Documentary: Classes will be able to view the Documentary:
Nelson Mandela: A Fight for Freedom during periods 2 and 4. Please feel free to
bring your favorite candy or snack.
Tweet Mandela on Twitter: Students will be able to send a tweet for Mandela
and follow along on our big screen in the café using the hashtag
ST.A’sLovesMandela during both lunches.
Dance with Mandela: Students will have an opportunity to listen to the sounds of
some of Mandela’s favorite upbeat South African Music in the forum during both
lunches. Be sure to bring your dancing shoes.
Discover our School’s Roots (Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th): Students and
teachers will have the opportunity to showcase their cultural roots by painting their
countries’ names and colors on the St. Augustine community tree during both lunches.
Featured Guest Speaker (Thursday 5th): David Rodd, from Passages Canada, will
be speaking in our library during period 2. His presentation will focus on the journey
of various leaders from our Black History past that made a difference, and will be
motivating students to break barriers and reach higher in today’s times.
Caribbean Food Day (Friday 6th): Students will have an opportunity to purchase a
Caribbean meal and dessert from the café.
Week 2 (Monday 9th -13th) Theme: Education
The N-word (Monday 9th): Students and teachers can choose to take part in a school
debate on the use of the n-word in our society.
Let’s Get Reading (Tuesday 10th): If you like reading or perhaps you have made a
resolution to read more, then be sure to take part in the following activities:
St. Augustine Book Fair: Scholastic Canada and local book stores will be setting
up shop during both lunches for students and teachers to purchase books for
themselves and their families.
Win Chapters Gift Cards: Students will have an opportunity to win Chapters gift
cards during the book fair.
Video Wednesday (Wednesday 11th): Students will have an opportunity to watch
videos, which promote education, from some of their favorite artists.
Guest Speaker (Wednesday 11th): Sylvia from Tru-potential will be speaking during
2nd period in the library. Her presentation will have students thinking about the type of
legacy they wish to leave behind.
Documentaries in the Library (Friday 13th): Students and teachers will have an
opportunity to watch powerful and thought provoking documentaries that support
BHM during periods 1-4. Classes will be able to sign up for this event.
Week 3 (Monday 16th -20th) Theme: Inspiration
Creative Expression Contest (Monday 16th): What Does Black History Month
Mean to you? Students are invited to answer this question through an expressive
medium which can include an essay, short story, video, play, song or poem. The top
two entries will be awarded prizes, which include, movie passes and Chapters gift
Video Wednesday (Wednesday 18th): Students will have an opportunity to watch
videos from their favorite artists that are sure to inspire.
Board Conference (Thursday 19th): 10 to 15 students will have the opportunity to
attend the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board’s Black History Conference.
This is an all day event. See Mr. Francis for more details.
Musical Performance (Friday 20th): Emmanuel Jal was born into life as a child
soldier in Southern Sudan. Through music, he will be sharing his incredible story and
message of peace.
Week 4 (Monday 23rd-27th) Theme: Working Together
Working Together Banner (Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th): During lunches,
students and teachers will have the opportunity to sign St. Augustine’s “Working
Together” community poster. Here students and staff will be encouraged to share one
intention they have to promote a positive school culture. This banner will be
displayed on Friday, Feb 27th.
Theatre Story Time (Thursday 26th): Get ready for a St. Augustine original
performance as classes will have an opportunity to see a children’s story book
centered on the Civil Rights movement, A Taste of Coloured Water, by Matt
Faulkner, acted out on stage. Classes will be able to sign up for this event.
Purple and White Day (Thursday 26th): Students will be able to dress down…be
sure to wear Purple and White in support of Black History Month.
A Taste of Something Sweet from the West Indies (Friday 27th): Students will
have an opportunity to purchase small West Indian Desserts during both lunches.