BURSTED WOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL "This page is part of the Local offer for Bexley. Under the Children and Families Bill which becomes law in 2014, Local Authorities are required to publish, and keep under review, information about services that they expect to be available for children and young people with disabilities and Special Educational Needs aged 0-25. This is called the Local Offer. The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for professionals in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area". SCHOOL NAME: Bursted Wood Primary School TYPE OF SCHOOL: Special Mainstream with Specialist Unit/Provision Mainstream Special Mainstream Other (Please specify) Primary Primary Primary Preschool Preschool √ Secondary Secondary Secondary YES √ YES NO NO √ Comment Comment Targeted Support offered for the following areas of need: ACCESSIBILITY: Fully wheelchair Accessible Auditory/Visual enhancements Other Adaptions (Please specify) CORE OFFER: Are you currently able to deliver your core offer consistently across all areas of your school? Yes Bursted Wood Primary School has been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award (2013-2016) and the BDA Dyslexia Friendly Schools Award (2013-2016). We offer a large variety of interventions and support for pupils with a wide variety of needs, including Speech and Language, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social and Emotional Difficulties, Behaviour Support groups, Dyslexia & Motor Skills, as well as interventions for core curriculum areas, in particular Reading, Spelling, Writing & Mathematics. Support is tailored to the needs of each individual or group. We work with many external agencies to gain additional support for our pupils. Groups of pupils are individually planned for and monitored, for example, children with Special Educational Needs, Medical Needs, Pupil Premium pupils (those who are eligible for Free School Meals) and those who are Gifted or Talented. We pride ourselves on being an Inclusive School, where all children are fully involved in all aspects of school life. POLICIES: Are the school's policies available on its website for: RANGE OF PROVISION: INCLUSION: SEN SAFEGUARDING INCLUSION BEHAVIOUR DISABILITY EQUALITY SCHEME Are you aware/familiar with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010? YES √ YES √ YES √ YES √ YES √ NO NO NO NO NO YES √ NO Please indicate what your school has to offer (over and above your core offer) in each of the following areas: Areas of Strength Staff are trained to a high level in a wide variety of areas. Our Inclusion Manager is a qualified Specialist Dyslexia Teacher and Assessor and has also completed the National SENCo Accreditation. Our Maths Coordinator is a qualified Maths Specialist Teacher (MAST). The Inclusion Manager is a part of the Bexley 'Autism Champion' scheme. We employ a fully qualified Learning Mentor who works with children and families to remove barriers to learning, and carries out therapeutic interventions including Draw & Talk Therapy, Therapeutic Play and Family Support Groups through the Marlborough Project. All members of staff receive training on Inclusive Teaching and supporting pupils with additional needs, including midday supervisors. Specialist Facilities/Equipment to support SEND We have a number of quiet rooms which can be used for small group work. The Learning Mentor has her own room to work with pupils. There are three disabled toilets within the school. Input from Therapists/Advisory Teachers/other specialist support services We work with a wide variety of agencies to deliver personalised support to pupils, including, but not exhaustively, Educational Psychologists, Speech & Language Therapists, the Behaviour Support Service, the Educational Welfare Service, Social Care, the Autism Advisory Service, the Early Intervention Teams, Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists, the School Nurse & Paediatricians. Breakfast and After School Club support We do not offer a Breakfast Club. After School Clubs are offered for all pupils from Reception to Year 6 across a huge range of areas, including academic areas, Sports and the Arts. Some clubs incur a charge but not all. All clubs are accessible to children with additional educational needs. We are part of a partnership of schools and signpost parents to the breakfast and after school care offered by Manna-Seh Club at The Federation of Barnehurst Schools. How do you promote inclusion within the school? Including day and residential trips? Inclusion is promoted through regular staff meetings and training for all staff on a wide variety of areas. All classrooms are inclusive and dyslexia friendly. Children with additional learning needs make excellent progress and BURSTED WOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL COMPLETED BY: (Name and Position) are fully included in all aspects of school life, including day and residential visits. We have taken children with complex SEN and medical needs on our residential visit to the Isle of Wight, making any adaptations necessary. What proportion of children currently at the school have an SEND? 11% of pupils are currently identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability. How do you involve/support the parents of children/YP with an SEND regarding identifying and meeting their needs. How do you communicate their progress and areas of difficulty? The Inclusion Manager and Class Teachers meet with parents to discuss progress at open evenings, and also additionally to set IEPs (Individual Education Plans) for children with a Statement or children who are at School Action Plus level. The Inclusion Manager has parent drop-in sessions. All members of teaching staff are able to meet parents as regularly as required to review progress and share information. How will the school prepare children with an SEND to join their next setting/school/college/stage of education or life? Detailed transition takes place for pupils across year groups and key stages, as well as on to secondary schools. This can include multi-agency meetings to share information, pupils visiting new schools/classes and meeting new teachers, parent meetings to share information and the creation of transition books. We have a an excellent record of our pupils making smooth transitions to new settings. What else do you think parents would like to know about your school? (eg. What interventions are offered at each phase, Do you have an Autism Champion and what is their role?) As a school, we focus on ensuring that all pupils make excellent progress, including children with Special Educational Needs, and children who are More Able, Gifted or Talented. As a result, our pupils not only attain high levels but also make excellent progress. Many children achieve better than expected progress and our results are consistently higher than Bexley and National averages. If you would like any further information, please contact the school directly. Diana Dryland Head Teacher DATE COMPLETED: 03/10/2014 UPDATE: September 2015 or as and when change occurs PARENT SUPPORT INVOLVEMENT/LIAISON: OTHER INFORMATION: Please ensure this information is reviewed and amended regularly, at least every year.
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