Registra on AORN’s Mission To promote excellence in perioperative nursing by providing education, representation, and standards for quality patient care 2015 Potpourri of Perioperative Nursing Topics PRINT legibly please Date_______________ Name, Address and Zip ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________ Registration Fee $35________member of PANANM, AORN, AST $45________non member $10 ______Student $50 at the door everyone _____ UNMH and SRMC employees PLEASE also register for the class in Learning Central for CE tracking purposes CE 093.13 2015 Potpourri of Perioperative Nursing Topics Cancellation and refund requests must be in writing and postmarked by February 14th, 2015 No refunds will be given for non attendance. Registration is accepted at the door for the stated cost. Checks, Money orders or cash please.. Registration fee includes course materials, CE credits, and provided snacks. Make checks payable to and return to: AORN Chapter 3201 –Curt Vavra, Treasurer 9628 Vista Casitas, NW Albuquerque NM, 87114 2015 Potpourri of Periopera‐ ve Nursing Topics AORN Chapter 3201 Saturday, February 21th 8-130pm UNM Domenici Auditorium for Health Sciences Education 1001 Stanford NE, Albuquerque NM 87131 Esteemed Speakers Program Planning Committee Laurie Mason MSN, RN, CNOR AORN President Elect and Education Chair, UNMH Clinical Education Theresa Rael, RN, CAPA AORN President, Chapter 3201 UNMH, OSIS Donna Kirby CST Planning committee Kaseman and Rust Presbyterian Rebecca Mulvaney, BSN, RN, CNOR AORN Chapter 3201 Nominating Committee 730‐800 Registra on and Con nental Breakfast 800‐810 Introduc on and Welcome 810‐920 Alan Altman 920‐1030 Kevin McGee 1030‐1050 Break, snacks, and networking 1050‐1200 Chris Arndt 1200‐1310 Dennis Wallin 1310‐1330 Closing remarks, ques ons and evalua ons Alan Altman, MD- Orthopedic Bone and Joint Specialists Arthroscopy of the Hip Kevin McGee, MD- Presbyterian Rust Orthopedics Shoulder Arthroscopy Chris Arndt, MD- UNMH Dept. of Anesthesiology Local Anesthetic System Toxicity Dennis Wallin, RN, JD- Wallin, Huss This activity has been submitted to UNMH Clinical Education, an approved provider of Nursing Education by the NM Nurses Association for 4.91 CEs This application has been submitted to AST and CBSPD for 4.5 CEs CE Approvals are currently PENDING and Associates Depositions: Where medical personnel go wrong
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