Weekly Worship Bulletin

This week at HPBC
Sunday, January 18
Morning Worship…………………...…….......…10:00am, Auditorium
Kidspointe…………..………...…dismissed during Morning Worship
Nursery (< 4 yrs).….…....…….……….…..…...…...10:00am, Nursery
Ethiopian Worship……….......….…….…....10:00am, Livingston Rm
Small Group Leaders’ Lunch………...…...11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Evening Worship……………………………….....5:00pm, Auditorium
Awana - Pastors’ Wives Appreciation…….5:00pm, Fellowship Hall
Monday, January 19
Office Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 21
Ethiopian Prayer Gathering ……………………..6:00pm, Prayer Rm
Youth Gathering…………………….....…..….7:00pm, Livingston Rm
Friday, January 23
Ethiopian Worship Practice………………....5:30pm, Livingston Rm
Robert Baldwin • Otis Fields • Josh Hayward
Addison Lawrence • Anil Levi • Drew Rogers
Juan Sanchez • Ben Wright
[email protected]
Pastoral Staff
Dagne Balcha...…..………….….……[email protected]
Amharic Pastor
Robert Baldwin.……………….…[email protected]
Pastor of Worship & Administration
Josh Hayward.……..……..…[email protected]
Assistant Pastor for Students & Counseling
Giancarlo Montemayor………[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant
Upcoming Events at HPBC
Sunday, January 25
Awana - 60’s Night……………………….….5:00pm, Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 1
Life Institute Classes Begin…………………...9:00am, Various Rms
Elders’ and Deacons’ Meeting…………..…..4:00pm, Conference Rm
Awana - Crazy Glasses Night…….…….….5:00pm, Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 8
Newcomers’ Lunch……………….....……...11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Awana - Pajama Night……………….….….5:00pm, Fellowship Hall
David Robinson.…….……..…[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant
We exist to see all peoples become
whole-hearted followers of Jesus Christ…
to the glory of God.
Juan Sanchez..……..….………..…[email protected]
Preaching Pastor
Ben Wright.…………..……....………[email protected]
Associate Pastor
Women’s [email protected]
Morning Worship
Why We Preach
Call to Worship: Psalm 96:1-3
Meditation Passage: Joshua 23:14-16
Text: 2 Peter 1:12-15
Speaker: Ben Wright
Children’s Ministry…..………….……[email protected]
Evening Worship
Monday, February 9
Women’s Book Study…………….…..……...6:30pm, Fellowship Hall
Contact Information
12030 Dessau Road
Austin, TX 78754
Phone 512.837.7725
[email protected]
The Church’s Responsibility
to Its Leadership
Call to Worship: Psalm 9:1-2
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Speaker: Josh Hayward
January 18, 2015
Welcome Guests
We are thankful you have chosen to worship with us today. If
you have any questions about High Pointe, information is
available at the Welcome Center in the front foyer; someone will
be there to assist you. If you would like to make an appointment
with a pastor, please call the church office at 512.837.7725. We
encourage you to fill out the “Welcome Guest” form included
with this bulletin so that we may know of your visit.
How to Become a Member
Attend Our Newcomers’ Lunch (Second Sunday of Each Month)
Join us immediately following our morning worship service.
You may call the Church Office or register online at http://
Attend Our Meaningful Membership Class
This rotating, four-part class is held on Sunday mornings from
9:00 to 9:45am in the Prayer Room near the Nursery from
February to May. All four classes must be taken as part of the
to attend them in order. . The classes are:
1) Why should I join a local church?
2) What does High Pointe believe? (Statement of Faith)
3) Why should I join High Pointe? (Our mission, leadership,
ministries, etc.)
4) What is expected of me if I become a member of High Pointe?
(Church Covenant)
For more information or to attend, call the Church Office,
512.837.7725 or register online, http://highpointeaustin.org/imnew/become-a-member
Upcoming at HPBC...
Facts & Figures
Week of January 11, 2015
General Fund needed for budgeted expenses
General Fund income received
Total General Fund DEFICIT
Year to Date: January 1 - January 11
General Fund needed for budgeted expenses
General Fund income received
Total General Fund DEFICIT
With the purpose of reaching the Hispanic Community around
the church building, we are now offering a Life Institute Class
in Spanish. The title of the class is “¿Quién es Dios?” (Who is
God?) and we will be studying God’s attributes.
Would you join us in prayer as we start this class and make
an effort to invite your Hispanic friends and neighbors? For
more information please e-mail Giancarlo Montemayor,
[email protected].
2014 Contribution Statements
Your contribution statements are ready. You may pick them
up in the front foyer.
Ongoing at HPBC...
Spanish Translation Available
A Spanish translation of the morning service is now available.
Please visit the Welcome Center to borrow a headset
and return it to the Welcome Center after the service.
If you need additional information, contact Giancarlo
Montemayor, 512.751.0605 or [email protected].
Pflugerville Pregnancy Resource Center
1) If anyone has any baby bottles from our last baby bottle
campaign, please leave them in the front foyer.
2) The Pregnancy Center has a critical need for a volunteer on
Thursdays from 1 to 5 pm. Duties would be to answer the
phone and do minor administration, like making copies, etc.
The PfPRC could use at least 5 new volunteers, but
Thursday is the critical need right now.
High Pointe Family
Schedule a Membership Interview
After you have attended the Meaningful Membership classes, a
meeting with the elders will be scheduled. This meeting allows
the elders to get to know you and gives you the opportunity to
ask further questions about High Pointe in an informal setting.
Reminder: Christmas Cards
Worship Notes
New to the Library — Devotional Books to Read
with Your Children
 Recordings of the sermon are available online or following the
service at the front foyer.
 Live feeds are available in the Prayer Room for families and
also in the Nursing Room (access through the ladies’ restroom
in the front foyer) for nursing mothers only.
 If you would like to pray or speak with someone following the
service, prayer teams will be available at the front of the
Life Institute in Spanish, February 1
Remember to pick up your Christmas cards at the Resource
Center in the front foyer. This is the last day to pick up your
Sally Michael, with Children Desiring God, has written four
new devotional books to read with your children at home. God’s
Names, God’s Providence, God’s Promises and God’s Wisdom
were written to give parents an opportunity to present solid
biblical truth to their children and to encourage real-life
application of the truth. Ask for one of them in the Church
Library today!
The family of Oneta Colleen Webb acknowledges with deep
appreciation your kind expression of sympathy.
- The Pergande Family
Morning Service Scripture Text
2 Peter 1:12-15
12 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities,
though you know them and are established in the truth that
you have. 13 I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir
you up by way of reminder,14 since I know that the putting off
of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to
me.15 And I will make every effort so that after my departure
you may be able at any time to recall these things.