Synopsis of Events - Colorado FBLA / PBL

Synopsis of Judged Events
Red - Indicates a new event for 2014-2015
3D Animation: Members will demonstrate the ability to create an effective video through 3D
animation creation to present an idea to a specific audience
American Enterprise: Chapters prepare a written report to promote an awareness of some facet of
the American Enterprise System within the school and/or community. The top ten reports are eligible
to give a seven minute oral presentation to describe the project.
Banking & Financial Systems: Students will demonstrate an understanding and skill in the general
operations of the various components of the financial service sector.
Business Ethics: This is a team event where members will demonstrate the ability to present
solutions to ethical situation encountered in the business world and the workplace.
Business Financial Plan: Students will develop a complete financial plan for a business venture.
Business Plan: Chapters prepare a business plan as an effective tool for evaluating, organizing, and
selling a new business concept. The top ten plans are eligible to give a seven minute oral
presentation to describe the project.
Business Presentation: Using technology to support a presentation, students are given a specific
topic to develop an effective business presentation while using multimedia presentation technology.
Client Service: Members will develop and demonstrate skills in interacting with internal and external
clients to provide an outstanding client service experience.
Community Service Project: Chapters prepare a written report describing one chapter project that
serves the community. The top ten reports are eligible to give a seven minute oral presentation to
describe the project.
Computer Game & Simulation Programming: This event tests the programmer’s skill in designing
a functional interactive simulation/game that will both entertain and educate/inform the player.
Desktop Application Programming: This event focuses on certain types of accounting processes
requiring records in a file to be processed. This event tests the programmer’s skill in designing a
useful, efficient, and effective program in a specified area.
Digital Design & Promotion: Members will create a digital design promotion logo and tag line for a
given topic.
Digital Video Production: Members will demonstrate the ability to create an effective video to
present an idea to a specific audience.
E-Business: Members will create and design Web commerce sites.
Electronic Career Portfolio: Members will prepare a purposeful collection of work that tells the story
of a potential employee.
Emerging Business Issues: Teams are required to give a five minute oral presentation on the
affirmative of negative argument of a specific topic related to emerging business issues.
Entrepreneurship: Teams are given a decision-making problem relating to establishing and
managing a business. The case study will consist of a problem encountered by entrepreneurs in one
or more of the following areas: business planning, human relations, financial management, and
marketing. Teams are given ten minutes to present the case.
Future Business Leader: This event honors outstanding business education students who have
demonstrated leadership qualities through FBLA. Students are judged by their cover letter, resume,
letters of recommendation, and an interview.
Global Business: Members of a team will be presented a case study which will consist of a problem
encountered in the international/global arena.
Help Desk: Students will demonstrate an understanding of and ability to provide technical assistance
to end users.
Hospitality Management - This event provides recognition to FBLA members who have the ability to
help other people enjoy both leisure and business travel and events.
Impromptu Speaking: Students give a four minute speech on a given topic relating to the goals of
FBLA-PBL, with only ten minutes preparation time.
Job Interview: Students apply for a job and are scored on a cover letter, resume, job application,
and an interview for a position of their choice.
Local Chapter Annual Business Report: Chapters submit a report summarizing the activities of the
local chapter between the start of the previous State Leadership Conference and the start of the
current State Leadership Conference.
Management Decision Making: Members of the team will assume the role(s) of management and
present a solution to a case problem.
Management Information Systems: A case study will be given concerning a decision-making
problem outlining a small business and its information environment and needs.
Marketing: Members will be given a problem to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving of
basic principles of marketing.
Mobile Application Development - Mobile Applications are necessary to provide users with the
ability to be productive while away from their full computers. Mobile Applications can be used as a
little version of something that would be done on a full computer, or they can provide a tool for
something that users would only need to do on their phone.
Network Design: A case study will be given outlining a small business and its computing
environment and needs. Members will be required to analyze the situation and recommend a
network solution to address the issues raised in the case study.
Partnership with Business: Chapters prepare a written report describing activities designed to
bring business leaders and FBLA members together in a positive working relationship through
innovative programs. The top ten reports are eligible to give a seven minute oral presentation to
describe the project.
Public Speaking I: Students give a four-minute speech based on one of the nine FBLA-PBL Goals.
This event is limited to ninth and tenth grade students only.
Public Speaking II: Students give a five-minute speech based on one of the nine FBLA-PBL Goals.
This event is open to all FBLA members.
Sales Presentation: Using technology or props to support a presentation, students will present an
effective sales presentation while through using the effective steps of a sale.
Sports and Entertainment Management : This event provides recognition for FBLA members who
possess the basic principles of sports management.
Web Site Development: Teams are given a specific topic to design, conceptualize, and create a
web site. The web sites are prejudged and the top ten web sites are eligible to give a five minute oral
presentation to explain the site.