Total English

英会話Ⅲ-Conversation and Current Events- 上級
曜日時限 土曜10:45~12:15 受講料 18,900円 定 員 20名 単 位 2単位
概 要 In this course we will focus on current events, both domestic and
international. Articles from newspapers, magazines and internet sources will
be utilized in increase vocabulary and stimulate interesting, informative and
educational discussions on a wide variety of topics“in the news”
. I hope this
course will be both productive in terms of language study and interesting.
講 師 ケビン・ハーキンス
After graduating from the University of Arizona with
a B.A. and an M.A. in history, I worked for the U.S.
Postal Inspectors for several years. I have worked
in the university system in Japan since 1990.
テキスト プリントを配付します
内 容 5月9日~7月4日(全9回)
❶ 5月9日
❻ 6月13日
❷ 5月16日
❼ 6月20日
❸ 5月23日
❽ 6月27日
❹ 5月30日
❾ 7月4日
Topics to be chosen in consultation with students.
❺ 6月6日
Total English -Reading, Listening, Watching, Discussing- 初級 ▶ 中級
曜日時限 火曜13:15~14:45 受講料 18,900円 定 員 20名 単 位 2単位
概 要
Each term a different graded reader (books written especially for
language-learners) gives the course interesting content for discussions. Graded
readers also give you effective and enjoyable ways to improve your Englishlanguage skills in both class-time and your own time. We use the Audio CD for
each reader and after a variety of reading and listening activities we watch how
講 師 ダンカン・ベイカー
獨協大学講師 専門/Studies in Fiction
BA in Sports Science & English Literature,
Loughborough University. MA in Twentieth Century
Literature, University of East Anglia. I have taught
at universities in Japan since 1999, at Dokkyo
University and the Open College from 2006.
the chapters are realized in the film version of the book. In this way, not only
do you improve reading and listening skills, but you also develop grammatical
awareness, build vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.
テキスト Casino Royale (Ian Fleming著/Macmillan Readers) 700円+税
内 容 5月12日~7月7日(全9回)
❶ 5月12日
Ian Fleming & James Bond, from Connery to Craig
❻ 6月16日
Chapters 10−12
❷ 5月19日
Casino Royale, the book and the film
❼ 6月23日
Chapters 13−15
❸ 5月26日
Chapters 1−3
❽ 6月30日
Chapters 16−19
❹ 6月2日
Chapters 4−6
❾ 7月7日
Course review & Evaluation
❺ 6月9日
Chapters 7−9
TEA TIME 外 国 語